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// ==UserScript== // @name ZenDesk Comment Permalinks // @namespace holatuwol // @license 0BSD // @version 1.5 // @updateURL // @match https://** // @grant none // ==/UserScript== var styleElement = document.createElement('style'); styleElement.textContent = ` .lesa-ui-event-highlighted { background-color: #eee; } .lesa-ui-permalink { margin-bottom: 1em; } .lesa-ui-permalink > input { background-color: transparent; width: 100%; } `; document.querySelector('head').appendChild(styleElement); /** * Removes the highlight class from all comments. */ function clearHighlightedComments() { var highlightedComments = document.querySelectorAll('.lesa-ui-event-highlighted'); for (var i = 0; i < highlightedComments.length; i++) { highlightedComments[i].classList.remove('lesa-ui-event-highlighted'); } } /** * Scroll to a specific comment if its comment ID is included in a * query string parameter. */ var integerRegex = /^[0-9]*$/ function highlightComment(commentId, event) { if (!commentId && ! { clearHighlightedComments(); return; } if (!commentId && &&'?comment=') == 0) { commentId =; var pos = commentId.indexOf('&'); if (pos != -1) { commentId = commentId.substring(0, pos); } } if (!commentId || !integerRegex.test(commentId)) { return; } var comment = document.querySelector('div[data-comment-id="' + commentId + '"]'); if (!comment) { return; } var event = comment.closest('.event'); if (event.classList.contains('lesa-ui-event-highlighted')) { return; } var commentURL = 'https://' + + document.location.pathname + '?comment=' + commentId; history.pushState({path: commentURL}, '', commentURL); clearHighlightedComments(); event.classList.add('lesa-ui-event-highlighted'); event.scrollIntoView(); } /** * Creates a self-highlighting input field. */ function createPermaLinkInputField(permalinkHREF) { var permalink = document.createElement('input'); permalink.value = permalinkHREF; permalink.onclick = function() { this.setSelectionRange(0, this.value.length); }; return permalink; } /** * Add the comment ID as a query string parameter to function as a * pseudo permalink (since this script scrolls to it). */ function addPermaLinks(ticketId, ticketInfo, conversation) { var permalinks = conversation.querySelectorAll('div[data-comment-id] div.lesa-ui-permalink'); if (permalinks.length > 0) { return; } var comments = conversation.querySelectorAll('div[data-comment-id]'); for (var i = 0; i < comments.length; i++) { var commentId = comments[i].getAttribute('data-comment-id'); var permalinkContainer = document.createElement('div'); permalinkContainer.classList.add('lesa-ui-permalink'); var permalinkHREF = 'https://' + + document.location.pathname + '?comment=' + commentId; var permalink = createPermaLinkInputField(permalinkHREF); permalinkContainer.appendChild(permalink); var commentHeader = comments[i].querySelector('.content .header'); commentHeader.appendChild(permalinkContainer); } } /** * Attempt to bypass the single page application framework used by * ZenDesk and force a page reload. */ function skipSinglePageApplication(href) { document.location.href = href; return false; } /** * If it's a regular ZenDesk link, fix it by making the anchor's onclick * event scroll to the comment (if applicable). */ function fixZenDeskLink(anchor) { var href = anchor.href; var x = href.indexOf('/tickets/'); if (x == -1) { return; } var y = href.indexOf('?comment='); if (y == -1) { return; } anchor.removeAttribute('href'); if (href.substring(x + 9, y) == ticketId) { var commentId = href.substring(y + 9); anchor.onclick = highlightComment.bind(null, commentId); } else { var commentURL = 'https://' + + '/agent' + href.substring(x); anchor.onclick = skipSinglePageApplication.bind(null, commentURL); } } /** * Detect any existing permalinks on the page, and make them open in * a new tab (if they are an existing ticket) or auto-scroll. */ function fixPermaLinkAnchors(ticketId, ticketInfo, conversation) { var permalinks = conversation.querySelectorAll('div[data-comment-id] div.lesa-ui-permalink'); if (permalinks.length > 0) { return; } var anchors = conversation.querySelectorAll('a'); for (var i = 0; i < anchors.length; i++) { var anchor = anchors[i]; fixZenDeskLink(anchor); } } /** * Since there's an SPA framework in place that I don't fully understand, attempt to * apply updates once per second, once we have the ticket information. */ function checkForConversations() { var ticketPath = '/agent/tickets/'; if (document.location.pathname.indexOf(ticketPath) == 0) { var ticketId = document.location.pathname.substring(ticketPath.length); var pos = ticketId.indexOf('/'); if (pos != -1) { } else { var conversation = document.querySelector('div[data-side-conversations-anchor-id="' + ticketId + '"]'); if (conversation) { fixPermaLinkAnchors(ticketId, null, conversation); addPermaLinks(ticketId, null, conversation); } highlightComment(); } } else { } } setInterval(checkForConversations, 1000);