Marti Admin

Re: @TimidScript:

Can admin please close both issues...

Your turn to try again. ;) Please reread the TOS announcement regarding your libs here too. e.g. sometime just slightly after the holidays things need to change before they get removed... this applies to all libs... and I'd rather keep your contribs here without interruption. :)

Re: @havilson:

The problem seems to be that the script is no longer available on it's repository.

This one has gone up and down multiple times... it finally showed for me. The google drive hosted script is also obfuscated which isn't allowed by the TOS. This script will be going away at some point.

Greasemonkey Port is available. Finally had some spare time to do this.

Re: @jerone:

there wasn't a copy-paste solution

Me too but from the reverse angle... "Submit Code as Fork" on the Source Code page allows one to change the @name which is fairly common with some authors... whereas a single fork button would be a direct fork of it current metadata and all.

Your license appears to be BSD 3-Clause.

It is highly recommended to set the @license key to that instead of applying the default MIT for your users. The recommended structure for this key can currently be found on this OUJS page in the left column.

I also find it interesting that "All rights reserved" is in BSD licensing. Licensing is there to leverage your copyright and that statement basically says that you aren't leveraging... but that's a BSD issue not yours there.

Anyhow Thanks. :)

Re: @jesus2099:

The flaggers name shouldn't be shown... I'd rather not have a flaming war on OUJS... but the reason would be quite helpful... which is part of #262.

@TimidScript it was universal proverbial btw. ;) :)

The Terms of Service has been updated, in particular regarding Library scripts... please review it and make the appropriate changes necessary to applicable Library scripts.

Since it is around the holidays extra time will be given to fix this but soon after some Library scripts may be removed.


Re: @Black_Cat:

I published this version of my script on in October 24, 2013

No you published it on USO on Jul 26, 2009 23:31... anyhow you know the routine as I posted above... if you wish to pursue this that is how you do it. Just because your script on gf is now nearly in sync with this one doesn't necessarily mean anything specific to your allegation. I've already examined it and your USO script is a derivative of at the very least Appels which there is also anoter reference to another ScriptWright there. This issue is closed with OUJS admin... if you would like I can message Jason to have your script removed from GF for violation of his terms based off of the available information... but I think you should just accept the credit given in this one. Like I said it's unusual that GF shows your script is newly published compared to this one... our date is correct and verified... so must be an issue over at gf. It's your choice.

Re: @Black_Cat:

I'm original author of this script. It is available here: with correct use of @require tag.

It would appear that you are not the original author of this script.

  • The original author is neither one of you from what I can tell... The earliest ScriptWright that I can find is Appels in 2007 at in 2007 in which you copied it in 2009.
  • Somehow you published it on gf in August 23, 2014 yet Amynka published July 19, 2014.
  • From this information it is possible to deduce that you have broken the "rules" of gf. Open-source is just that... our licensing terms are available here. If you wish to pursue this on the grounds that it is... it has already been minimally shown as not being your script. You must follow the DMCA to pursue this further.

Imo there is no merit for this allegation.

Re: @TimidScript:

This is totally offtopic but just wanted to let you know we support highlighting in code fences e.g. use ``` javascript

// ==UserScript==
// @name        Mozilla Remove Events
// @namespace   TimidScript
// @include*
// @version     1
// @grant       none
// ==/UserScript==

(function ()
    //var links = document.getElementsByTagName("a");
    var links = document.querySelectorAll("aside a, #addon-description");
    for (var i = 0; i < links.length; i++)
        links[i].addEventListener("click", Stop);
        //links[i].onclick = Stop;

    function Stop(e)
