Hi, i was working on a script and to save my data online, i logged on into openuserjs.org.

a few minutes ago, i saw my 7 scripts and be able to install 2 of them on my computer.

now going on a direct link like :
(my most important file working on a beta saved on my file list)

i saw one of them. But if i click on name to go to 'https://openuserjs.org/users/wukodlak'
a page with 0 scripts appear and it's not yet describe to author but user

any idea on what's happened ??

thanks a lot.
(french user, Please, excuse me for my poor English)

Re: @wukodlak:

Early next week when I'm back at dev station I'll look into why it's not listing scripts for you... Nothings been done in that area since about March 9, 2016... Thanks for your patience.

Re: @wukodlak:

Try it now... please leave a message here in this discussion saying if everything is okay for you.

Translation courtesy of Bing (with a little manual back-translation fix):

Essayez-le maintenant... s'il vous plaƮt laissez un message ici dans cette discussion dire et si tout va bien pour vous.

hello !

thanks a lot for your quick overview of my page.
it seem's to be good, 7 scripts now visible and clickable.

thanks a lot.
