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If players are in vacation and inactive status OGLight only shows vacation in galaxy view.
For flight time calculation it is necessary though to see if vacation players are also inactive or not.
Otherwise it is impossible to count inactive systems correctly.
Please show V and i/I.
Understood thanks. Will close this thread since its not an issue.
Ok, this probably was the reason. Thanks
I checked and updated the german lang data.
If you like you can use the new list.
The following entries were updated:
fleetLimiter (used twice in the list. First one can be deleted.)
New list: = { ship: "Schiffe", item: "Item", other: "Sonstiges", resource: "Ressourcen", battle: "Kampf", blackhole: "Schwarzes Loch", early: "Verfrühung", late: "Verspätung", trader: "Händler", nothing: "Nichts", pirate: "Piraten", alien: "Aliens", duration: "Dauer", defaultShip: "Standard Schiff", defaultMission: "Standard Mission", useClientTime: "Nutze Clientzeit", displayMiniStats: "Zeige Statistik Bereich", displaySpyTable: "Zeige Spionagetabelle", displayPlanetTimers: "Zeige Planetentimer", disablePlanetTooltips: "Deaktiviere Planetenmenü Tooltip", showMenuResources: "Planeten Menü-Anordnung", reduceLargeImages: "Klappe große Bilder zu", ignoreExpeShips: "Ignoriere Schiffsfunde in Expeditionen", ignoreExpeShipsLoss: "Ignoriere Flottenverluste in Expeditionen", ignoreConsumption: "Ignoriere Treibstoffverbrauch", resourceTreshold: "Ressourcen Grenzwert", tooltipDelay: "Tooltip Verzögerung (ms)", galaxyUp: "Nächste Galaxie", galaxyDown: "Vorherige Galaxie", galaxyLeft: "Vorheriges System", galaxyRight: "Nächstes System", previousPlanet: "Vorheriger Planet", nextPlanet: "Nächster Planet", nextPinnedPosition: "Nächste angepinnte Position", fleetRepeat: "Wiederhole letzte Flotte", fleetSelectAll: "<div>Wähle alle Schiffe (flotte1)<hr>Wähle alle Ressourcen (flotte2)</div>", expeditionSC: "Kleiner Transporter Expedition", expeditionLC: "Großer Transporter Expedition", expeditionPF: "Pathfinder Expedition", galaxySpySystem: "System Spionage", collectLinked: "Sammle zu verlinktem Planet/Mond", keyboardActions: "Tastatureinstellungen", expeditionValue: "Expedition Maximalwert", expeditionValueTT: "Benutzerdefinierter Maximalwert für Expeditionen.<br> Setze ihn auf <b>0</b> um berechnete Werte zu verwenden.", expeditionBigShips: "Erlaubtes größtes Schiff", expeditionRandomSystem: "Zufälliges System", expeditionShipRatio: "Schiffsfund Wert(%)", fleetLimiter: "Flottenbegrenzer", fleetLimiterTT: "Wähle die Anzahl an Schiffen / Ressourcen die auf dem Planeten bleiben sollen", menu: "OGLight Einstellungen", quickRaid: "Schnell-Angriff", attackNext: "Attackiere nächsten Planeten", autoCleanReports: "Automatische Spionagebericht-Bereinigung", noCurrentPin: "Fehler: Kein angepinntes Ziel", backFirstFleet: "Ziehe erste Flotte zurück", backLastFleet: "Ziehe letzte Flotte zurück", fleetReverseAll: "Auswahl umkehren", fleetResourcesSplit: "Teile Schiffe/Ressourcen", manageData: "Verwalte OGLight Daten", profileButton: "Profil Maximalwerte", limiters: "Maximalwerte", expeditionRedirect: "Zum nächsten Planet/Mond weiterleiten", playerProfile: "Spielerprofil", topReportDetails: "Informationen oberster Bericht", reportFound: "oberster Bericht", discovery: "Sende Erkundung", collectResources: "Ressourcen zusammenziehen", accountSummary: "Accountzusammenfassung", stats: "Statistiken", taggedPlanets: "Getaggte Planeten", pinnedPlayers: "Angepinnte Spieler", oglSettings: "OGLight Einstellungen", coffee: "Unterstütze mich", syncEmpire: "Synchronisiere Imperiumsdaten", repeatQueue: "Wiederhole Anzahl in neuer Schleife X mal.