nishinishi9999 / Drrr YT queue


Version: 1.4.2+8d30da7 updated

Summary: Play YT links on with a queue



License: MIT


This script allows you to hold a queue you can play with youtube links which play one after another without need for intervention.
Youtube videos cant pass 5 mins of duration due to server restrictions.


The script has been updated to work with the new michaelbelgium page as of version 1.4.
To make it work you need an API token which can be configured in the following way:

  1. Go to and register.
  2. Click "CREATE TOKEN".
  3. The token will appear on the top of the page. Copy that token and open the
    userscript, then paste it on top of it where it says YOUR_API_TOKEN_HERE, then save.
  4. Thats it.


  • Play directly from YT links as well as from mp3 links
  • Play directly from song name
  • Confirmation to cut song if another is currently playing
  • Possibility of leave song to play after the previous one has ended


There are three modes:

  • When there is a youtube url on the url field: YT playing mode. It'll play the track from the video url.
  • When there is a track name but not an url: YT search mode. It'll search youtube for the first occurrence of the query and play it.
  • When there is a track name and an url: Normal mp3 playing mode.

From dev tools terminal:

  • q.add(yt url) -> Adds a youtube url
  • Wait for the "has been added message" to show up on the terminal
  • / etc

Methods (called q.method()):

  • add(yt url) - Adds a youtube url to the queue
  • addName(str) - Makes a yt search by str and adds to the queue the first result
  • addMP3(mp3 url, name) - Adds a mp3 file to the queue
  • play() - Plays the current track
  • run() - Calls play() and runs one track after another. If it runs out of tracks youll have to call it again.
  • stop() - Stops run
  • search(str) - Makes a yt search with the first 10 results
  • list() - Shows the elements in the queue

There might be some undocumented methods.

Github repo:

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