Marti Admin

... before I did anything with the account

You are doing something with the account already by creating a discussion/comment.

could you simply remove this account in entirety

Choices are:

  1. Remove the account e.g. that auth will be forever not allowed back
  2. Leave it alone
  3. Merge it with your other account (which is a wiser idea imho and requires you to mention it in that accounts profile as well)

Will wait to hear back from you and re-review the situation again at a later time.

Re: @mestrakcs:

Couple of things from observation of the current source of 0.11+cb1d034 :

  1. Since it uses some of the GM API synchronously I would presume it needs or the upstream version of it for Greasemonkey (GM).
  2. Assume that you are using GM... if so there are some issues with stability at the moment. My main Firefox (Fx) profile hosed itself at some point in the last month and GM won't even run scripts in that profile. However a new profile appears to run scripts designed for asynchronous or poly-filled (the link I gave you just a moment ago). So there may be a collision with another add-on or just Fx doing it's usual breakage at the moment. e.g. growing pains all around.

If trying the url @require doesn't help in a custom edit then try using Tampermonkey (TM) or Violentmonkey (VM) where applicable for whatever browser.

Beyond this I haven't used this script. The site may have changed something to break compatibility.


What is the problem?

The account was flagged as spam.

Why I can't access it?

Because I removed that account for nonsensical replies e.g. I agree with the flagging. If it happens again the same action will occur.

OUJS Admin

Backup took approximately ~35 minutes... and back online.

In about 10 hours we need to do another snapshot of the system here... down time should be the usual of about 30 minutes to 1 hour... maybe less.

Thanks for your patience.

Re: @jerbrown:

  1. Don't make assumptions without backing things up with an external citation. It is unlikely that any site would deny backing up your account with a list of people that you follow. Copy/paste is the most common method available.
  2. If your answers don't make sense you account will definitely be eligible for removal.

OUJS Admin

Your code revision of 2.3.0+2a0cae1 here of:

const IconSVG = atob("PHN2ZyB4bWxucz0iaHR0cDovL3d3dy53My5vcmcvMjAwMC9zdmciIHZpZXdCb3g9IjAgMCAzMiAzMiIgd2lkdGg9IjEwIiBoZWlnaHQ9IjEwIiBmaWxsPSJub25lIiBzdHJva2U9ImN1cnJlbnRjb2xvciIgc3Ryb2tlLWxpbmVjYXA9InJvdW5kIiBzdHJva2Utd2lkdGg9IjIiPjxwYXRoIGQ9Ik0yMCAyNCBMMTIgMTYgMiAyNiAyIDIgMzAgMiAzMCAyNCBNMTYgMjAgTDIyIDE0IDMwIDIyIDMwIDMwIDIgMzAgMiAyNCIgLz48Y2lyY2xlIGN4PSIxMCIgY3k9IjkiIHI9IjMiIC8+PC9zdmc+");

... currently translates to:

<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 32 32" width="10" height="10" fill="none" stroke="currentcolor" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-width="2"><path d="M20 24 L12 16 2 26 2 2 30 2 30 24 M16 20 L22 14 30 22 30 30 2 30 2 24" /><circle cx="10" cy="9" r="3" /></svg>

Please do not obfuscate your code source even with a simple encode. If you need Base64 do it as a post operation instead of pre operation (although not sure why innerHTML would even need this pre decoding from a encoded string that isn't necessary in the first place) e.g. do something like this instead:

const IconSVG = '<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 32 32" width="10" height="10" fill="none" stroke="currentcolor" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-width="2"><path d="M20 24 L12 16 2 26 2 2 30 2 30 24 M16 20 L22 14 30 22 30 30 2 30 2 24" /><circle cx="10" cy="9" r="3" /></svg>';

// ... down the line

l[i].children[0].innerHTML = IconSVG;

Failure to fix this in a short period will result in the default TOS action.

Thank you for your cooperation.
OUJS Admin

Well they finally got around to rebooting our host... hopefully this is the only time.

Re: @Gregorius:

As discussed at #233 (comment) this will be your only rename and it comes with consequences.

Things you will lose:

  • Tenure on the script you posted about 5 days ago. I can save it locally including the script description and repost it. e.g. it will be posted as of the final okay from you.
  • Anyone who has rated your script... because it will be deleted and reposted
  • All script stats will be wiped and you get to start over.
  • No more renames will be allowed for this account.
  • Anyone linking to the script outside of OUJS will have a broken link... until repaired if that option is available.

Things you will keep:

  • Your account creation date.

If the final go ahead is done with a simple message, preferably on GH, but since you've already done stuff here I can migrate the comments/discussions. Just don't go on a comment spree. If you have too many the request will be denied.

Are you sure you want to do this?

Re: @SniperFox:

... just make a "Convert this CSS to a UserScript" function that allows people to paste in CSS and easily make it into a UserScript.

May be reasonable idea for one of the the default templates at #1232. Depending on the state of Greasemonkey (GM) 4 this may prove to be a challenge getting something that works in every current .user.js engine for each current browser (some bleed over with Fx ESR and difference between Tampermonkey (TM) and GM). We would also be open to a help document page if someone is willing to write one on best practices.

As mentioned by @jscher2000 there are additional ways of doing that currently before we get that issue implemented.

Re: @simg:

... 2 years later ...

Welcome back. ;)

Can't you just get the unminified source from OpenUser.js?

The issue request was with this line, now in 0.2+6a81d5b... which isn't OUJS:

// @require

Modifying it to this, produces a 404 which is bad practice when the unminified isn't present. This is one of the reasons we prefer not to utilize cloudflare as a CDN.

The main reason I ask is so I can run some tests in the .user.js engines due to the statement of the issuer above of:

Re: @simg:

something about the simplemodal library that stops GreaseMonkey in it's tracks

To make everyone aware our VPS may schedule a reboot of our server, to handle the CPU issue everyone has been buzzing about since January'ish, at any point in which case we may be offline until the site is restarted. This is currently by design.

If I notice it is stopped then I'll restart it when the back-end stability is confirmed... if one of you does see it before me please open an issue on Development.

We haven't gotten any emails yet but there are notices saying it will probably happen.


Next time if you plan on forking someones code please go to that scripts homepage, then click on Source Code tab... make your changes optionally or later... then click the "Submit Code as Fork" button and it will back link it automatically on your fork to that Authors.

It's been fixed on this script for now. Appreciate you being honest that it was forked by renaming it as such but you need to do it otherwise scripts that aren't may be eligible for removal.

OUJS Admin


Next time if you plan on forking someones code please go to that scripts homepage, then click on Source Code tab... make your changes optionally or later... then click the "Submit Code as Fork" button and it will back link it automatically on your fork to that Authors.

It's been fixed on this script for now. Appreciate you being honest that it was forked by renaming it as such but you need to do it otherwise scripts that aren't may be eligible for removal.

OUJS Admin


Btw Chrome and Chromium native .user.js parsing comes back with an error message of:

Invalid script header [OK]                           [X]

So the Google standard is to reject bad @matches.

Btw Chrome and Chromium native .user.js parsing comes back with an error message of:

Invalid script header [OK]                           [X]

So the Google standard is to reject bad @matches.