Marti Admin

Re: @Mayriad:

Let's start with what .user.js engine supports this... i.e. We need verified public syntax documentation.

GM nor TM, and VM seems to document it:

So until it's full publicly documented/supported then we can make a decision on that on Development.

OUJS Admin

--- /scripts/jaidedctrl/Nitter_Redirect/source@+cca1470
+++ /scripts/jaidedctrl/Nitter_Redirect/source
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 // @description  Redirect Twitter to Nitter
 // @author       jaidedctrl
 // @license      GPL-3.0-or-later;
-// @match        *://**
+// @match        *://**
 // @run-at       document-start
 // ==/UserScript==

... makes it valid @match syntax from the standard documentation.

It is a good idea to correct this so the script rating doesn't fall.

OUJS Admin

Re: @macheteYeti:

You proposed a change only to @updateURL but this indicates I might need to do something else with @downloadURL as well?

Nope. However VM handles updating when @downloadURL is absent it doesn't seem to do an update in the logic either. It should default to the install source for both of those keys... but then there is your issue of it not doing the 2nd call to get full source... and the final return.

Appreciate all your help in debugging this.

Welcome and thank you for all you've done.

but you seem relatively frustrated with my choice of forum.

Nope... listing that as a consequence (hands tied here) of not being able to fully assist you with the time allotted...

But I did also post on VM's GitHub.

... however that helps. Subscribed.

Re: @macheteYeti:

That's the meta routine alright.

Are you able to offer any insights based on this info?

Also reexamined a bit deeper with the Violentmonkey (VM) code at violentmonkey/violentmonkey/blob/6098f9e/src/background/utils/update.js#L101-L104 and that appears to be the culprit. It seems to be not doing a second call to get the full source data and just does a return of what it first retrieved from us (just the meta) with the text/x-userscript-meta header... which is highly probable why it's getting "truncated" by your .user.js engine.

Try this instead and report back:

--- /scripts/macheteYeti/[LWAF]_Open_Saved_Searches_Hide/source@7+9ee99d6
+++ /scripts/macheteYeti/[LWAF]_Open_Saved_Searches_Hide/source
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 // @require
 // @require
 // @downloadURL[LWAF]_Open_Saved_Searches_Hide.user.js
-// @updateURL[LWAF]_Open_Saved_Searches_Hide.user.js
+// @updateURL[LWAF]_Open_Saved_Searches_Hide.meta.js
 // @author       macheteYeti
 // @description  Opens AC saved searches & hide recently active
 // @grant       GM_addStyle

... to see what VM is going to do with it next update cycle.

not seeing an edit button.

That's what the Preview button is for. Also more than likely imgur doesn't allow hot linking so the URL is the the best option.

To reiterate the importance of opening an issue like this on GitHub development (the link at the bottom of every page here on OUJS) I would have been able to summon gera2ld or tophf to the issue so they could look into it further. Since you chose here... you get to do this all over again on VM's repo with an issue there if you want your @updateURL and @downloadURL styling to not change.

OUJS Admin

Re: @macheteYeti:

so I am not sure that if I documented it the next time it occurred that you would be available to investigate.

Yes then it can narrow down the UTC time in the logging and/or any other patterns that may emerge. Don't try to guess what is useful and what isn't here just yet.

I also just checked Violenmonkey code and it appears to be correct as well for the text/x-userscript-meta albeit your symptoms described are the opposite which is a use case that can't happen in normal circumstances. When that "partial" meta comes through capture it for your script and paste it in a code fence. If you want to potentially rule out a browser/extension caching issue with text/x-userscript-meta then please use the .meta.js routine described here. I've also seen alternate DNS providers (Cloudflare, etc) and/or proxies strip or even add headers, ignore headers, etc.... so perhaps this could be a choice for you.

I'm not sure any of my users would eagerly reinstall a browser to debug this

If it's profile corruption then create another profile and test it there with only the basics. i.e. no other extensions except the .user.js engine of choice with default settings. If it's browser corruption then there is no other choice.

