blacckpigy / Netflix Super Browse1


It currently appears to load a hidden menu item called Super Browse that is placed in something called the Super Browse Nav wherever that may be. It activates when you mouse over the tail end of that navigation bar and rehides when you leave it with the mouse. An example of a navigation bar here on OUJS is above on this page where it says "About Source Code Issues". That's a script navigation bar. The main navigation bar for OUJS is at the very top. So I assume Netflix has something similar. It may be horizontal like ours or vertical. Since I'm not on Netflix or there atm don't know for sure.

So move the mouse around and see where it appears. The script is a little dated (2016) so it may not work if the navigation bar it is attaching to no longer exists on the site or the DOM node it attaches to has been renamed.

Re: @Marti:
Correction... prepends it to their navigation bar... so at the start.

Hope you find it. :)