Marti Admin

Pushed a fix for the one confirmation... awaiting redeploy.

Re: @ardiman:

write online

Confirmed. When I get back to dev this evening I will look into this. I'll see if sizzle can restart too if he is available. Thanks for the report.

Re: @TimidScript:

Haven't tested this in a long time but you might try how I did it in GM_setStyle.

Not currently for our site but greasemonkey/greasmonkey#2046 may come into play for some by GM (or others) not using the correct origin. The @grant none is "intended" however when Sandboxed e.g. ~`@grant GM_*` should be having expanded principles in effect... so basically there can be an issue with Content Security Policy (CSP) not obeying Expanded Principles.

See related:

Please add the following to your metadata block to be inline with your code license so everyone can see it.

// @license       GPL version 3 or any later version;


For starters you posted this as a Library and with some obfuscation.

This is grounds for removal.

Re: @Virrcheg:

Just a suggestion:

// @description loads random quote from my Guru, and change header of page

...would make more sense than what you have currently. :)

Re: @Virrcheg:

loads random quote from my Guru

Okay thank you... that explains the changing text on the url I tried.

Re: @spuds:

Give it an install whirl now and see if you are having a script issue instead of the issue I announced. We aren't restarting constantly any more so this should help isolate your issue if the script doesn't work as intended.

Okay deployed... still 2 more tests but things should be a bit better... e.g. we're not restarting constantly. :)

Waiting on a redeploy with a change... with any luck this should resolve this.

Again thanks for your patience. We all should know more in the next 48 hours or so... so keep trying. :)

I'm not sure why this is happening right now and I've got two separate issue reports sent in one with nodejitsu and one with sizzle.

I will post here again (hopefully) when this gets resolved.

Thanks for your patience.

Point being is if you dual license with MIT then everything will be okay.