burn / Youtube Audio Mode


Version: 0.2.8+89ef397 updated

Summary: Listen to only the audio on YouTube without loading the video.


Copyright: 2022, burn (https://openuserjs.org/users/burn)

License: MIT

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Youtube Audio Mode

This userscript adds a toggle to switch audio mode on Youtube.


Screenshot of my userscript which shows the toggle to enable/disable Audio Mode


I've found the original userscript on Github: https://github.com/teaqu/youtube-audio-mode but it's not working anymore so I've opened an issue. After a month without receiving a reply I've decided to update the script myself and eventually maintain it. The first thing I've noticed is that the issue I've opened was totally wrong.

Known issues

  • When activating audio mode, the userscript starts making the same Youtube-native FETCH request multiple times (3-4 times). The request is for the stream at timeline 0:00, therefore the audio keeps restarting and is pretty annoying. Fixed in v.0.2.8

Feedback appreciated

Please use the Issues section

Rating: 0