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// ==UserScript== // @name Drrr YT queue // @namespace // @version 1.4.2 // @description Play YT links on with a queue // @author Ms.Roboto // @match* // @homepageURL // @supportURL // @icon  // @grant none // @license MIT // ==/UserScript== const $ = window.$; class Queue { constructor() { this.API_TOKEN = "YOUR_API_TOKEN_HERE"; this.API_CONVERT_URL = ""; this.API_SEARCH_URL = ""; this.CMD_CSS = "textarea.form-control"; this.SUBMIT_CSS = ".room-submit-btn"; this.q = Array(200).fill(null); this.timeoutID = []; this.pos = 0; this.elemN = 0; this.isRepeat = false; this.roomName = ''; this.hook(); } // Hook DOM events hook() { // Disable default behaviour $('input.btn').off(); // Add new behaviour $('input.btn').click( (e) => { const name = $('#form-room-music-name')[0].value; const url = $('#form-room-music-url')[0].value; if(/youtube|youtu\.be/.test(url)) { this.add(url, name||'default', true); } else if(url != '') { this.addMP3(name, url, true); } else if(name != '') { this.addName(name, true); } // Close the music div $('.icon-music').click(); // Focus on the comment box $('[name=message]')[0].focus(); }); // Add input behaviour $('#form-room-music-url') .on( 'input', () => this.inputCallback() ); $('#form-room-music-name').on( 'input', () => this.inputCallback() ); // Focus on the comment box after clicking a button on a modal window $('.confirm').click( () => $('[name=message]')[0].focus() ); } // Show youtube video loading text showLoading() { this.roomName = $('.room-title-name')[0].textContent; $('.room-title-name')[0].textContent += ' (YT LOADING)'; } // Hide youtube video loading text hideLoading() { $('.room-title-name')[0].textContent = this.roomName; } // Callback for url and track name boxes input inputCallback() { const name = $('#form-room-music-name')[0].value; const url = $('#form-room-music-url')[0].value; if(/youtube|youtu\.be/.test(url)) { if(name) { this.setNameAddon(); } else { this.setNameAddon(' '); } this.setURLAddon('YT LINK: '); } else if(name != '' && url == '') { this.setNameAddon('YT SEARCH: '); this.setURLAddon(' '); } else { this.setNameAddon(); this.setURLAddon(); } } // Set the text of the left part of the track name input setNameAddon(text='Sound name: ') { $('div.input-group:nth-child(1) > span:nth-child(1)')[0].textContent = text; } // Set the text of the left part of the track url input setURLAddon(text='URL: ') { $('div.input-group-sm:nth-child(2) > span:nth-child(1)')[0].textContent = text; } // Check if a track is currently playing checkIfPlaying() { return $('').length != 0; } // Add a youtube url to the queue add(id, name='default', playOnReady=false) { // Change urls into urls if(/youtu\.be/.test(id)) { const parts = id.split('/'); id = '' + parts[parts.length-1]; } // Check if the youtube id is already on the queue for(let i = 0; i < this.elemN; i++) { if(this.q[i].yt_id == id) { console.log('Playing url from queue.\n'); this.pos = i;; return; } } // Else get the id const url = this.API_CONVERT_URL + "?api_token=" + this.API_TOKEN + "&url=" + id; this.showLoading(); $.post(url).then( json => { console.log(json); if(!json.file) { console.log(id + " failure"); alert('Error: ' + json.message); } else { console.log(id + " added to queue"); this.q[this.elemN] = {file: json.file, title: name == 'default' ? (json.alt_title||json.title) : name, duration: json.duration, yt_id: id}; this.elemN++; if(playOnReady) { this.playLast(); } } this.hideLoading(); }) .fail( err => { console.log('fail', err); this.hideLoading(); alert('Error: Couldnt load video.\n Maybe the video is over 5 mins, otherwise try again.'); }); } // Search a youtube track by name addName(query, playOnReady=false) { const url = this.API_SEARCH_URL + "?api_token=" + this.API_TOKEN + "&q=" + query + "&max_results=10"; console.log("Searching " + query); $.get(url).then( json => { if(!json.error) { console.log("Results:"); console.log(json.results); if(json.results.length == 0) { alert('YT Search: No results.'); } else { console.log('Adding', json.results[0], 'to the queue'); this.add("" + json.results[0].id, 'default', true); } } else { console.log("addName - error", json); alert('YT Search error'); } }); } // Add a track by mp3 file addMP3(name, url, playOnReady=false) { this.q[this.elemN] = {file: url, title: name, duration: 1000}; this.elemN++; if(playOnReady) { this.playLast(); } } // Play the current track in the queue play() { if(this.q[this.pos] == null) { if(this.isRepeat && this.elemN > 0) { this.pos = 0; return; } else { return null; } } else { let yn = true; if( this.checkIfPlaying() ) { yn = confirm('There is a song playing already, do you want to wait until it ends?\n(Otherwise it will be cut.)'); yn = !yn; $('[name=message]')[0].focus(); } if(yn) { const elem = this.q[this.pos]; this.pos++; $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: '', data: 'message=%2Fshare+'+elem.file+' '+elem.title+'&url=&to=' }) //const cmd = "/share " + elem.file + " " + elem.title; //$(this.CMD_CSS)[0].value = cmd; //$(this.SUBMIT_CSS).click(); return elem.duration; } else { this.playWhenDone(); } } } // Play the last track on the queue when the current one is over playWhenDone() { window.Howler._howls[window.Howler._howls.length - 1]._onend.push({ fn: () => { console.log('This song has ended.'); setTimeout( () => this.playLast(), 1000 ); } }); window.Howler._howls[window.Howler._howls.length - 1]._onstop.push({ fn: () => { console.log('This song was cut.'); } }); } // Play the last track on the queue playLast() { this.pos = this.elemN-1;; } // Run one track after another run() { const duration =; if(duration != null) { this.timeoutID.push(setTimeout( () =>, duration*1000 + 2000 )); } } // Stop run() stop() { this.timeoutID.forEach( id => clearTimeout(id) ); console.log("Queue stopped."); } // Query youtube search(query) { const url = this.API_SEARCH_URL + "?api_token=" + this.API_TOKEN + "&q=" + query + "&max_results=10"; $.get(url).then( json => console.log(json) ); } // Show the items in the queue list() { for(let i = 0; i < this.elemN; i++) { const el = this.q[i]; console.log(`${i === this.pos ? '> ' : ''} ${el.title}\n`); } } } window.q = new Queue(); // Change music window's buttons window.q.inputCallback();