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// ==UserScript== // @name Pinterest - Remove Unwanted Pins // @namespace valacar.pinterest.remove-picked-for-you // @author valacar // @version 0.8.5 // @description Remove unwanted pins on Pinterest, like Promoted pins, Product pins, and Ideas for you. // @include https://*.pinterest.tld/* // @exclude /^https://(help|blog|about|buisness|developers|engineering|careers|policy|offsite)\.pinterest/ // @grant none // @noframes // @license MIT // @compatible firefox Firefox // @compatible chrome Chrome // ==/UserScript== (function() { "use strict"; const DEBUGGING = 0; // allow debugging keys without logging messages const ENABLE_KEYS = 0; // r = reveal (unhide), s = search (find and hide) const badStoryType = [ "real_time_boards", // ideas for you "BUBBLE_TRAY_CAROUSEL", // ideas you might love "PINART_INTEREST", // topics for you "single_column_recommended_board", "recommended_searches" // searches to try ]; const badStoryTypeSet = new Set(badStoryType); const hidePinClass = "unwanted"; let cachedHandler; let cachedGrid; /* ---------------------------- */ function appendStyle(cssString) { const parent = document.head || document.documentElement; if (parent) { const style = document.createElement("style"); style.setAttribute("type", "text/css"); style.textContent = cssString; parent.appendChild(style); } } appendStyle(`.${hidePinClass} { visibility: hidden !important; }`); const debugLog = DEBUGGING ? console.log.bind(console, "[unwanted]") : function() {}; function isPromotedPin(data, pin) { let result = (data.is_promoted && data.is_promoted === true) || data.promoter || pin.querySelector('[data-test-id="oneTapPromotedPin"]'); if (result) debugLog("--- removed PROMOTED pin:", data.domain); return result; } function isIdeaPin(data) { let result = data.type && data.type === "story" && badStoryTypeSet.has(data.story_type); if (result) { debugLog("--- removed IDEAS/TOPIC for you pin", data.story_type); } return result; } function isCommercePin(data) { let result = (data.shopping_flags && data.shopping_flags.length > 0) || data.buyable_product; if (result) { debugLog("--- removed COMMERCE pin:", data.domain, data.buyable_product ? "(buyable)" : ""); } return result; } function getEventHandler(pin) { return Object.keys(pin).find( prop => prop.startsWith("__reactEventHandlers") ); } function getPinData(pin) { let handler = cachedHandler || getEventHandler(pin); if (!handler) { debugLog("!!! can't find React event handler"); return false; } cachedHandler = handler; //debugLog("::: found react event handler", handler); let data; let target; try { if (pin.hasAttribute("data-grid-item") || pin.classList.contains("Collection-Item")) { target = pin; data = target[handler]; if (data && "id" in data) { return data; } target = pin.firstChild; if (target) { data = target[handler]; if (data && "id" in data) { return data; } } target = pin.firstChild.firstChild; if (target) { data = target[handler]; if (data && "id" in data) { return data; } data = target[handler].children[0]; if (data && "id" in data) { return data; } } } else { debugLog("!!! couldn't find [data-grid-item] or .Collection-Item"); } } catch(err) { debugLog("!!! Caught error:", err); } } function isBadPin(pin) { let data = getPinData(pin); if (!data) return false; if (isCommercePin(data) || isPromotedPin(data, pin) || isIdeaPin(data) ) { return true; } } function modifyBadPin(pin) { if (isBadPin(pin)) { pin.classList.add(hidePinClass); } } function processPins(pins) { debugLog("::: Processing", pins.length, "pins"); for (let i = 0, len = pins.length; i < len; ++i) { modifyBadPin(pins[i]); } } function findGrid() { if (cachedGrid && cachedGrid.isConnected) { return cachedGrid; } const gridItems = document.querySelectorAll("[data-grid-item], .Collection-Item"); if (!gridItems.length) { debugLog("!!! Can't find [data-grid-item] or .Collection-Item"); return null; } const gridItemParent = gridItems[0].parentNode; if (gridItemParent) { debugLog("### Found grid:", gridItemParent); cachedGrid = gridItemParent; processPins(gridItems); return gridItemParent; } } function searchAndDestroy() { debugLog(">>> searching and destroying"); const grid = findGrid(); if (grid) { const gridItems = grid.querySelectorAll("[data-grid-item], .Collection-Item"); processPins(gridItems); } } function mutationCallback(mutations) { findGrid(); for (let mutation of mutations) { for (let i = 0, len = mutation.addedNodes.length; i < len; ++i) { let added = mutation.addedNodes[i]; if (added.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { if (added.hasAttribute("data-grid-item") || added.classList.contains("Collection-Item")) { modifyBadPin(added); } } } } } // Simplify creating a Mutation Observer (from document root) function createObserver(target, callbackFunction, rules) { let targetElement; if (typeof target === "string") { targetElement = document.querySelector(target); } else { // XXX: assume it's an element for now targetElement = target; debugLog(targetElement); } if (targetElement) { const observer = new MutationObserver(callbackFunction); observer.observe(targetElement, rules); debugLog("::: Observer created for", target); } else { debugLog("::: Couldn't create observer for", target); } } if (DEBUGGING || ENABLE_KEYS) { window.addEventListener("keydown", function(event) { if (event.defaultPrevented || /(input|textarea)/i.test(document.activeElement.nodeName) || document.activeElement.matches('[role="textarea"]') || document.activeElement.matches('[role="textbox"]') ) { return; } switch (event.key) { case "s": // find grid and hide unwanted pins searchAndDestroy(); debugLog("::: Search and destroy!"); break; case "r": // temporary restore hidden pins document .querySelectorAll(`.${hidePinClass}`) .forEach(pin => { pin.classList.remove(hidePinClass); }); break; default: return; } event.preventDefault(); }, true ); } window.addEventListener("load", () => { createObserver(".mainContainer", mutationCallback, { childList: true, subtree: true }); searchAndDestroy(); }); window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => { searchAndDestroy(); }); })();