<br>Diese Option kann etwas dauern.", spyPlanet: "Spioniere diesen Planeten", spyMoon: "Spioniere diesen Mond", resourceLimiter: "Subtrahiere Anzahl der Ressourcen die im Profilmaximalwert definiert sind.", fleetLimiter: "Subtrahiere Anzahl der Schiffe die im Profilmaximalwert definiert sind.", forceKeepCapacity: "Genügend Ladekapazität zurückhalten, um Rohstoffe zu transportieren (hat Priorität über definierten Grenzwerten)", forceIgnoreFood: "Ignoriere Nahrung (hat Priorität über definierten Grenzwerten)", resetStats: "Setze Statistik zurück", resetTaggedPlanets: "Setze getaggte Planeten zurück", resetPinnedPlayers: "Setze angepinnte Spieler zurück", resetAll: "Setze alle Daten zurück", resetStatsLong: "Möchtest du wirklich die OGL Daten zurücksetzen?", resetTaggedPlanetsLong: "Möchtest du wirklich die getaggten Planeten zurücksetzen?", resetPinnedPlayersLong: "Möchtest du wirklich die Spielerdaten zurücksetzen?", resetAllLong: "Möchtest du wirklich alle OGL Daten zurücksetzen?", reportBlackhole: "Melde schwarzes Loch", reportBlackholeLong: "Möchtest du dieses Schwarze Loch wirklich hinzufügen?", emptyPlayerList: "Es ist kein Spieler in der Liste", debugMode: "Debug Modus", sim: "Kampfsimulator", siblingPlanetMoon: "Verknüpfter Planet / Mond", oglMessageDone: "Diese Nachricht wurde von OGLight gelesen", boardTab: "Zeige Forum Neuigkeiten an", msu: "Metall Standardeinheit (MSE)", notifyNoProbe: "Funktion deaktiviert :(", shortcutsOnRight: "Zeige Kurzmenü unter Planeten", ptreTeamKey: "PTRE Team Key", ptreLogs: "Zeige PTRE Fehler", ptreActivityImported: "Aktivität zu PTRE importiert", ptreActivityAlreadyImported: "Aktivität bereits im PTRE", ptreSyncTarget: "Synchronisiere mit PTRE", ptreManageTarget: "Verwalte auf PTRE" },
syncEmpire: "Synchronisiere Imperiumsdatne",
should be
syncEmpire: "Synchronisiere Imperiumsdaten",
didnt know that code is parsed :D
Here is the element
<time class="value tooltip" datetime="PT5H" title="">5h 21m 25s</time>
I noticed that the build time is not updated correctly. It always takes a few minutes.
For example when I want to build Nani 7 it takes 5h46m with RF12.
After upgrading to RF13 Nani 7 only takes 5h21m but the OGL duration still shows the old time.
Here is an example of the HTML element. The datetime attribute is already updated to 5h with RF14 but the shown duration is still 5h21m
5h 21m 25s
Just happened again.
Only had the main tab and the empire tab open.
Had the same ToDo for 6 planets. (Met35)
At 5 planets the ressources have arrived. The sixth were still on the way.
When I wanted to start the buildings the ToDos were all gone.
Except one other planet which had different ToDos.
If I remember correctly it was the same with the earlier issues. I had the same ToDos for the affected planets.
normally not but i dont remember if it was the case when it happened. Maybe..
I wasn´t able to recreate the issue since then.
When switching from Spy Tab in messages to Transport tab the OGL spy table is still shown.
It does not happen with the other tabs. Only when switching to transport. With the next switch to a different tab is gets hidden.
So it only happens from Spy -> Transport
Just tried again and it was not the reason..
But this happens on a regualar basis.
I am experiencing a problem with the ToDo feature for distributing and building.
Probably since the last update the saved ToDos are deleted wihtout the buildings being built.
The issue just occured and it seems to come from other ToDos that are successfully built and get deleted.
This is what just happened:
Not an issue, just a proposal.
I think it would be nice if the homesys would be excluded from the expeditions if a range is defined.
If there is no range the expos can obviously use the homesys.
This would reduce the deviation of the returning fleets.
Otherwise one is always back early.
Maybe add a checkbox to enable this feature.
I am experiencing a problem with the randomized target expedition system.
I have a planet which is close to 499. My random system count is high enough so that the random system can be higher than 499. In this case I have to change coors manually because I can´t hit send.
The results should be limited to 499 or in a donut universe if its higher than 499 simply deduct 499 so the expedition will go to system number 2 for example.
My system is 497
Random system is set to 7
I know I can easily fix the problem by reducing the random number but I think it should still be solved.