OUJS Admin

Re: @macheteYeti:

For about a week we've been struggling with script updates.

What scripts to test against?

When the user clicks the install button, the script is truncated and only some of the meta lines are visible.

Working completely for me on your most recently updated script. Again what scripts?

I believe this must be some kind of OpenUserJS outage

Nothing in the error logs and is working for the tests that I just ran.

so I am hoping someone has some insights on how to ensure this does not happen

Tell your users to try a clean profile. Chrome itself bombed on several Windows machines recently and had to be reinstalled from scratch. Fx is having some issues elsewhere as well with some other sites.

In short nothing detected here. If you can give a solid steps to reproduce we'll look into it... otherwise the dreaded "Works for Me" stands for the moment with the vagueness you've given here. Ideally this should have been on development as an issue not production here... but I was doing my daily routines and saw this.

OUJS Admin

Re: @sjehuda:

Request to correct group name

That's the way the group was created albeit very messy.

After I do some checking in a while, it's on my TODO list to check to help assist publishers from making this sort of foo (whether intentional or not)... however it is not a huge priority.

Btw you seem to be not the creator so you shouldn't really be requesting a name change... but instead use the Development link, at the bottom of every page, and create an issue on GitHub (GH) on why you think it should be changed. I'll consider it over there along with my perpetual thinking on how to improve groups (and the site) when time is available. Your request will get lost here for possible DB changes.

OUJS Admin

Re: @rahulraj80:

Btw just a mention the party that installed your script (if it wasn't you) will not be able to autoupdate their installation of your newer script releases since your path to it changed with the typo correction.

OUJS Admin

Re: @rahulraj80:

Same here.

Not the same context.

I have a typo in my user name.

Typos happen... just try slow down and pay more attention as we normally don't do this.

Now I can neither edit it, nor delete my account.

Correct. That's not supported.

Admin team, please help

Granted since there was a please. This is your one and only change.

Either delete my account so that I can create a new one.

This never happens except under extreme cases.

Or allow me to correct my ID to rahulraj80 ('L' is missing).

Corrected for you since you didn't do too much on the site and I needed the practice. Yes I had to delete your script as that's not redirectable but did reupload it with the basic publishing stats and matches previously recorded OpenUserJS.hash of sha512-/piRmIzjuF3iMhMrQv1IwZmf2lwZ9FfkkCOdP5pxnL6kvvMQO+q1DnrbHsmUcNa+BZgdPe45/NKvF3D7FcCB8g==. Installation stats are lost.

OUJS Admin

I think this is what you meant by:

... I had that from the Author Tools on the sidebar. It still shows the wrong URL.

Do this:

--- /scripts/alike03/Youtube_grey_out_watched/source@1.0+63356fa
+++ /scripts/alike03/Youtube_grey_out_watched/source
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 // @icon
 // @updateURL
 // @supportURL
-// @downloadURL
+// @downloadURL
 // @copyright   2021, alike03 (
 //@license     MIT
 // ==/UserScript==

We always read in the current URL in your source that you have. So you need to click the Regenerate some keys from the current editor source button to correct your incorrect value. That's a reason why the button exists.

OUJS Admin

Re: @alike03:

... I had that from the Author Tools on the sidebar. It still shows the wrong URL.

No it doesn't. I just authed as you and it shows these:

// @updateURL
// @downloadURL

Might want to clear your browser cache in case your browser is doing something funky. Glad you have the correct value from the Author Tools now though.

OUJS Admin

I just noticed you converted to GPL-3.0-or-later as well and already changed your Script Info. This closes this issue at this time.

I hope this gives you a good start on understanding FOSS from my previous comment.

OUJS Admin

Re: @Bloggerpemula:

so what the standard licensing for not allow anyone to modify or sell it ?

Not under FOSS at all.

i try to remove the license line but i can't save it

Correct. That is why we are called "The home of FOSS user scripts.".

If you can't publish under these license base terms then you should delete the script and choose a different hosting site. If you can live with the requirements of requiring attribution on derivatives of the licensing and be a team player then keep the script here... with fixing your Script Info to reflect.

