Re: @Antynatalista:
You really sure that Google still has not learned to translate from Russian to your Slavic language? Well, i can make a new translation variant "cyrillic -> latin", though I'd recommend you to learn cyrillic alphabet, it just takes takes half of hour.

Cyrillic -> Latin transliteration
do we need it ?
I expect confirmation from you. I wouldn't want to do useless work, but if there exists at least one user who will use it, I'll do it

Re: @trespassersW:
You really sure that Google still has not learned to translate from Russian to your Slavic language?

I am bit sadomasochistic. I don't like Google Translate. I still think they develop it mostly for any language-> English. I think for the rest languages this service isn't still so good (I mean for example Russian -> my native, slavic language).

My thought process is as follow:
The problem is that I can understand Russian language (when I hear it) up to 50%.
I am native of slavic, but latin (in letters) language.
So at the beginnig I want to have latin letters (from Russian).

I think 60% foreign students of Russian "resign" when they meet the Cyrillic (this different letters are the problem).

Thank for help anyway

[Re] @Antynatalista:
Well, I wrote a function for cyrillic -> polish transliterating.

javascript:function rulat(s){
const rabc={
 'а':"а", 'б':"b", 'в':"w", 'г':"g", 'д':"d", 'е':"je"
,'ё':"yo", 'ж':"ż", 'з':"z", 'и':"i", 'й':"j", 'к':"k"
,'л':"l", 'м':"m", 'н':"n", 'о':"о", 'п':"p", 'р':"r"
,'с':"s", 'т':"t", 'у':"u", 'ф':"f", 'х':"ch", 'ц':"c"
,'ч':"cz", 'ш':"sz", 'щ':"szcz", 'ъ':"`", 'ы':"y", 'ь':"'"
,'э':"e", 'ю':"ju", 'я':"yа", 'А':"А", 'Б':"B", 'В':"W"
,'Г':"G", 'Д':"D", 'Е':"Je", 'Ё':"Yo", 'Ж':"Żh", 'З':"Z"
,'И':"I", 'Й':"J", 'К':"K", 'Л':"L", 'М':"M", 'Н':"N"
,'О':"О", 'П':"P", 'Р':"R", 'С':"S", 'Т':"T", 'У':"U"
,'Ф':"F", 'Х':"Ch", 'Ц':"C", 'Ч':"Cz", 'Ш':"Sz", 'Щ':"Szcz"
,'Ъ':"`", 'Ы':"Y", 'Ь':"'", 'Э':"E", 'Ю':"Yu", 'Я':"Ya"
for (var c, a=s.split(''), lat='', k=a.length, i=0; i<k; i++)
 lat+=(c=rabc[a[i]]) ? c : a[i];
return lat;

You can use it in userscript, or you can create a Bookmarklet containg this code.

Ok, thanks. I will tackle this script in the following days. "Programming" is for me like a rocket science at the moment.

Hope your knowledge of programming will be enough to correct this script's conversion table rabc in accordance with your enigmatic Slavic language