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// ==UserScript== // @name unlimited favs // @namespace // @author ZerataX // @description Adds unlimited local favorite lists to sadpanda // @homepage // @homepageURL // @supportURL // @license MIT // @include /^https://e(x|-)hentai\.org/.*$/ // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_addStyle // @version 1.0.1 // ==/UserScript== /* global GM_setValue GM_getValue GM_info GM_addStyle, selected, popUp, show_image_pane, hide_image_pane */ (async function () { // CONSTANTS const select = query => window.document.querySelector(query) const selectAll = query => window.document.querySelectorAll(query) const urlParams = new URLSearchParams( // Magic Numbers const HUEOFFSET = 75 // GLOBALS let importString = '' // CLASSES class FavLists { constructor (lists = []) { this._lists = lists } get lists () { return this._lists } newList (name = '', id = _ULF.newID(), galleries = []) { console.debug(`new List with name: "${name}" and id: "${id}"`) const index = _ULF.counter++ if (!name) { name = `Favorites ${9 + index}` } const list = new FavList(name, id, galleries) this._lists.push(list) } removeList (listID) { this._lists.splice(this._lists.findIndex(list => === listID), 1) } getListByGid (galleryID) { return this._lists.find(list => list.getGallery(galleryID)) } getListByLid (listID) { return this._lists.find(list => === listID) } toJSON () { return => list.toJSON()) } save () { _ULF.json.lists = this.toJSON() saveGM() console.debug('ULF data saved') } } class FavList { constructor (name, id, galleries = []) { this._name = name this._id = id this._galleries = galleries } get id () { return this._id } get name () { return this._name } set name (name) { this._name = name } galleries (search = false, order = 'favorited', page = 0, count = 200) { let galleries = this._galleries const index = page * count const tags = { artist: [], character: [], female: [], group: [], language: [], male: [], misc: [], parody: [], reclass: [] } if (search) { const tagsRE = /-?(?:([a-zA-Z]+):)?(".+?\$?"|-?[\w*%$?]+)/g let match while (match = tagsRE.exec(search.text)) { // eslint-disable-line no-cond-assign const [str, namespace, tag] = match const include = (str[0] !== '-') const regexString = tag console.debug(tag) const regex = new RegExp(regexString.replace(/"/g, '') .replace(/\?/g, '.') .replace(/_/g, '.') .replace(/\*/g, '.*?') .replace(/%/g, '.*?'), 'i') switch (namespace) { case 'artist': tags.artist.push({ include, regex }) break case 'f': tags.female.push({ include, regex }) break case 'female': tags.female.push({ include, regex }) break case 'c': tags.character.push({ include, regex }) break case 'character': tags.character.push({ include, regex }) break case 'g':{ include, regex }) break case 'group':{ include, regex }) break case 'circle':{ include, regex }) break case 'creator':{ include, regex }) break case 'l': tags.language.push({ include, regex }) break case 'language': tags.language.push({ include, regex }) break case 'm': tags.male.push({ include, regex }) break case 'male': tags.male.push({ include, regex }) break case 'p': tags.parody.push({ include, regex }) break case 'parody': tags.parody.push({ include, regex }) break case 'series': tags.parody.push({ include, regex }) break case 'r': tags.reclass.push({ include, regex }) break case 'reclass': tags.reclass.push({ include, regex }) break case 'misc': tags.misc.push({ include, regex }) break case undefined: tags.misc.push({ include, regex }) break default: throw SyntaxError(`namespace '${namespace}' not supported`) } } console.debug(tags) const titleMatcher = (include, title, matchedTags = []) => { let match = false if (!(tags.misc.length)) { return false } tags.misc.forEach(tag => { if (include) { if (tag.include && tag.regex.test(title)) { matchedTags.push(tag) match = true } } else { if (!tag.include && tag.regex.test(title)) { matchedTags.push(tag) match = true } } }) return match } const includeMatcher = (includeTag, includeNamespace, tags) => { if (!includeTag.include) { return true } return tags.some(tag => { const [namespace, name] = (tag.includes(':')) ? tag.split(':') : ['misc', tag] if (includeNamespace === 'misc' || includeNamespace === namespace) { return includeTag.regex.test(name) } return false }) } // get galleries to include console.debug(`galleries before include: ${galleries.length}`) galleries = galleries.filter(gallery => { let show = false const matchedTags = [] // search tags used for notes / title should not be reused for gallery tags if ( { show = ( && titleMatcher(true,, matchedTags)) || ( && titleMatcher(true,, matchedTags)) } if (search.notes) { show = show || titleMatcher(true, gallery.note, matchedTags) } if (search.tags) { for (const namespace in tags) { show = tags[namespace].every(tag => { return matchedTags.some(mTag => tag.regex === mTag.regex) || includeMatcher(tag, namespace, }) if (!show) { break } } } return show }) console.debug(`galleries after include: ${galleries.length}`) const excludeMatcher = (string) => { const [namespace, name] = (string.includes(':')) ? string.split(':') : ['misc', string] // check if string matches any tag in same namespace or in misc namespace return (tags[namespace].some(tag => { if (tag.include) { return false } return tag.regex.test(name) })) || (tags.misc.some(tag => { if (tag.include) { return false } return tag.regex.test(name) })) } // now check for excludes galleries = galleries.filter(gallery => { if ( { if (( && titleMatcher(false, || ( && titleMatcher(false, { return false } } if (search.notes) { if (titleMatcher(false, gallery.note)) { return false } } if (search.tags) { if ( => excludeMatcher(tag))) { return false } } return true }) console.debug(`galleries after exclude: ${galleries.length}`) console.debug(galleries) } switch (order) { case 'favorited': galleries.sort((a, b) => { return new Date(b.timestamp) - new Date(a.timestamp) }) break case 'posted': galleries.sort((a, b) => { // unix to date: new Date(UNIX_timestamp * 1000); return - }) break default: throw SyntaxError('"order" has to be either "posted" or "favorited"') } return { galleries: galleries.slice(index, index + count) || null, number: galleries.length || 0, tags: tags } } getGallery (id) { return this._galleries.find(gallery => === parseInt(id)) } removeGallery (id) { this._galleries = this._galleries.filter(gallery => !