Marti Admin

I've also repaired the legacy meta.js routine on the /install route... this will be good for older .user.js engines and perhaps some newer ones.

I'll disable the requirement for now... but I'm just about out of juice from working on this for 4 solid, straight days now... e.g. I'm going AFK after release and if the VPS crashes everyone gets to wait... including me. ;) :)

Mirroring here again...

So this is a snapshot of the duration when I cut off all scripts that didn't have an appropriate @updateURL as well as the 9 scripts that I added one to:


... the red arrow is roughly when I cut off those scripts.... we've returned somewhat to nominal.

Going to mirror this here for those not watching development:

Here's a 7 day current activity graph on what I've been dealing with combating:


Notice April 5th is when the shiz hit the fan... that's when at least 3 events happened and is dragging the server under.

I appreciate everyones patience on this and eventually things should get better... I do need sleep too. ;)

Re: @trespassersW:

We're also considering if there isn't an @updateURL that we will stick what we collect at the beginning of the script with the proper @updateURL... this will be serving a slightly modified version of the script source... but for now I've disabled those without the @updateURL from serving.

Debian, which is our distro for the VPS, typically does a kernel update about once every 2 to 4 weeks... it's already been 5 days now and I can't keep restarting the VPS for 3 more weeks once to five times an hour when some scripts are pulling full script source. Eventually this will subside and maybe we'll relax on this a bit.

Like I just said I'll repair the classic meta.js routine and that will help some but GM/GMP users will need to change their fail status in config.xml to unknown otherwise GM will pull full source constantly for update checks until a script is reinstalled.

You can update all you want... we just won't be serving without it for the time being. Eventually I may block all uploads that don't have this as well. Between the kernel issue not freeing memory quick enough and then some .user.js engine and possible script updater... it's making everything completely unstable. I've rebooted the server about 30 times already today.

As long as you specify an OUJS @updateURL that points to any .user.js, or don't specify it at all ... we will not serve it... this only applies to non-existent @updateURLs and OUJS urls that aren't pointing directly to the meta route I mentioned.

I've already found one issue on our end with classic USO style @updateURL but it's not the major issue from that/those troublesome .user.js engines. I will repair that in a bit.

Just those 7 scripts edited have yielded almost a 30%-50% improvement as of right now.

Anyway, I will try add the updateURL next update release.

Better do it sooner than later... I've disabled all serving for any Userscripts that don't have the syntax for @updateURL.

Re: @TimidScript:


I would suggest a:

// @updateURL

... to force the engine to use the meta.js routine for Pixiv++

Assuming you are seeing this... there is active server maintenance going on right now... the server will be up and down multiple times and will take some time.

See #944 for status updates.

... i post the script only for me, you should not be here ...

*ahem* There is no such thing as a private .user.js here on OUJS... anyone is welcome to give feedback including asking you what this script does. :)

Re: @wukodlak:

Try it now... please leave a message here in this discussion saying if everything is okay for you.

Translation courtesy of Bing (with a little manual back-translation fix):

Essayez-le maintenant... s'il vous plaît laissez un message ici dans cette discussion dire et si tout va bien pour vous.

Re: @wukodlak:

Early next week when I'm back at dev station I'll look into why it's not listing scripts for you... Nothings been done in that area since about March 9, 2016... Thanks for your patience.

Re: @trespassersW:

As for now, is there any sense in writing meta-tags @downloadURL, @updateURL and their ilk?

Absolutely... consolidation is the main factor. The minification routines are exposing these flat out in the UI now and how it interacts with a script source. Being cautious of a target is good however that doesn't negate effective, uncrippled, usage... which leads to the paranoia aspect... don't install it if you don't trust it.

Network of Trust is something I've been mentioning off and on for over a decade now with Userscripts.

                        "GbAfE4cD87y0AHQjP82Qwos1dxRiQCIlbowFxuIpRAKFqJr2m8HVXM" +

... should be...

                        "GbAfE4cD87y0AHQjP82Qwos1dxRiQCIlbowFxuIpRAKFqJr2m8HVXM" +

        var $elEditor = $('#ace-editor'),
        var $elTabs = $('.ui-tabs');

... should be...

        var $elEditor = $('#ace-editor');
        var $elTabs = $('.ui-tabs');

  for (var i=0;i<FORMAT_ORDER.length;i++) {
    var format=FORMAT_ORDER[i];

... should be:

  for (var i=0;i<FORMAT_ORDER.length;i++) {
    var format=FORMAT_ORDER[i];

if (ga) { / check if sale is

... should be // check if sale is

Re: @-BioHaZard-:

This script appears to host the CSS elsewhere which has:

#searchform {
    position: fixed!important;
    z-index: 103;

... with no mention of #gb { in the CSS anymore... so Admin closing.
