khzimmer / MastodonHelper

// ==UserScript==
// @name         MastodonHelper
// @namespace
// @version      0.4.6
// @description  Make Mastodon look nicer.
// @author       You
// @match*
// @license      BSD-3-Clause;
// @updateURL
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
  var MastodonHelperVERSION = '0.4.6';

  // Color of the normal links:

   var linkColorDark = '#74AFDA';
  var linkColorLight = '#0040A0';

  // Color of the little "NOTES" text area below the account name in the right-most column:

   var noteColorDark = '#FED579';
  var noteColorLight = '#800000';

  // Background color of private messages:

   var privColorDark = '#333846';
  var privColorLight = '#DDEEFF';

  // Color for the Publish button:

  var buttonBackgroundColor = '#000060';

  // Color for non-highlighted list rows:
   var textColorDark = '#CCCCCC';
  var textColorLight = '#000000';

  var cssForLight = 'packs/css/mastodon-light';
  // as of yet unused: var cssForContrast = 'packs/css/contrast';

  var linkColor = linkColorDark;
  var noteColor = noteColorDark;
  var privColor = privColorDark;
  var textColor = textColorDark;

  var globalColorsUnknown = true;
  function setGlobalColors ()
    if (globalColorsUnknown)
      var links = document.getElementsByTagName ("link");
      for (var i=0; i<links.length; i++)
        if (links [i].href && links [i].rel && links [i].rel == 'stylesheet')
          if (links [i].href.indexOf (cssForLight) > -1)
            // console.log('(light theme found)');

            linkColor = linkColorLight;
            noteColor = noteColorLight;
            privColor = privColorLight;
            textColor = textColorLight;

          globalColorsUnknown = false;

  function getLinkColor ()
    setGlobalColors ();
    return linkColor;

  function getNoteColor ()
    setGlobalColors ();
    return noteColor;

  function getPrivateMessageColor ()
    setGlobalColors ();
    return privColor;

  function getTextColor ()
    setGlobalColors ();
    return textColor;

  function getFirstChildWithClassName (container, className)
    var element = null;
    var elements = container.getElementsByClassName (className);
    if (elements.length > 0)
      element = elements [0];
    return element;

  function getFirstChildWithTagName (container, tagName)
    var element = null;
    var elements = container.getElementsByTagName (tagName);
    if (elements.length > 0)
      element = elements [0];
    return element;

  var observerActionsAllowed = true;
  var myQuickAccessButton = null;

  function highlightPrivateMessages (rightMostColumn, className)
    var boostButtons = document.getElementsByClassName (className);
    for (var i=0; i<boostButtons.length; i++)
      var button = boostButtons [i];
      if (getFirstChildWithClassName (button, 'fa fa-retweet fa-fw'))
        var parent = rightMostColumn
                   ? button.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode
                   : button.parentNode.parentNode; = getPrivateMessageColor ();

        var paras = parent.getElementsByTagName ('p');
        for (var j=0; j<paras.length; j++)
          paras [j].style.color = getNoteColor ();

  function colorizeTheLinks ()
    if (! observerActionsAllowed)
    observerActionsAllowed = false;

    var linkColor = getLinkColor ();
    var links = document.getElementsByTagName ("a");

    for (var i=0; i<links.length; i++)
      if (links [i].href && links [i].style && (links [i].style.color !== linkColor))
        var link = links [i];

        var className = link.className;
        if (className && (className.indexOf ('display-name') < 0) && (className.indexOf ('status__relative-time') < 0) && (link.innerHTML.indexOf ('display-name') < 0))
 = linkColor;

    var button = getFirstChildWithClassName (document, 'button logo-button button--destructive button--with-bell');
    if (button)
      if ( && ( !== buttonBackgroundColor))
      { = buttonBackgroundColor;
      button = getFirstChildWithClassName (document, 'button logo-button');
      if (button)
        if ( && ( !== buttonBackgroundColor))
 = buttonBackgroundColor;

