joeytwiddle Author

Marti, I would consider making you a collaborator, to help fix the issues with whatever crazy modern setup you are running. But I am concerned how this would work with the Github hook I am using. If you contribute changes on here, how could I get them back to Github? And isn't there a danger I might overwrite them without noticing, by pushing a new version to Github?

One thought also occurs, about this site in general. With its own "Issue tracker" isn't this site re-inventing the wheel and violating DRY? Shouldn't instead be encouraging and enabling people to do collaboration on GitHub, rather than splitting the effort over the two services?

(I can think of one argument against that. Github is, ironically, not FOSS!)

Re: @Marti:

Gosh so many bugs! Thanks for the feedback.

I have been using TamperMonkey in Chromium, but the script appears to work fine under my Firefox 28 too, so I could not have detected these myself! (Greasemonkey nightly 2014/04/16) (My Firefox is sick; she hangs for 4 minutes shortly after startup. I only have 20 extensions and 150 tabs open, so I dunno what's up.)

  • @version DONE
  • @grant GM_addStyle DONE (really, I have to do this now? :P )
  • @license I'd probably choose some communist nonsense like GPL so perhaps it's better I leave it as MIT :P
  • jQuery - this is a curious one. I assumed GitHub had included $ and so I was using it too. Perhaps GM is blocking it because of page scope? GM_grrr...

I didn't have time to click through and read the Greasemonkey Wiki. If you think @version (and other tags) are very important then perhaps they should also be featured in the left-hand column.

I'd really like computers to do more work, and me to do less, so I wish everything would just work without needing 20 @ tags in the header! Cheers!

"GreaseMonkey will be updated after you restart Firefox." I feel I'm going to regret this...

I see the toolbar when writing a new post, but it would be great if it was also available when I click to edit an existing post.

I tried this in TamperMonkey on Chrome. I got strange black blobs above the buttons with dropdown menus (the h# and the pin icon).

Otherwise it seemed to be working after some simple testing.