Pdubbs User

Hi Alto, thanks for the quick response, I was able to leave the beta and the original version works again.

I would be happy to support the project, would be a shame to see it end with this new website update, I am quite happy that I haven't had to fiddle around with the current grease monkey script and it has just worked for the last few years. I would think that if this new website update was addressed, it could work for many more years without too much work on your end.

enjoy the vacay

The one you click to update the colors on movies you've made changes to. It was in the my lists page. IMDB made a new wesbite, and I accepted to try out the beta (wanted to see what they have ruined next). Now that link button is gone. all my previous movies are still showing up in their proper colours, just not anything since my last button update.

hopefully this is not the end for this wonderful little extension!