boognishMANG User

Hey there!

Nice script! Or, at least I think so based on a quick glance and the concept but I don't know for sure because the premium service I use, Real Debrid, isn't supported as far as I can tell (and efforts to alter the script code to accommodate it, rather expectedly, failed).

That said, what is the feasibility of integrating RD support? I'm sure, as is the case with most scripts and their author(s), that your script was borne out of personal need and the scope of it understandably limited to application/solving the desired/relevant task and nothing further (why would it, when extra service support only increases the chance of breakage and unnecessary complexity, i.e., problems?).

That said, I could be wrong but I'm reasonably sure I'm not when I say that by a large margin, RD is the most widely used, popular premium service of File Host aggregators/helpers (I've never heard of the term OCH in this context, but if the shoe fits...).

So, whether integrating Real Debrid support or simply forking this script and creating a second that does would likely see heavy use; again, recognizing that you probably created it for personal use, this may or may not be appealing to you but I imagine some part of any programmer or scriptwriter etc likes to see their work go on to enjoy wide adoption.

Anyway no hard feelings if this is outside the scope or not of interest but I had to at least try. I'll also post this on Greasyfork, in case you check one more than the other.

Thanks for your time and consideration!


Your script looks very useful however I seem to be having some trouble. I changed "link_name':'My Directory Link 1', 'link':'file:///Path/To/My/Directory/" to reflect my own, first trying with the root directory and moving onto my Home directory nd then an individual directory within my Pictures directory, none of which worked. I still get the standard view. Although, I only changed the last past of your example by adding my own "Path-To", I left everything else as is bc I figured not much else mattered aside from the path-to bit...

I also noticed further down something that said ext2, ext3 while my FS is BTRFS so I'm not sure if maybe that's the issue, that BTRFS isn't supported? Either way, I tried adding it to that section but no changes were seen. I still have the standard and frankly useless index view.

Here's hoping you can shed some light.

PS - if it isn't clear from some of the above context, I run Linux as my OS. Specifically an Arch-based distro called Garuda Linux that, as mentioned, uses BTRFS as its file system