AltoRetrato Author

Re: @kaser4: Thanks! One of the issues is that IMDb constantly changes and increases the complexity of the website. To create a new script or browser extension that is more resilient to these changes, I need to write more redundant code and apply fixes more frequently. In other words, it will take much more time and effort. Monetizing this work would be the simplest and fastest way to address the issue. After all, I'm a freelancer, so time spent on this script for free means less time working or finding a paying contract.

As soon as I get a crowdfunding ready I'll post about it here.

Re: @alienfoil: Thanks for your comment! While your suggestion would work in theory for some, it would be impractical for many users with hundreds of lists (or those with even a few that are updated constantly). I'd rather spend more time creating code to update the data automatically than spend less time on the code and more time updating the data manually later.

Please, a minute of silence for this Titanic moment: the script hit the IMDb iceberg and sank! 😔

It's Dead, Jim!

Remember when I said that IMDb is changing the way lists are exported?

The script IMDb "My Movies" Enhancer was created in 2008, and since 2011, the "highlighting" data came from downloading the IMDb lists via export links.

If you open the JavaScript console in your browser(Ctrl+Shift+J) and "Refresh highlight data", you'll see many 404 errors like "Error 404 downloading".

The export links are "Gone with the Wind" - IMDb just blew them away!

Basically, before today (or whenever IMDb changed the list export system), there was a single URL to export each of your IMDb lists, and the script downloaded and used the data from them. Now, those URLs don't exist anymore, rendering the script unusable as it is. Exporting IMDb lists is now more complex and, most importantly, seems to be slower. So, even if I manage to use the new export system, the script could become almost unusable, especially for users with many large lists. Additionally, there could be other limits implemented in the new export system (e.g., a max total number of lists being exported at once or per day / week / month) that would only become apparent after spending time implementing the required changes.

Back to the Future

I also mentioned I had ideas to revamp the script and reduce the number of refreshes - or even remove them entirely! I could also take the opportunity to implement new features I've always wanted, such as new highlighting styles, personalization without users editing the code, and many more. The downside is that implementing those ideas requires writing a brand new script (or browser extension) from scratch. At this moment in my life, I just don't have the free time to do it, and frankly, neither the motivation to do more work (and more sophisticated work) for free (including constant maintenance).

I currently see the following options moving forward:

  1. If anyone has a good idea for a simple and fast workaround, I could patch the script to bring it back from the Land of the Dead.
  2. Ask IMDb to bring back those export links (That was a joke - Haha - Fat Chance)
  3. Use a crowdfunding platform (or some other means) to cover the development cost of a new script / browser extension.
  4. Hope someone else rolls up their sleeves and do the dirty work for me.
  5. Do nothing. It had a good run, and all good things must come to an end...

Any other thoughts?

I have good and bad news.

The good news - I tested and released v. 1.53, which should fix the issue loading Watchlist and Check-Ins (even if they are set to private). Happy green AND yellow links! :)

The bad news - it seems IMDb is changing the way lists are exported.

If you open the page for a list now, when you click the "Export" button, instead of downloading the list right away, it will tell you the file is being processed, and you can see the progress at . In theory, you can only download the list when it is "ready" for download in that page...

I don't know why they are doing this, but a first guess would be to lower costs (by using cheaper cloud instances, remaining time of a closing instance or something like that).

For now, the export links used by the script are still working fine, but as they are not "canonical" anymore, they might stop working at any moment. If / when this happens, it would require a considerable amount of changes in the script, and we might find some limitations with the new changes being applied.

Years ago I thought about how to avoid reloading all lists at once (and even avoid reloading at all), and that would help specially those with many lists (and/or very large lists). Now I might need to implement some of those ideas if IMDb slows down exporting too much.

For now, let's hope the script just keeps working for at least a few more years before requiring any changes...

Hey, everyone - I just updated the script to v. 1.52, and it seems to be working fine again, at least for me. Please check if it works for you:

  • update the script (via Greasemonkey, Tampermonkey, etc. or reinstall)
  • open
  • click [Clear highlight data]
  • click [Refresh highlight data]

Happy green links!


