enzo418 / Twitch Chat over Video

Yes, the menu is very useful and some time ago I was also told if I could add it but unfortunately it can't be done due to the way they implemented it.
Still I think it needs some tools to moderate and I can implement the twitch menu that appears when you left click on a user. It's not the same but it allows more or less the same tools.
If I can do it these days I'll post it here

What if you just make your own menu? just 3 or 4 buttons when right clicked on a person and when you press for an example "ban" it types /ban "username" and it auto-enters it
seems like a good idea, no need to be the same menu, just ban, unban, timeout(60), un-timeout
would be a good idea

It is also a possibility to make my own menu, but first it would be good if you update the script to the version I released a few moments ago and tell me if the current twitch menu is useful in full screen or if you think a separate menu is necessary. I'm not a moderator on any channel really so I don't know how good the twitch menu is.
Anyway for now it has some flaws like it doesn't remember the last position if you move it, but it can be fixed later if it survives.

oh, wait i read "few moments" few months, i'm sorry, it's a good update, i like that i finally can see the user dialog with it, although twitch have some slow issues with the dialog, i would actually prefer a custom menu ofc, but soo far this is a good update, amazing

Glad to know that it improved because there were some things that were also very poorly done haha and you're right, the menu takes time to display ... and therefore i will try to make the custom menu in the coming weeks / days when I can, it will add a lot to the chat and according to what I saw can be done, the idea would be to make it as simple but functional. Regarding the buttons that appear when you click on someone, the ones that it should have are the ones you said before, ban, unban, timeout(60), un-timeout, (the unban I don't know what function it would have since the messages don't appear in the chat, is it the same as the un-timeout?) and also I was thinking of putting the timeout of 600s (10m) and 1 day, do you think these last ones are necessary? and do you think that more should be added?
Thanks for the good feedback by the way (y)

IF you can add like timeout 60, timeout 5m, and so on..... THAT WOULD BE EVEN BETTER!!!, and the unban, is just /unban (username) or as the java script/some twitch clients uses it /user $$1 ,You're a legend for even trying to make such an amazing thing like that, i love the script without anything, and with these new updates would make it SUPER good, and you can add multi "timeouts" but maximum would be 4 "60sec, 5m, 10m , and 30m , simple as that!, and i had a good but SOOO HARD to make "idea" so like, i don't know how you going to make the menu, but if the menu is like, right click on the username, or ctrl + left click, that's up to you, but if like 60sec timeout could be triggered by pressing a hotkey instead of pressing the button, would be sick, but for now, the menu first, then we can speak about other features to it, i love your script man

Thanks man, I just updated it check it when you can and please confirm me that it is working as expected. I've already been testing it but anyway if you see that something is not working or could be improved let me know.
Btw try holding Control and clicking on a user, nice idea :p

OMG !!1 IT'S SOO GOOOOD, I LOVE the style of the menu it's NEAT!, although the new "auto-scroll" is a bit glithcy, when i timeout or ban or do any action, it just goes ALLL THE WAYY UP, and then i have to Wait.... for the animation to scroll down then i can resume, it's SOO GOOD THOUGH, it just... i prefer the old auto-Scroll button JUST! Just because it's not as glitchy as this one, I like the menu , i like everything, and i would love to see more updates to it, i would like to suggest an improvement, when i click on the username , it would be good if the menu spawned under my mouse curser for faster and easier use, BUT I LOVE THE MENU SOOOO MUCH, it's soo good, I love the ctrl+click feature too,and i'm sure i can edit it in the userscript if i needed it to be something else, would be good if you point it out for new users, I LOVE THIS UPDATE MAN, this is sooo good, Keep it up man, oh yea also, when i use the ctrl feature , sometimes it takes me ALLL THE WAY UPP as the new auto-scroll feature, maybe that's the problem, either way this is SUPER GOOD, i love your work man

also i noticed there is a small delay when i press the button, it takes like a full second to send the command, a bit weird but it's fine for now

a small useless feature too, (maybe do it for fun), would be good when i click on someone and the menu shows, i can press for an example "1" or "b" or "u" for like shortcuts or hotkeys so like "1" timeout 1m "2" timeout 5m "3" timeout 10 and "b" ban "u"unban and soo on, would be good to do.

Super happy to help and that you like it, i also like the way it's shaping up so I like to improve it and you are a great help for that, really. I like the new scroll mechanism because it's much simpler and has no text, but anyway I'm going to set the old one to be the default because the new one has some problems. Even so I was able to solve the problem that goes up and down, I'm not 100% sure but I think so, I would appreciate if you can confirm it.
The thing about the delay I think it is on the part of twitch, if you do a test it also takes a while to respond when you use the command directly in the chat.
About modifying the ctrl + click... you could modify the script but in the next update may be deleted what you have modified if you do not save it separately, so it would not be very comfortable (for now), even so if you know something about js you can do it without problems. Anyway I have the idea in the future to add a basic configuration to be able to change the type of scroll, shortcuts, styles and others, but for that I need to change the design of the code, so the idea of the shortcuts to make a timeout/ban is good but it seems to me that it will also be for after that update.

For now if you want to test between the different scroll (button or automatic) you can change the value of "stop_on_hover" in the code between true and false.
Just in case if you don't know how to get there you have to click on the extensions icon on the top right -> click on tampermonkey -> Dashboard -> Installed user script and you will see "Twitch Chat over Video", click there go down a little more and you will see that in one part it says "config" and there is stop_on_hover and a value, change it as you prefer between true and false.

After all this long text the update is already uploaded and should be all fixed, the menu position and the scroll problem.

AMAZING JOB MAN, i can't wait for the config menu to be implemented, and tbh i loved the new scroll feature, it needs some fixes, but it's good, for now, the update/the state is stable and smooth and good, also the "stop_on_hover_ works too, although it was working already for me because of twitch's setting, they have it, but i prefer the one of the script , for now EVERYTHING IS SUPER GOOD, i can't wait for the easy of access menu, i actually tried the "hotkeys" on your script, just added some codes and it works flawlessly , but i removed it so i just stay up to date to your script, it would be ez to make, and will be perfect with the menu you working on, amazing job man, i REALLY love this script a lot

also i REALLY love the fact that if you're a mod you can have the menu but if ur not, you bring the twitch username dialog for normal viewers, that's a good thing to have, also i feel like.... the new autoscroll you made is WAYY BETTER than the text one, if it getss stable PLEASE add it back to the script, its better than thet etxt one, although it used to take me alll the wayy up in chat, i hope that gets fixed and it gets added, i love it

Cool that you were able to implement it to the hot keys! I guess you ban too many people to take advantage of it haha
I would also like the new scroll to work but first I'm going to try to refactor the code to make it easier to maintain and add things, like the configuration. I guess that in one/two weeks or so it will be ready to test it in its first versions
Again, thanks for the help and comments, I think the moderator menu is looking good and then with the configuration you will be able to modify it to your needs and taste!
Anyway, i think that's all for now for this thread, for any other suggestions please open another "issue", thanks a lot man!