    var backLink = getFirstChildWithClassName (document, 'column-header__back-button');
    if (! backLink)
      backLink = getFirstChildWithClassName (document, 'column-back-button');
    if (backLink)
      var span = getFirstChildWithTagName (backLink, 'span');
      if (span && && ( !== linkColor))
      { = linkColor;

    highlightPrivateMessages (false, 'status__action-bar__button icon-button disabled');
    highlightPrivateMessages (true, 'icon-button disabled');

    setTimeout(function ()
      observerActionsAllowed = true;

  var renameThePublishButtonWasDone = false;

  function renameThePublishButton ()
    if (renameThePublishButtonWasDone)

    var buttonContainer = getFirstChildWithClassName (document, 'compose-form__publish-button-wrapper');

    if (renameThePublishButtonWasDone)

    if (buttonContainer)
      renameThePublishButtonWasDone = true;

      var oldLabelText = 'Veröffentlichen!';

      if (buttonContainer.innerHTML.indexOf (oldLabelText) > -1)
        buttonContainer.innerHTML = '<button class="button button--block" title="Bei evtl. enthaltenen Bildern trage bitte vor dem Tröten eine Bildbeschreibung ein.\n\nDu ermöglichst ScreenReader Nutzenden so eine schönere und bessere Teilhabe. :)" type="submit">Trööt! &nbsp; 🐘</button>';
        var button = getFirstChildWithTagName (buttonContainer, 'button');
        if (button)
 = buttonBackgroundColor;
        console.log ('Publish button renamed successfully. :)');
        console.log ('No button with label "Veröffentlichen!" was found. Nothing was changed.');

  function getIconButtonContainer ()
    var buttonContainers = document.getElementsByClassName ('account__header__tabs__buttons');

    if (buttonContainers.length > 0)
      return buttonContainers [0];
    return null;

  function getIconButtons ()
    var iconButtons = {};
    var buttonContainer = getIconButtonContainer ();
    if (buttonContainer)
      return buttonContainer.getElementsByClassName ('icon-button');
    return iconButtons;

  function getLinkForLists ()
    var link = null;
    var menu = getFirstChildWithClassName (document, 'dropdown-menu bottom');
    if (menu)
      var items = menu.getElementsByClassName ('dropdown-menu__item');
      for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++)
        var item = items [i];
        var links = item.getElementsByTagName ('a');
        if (links.length > 0)
          var thisLink = links [0];
          if (thisLink.innerHTML == 'Hinzufügen oder Entfernen von Listen' ||
              thisLink.innerHTML == 'Add or Remove from lists' ||
              thisLink.innerHTML == 'Ajouter ou retirer des listes' ||
              thisLink.innerHTML == 'Aggiungi o togli dalle liste' ||
              thisLink.innerHTML == 'Додати або видалити зі списків' ||
              thisLink.innerHTML == 'Dodaj lub usuń z list')
            link = thisLink;
    return link;

  var listsDialog = null;

  var beautifyListsDialogIsRunning = false;
  function beautifyListsDialog ()
    if (beautifyListsDialogIsRunning || (! listsDialog))

    beautifyListsDialogIsRunning = true;
    observerActionsAllowed = false;

    var items = listsDialog.getElementsByClassName ('list__wrapper');
    for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++)
      var item = items [i];
      var rightPart= getFirstChildWithClassName (item, 'account__relationship');
      var button = getFirstChildWithTagName (rightPart, 'button');
      if (button)
        var color = (button.innerHTML.indexOf ('fa-times') > -1)
                  ? getNoteColor ()
                  : getTextColor ();
        var leftPart = getFirstChildWithClassName (item, 'list__display-name');
                var endOfI = leftPart.innerHTML.indexOf ('</i>');
                if (endOfI > -1)
                  var listName = leftPart.innerHTML.substring (endOfI+4);
                  leftPart.innerHTML = leftPart.innerHTML.substring (0, endOfI+4) + '&nbsp; ◆ &nbsp;' + listName;
                  leftPart.innerHTML = leftPart.innerHTML+' &nbsp; ◆◆◆';
*/ = color;

