Marti Admin

This script appears to be a fork of this script.

Please go that script, click the Source Code page, and submit your version as a fork. You have less than 24 hours to do this before removal.


Re: @dluciv:

licensed CC:BY-NC-SA 4.0

That is fine to add to your next @license key if you wish... so long as it's not a no-derivative license. OUJS will show them all. If it's just a link to somewhere I wouldn't worry about it though... the license should be on their end. The stands for keeping things open source even before I hopped in here. :)

Re: @trespassersW:

removes the script from groups which it belonged to?

When it's flagged over the threshold it unlists it... you'll need to wait until the fix is deployed for me to attempt to relist it. It's still there just unlisted to the general public. The fix needs review from OUJS members and deployed. I'm aiming for Thursday with any luck... this will depend on sizzle too.

Re: @jscher2000:

It's compatible as a module however the way you've done it isn't... usually those are done with pull requests on GitHub (GH). I'm still reading up on Affero GPL that might alleviate any perceived issue in the future. GM via Fx is technically a "server" I believe. Your script appears to be a good short term workaround... I'll try it out in a day or two. Thanks.

Re: @BitTorrentse:

all script not show

Got a fix ready... needs reviewing by other OUJS members... give me a couple days to wait for input and I'll do my best to get this deployed if there aren't any huge blocking issues with this bug. Thanks for your patience. :)

Re: @BitTorrentse:

I know it's a bug with flagging that I'm working on but I've uncovered more than one. Please be patient and we'll get you relisted when these are fixed.

Re: @Marti:

... Application wise that is looking... we'll still look at all script source to find malware if it exists in everyones script.

Re: @dluciv:

btw @copyright and @license have been around since at least 2005... so almost a decade... so it shouldn't break anything anywhere. Closing issue. Thanks. :)

Re: @dluciv:

And now you are confusing me by what you say versus what you did... you fixered it. :) :P

Re: @dluciv:

It is ok.

As it stands now you are still unlisted because of it. Eventually everything will be validated and your script will eventually be sent to the graveyard because of this. I recommend strongly at this to follow the guidelines I mentioned. It's not being parsed properly due to user error of the license key. I thought I'd work with you before I removed it... another Moderator or higher role can still remove you. Your choice.

Re: @TimidScript:

Is there a way to get the actual number of people who voted

I stand corrected... we have a CSS glitch that "hides" the number of votes... it's in the DOM with the "grey" bar. I'll need to spend some more quality time with this portion to diagnose what is going on here. I can understand your confusion too.

Re: @jscher2000:

In the context of this site, this does seem to be a kind of discussion filter. I'm not sure if there is a specific issue open for it. #199...

Could be related. I'll do what I can when I can to implement something down the line... however there are currently some more pressing matters at the moment that are out of my control at the moment. Since you have a whole four scripts here to check it doesn't seem to be too terribly lengthy, at the moment, to check those... but I understand where you are going with this request.

Re: @TimidScript:

Is there a way to get the actual number of people who voted...

It is currently a summation of up and downs... so in short no... and in long is the community trending one way or the other with your script... see below color references.

as then it will give you a more accurate picture of the rating of the script.

Seems more like a stalking type option. ;)... because I can foresee the next request on saying "who did it" e.g. blame.

list the number of open issues on the scripts listing, instead of clicking on the script page to find out the number

Perhaps... that is another possible query option. :)

does the Rating's gray bar represent anything else?

Which grey?

You can currently use the following logic:

  • light grey = fuzzy with your script e.g. room for improvement possibly.
  • dark grey = doing well with your script from the community.
  • red = you have a more serious issue with your script that OUJS has identified.

Re: @dluciv:

I have changed it...

How about trying this for your metadata block? (so it gets correctly parsed):

// ==UserScript==
// @name          Everlasting Juick
// @namespace
// @description   Everlasting Juick scrolling / Бесконечный скроллинг Жуйка
// @author        dluciv
// @copyright     2014+, Dmitry V. Luciv
// @license       WTFPLv2;
// @license       MIT;
// @version
// @icon
// @homepage
// @updateURL
// @downloadURL
// @grant         GM_info
// @require
// @include*

// ==/UserScript==

Referencing the general MIT template url on OSI is "okay" however usually the url is a pointer to your specific MIT License with your copyright info. @copyright covers this in the metadata block but some choose to point it to a custom MIT license file elsewhere.

Re: @jscher2000:

The current state of all of our issues can be found at just like the other guy has his. I'm still personally contemplating your request and comparing to existing structures. USO never had the ability you are asking for... however notifications are probably an area to concentrate on soon though. There is a saying of getting it done versus getting it done right... I prefer to think that OUJS is choosing the latter. There are also some stalling issues with GM, and the rest of the user.js engines right now, but hopefully those will be milestone complete later this month that will affect everyone.

Re: @anomieintheusa:

I am investigating the issue.

What user.js engine uses this in the metadata block?

// @run-at         window-load

I'm pretty sure the only valid values commonly supported are only document-end (usually implied if absent) and document-start.