eileen12 / HaremHeroes Automatic

VM368 userscript.html:406 Missions parsed, mission list is:-
VM368 userscript.html:407 []
VM368 userscript.html:422 No missions detected...!
VM368 userscript.html:429 New missions in: undefinedsec.

As I do not know where this is trying to grab the time from, considering my limited JavaScript knowledge, I have no idea how to fix this.

its because no mission available..
but for me problem is, it not collect kobans revard at end of missions.

Re: @Cronosus:

Weird it was collecting those for me. With that error when new missions pop up the missions script will actually completely stop working unless there is something in the script somewhere to avoid that snag.

today automissions and autoconquest stopped working... cookie clean required again
its really problem with them :(

Re: @eileen12:

Contests also has the same undefined error when there are ongoing contests.

Re: @Cronosus:

Instead of cleaning your cookies you can put doMissionStuff(); or whichever function at the end of the script, save the script and then reload the page once. After that you have to remove that line and then save the script and reload the page.

If you are really adventurous you could add a toggle to reset to the defaults and add in the vars for each mini-script inside the script setting them to a number. Or add a button to run each of the mini-scripts once.

Re: @eileen12:
on incognito not working addons

Re: @3jameo3:
cleaning cookies is on chrome much faster than this

anyway for Missions: not collecting kobans after all missions complete