maxmoon User


Thanks for the nice script. It is very helpful to get those numbers back. But it wouldn't work in other countries, so it would be nice, if you could use wildcards in the link, like amazon.*

I've tested following links and it worked:

// @include http://*.amazon.*/dp/*
// @include https://*.amazon.*/dp/*
// @include http://*.amazon.*/*/dp/*
// @include https://*.amazon.*/*/dp/*
// @include http://*.amazon.*/review/*
// @include https://*.amazon.*/review/*
// @include http://*.amazon.*/*/product/*
// @include https://*.amazon.*/*/product/*
// @include http://*.amazon.*/product-reviews/*
// @include https://*.amazon.*/product-reviews/*
// @include http://*.amazon.*/*/product-reviews/*
// @include https://*.amazon.*/*/product-reviews/*
// @include http://*.amazon.*/*/customer-reviews/*
// @include https://*.amazon.*/*/customer-reviews/*```