Hell there,

I need help to find script that could remove this line

  • tried lots of scripts that wouldn't work.. ie $('#actionList .actionListItem.creature.creature-0.first').remove();
  • trying to use it on greasemonkey .. help would be appreciated :)

    <ul class="actionList" id="actionList" style="height: 158px;">
        <li class="actionListItem minion minion-0 first">
            <div class="header">
                <div class="verbs">
                    <a data-tipped="Look at the XXX" class="view verb tip-static" href="#"></a>
                    <a title="Attack XXX" href="#" class="verb attack attack-1 action-attack-minion-2442 default"></a></div>
                <a data-tipped="minion" data-name="XXX" class="icon tip-static" href="#"></a>XXX</div></li>
        <li class="actionListItem minion minion-0">
            <div class="header">
                <div class="verbs">
                    <a data-tipped="Look at XXX" class="view verb tip-static" href="#"></a>
                    <a title="Attack XXX" href="#" class="verb attack attack-2 action-attack-minion-2442 default"></a></div>
                <a data-tipped="minion" data-name="XXX" class="icon tip-static" href="#"></a>XXX</div></li>
        <li class="actionListItem Minion Minion-0 last">
        <div class="header"><div class="verbs"><a data-tipped="Look at the XXX" class="view verb tip-static" href="#"></a><a title="Attack XXX" href="#" class="verb attack attack-3 action-attack-Minion-2442 default"></a></div><a data-tipped="Minion" data-name="XXX" class="icon tip-static" href="#"></a>XXX</div></li></ul>

    ('#actionList .actionListItem.minion.minion-0.first').remove(); correction of what script I used and didn't work

    and this line I wanted to be removed 

    Sorry first time posting in this website