wukodlak Author

hello !

thanks a lot for your quick overview of my page.
it seem's to be good, 7 scripts now visible and clickable.

thanks a lot.


Hi, i was working on a script and to save my data online, i logged on into openuserjs.org.

a few minutes ago, i saw my 7 scripts and be able to install 2 of them on my computer.

now going on a direct link like :
(my most important file working on a beta saved on my file list)

i saw one of them. But if i click on name to go to 'https://openuserjs.org/users/wukodlak'
a page with 0 scripts appear and it's not yet describe to author but user

any idea on what's happened ??

thanks a lot.
(french user, Please, excuse me for my poor English)