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// ==UserScript== // @name Custom Message Tones // @namespace PXgamer // @version 0.5 // @description Adds options to load in custom tones when a message is received. // @author PXgamer // @include ** // @grant none // ==/UserScript== (function() { var AUDIO_FILE = ""; // URL of audio file (MP3, WAV, OGG) var AUDIO_LENGTH = 5000; // Length in Ticks // Do Not Edit Below Here var acMethod = jQuery.fn.addClass; var audio1; jQuery.fn.addClass = function() { var result = acMethod.apply(this, arguments); jQuery(this).trigger('cssClassChanged'); return result; }; $('body').append('<span id="chatMsgHandler"></span>'); $('#chatMsgHandler').css('display', 'none'); $(document).on('cssClassChanged', function() { var msgBarElem = $('.chat-bar-new'); if (msgBarElem.length > 0) {; setTimeout(function() { audio1.pause(); audio1.currentTime = 0; }, AUDIO_LENGTH); } }); var audioTypes = { "mp3": "audio/mpeg", "ogg": "audio/ogg", "wav": "audio/wav" }; function pxS(sound) { var audio_element = document.createElement('audio'); if (audio_element.canPlayType) { for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source_element = document.createElement('source'); source_element.setAttribute('src', arguments[i]); if (arguments[i].match(/\.(\w+)$/i)) { source_element.setAttribute('type', audioTypes[RegExp.$1]); } audio_element.appendChild(source_element); } audio_element.load(); audio_element.pFunc = function() { audio_element.pause(); audio_element.currentTime = 0;; }; return audio_element; } } audio1 = pxS(AUDIO_FILE); })();