        var star = getFirstChildWithTagName (button, 'i');
        if (star)
 = color;

    observerActionsAllowed = true;
    beautifyListsDialogIsRunning = false;

  function checkForListsDialog ()
    var oldDlg = listsDialog;
    listsDialog = getFirstChildWithClassName (document, 'modal-root__modal list-adder');

    beautifyListsDialog ();

  setInterval (checkForListsDialog, 1000);

  function openTheListsDialog ()
    var iconButtons = getIconButtons ();

    if (iconButtons.length > 0)
      observerActionsAllowed = false;

      var menuButton = iconButtons [iconButtons.length - 1];

      // open the menu after a short while:
      setTimeout(function ()
      { ();
      250); // Note (A): We specified a short delay here to give the menu time to be shown.

      // Find the opened menu and click the menu item to open the lists dialog:
      setTimeout(function ()
        var link = getLinkForLists ();
        if (link)
      500); // Note (B): The delay specified here must be longer than the small delay specified at (A).

  var currentUserName = '?';
  var addQuickAccessButtonForListsIsRunning = false;

  function addQuickAccessButtonForLists ()
    if (addQuickAccessButtonForListsIsRunning)
    addQuickAccessButtonForListsIsRunning = true;

    var buttonContainer = getIconButtonContainer ();
    if (buttonContainer)
      var iconButtons = getIconButtons ();

      if (iconButtons.length > 0)
        var nameContainer = buttonContainer.parentNode.nextElementSibling;
        if (nameContainer)
          var classOfMyButton = 'MastodonHelper-button-for-quick-access-to-lists';

          myQuickAccessButton = getFirstChildWithClassName (nameContainer.parentNode, classOfMyButton);

          if (! myQuickAccessButton)
            var menuButton = iconButtons [iconButtons.length - 1];

            var newButton = document.createElement('button');
            newButton.setAttribute ('type', 'button');
            newButton.setAttribute ('title', 'Add or Remove from lists');
            newButton.setAttribute ('class', classOfMyButton);
            newButton.innerHTML = '&nbsp;<b>L</b>&nbsp;';

            nameContainer.parentNode.insertBefore (newButton, nameContainer);

            myQuickAccessButton = getFirstChildWithClassName (nameContainer.parentNode, classOfMyButton);

            if (myQuickAccessButton)
              myQuickAccessButton.addEventListener("click", function ()
                openTheListsDialog ();
              console.log ('Button "L" was added for opening the add to/remove from lists menu.');

          var textArea = getFirstChildWithTagName (buttonContainer.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode, 'textarea');
          if (textArea)
   = getNoteColor ();
      console.log ('Container not found, retrying in 1.5 seconds …');

      setTimeout(addQuickAccessButtonForLists (), 1500); // Note: The delay specified here must be longer than the delays specified below.

    setTimeout(function ()
      addQuickAccessButtonForListsIsRunning = false;
    1000); // Note: The delay specified here must be shorter than the delays specified above.

  var observerHasBeenSetUp = false;

  function setupObserver ()
    if (observerHasBeenSetUp)

    console.log ('Trying to setup observer for column area …');
    var columnsArea = getFirstChildWithClassName (document, 'columns-area');

    if (observerHasBeenSetUp)

    if (columnsArea)
      observerHasBeenSetUp = true;

      let observer = new MutationObserver(mutationRecords =>
        if (observerActionsAllowed)
          setTimeout(addQuickAccessButtonForLists (), 500);

                         childList: true, // observe direct children
                         subtree: true, // lower descendants too
                         characterDataOldValue: false, // do not pass old data to callback

      console.log ('Observer was set up for column area.');

  function beautifyMastodon ()
    console.log('Mastodon Helper ' + MastodonHelperVERSION + ' running …');

    setInterval (renameThePublishButton, 1400);

    setInterval (setupObserver, 2500);

    setInterval (colorizeTheLinks, 3000);

  beautifyMastodon ();