I'm travelling at the moment, and will have a ton of work to take care of before I can even try to fix this - and I'd need access to the same version of the site you are now using, so I can't promise you a quick fix. If you want to, try to revert from the beta for now (unless you are enjoying the new version of the site and don't mind not using the script for a while, of course).

FWIW, for quite a long time I was thinking about making this a true browser add-on / extension, with more features, and compatible with at least Firefox mobile. I thought about creating a Patreon, Kickstarter or similar to gauge interest and see if it is worth the trouble to not just continue updating it after so many years, but make it simpler, easier to use and with more features.

I'll try to get back to you one way or another in this thread (maybe in a few weeks).

My guess is that IMDb was doing a slow rollout of the changes, because I just got the new format as well.

Thank you both for reporting and suggesting changes. I did at least a couple more changes than Ghosted suggested: a few to solve names not being highlighted, another to try to find the title even if IMDb changes the formatting again (as long as it keeps using the


Version 1.51 should be live now. I'll close this issue now, but let me know if it works (or don't) for you.


I just tested the current script version on Google Chrome (v. 101.0.4951.67, 64-bit) with Tamper Monkey (v. 4.16.1) and it works for me without any issues.

IMDb might be serving you a different page, or there might be errors in the data it is sending you.

If you can provide more details I might be able to help. Please see the How to report errors (so they can be fixed) page and post the details below.

Hi there!

If you are having issues with "IMDb 'My Movies' enhancer", this post will give you a few guidelines about how to report them, so I can fix them ASAP.

  1. How to check if the script is working

Please log in to your IMDb account and then open . Can you see the script's toolbar?

enter image description here

If you can see it, click [Clear highlight data] and [Refresh highlight data]. Now any IMDb page you open or refresh should work.

If you can't see the the toolbar or if you still can't see any highlighting in any movie page you added to a list or rated, continue reading.

  1. How to report issues with the script

First, clearly describe your issues, with at least the following details:

  • Browser type and version
  • Greasemonkey / Tampermonkey version
  • URLs you have tested and are having issues
  • What are the issues
  • Are you changing the script source code to add custom colors?
  • If you are, does color highlighting works with the original (unmodified) script code?
  • Do you have any other IMDb related scripts or add-ons installed? Did you try disabling them to see if they are causing the issue?

Finally, list any JavaScript errors related to the script. To do this:

  • Open a new browser page or tab
  • Open the Javascript console ([Ctrl]+[Shift]+[J])
  • Load an IMDb page (e.g., , or any other page you're having problems with). If your issue is loading the lists, click the [Clear highlight data] and [Refresh highlight data] buttons.
  • Copy errors and warnings that appear in the JavaScript console and share them with me. Since the list can be quite large, use a service like pastebin (it is free and doesn't require a login) and include the link in your message

Please don't post your issue in this page - go to the issues page and create a new issue. Tip: make a copy of your entire message before submitting, just in case there is a problem sending it the first time.

Also, be sure to check your issue page here in OpenUserJS from time to time to see any replies.

Hi there!

Sorry, I have no time at the moment to look at it for the next couple of weeks. If I don't comment here until then, please write again to remember me.


Re: @Martii:

Not enough time plus every site has to have a unique password... brain's full in that region...

I recommend KeePass and/or KeePassDroid: free and open-source password manager.

Re: @sammler2021:

Glad to know it is working again for you. Enjoy!

It's been so long since I wrote JavaScript that I ended up using Python syntax 🤦‍♂️! My bad! I just fixed it, hope it works now for you.

After a few 503 errors on OpenUserJS, I managed to update the script. I didn't test the script thoroughly, though, so let me know if you see any issues.

Re: @Martii:
You don't have an IMDb account? The site was launched 30 years ago, you have been missing a lot! X-D

Re: @sammler2021:
Actually, the script is working - you can see that the link to IMDbPro is green. What happened is that, with the new layout, I have to change the script to find and change the color of the title in the page and in search results (as you can see here, I just did it).

Please let me know if there is any other specific highlight not working at the moment so I can release all changes at once.

Hi there!

