eileen12 / HaremHeroes Automatic

This fix is for the end_play button that sometimes has money or energy required to actually click the button.

else if (proceedType === "end_play") {
        var energyCurrent = getHero().infos.energy_quest;
        var moneyCurrent = getHero().infos.soft_currency;
        if(proceedCostEnergy <= energyCurrent)
            // We have energy.
            console.log("Spending "+proceedCostEnergy+" Energy to proceed.");
            console.log("Quest requires "+proceedCostEnergy+" Energy to proceed.");
            sessionStorage.questRequirement = "*"+proceedCostEnergy;
        if(proceedCostMoney <= moneyCurrent)
            // We have money.
            console.log("Spending "+proceedCostMoney+" Money to proceed.");
            console.log("Spending "+proceedCostEnergy+" Money to proceed.");
            sessionStorage.questRequirement = "$"+proceedCostMoney;
        console.log("Reached end of current play. Proceeding to next play.");
        sessionStorage.autoLoop = "false";

Re: @Cronosus:

It's part of auto questing. I cannot remember if it the one which finishes the current quest or the one that finishes the quest area as a whole.