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I've added a script to a group but it seems I can't remove it.
I mean when I'm editing the script info, in the right column there is the group name but there is no "x" icon before the group name.

That "x" is only visible (and clickable) right after entering a group name:
No 'x' icon

Am I missing something?

I've tried your script but it does not remove ads, it only removes the word "sponsored" when hovering the mouse on it.

Please give me more details: OS and browser used, any error/warning in your JS console?

And remember: this is the issue section, not an advertising showcase.
Anyway, I've tried your script but it does not remove ads, it only removes the word "sponsored" when hovering the mouse on it.


when not in product page your script has an error, to fix it just add the following code

if (undefined == document.getElementsByName("ASIN")[0]) return;

just before this code:

var asin = document.getElementsByName("ASIN")[0].value.trim();

Fixed, I had to manually pass the cookies into headers variable like this:

      method: "GET",
      url: "https://mycoolsite.com/mypage.html",
      headers: {
        'Cookie' : 'mycookiename:mycookievalue;anothercookiename:anothercookievalue'
      onload: function(response) {
          /* ... */

Hope this can help anyone facing the same issue.

Hi there,
I'm using GM.xmlHttpRequest as follows:

      method: "GET",
      url: "https://mycoolsite.com/mypage.html",
      onload: function(response) {
          /* ... */

With Tampermonkey v4.8.41 in Chrome v75.0.3770.100 my code works like a charm. With Tampermonkey v4.9.5941 in Firefox 68.0 it seems that the ajax call does not retrieve the page set into "url" variable... Instead, it asks for the url of the current page where my userscript is running.

Any clue?

My two cents:

I think using x.style.cssText = "max-height: 100vh; max-width: 100vw;/* and so on */"; is more solid than x.style.property = 'something';

Also, do not set width and height as empty string, rather set them to auto or initial.


didn't know of that GET var "limit", thanks. I will work to add multiple pages support.

Re: @jerone:

Sorry for that but old namespace is not valid anymore. Got it, next time I will notify the community.

Re: @jerone:

Hi thanks for reporting the issue. You're right, it is due to invalid JSON format. Will publish a new version as soon as possible.

Re: @TimidScript:

Thanks for your screenshot, I've published a new version which shows total installs and ratings in table header.

Re: @TimidScript:

By the way what do you mean by "use of superscript"?

Oh, the right word isn't "steal", it's "inspire" :)

usually it ends up needing the data stored client side... which runs into collisions with automatic cleanup routines on the client computer.

Imho that ain't a problem: if an user cleans cookies / localStorage, my userscript will show no statistics at all, as if it were just installed. Does this Make sense?

thanks for your feedback, I've just published a new version which fixes both the issues you prompted me.

Regarding catching username, I do know mine was a weak routine so thanks again.

Let me know if you ever decide to build my code into oujs.org, I'm glad to contribute.

I already did the test you suggest (that's why that GM_deleteValue is written there): no errors.

Anyway I've just changed some things and published a new version.

By the way I'm using Date syntax as shown on MDN

Re: @cuzi: