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Name | Installs | Rating | Updated |
by wuxingsanren
百度网盘会员/百度网盘VIP/百度网盘SVIP免费获取/迅雷超级会员/优酷VIP会员/b站哔哩哔哩大会员/百度文库VIP/苹果ID等VIP帐号,代替IDM、Xdown、PanDownload网页版,完全免费,绝无套路,强烈推荐,欢迎分享给好友!(支持百度网盘、腾讯微云、蓝奏云、微博微盘、城通网盘、皮皮盘、YunFile、彩虹云、威盘和一木禾网盘等),附赠直链下载百度网盘和百度网盘分享的文件,避免下载文件时调用百度网盘客户端,获取网盘文件的直链下载地址,屏蔽网页右键等操作限制 |
570321 |
-1 |
by wuxingsanren
免VIP下载百度文库免费和需下载券的原文档(转换下载不限类型、不限次数),文档单页内容自由随便复制,整个文档可以一键直接复制,移除百度文库全网网页广告;免VIP下载豆丁网文库文档(转换下载不限类型、不限次数);解除大部分网站右键操作等限制,绝对是大家常用的好帮手,不仅省了买文库VIP的钱,还不闹心,美好的事情即将发生 |
529899 |
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OGame: Recursos Ampliados
by jgarrone
OGame: Detalla la produccion de recursos en Opciones de Recursos |
178555 |
-1 |
Автозапуск менюшки
by Chappa
Автозапуск менюшки |
138132 |
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OGameRediseño Recursos Ampliados
by JBWKZ2099
OGameRediseño Recursos Ampliados. Enlarged Display resources for OGame version 6.1.7 |
82247 |
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Download YouTube Videos
by xj9120
Adds a download menu to YouTube videos. |
41860 |
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by Lockal
Slitheriomods |
36687 |
-1 |
AresBot vClean 0.3.3 by gdmk |
33386 |
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Captcha Bypasser
by miroslavets90
Autofill Captcha google I'am not robbot |
27886 |
-1 |
WhatsApp Blast
by rzlnhd
Tools yang digunakan untuk mengirim pesan WhatsApp Secara Otomatis. |
25978 |
-1 |
Direct links on Sourceforge download pages by vaginessa |
23033 |
-1 |
Copy/paste Geoguessr map data
by slashP
Copy latitude, longitude, heading, pitch and zoom information from Geoguessr maps as JSON data. Add or replace locations in maps by pasting JSON data or Google Maps link(s) in map maker. |
22200 |
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| eksport ocen
by kapela86
Proszę zainstalować skrypt od użytkownika tomfilmowiec dostępny pod linkiem w opisie |
19099 |
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MouseHunt AutoBot
by deux
An advance user script to automate sounding the hunter horn in MouseHunt application in Facebook with MouseHunt version 3.0 (Longtail) supported and many other features. |
18602 |
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Cam4 Clean
by ladroop
removes all add's |
18533 |
-1 |
Alert Update Multiplay Games
by WebJalanan
Berfungsi untuk memberikan peringatan adanya update terbaru. |
14620 |
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TORN: High/Low Helper 10 by DeKleineKobini |
13294 |
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MouseHunt AutoBot Enhanced Edition
by devcnn
Ooiks: An advance user script to automate sounding the hunter horn in MouseHunt application in Facebook with MouseHunt version 3.0 (Longtail) supported and many other features. CnN: An enhanced version to sound horn based on selected algorithm of event or location. |
12377 |
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Captcha Bypass
by miroslavets90
Autofill Captcha google I'am not robbot |
12200 |
-1 |
manga comic downloader
by baivong
Tải truyện tranh từ các trang chia sẻ ở Việt Nam. Nhấn Alt+Y để tải toàn bộ. |
11924 |
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Delete Selected Friends with Single Click
by naavyn
This script is select multiple friends on Facebook and Unfriend them with single click |
11529 |
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E[-X]Hentai Helper
by Crazycatz00
Auto transfer fjords; Inter-site links; Sad Panda login; etc. |
10994 |
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Multiplay Games
by WebJalanan
Tools ini berfungsi untuk bermain MULTIPLAY Games. Khusus untuk website FreeBitcoin dan FreeDogecoin. |
10922 |
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Udacity Full Page Course Viewer
by eosrei
Makes full page text content in the Udacity Course Viewer instead of the original 435px tall scrolling div. Moves Downloadables to main sidebar, applies HighlightJS to example code. |
10149 |
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E-Hentai Automated Downloads
by etc
Automates downloads through the Doggie Bag Archiver |
10017 |
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Server Maintenance |
40 replies |
Greasemonkey Port Update |
23 replies |
Steam Authentication Recovery Migration |
4 replies |
GitHub info |
1 replies |
Google Authentication Deprecation 2.0 |
2 replies |