eileen12 / HaremHeroes Automatic

The script just loops on. Its noticeable in the dev console.

For ArenaBattle :
Time to fight in arena.
Switching to battle screen.
autoLoop Disabled

For AutoSalary :
Time to fetch salary.
Navigating to Harem window.
autoLoop Disabled

For TrollBattle :
Navigating to latest Troll.
autoLoop Disabled

Can somebody help me? AutoQuest still works, IDK about autoPachinko.

for boss battle fix check Auto troll battle there is a fix there and for harem check in harem open close loop there are fixs there till the scrip is updated twelve27 is working fixs till the people who made the script updates the srcipts

I'll try to look into and start debugging. Can't tell if something with the game itself is screwed up or if another patch was pushed to try and screw things up for script users.

But I'll have to start debugging way later in the day as I have other stuff to take care of

The page names changed. Here is a fast patch on code line 115

Change from

return ob.className.substr(5).toLocaleLowerCase();


return ob.className.substr(5).split(" ")[0].toLocaleLowerCase();

I've been patching on sleazyfork.org, but this community seems closer to the author. Hello.

Re: @twelve27:
I don't think this fix was added explicitly to break scripts like the salary timer change, just seems to tweak page names to include language information. Perhaps more translations are coming?

Re: @muffin_mans:

That was fast. I'll try this out when I get home to my PC. Thanks for posting here. Glad to see people from sleazyfork helping out over here as well.

I think you might be right about the translations. After some of the recent changes like hiding the timer which we had to fix not too long ago, I just assumed (most likely incorrectly) that this was an intentional change against the script.

Re: @muffin_mans:
Once again thanks for your fix and posting it. The other two devs who were here recently have been on in a bit so I'm glad someone else is also doing work to maintain the script. :)

I've created a fork for now. I'll keep it up until the original gets another update.

Re: @muffin_mans:

Thanks for adding in the salary tweak to the fork. I don't think you are missing anything else but if I run into anything then I'll let you know.

Re: @gobub:

I download Chrome v67 and used Tampermonkey Stable (Beta doesn't work with Script). Violentmonkey doesn't work either.

Got AutoArena to work. Wow it worked flawlessly compared to Firefox version (pre-update Harem v2.0).

AutoSalary don't seem to work for me. I also tried using the "HH All Cash" but that script doesn't work either.

Running two browser at the moment.

Re: @gobub:

The script I'm using is similar to what muffin_mans has but I haven't installed the version he has because when an issue comes up I just start debugging and working on the one I have locally. Until original authors change what they have, I don't typically bother changing what script I have.

Also, I don't use Firefox because in the past HH has had issues running in Firefox for me, even before I bothered to use scripts.

My setup is an incognito chrome window where I use a script similar to what muffin_mans has listed as a mix of eileen12, 3jameo3, muffin_mans, and myself patching and adding to as well as Tampermonkey. I'd say give up on Firefox for good and don't go back because it doesn't seem to work appropriately for HentaiHeroes.


Why run two browsers? Are you getting an error when you run auto salary? What does it say in the console?


I manage to get it to work. Probably due to no instruction.

Anyway you need to be on the homepage for it to work. How AutoSalary/Arena work is, it check the timer and Open Harem, collect a few cash, loop back to homepage, check and go harem and looping till no more to collect.

Previously I just open Harem and it just loop Harem > Harem > Harem and it doesn't work.

But yes, Chrome version is magically compared to Firefox version. Now I'm just using Chrome for HH although I prefered if Firefox worked too. Chrome too lacking (in term of Browser) for me.

Are you able to share /upload your version @twelve27?

Thanks for the reply.

for me scripts working only on chrome too.. then i use chrome just for HH.
on firefox not working any script for me. :/

Re: @gobub:

Yes, it does need to be on homepage now. I'm aware of that and wrote about that elsewhere though. I think I should have linked to that post from a different issue thread. It can't work the way it used to because the autosalary timer was changed by the game devs and it broke the script. The current version looks at the main page to know when to collect salary. The current functioning salary collection is one that I wrote (unless devs changed something back and this version works again). I actually detail the changes I made here:


I have a few comments in there and one important post in there about the changes I used to make it work. Auto Arena actually functions differently and does not need the main page the same way that salary does because its countdown can still be pulled from timers in the page.

My version is pretty much what you can find here:

It is this version with enhancements that another coder and I worked on to get things functioning better again. This script from eileen12 hasn't been updated since the last breaking change. What I have on my machine is functionally no different to this. I just have extra stuff in there from when I have been debugging and testing new stuff out.

I can't say much about it not working on Firefox because the site itself, even without scripts, does not play too nicely with Firefox.

If there is anything else I can clarify then let me know and I will try to help out.


I'm currently using muffin's version (work wonder). I thought your version add a few more thing from muffin's version, like the Auto Activities or something.

I have a feeling none of these version will get updated or fix and only muffin remain.

HH is slowly changing their version to "HH v2.0", I would say Arena is next to be patched so script should be working fine until then.


There is one thing I do want to ask you.

I modify the script so that these default is always activate but it doesn't seem to work.

sessionStorage.autoArenaBattle = "true";
sessionStorage.autoSalary = "true";
sessionStorage.autoFreePachinko = "true";

Have to enable it each time I open up Chrome again.

Re: @gobub:

No, my version doesn't have any extra stuff like that. I haven't started working on too much new stuff since I have been busy with other projects. Arena might be next so if it breaks I'm sure someone else along with me will try to update the script to keep it functioning. Until that point there are some things that I'll probably try to improve like pachinko which does not seem to function properly for me.

As far as the default setting of true resetting, I'm not sure what the cause of that is. I'd expect it to stick as long as you have it saved properly in tampermonkey and not in an incognito window. You don't have chrome clear data on exit or anything do you?