Marti Admin

Re: @TimidScript:

I prefer to call it re-branding.

Opening a hole for spammers and malicious scripts is not in the best interest of anyone. You can "rebrand" just fine with the existing methodology by having it create a new script for your brand (that would be you btw). Aggregated statistics can also be gamed with your suggestion... not to mention SEO manipulation.

Re: @TimidScript:

The inability to change the name of the script without creating a new repository (not sure what the correct terminology is). This is by far the most annoying "feature" on this site.

It's called making a new script because when you change the name that is exactly what you are doing by changing the name. The only annoyance is what your actions do... so don't change your script name. Think first before you publish a work. You make a "mistake" then that is your responsibility not OUJS.

Re: @pootz:

This is one of those later copies that I mentioned. Mirror target is here for this script on OUJS. Notice the bigger scriptid number in the link... which means it absolutely came later than sebaro's mirror target here. Since both are GPL embedded it is considered a fork here on this script. USO didn't have forking capabilities hence why you are seeing double.

Re: @pootz:

I had this script version from July, grabbed it from userscripts, and the author's name is different.

Appears to be a continuation of this script. Seems to be a valid continuation of that script.

This is a re-upload or are you the real author?

Based off later created user.js search results from the USO mirror I would probably say that any version you had before with a different name is probably not the original here.

The remainder you will need to wait for sebaro's reply.

Re: @Fironet:

Version value of Youtube Center in the config.xml is '2.1.4'

Do you mean edit config.xml and make YT Center an earlier version in the file?

Since you've confirmed it's an earlier version in the config.xml the redundant test isn't needed.

Try a clean temporary profile with the newest GM release. I don't think there are any real major updating related changes in the code but try with only GM. You can install this script, close Fx, edit the config.xml for this script to an earlier version and try running the update check manually in the Add-ons Manager (AOM)... if it still doesn't do it then it's something outside of Fx... which could still include .io pages... although those work for me with a manual check (version down bump in config.xml). I have checked this sources meta.js and user.js again and everything appears to be in order. shrugs

Re: @Fironet:

Hmm perhaps GH is having some growing pains too.

Getting this on a differently hosted script of mine. :\

Error 503 backend read error

backend read error
Guru Mediation:

Details: cache-ord1725-ORD 1407086319 2208773329

Varnish cache server

Re: @Fironet:

Had hoped it would update itself from Github, but nothing.

That is peculiar. What GM version are you running? Are you Add-ons (Extensions) updating? Did you try in a clean profile to make sure it's not profile corruption? Do you have the version value in your config.xml for that particular script? Once you find this in your config.xml you can shutdown Fx, edit and save that value to an earlier version number, restart Fx and do a manual check to see if the Greasemonkey Updater (GMU) via the Add-on Updater (AOU) is working for any script. Is secure updates on or off in GM? Since it's an .io page on GH it may be misconfigured... although seems to be okay here. Are you running a proxy or a piece of software that might be filtering the checks out?

Re: @Fironet:

Thanks for the info either way, do hope it updates itself.

Check about:config?filter=extensions.update.interval for your setting. The default is once a day with 86400 seconds. You can always do a manual check in about:addons too and see if it appears or updates. Occasionally GM needs a browser restart for an intermittent bug that comes and goes over Fx versions to show the version number correctly.

Welcome. :)

Re: @Fironet:

Shouldn't the userscript auto-update from this site

The current metadata block contains these keys:

// @updateURL
// @downloadURL

... which is not OpenUserJS (OUJS)... assuming you are using a user.js engine that is capable of updating with these keys. The automatic meta routine here on OUJS is routinely tested just about daily. It is currently working for me with Fx + GM... so look to your user.js engine or the referenced site for downtime/bugs. :)

Re: @kukuhaku:

Where is the settings button ?

Should be right below the caption under the video. Says "Auto-Buffer Options" for me.

Please don't obfuscate your code. This is currently prohibited.

You and/or your script has become eligible for removal.

Please don't obfuscate your code. This is currently prohibited.

You and/or your script has become eligible for removal.

Please don't obfuscate your code. This is currently prohibited.

You and/or your script has become eligible for removal.

Please don't obfuscate your code. This is currently prohibited.

You and/or your script has become eligible for removal.

Re: @trespassersW:

currently there is no way to leave a positive review about a script.

Sure there is... it's called the rating.

Single-page view of issues/discussions on my scripts?

More query options will be available at a future date.

Re: @trespassersW:

Can be. The Categories column also has a dependency issue about being modified for sorting so not sure what will be done which is why I said "One of many" because I know there will probably be more. Btw what is "next css" ??