eileen12 / HaremHeroes Automatic

No idea what happened, this showed up in user messages so I decided its best left to someone who understands.

userscript.html?id=dcdf8f8e-5755-4598-968b-0e6804a38873:4 ERROR: Execution of script 'HaremHeroes Automatic' failed! $(...).ready is not a function
(anonymous) @ userscript.html?id=dcdf8f8e-5755-4598-968b-0e6804a38873:4
(anonymous) @ userscript.html?id=dcdf8f8e-5755-4598-968b-0e6804a38873:5
(anonymous) @ userscript.html?id=dcdf8f8e-5755-4598-968b-0e6804a38873:981
(anonymous) @ VM15593:2
E_c @ VM15593:3
ka @ VM15595:61
create @ VM15595:72
e @ VM15595:16
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ VM15593:2
y.(anonymous function) @ VM15593:8
(anonymous) @ VM15595:16
runListeners @ VM15595:16
(anonymous) @ VM15595:73
R @ VM15593:10
e @ content.js:6
send @ content.js:8
(anonymous) @ content.js:27
processQueue @ content.js:3
a @ content.js:10
19:34:16.606 userscript.html?id=dcdf8f8e-5755-4598-968b-0e6804a38873:4 TypeError: $(...).ready is not a function
    at Window.tms_dcdf8f8e_5755_4598_968b_0e6804a38873 (userscript.html?id=dcdf8f8e-5755-4598-968b-0e6804a38873:980)
    at <anonymous>:2:491
    at eval (userscript.html?id=dcdf8f8e-5755-4598-968b-0e6804a38873:4)
    at eval (userscript.html?id=dcdf8f8e-5755-4598-968b-0e6804a38873:5)
    at Object.eval (userscript.html?id=dcdf8f8e-5755-4598-968b-0e6804a38873:981)
    at <anonymous>:2:491
    at Object.E_c (<anonymous>:3:302)
    at ka (eval at exec_fn (harem.html:1), <anonymous>:61:380)
    at Object.create (eval at exec_fn (harem.html:1), <anonymous>:72:334)
    at e (eval at exec_fn (harem.html:1), <anonymous>:16:157)

Re: @3jameo3:

TypeError: $(...).ready is not a function

This portion usually refers to jQuery being absent.

Re: @eileen12:

I reloaded the page once that occurred it was just bugging me because the script was running fine for a day or two before that. So I figured I would post the error and see if there was something in there that caused it or if it was just on my end.