It works for me on the latest Google Chrome (Version 84.0.4147.89 (Official Build) (64-bit)) and Firefox (versions 77.0.1 & 78.0.2 (64-bit), with Greasemonkey v. 4.9) on Windows 10.

Can you see the script's toolbar (buttons [Refresh highlight data] [Clear highlight data] [Help / About]) when you open ?


If you can see it, I suggest you check the help, then [Clear highlight data] and [Refresh highlight data]. Now any IMDb page you open or refresh should work.

If you can't see the the toolbar or if you still can't see any highlighting in any movie page you added to a list or rated, open the Javascript console (usually [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[J]) and, among several errors and warnings from different sources, you might find an error from Greasemonkey or the script. If you can copy & paste the errors here (or somewhere else, e.g. and share here a link), I might help you figure out what is wrong.

P.S.: be aware that, while OpenUserJS (this site) offers an awesome service (and for free!), IMHO it has one annoying flaw: your login can timeout while you write a message or reply, so if you spend some time writing your text (as I did), you might lose it when you send it. Always copy your entire message before clicking [Reply]! :)

Thanks for reporting this.

I "fixed" this issue by commenting out line 274 (return false;) on the new version 1.48. I'd need to take a better look at what happens on the IMDb page when there are no custom lists to deal with the situation properly, but that means deleting all my lists or creating a new IMDb account and looking over the code, but I'll leave that for when I have more free time.

Over the last few days I came up with a new idea that will improve the script's performance for those with a lot of lists. Unfortunately, it will take a while to implement it, though...

Hi Dan! It seems IMDb is testing a new layout. The old one still shows up to me on Chrome, but fortunately a different one appears for me on Firefox, so I could release a new version (1.47). Let me know if the update works for you.

I don't know if there is anything else you could do to work around it except using a different browser or changing some of its parameters - e.g., on Firefox, you could reduce the max. number of connections per host (, but there is no guarantee it would help the script, and it could negatively affect performance on other sites. If you're interested, you could give it a try and revert to the original value if the change doesn't help.

Sorry, I was wrong! There are 199 unique lists in the log you provided, plus your watchlist, ratings and checkins list, so they are 202 in total. Some of the lists might be private (e.g.,

I deleted a bunch of list so it now says I have 157, but it still doesn't appear to be refreshing correctly

The most important thing is: how many download errors you still see in the console log? E.g.:
[HTTP/2.0 500 Internal Server Error 1410ms]

Error 500 downloading Internal Server Error index.html:396:19

My ratings are about 8,500 films so I wonder if the increasing number could be a problem.

Maybe - large lists might cause issues that the script currently doesn't try to work around. How long does it take to refresh all the data?

Thanks for the information, it was really helpful.

And WOW! You are a heavy user! :D

As I expected, you are experiencing issues on the IMDb side.

From what I see, you have (at least) 236 IMDb lists in total. The script tried to download them all, but only 200 of them were served by IMDb servers, and the remaining produced an "error 500" instead ("The 500 Internal Server Error is a very general HTTP status code that means something has gone wrong on the web site's server but the server could not be more specific on what the exact problem is.").

This means the script could refresh/update only the data it received, but it was missing 36 of your lists. That explains why some of your titles were not being highlighted.

So, what can be done to solve this?

  1. This is mostly a problem on the IMDb side, so we have limited options. Ideally, IMDb should serve you all the data requested by the script, but it might be throttling (intentionally or not) the export connections to prevent abuse or DDoS attacks. You can try to ask them to raise the limit for you, but I wouldn't bet on you even getting a reply from them on that matter...
  2. You could try to reduce the number of lists. If you could combine/merge some lists (so the total is below 200), I guess the issue would be gone (or at least become less frequent). You can do it by editing a list, selecting any/all items and then "MOVE TO" another.
  3. I could change the script to try to deal better with download errors. It could retry the downloads automatically after a while, or try to update those lists first on next refresh. I'm not sure if any of these would solve the problem at all (or even alleviate it), but that's the only thing I can think of for now...

I'm still converting the script into a browser extension (including some new features), and I just added some of those ideas into my to-do list. Unfortunately it will still take a while to release it, but when I have the time I might try to replicate your issue and test the solutions.