pietro.giucastro / Inspector&Editor

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Inspector&Editor
// @namespace    http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version      1.3.0
// @description  This script makes your html programming easier and faster! Hold Alt and move the mouse to access the script's functions. It provides 4 features: "Inspect Box": Inspect the selected DOM element. Modify the inspect box's text and press Shift+enter to apply the changes. "Console box": an alternative Javascript Console with Jquery already installed. The inspected element is saved under the name of "selected", and can be used in the console box. Use the log() function to log something. E.g. log('hello'); , log(selected);. Press Shift+Enter to apply to evaluate the function; "Css Shortcut Box": This box can apply fast css changes to the selected element. Just type in the console box the css propery name, and press the "+" button. (e.g. "background-color"); this will create a css box for background-color settings. Type in the css box the value (e.g. "red") and press Shift+Enter to apply the changes. Delete elements: you can also easily delete the selected DOM element by pressing Alt+Backspace.
// @author       Speep pietrogiucastro@alice.it
// @match        */*
// @grant        none
// @require      http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.js
// ==/UserScript==
/* jshint -W097 */
'use strict';

// Your code here...
$('head').append("<style> .inspect_selector_ { border: 1px solid black !important; background-color: rgba(0,100,255,0.2) !important; }</style>");

$('head').append("<style> .inspect_style_  { position:relative; }</style>");
$('head').append("<style> .console_style_  { position:relative; }</style>");
$('head').append("<style> .log_style_      { position:relative; margin-bottom:5px; }</style>");
$('head').append("<style> .shortcut_style_ { position:relative; width:24px; line-height:24px; background-color:rgba(50,50,50,0.8); color:white; padding:0px; border-radius:5px; border:0px; margin-left:5px; }</style>");
$('head').append("<style> .css_input_      { position:relative; }</style>");

$('head').append("<style> .log_box_html         { padding-left:5px; color:#fff !important; resize:none; width:500px; margin-left:1px; border-radius:3px; resize:vertical; font-size:13px; line-height:25px; word-wrap:break-word; }</style>");
$('head').append("<style> .console_box_textarea { padding-left:5px; color:#fff !important; resize:none; width:470px; border-radius:3px; resize:vertical; font-size:13px; word-wrap:break-word; float:left; margin-bottom:3px; }</style>");
$('head').append("<style> .inspect_box_textarea { padding-left:5px; color:#fff !important; resize:none; width:500px; border-radius:3px; resize:vertical; font-size:13px; word-wrap:break-word; }</style>");
$('head').append("<style> .css_box_textarea     { padding-left:5px; color:#fff !important; resize:none; width:485px; border-radius:3px; resize:vertical; font-size:13px; word-wrap:break-word; height:20px; }</style>");

$('head').append("<style> .box_container_ { position:fixed; bottom:10px; right:20px; z-index:1000000000000000000000; }</style>");

$('body').append("<div class='box_container_'></div>");

$('.box_container_').append("<div id = 'inspect_box' class='inspect_style_'><textarea class='inspect_box_textarea' style='background-color:rgba(50,50,50,0.6) !important;'></textarea></div>");
$('.box_container_').append("<div id = 'log_box' class='log_style_'><xmp class='log_box_html' style='background-color:rgba(255,0,0, 0.5) !important;'></xmp></div>");
$('.box_container_').append("<div id = 'console_box' class='console_style_'><textarea class='console_box_textarea' placeholder='console' style='background-color:rgba(100,30,0,0.6) !important;'></textarea></div>");
$('.box_container_').append("<button id = 'shortcut_button' class='shortcut_style_' type='button'>+</button>");

setHeight($('#console_box textarea'));

var key = false;
var selected;
var map = [];
$('#inspect_box, #log_box, #console_box, #shortcut_button').hide();
var err_iter = 0;
var hover_iter = 0;
var fadeTimeout;
var hover_interval;

    if (e.which == 8) map[e.keyCode] = e.type == 'keydown';
    else if (e.which == 18) key = true;

    var canDelete = !(e.target == $('#inspect_box textarea')[0] ||
                      e.target == $('#console_box textarea')[0]);

    if (key && map[8] && canDelete ) deleteSelected();


    if (e.which == 18) key = false;
    else if (e.which == 8 || e.which == 16 || e.which == 13) {
        map[e.keyCode] = e.type == 'keydown';


    var css_value = $('#console_box textarea').val();
    if (!css_value) {fadeFunction('You must type in the console box the css property name!\n(e.g. "background-color")', 'err'); return;}
    $('#console_box textarea').val('');
    var tmp_css_input = $("<div class='css_input_'><textarea class='css_box_textarea' style='background-color:rgba(0,30,100,0.6) !important;' placeholder='"+css_value+"' data-css='"+css_value+"'></textarea><div class ='remove_btn_'  style='position:relative; margin-top:-2px; float:right; cursor:pointer;'>x</div></div>")[0];
    $(tmp_css_input).mousemove(function(e){ if (key) return false;}).click(function(){return false;}).keydown(function(e){

        if (e.which == 16 || e.which == 13) {
            map[e.keyCode] = e.type == 'keydown';
        if (map[16] && map[13]) {
            var css_text = $(this).find('textarea').data('css');
            var css_value = $(this).find('textarea').val();
            setElement(css_text, css_value);
            return false;


