simg Author

Thanks Simon.

I ended up changing my script to: find(".AnswerBase .inline_editor_value .ui_qtext_rendered_qtext").html();

as it seems that Quora may have changed the structure of their pages slightly. Certainly .rendered_qtext is no longer the answer text on any of the pages I looked at.

I've changed the simplemodal link to pull from googles cdn which make the unminified version easy to get.

having tested it all again with GM it all seems to work fine now (with the same version of simplemodal) so maybe something has changed in FF or Jquery that fixes the issue. Happy days :)

Hey Marti, 2 years later, I just spot your message :)

Can't you just get the unminified source from OpenUser.js?

It seems there's something about the simplemodal library that stops GreaseMonkey in it's tracks and I've run out of ideas.

Any suggestions appreciated.