simg / LinkedIn Enhancer


Version: 0.2+10bb4cf updated

Summary: Enhance your LinkedIn Experience!

Copyright: Simon Gardner (

License: MIT

This script is intended to provide various enhancements to LinkedIn's user interface.

The current version allows you to customise your news feed by applying keyword based filters to read less from specific people or subjects. You can also block people or content altogether.

The current version isn't as efficient as previous versions as it appears that LinkedIn are taking measures to "occlude" their content from scripts like this. This means I've had to counter-measures which make the script a bit heavier on your CPU / battery.

There is also a simple checkbox to prevent the automatic playing of videos in your LinkedIn feed.

It's currently unashamedly aimed at more advanced users as the UI is rather agricultural. Maybe I'll create something better if there's demand.

Once the script is installed, visit your linked in feed (ie the homepage). Mouse over your profile phone in the top right hand corner (ie your account settings tab). At the bottom of the menu is a new menu item - Linked In Enhancer.

Simplest Usage

In the News Feed Filters text box simple enter a list of keywords / phrases / peoples names you wish to block. One per line.


Barry Annoying
EU Referendum
Deidre Postalot
likes this
commented on this
See anyone you know
People in your network have new connections
likes a group discussion

Hit OK, and from now on any post containing any of these phrases will show as "filtered" whilst still giving you the option to expand.

More complex usage

If you'd rather hear a bit less from someone or a subject rather than blocking it totally, you can enter an "=" followed by a decimal number between 0 and 1 and this will cause posts containing that phrase to be shown a proportion of the times. For example:

Barry Annoying=0.5
EU Referendum=0.8
Deidre Postalot=0.1
likes this=0

A value of 0 means the post will always be filtered. A value of 1 means never filter and 0.5 filters 50% of the time. The filtering is probability based (using a random number generator) so a value of 0.5 doesn't guarantee you'll see every other post.

Advanced Usage

You can also use JavaScript regular expression syntax in addition to simple text searches. So for example you can have filters like:

Barry Annoying.*?comment on this=0.1

To allow any posts by Barry, but filter almost all of his comment notifications.


There is so much more that could be done and so much room for improvement with LinkedIn's UI.

Note: Prevent auto-play of video currently doesn't work after the update to the new LinkedIn UI so for the time being we're still stuck with that particular anti-feature.

If you find this script useful, please share !

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