burn / Dailymotion flip video back to "normal"


Version: 0.1.8+ddad2c0 updated

Summary: Adds a button to flip back video when mirrored

Copyright: 2019, burn (https://openuserjs.org//users/burn)

License: MIT

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Dailymotion flip video back to "normal"

This userscript adds a button to flip back video when mirrored (e.g. to avoid copyright restrictions).

Beta feature! Adjust video playback speed

Use the slider under the button "Flip video" to increase or decrease playback speed by .1 steps.

How to use

Install the userscript; reload video page; click the button "Flip video".


Screenshot: Dailymotion flip video back to normal

Known issues

If the userscript adds no button, reload video page using the following keyboard shortcut:
WINDOWS / LINUX: ctrl + shift + r
MAC:cmd + shift + r

Feedback appreciated

Please use the Issues section

Rating: 0