sarnex User

Nevermind, it works if I remove my user agent change to force the old youtube layout

Hi again,

Thank you again for maintaining this script. It seems player resize is not working with latest youtube.

I am using Firefox 61.


I don't know why I can't edit on this site, but here is the result of enabling debug mode and checking the console

YTHD | Setting Theater Mode
YTHD | Setting video player size
YTHD | Setting Theater Mode
YTHD | Setting video player size

So yeah, not hitting the debugLog("Setting Resolution..."); block

Thanks for this addon, it allows me to get Youtube exactly in the format. It seems the auto resolution change is not working in Firefox 57. I have set the resolution options as such:

const changeResolution = true;
const targetRes = "highres";

But Youtube videos go to "Auto". Any ideas?

Thank you.