    $(tmp_css_input).find('.remove_btn_').click(function() {
        return false;

    $('body').click(function() { $('.css_input_').hide(); });

$('#inspect_box textarea').keydown(function(e){
    if (e.which == 16 || e.which == 13) {
        map[e.keyCode] = e.type == 'keydown';
    if (map[16] && map[13]) {setElement(); return false;}

$('#console_box textarea').keydown(function(e){
    if (e.which == 16 || e.which == 13) {
        map[e.keyCode] = e.type == 'keydown';
    if (map[16] && map[13]) {evaluate($(this).val()); return false;}

    logHover('in', 0.80);
    logHover('out', 0.50);

    if (!key) return;
    else $('#inspect_box, #console_box, #shortcut_button, .css_input_').show();
    var text = $(e.target).clone().html('').wrap('<div/>').parent().html();
    if (selected != e.target){
        selected = e.target;
        $('#inspect_box textarea').val(text);
        setHeight($('#inspect_box textarea'));
}).find('#inspect_box, #console_box, #log_box, #shortcut_button, .box_container_').mousemove(function(e){ if (key) return false;});

$('body').click(function(e){$('#inspect_box, #console_box, #shortcut_button').hide(); $(selected).removeClass('inspect_selector_');}).find('#inspect_box, #console_box, #log_box, #shortcut_button, .css_input_').click(function(e){return false;});

function setElement(css_text, css_value) {
    try {
        var html_content = $(selected).html();
        var new_element = $($('#inspect_box textarea').val())[0];
        if (css_text && css_value) new_element = $(new_element).css(css_text, css_value)[0];
        selected = new_element;
        if (!($(new_element).html())) selected = ($(new_element).html(html_content))[0];
    catch(e) {
        var interval = setInterval(function(){
            var red = Math.floor(50+Math.sin(err_iter)*50);
            var gb = Math.floor(50-Math.sin(err_iter)*50);
            var alpha = 0.6+Math.sin(err_iter)*0.15;
            $('#inspect_box textarea').css('background-color', 'rgba('+red+','+gb+','+gb+','+alpha+')');
            if (err_iter>3.14) {
                err_iter = 0;
                $('#inspect_box textarea').css('background-color', 'rgba(50,50,50,0.6)');

function evaluate(js_evaluation_inner_text) {
    try {
        try {if ($(js_evaluation_inner_text).length) {fadeFunction('can\'t write dom elements here!', 'err'); return;}} //this try prevent from errors given by functions (log()) inside $ brackets.
        catch(e) {
    catch(e) {fadeFunction(e, 'err')}

function logHover(str, target) {

    var bgcolor = $('#log_box xmp').css('background-color');
    var std_alpha = Math.round(parseFloat(bgcolor.split(',')[3].replace(')','').trim())*100)/100;

    var sign = str=='in'? 1:-1;

    var str_bg = $('#log_box xmp').css('background-color').split(',')[0]
    +','+$('#log_box xmp').css('background-color').split(',')[1]
    +','+$('#log_box xmp').css('background-color').split(',')[2]+',';

    hover_interval = setInterval(function(){
        var alpha = Math.round(parseFloat(std_alpha + sign*Math.sin(hover_iter)*Math.abs(target - std_alpha))*100)/100;
        if (hover_iter >= 1.57) { $('#log_box xmp').css('background-color', str_bg+' '+target+')'); hover_iter = 0; clearInterval(hover_interval); }
        else {
            $('#log_box xmp').css('background-color', str_bg+' '+alpha+')');
    }, 5);


function fadeFunction(e_text, type) {
    if (type=='err') $('#log_box xmp').css('background-color', 'rgba(255,0,0,0.5');
    else if (type=='log') $('#log_box xmp').css('background-color', 'rgba(0,100,30,0.5');
    fadeTimeout = setTimeout(function() {$('#log_box').fadeOut('fast')}, 2000);

function clearFadeTime() {

function deleteSelected() {
    selected = undefined;
    $('#inspect_box textarea').html('');

function log(text) {
    if (!text) {fadeFunction ('undefined', 'err'); return;}
    if (text instanceof HTMLElement || text[0] instanceof HTMLElement) {text = $(text).clone().html('').wrap('<div/>').parent().html();}
    else if (text == []) text = 'null';
    fadeFunction(text, 'log');

function setHeight(e) {
    var newHeight = Math.min(e[0].scrollHeight, 400);

function refreshSelected() {
    var new_text = $(selected).clone().html('').wrap('<div/>').parent().html();
    $('#inspect_box textarea').val(new_text);
    setHeight($('#inspect_box textarea'));   