I would suggest that you do a little research on FOSS, starting perhaps with wikipedia to better understand the freedoms granted and more.

OUJS Admin



FOSS licensing means anyone can upload/modify your script anywhere and potentially even sell provided they meet the terms of the standard licensing (MIT) terms. That includes attribution to you and open source Code which is what what the OS in FOSS stands for.

If you don't remove this requirement from your Script Info, we will remove you for licensing violations under the TOS.

Thank you for your immediate cooperation,

OUJS Admin

Re: @iFelix18:

Why is '' not supported?

Because it has never been necessary to declare with the implementation. @grant has never been required in or out of a sandbox for GM_info.


Correct the errors and you should be fine. If you check your Syncs nav bar tab you'll see that you have more than just those specific issues.

OUJS Admin

You should probably fix this before it gets removed.

OUJS Admin

Re: @jesus2099:

Maybe it's because I'm behind a very big company proxy, where thousand of people may share the same IP.

Nope. The moment you hit the page it increments the count. Although that can be a valid case until TPM usage becomes more prevalent in node. Until then it could happen if someone else is hitting the exact same route in your intranet i.e. you will have bad actors in your company which everyone there is responsible for. The route uses your unique username so it shouldn't do that... unless you have a bad actor in your company.

The feature is working as expected, been thought out for several years, and has been thoroughly tested. It is also how the limiters have worked since at least #944. As I mentioned on development there may be some allowances later on however I (we) don't work, live, breathe 24 hours a day here.

The final questions for you are:

  1. Do you think it's responsible for making an assumption that it is not working/is broken?
  2. Do you think it's the responsible thing to not use development instead using production? You have demonstrated in the past with other issues that you know where it is. i.e. you've already opened prior issues on development... Why change now when we've continually mentioned use Development through out the years?
  3. Do you think it's responsible if there was actually a security bug like you are purporting that you would blare it to the whole world with an assumption or would it make more sense to be more discrete and methodical like every other project out there?
  4. Do you think having to take time out of everyone's busy schedule (including mine) to address an assumption is going to make things better?
    I'm open to questions and suggestions but never assume unless you are sure.

Had you not been one of our seasoned Authors you would have easily been eligible for removal. I am giving you a learned experience instead of applying that. It's not like the history of these changes are hidden from anyone and those changes are continually being manipulated by the bad actors currently and mostly on Chinese, Vietnamese, and Bangladesh server areas (i.e. we know exactly where they are doing their dirty work) however we have to leverage the good with the bad.

There are consequences to adding security, or we can just let it go and you'll lose your free hosting when the site goes offline like USO did. Which do you think is the better choice?

OUJS Admin

I let you in and you don't use Submit Code as Fork from Carrizo's script.

After a while you are eligible for removal for doing this.

OUJS Admin

Impact assessment

The following were the affected scripts rebuilt from the log:

Specifically the DB, which is the metadata for when it was published, when it was updated was impacted. AWS, which is the source code, is still present on AWS. However if your script is missing in your script list (That would be you @Temm ) then it will be orphaned until you upload it again.

  1. Any new users that signed up between that period were lost.
  2. Any changes to Script Info between that period were lost.
  3. Any changes to Profiles between that period were lost.
  4. etc.

OUJS Admin

Had some data loss in the production database. Lost the corrupted data between the hours of ~2021 12 23 03:03 to approximately 2021 12 23 12:00 UTC to be exact.

Major Apologies... at least we had a very recent backup.

Not sure what was wrong... even the core restore didn't work and had to drop the entire DB to restore... which is not normal.


Please update your scripts if you did that between that period.

OUJS Admin


Could you please delete this thread?

He can't do that. Also you completely ignored the caution warning when you signed up, which has been there since July 9, 2014, and made the mistake that you need to live with.

Your attitude is poor and I might have considered editing the DB to your other typed in recently name (Starts with "p") however there are consequences for your ignoring warnings. So the only thing you should be aghast at is your inept action.

Apologies for the interruption @jscher2000

OUJS Admin