Are you sure you want to go to an external site to donate a monetary value?
WARNING: Some countries laws may supersede the payment processors policy such as the GDPR and PayPal. While it is highly appreciated to donate, please check with your countries privacy and identity laws regarding privacy of information first. Use at your utmost discretion.
Seems there is always some problems:
Difficulty to sing up (with another Username) / create a new account.
Always have an error message:
Too many requests."
Trying with different preferred services:
I remember i was able to use Open Id before:
It is gone ?
that's the same..
Can only run this present account.
I use an Autopager userscript.
With your site, i have after 2 pages loaded, this same error message:
Too many requests."
Can fix these problems ?
I edit:
speed_by_over = 100, // edit this value
to different value but i dont' see a great change (just for 550, where it's very slow...)
So what's value type ?
Re: @decembre:
Like it's impossible to re-edit our post here (...):
I read the possible reason of these warning by reading the description of your script in greasy Fork:
FireFox 35 extra security broke GreasyMonkey GM_listValues
Have you tested this script on your code page?:
oujs - JsBeautify
If you click on the "Beautify" button , you shall see some " warning" icons on the left side with recommendation on hover.
What you think about its pertinence , is useful for you ?
For me is like Chinese, i am not coder.
Here's just a css to make the arrows less prominent and normal on hover:
/* ==== FIR - TopAndDownButtonsEverywhere (by MAX30 - OpenUserJS) ==== */ #play_btn_up { background: url("data:img/png;base64,iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAABIAAAAUCAYAAACAl21KAAAAAXNSR0IArs4c6QAAAARnQU1BAACxjwv8YQUAAAAJcEhZcwAADsMAAA7DAcdvqGQAAAB+SURBVDhPY1i1atV/amAGahgCMoNhaIGlS5cKAp19BoRBbLJcj2QILDJINwzoAmMgfoclIkBixkS5DI8hMJcRNgxoSBoOl6CnNZBhaVhdBjWE1MSJahjQkA4KEmYH2GUrV66cSYEhYB+AzKBtFiHkQqKiH6Ro1CDCQTWgYQQAs81DU0G/83sAAAAASUVORK5CYII=") no-repeat scroll 50% 50% rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7); position: fixed; height: 36px; width: 13px; top: 63% !important; border-radius: 5px 0 0 5px; bottom: 53%; cursor: pointer; z-index: 99; transition: width ease 0.7s !important; } #play_btn_dn { background: url("data:img/png;base64,iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAABIAAAAUCAYAAACAl21KAAAAAXNSR0IArs4c6QAAAARnQU1BAACxjwv8YQUAAAAJcEhZcwAADsMAAA7DAcdvqGQAAACPSURBVDhPY2DAAlatWvUfH8amB6vYqEGEg2pgw4iQ7cTKM6xcuXImsYpxqQOZAQ4woIIOCgzrQAl1oEFpZBiWhitFgwx7R4SBIDXYDYGZDFRgTMAwkCHGhBMRJMxwGUa8ITCbli5dKgg08AySN8+AxIhyCboiJMPIN4Qsm6miiYioxltawvSDYogohYTUAQC80UNTOht/YwAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==") no-repeat scroll 50% 50% rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7); position: fixed; width: 13px; height: 36px; right: 0; top: 68% !important; border-radius: 5px 0 0 5px; cursor: pointer; z-index: 99; transition: width ease 0.7s !important; } #play_btn_dn:hover , #play_btn_up:hover { width: 36px !important; } /* === END === */
"and I know you know this already....."
Yes i know .
No solution for the favorite functions ?
It' always impossible to edit our post ?
Re: @decembre:
No new ?
I use the Marti solution with the help of its GM_setStyle.js for this script:
Userstyles TableView+Enhancer - Dark/Grey
I post my CSS to Pastebin (by example for this script:
and add into my userscript header:
// @require // @resource // @grant GM_getResourceText
after i use this code:
let styleNode = GM_setStyle({ data: GM_getResourceText("css")
It's not very clear:
Can i make a groupe of script i like ?
And where i need to go, i search but found noting like "add to group" indication...
Why the "one script limitation" ?
We can't change our USER name ?
How delete our account to create a new one without our email inside ?
Can you provide an independent (by email only) way to login (without use current form of authentication)?.
forgot it, there is another post about it :
Warning "missing 'new' prefix when invoking a constructor" on calls to GM_ API
Sorry i can't reedit or delete posts here...
When i hover it, it provide a tooltip:
"Missing 'new' prefix when invoking a constructor."
Haa yes, good news, now Firefox accept some new Filter.
By example:
filter: invert(100%)!important;
filter: grayscale(100%)!important;
filter: hue-rotate(60deg);
I see too many requests in google search with (that is suggested before), and it seems take to long...
I test this one now (with it i don't see all these requests : it provide favicon silently):
//img.src = '' + protocol + "://" + host; // As suggested by decembre
img.src = '' + protocol + "://" + host; //OTHER service suggested by decembre
I found it here :
An alternative for{url} favicon services
What you think of it ?
In progress....
yes, like favorits.
Here how to use it :
Using URL values for the cursor property
You can add your own cursor (CSS)
// Tweak CSS
GM_addStyle('a[href^="javascript:"] {cursor: url(, auto;}');
Re: @jerone:
This button seems inactive ?
Re: @srazzano:
Seems good now , more clear for me on my large screen.
But, i have not tooltip on truncated description ( one or two row options enable)....
Re: @sizzle:
Can you open a "pined" topic around:
"" idea, request and bug ?
Re: @srazzano:
An option to move the description under the title ?
Other requests:
Where find your "old" scripts now ?