== parseInt(id)) } addGallery (id, token, note = '') { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (!this.getGallery(id)) { try { const gallery = new Gallery(id, token, note) getGalleryInfo([gallery]).then(info => { = info[0] this._galleries.push(gallery) resolve('gallery added!') }) } catch (error) { // window.InternalError('could not get gallery info!') reject(window.InternalError('could not get gallery info!')) } } else { // window.Error('already added to this list!') reject(window.Error('already added to this list!')) } }) } toJSON () { return { name: this._name, id: this._id, galleries: => gallery.toJSON()) } } } class Gallery { constructor (id, token, note = '', timestamp = new Date(), info = false) { this._id = parseInt(id) this._token = token this._note = note this._timestamp = timestamp this._info = info } toJSON () { return { gid: this._id, gt: this._token, note: this._note, timestamp: this._timestamp, info: this._info } } get id () { return this._id } get token () { return this._token } get note () { return this._note } set note (note) { this._note = note } get timestamp () { return this._timestamp } get info () { return this._info } set info (info) { this._info = info } } // FUNCTIONS function parser (html) { const template = document.createElement('template') template.innerHTML = html return template.content.firstElementChild } // SCRIPT INITIALIZATION function createLists () { const lists = => { _ULF.counter++ return new FavList(,, => new Gallery(gallery.gid,, gallery.note, gallery.timestamp, }) return new FavLists(lists) } // LOAD SCRIPT const _ULF = { json: loadGM(), counter: 0, newID: () => { return '_' + Math.random().toString(36).substr(2, 9) } } _ULF.dict = createLists() console.log(_ULF) saveGM() // USERSCRIPT SPECIFIC function clearFavs () { _ULF.json = {} saveGM() window.location.reload() } // save settings persistently function saveGM () { // save value to greasemonkey/tampermonkey etc. GM_setValue('__unlimitedfavs__', JSON.stringify(_ULF.json)) } // load persistently saved settings, or from a given JSON string function loadGM (importString) { const GMString = String(importString || GM_getValue('favsJson', '') || GM_getValue('__unlimitedfavs__', '')) // set default if no import and no saved version const defaultValue = { lists: [{ name: 'Favorites 11', id: '_' + Math.random().toString(36).substr(2, 9), galleries: [] }], version: GM_info.script.version } try { const GMJSON = (GMString && GMString !== '{}') ? JSON.parse(GMString) : defaultValue console.debug(GMJSON) // VERSION ADJUSTMENTS if (!GMJSON.version) { GMJSON.version = '0.6.5' } // Allow to backup before doing any other changes to the user data if (versionCompare(String(GMJSON.version), GM_info.script.version) === -1) { // only backup on major version change const oldMajor = parseInt(GMJSON.version.split('.')[1]) const newMajor = parseInt(GM_info.script.version.split('.')[1]) if (oldMajor !== newMajor) { const confirmation = window.confirm(`Unlimited Favorites has been updated to version ${GM_info.script.version}, ` + 'do you want to create a backup before updating your data?\n' + `see what's new here:${GM_info.script.version}`) if (confirmation) { const fileName = 'unl_favs_' + new Date().toISOString() + '.json' download(JSON.stringify(GMJSON), fileName, 'text/json') } } } if (versionCompare(String(GMJSON.version), '0.7.0') === -1) { // fix saved JSONs from < 0.7.0 versions // id from string to int for (const list of GMJSON.lists) { for (const gallery of list.galleries) { gallery.gid = parseInt(gallery.gid) } } } if (versionCompare(String(GMJSON.version), '0.8.0') === -1) { // fix saved JSONs from < 0.8.0 versions // rename date to timestamp for (const list of GMJSON.lists) { = '_' + Math.random().toString(36).substr(2, 9) for (const gallery of list.galleries) { gallery.timestamp = delete } } delete GMJSON.display delete GMJSON.order } // update version GMJSON.version = GM_info.script.version // remove old save data GM_setValue('favsJson', '') return GMJSON } catch { window.alert('something went wrong trying to parse your settings, please download your settings and create an issue them attachedd here:') const fileName = 'unl_favs_' + new Date().toISOString() + '.json' download(GMString, fileName, 'text/json') return defaultValue } } // SADPANDA API function handleErrors (response) { if (!response.ok || response.statux === 200) { throw Error(response.statusText) } return response } async function getGalleryInfo (galleries) { // [' + id +', "' + token + '" ] const request = new window.Request('', { method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify({ method: 'gdata', gidlist: => [parseInt(, gallery.token]), namespace: 1 }) }) return window.fetch(request) .then(handleErrors) .then(response => response.json()) .then(json => json.gmetadata) .catch(error => { console.error(error) }) } Promise.eachLimit = async (funcs, limit, ms) => { const rest = funcs.slice(limit) await Promise.all(funcs.slice(0, limit).map(async func => { await func() while (rest.length) { try { await sleep(ms).then(() => rest.shift()()) } catch (TypeError) {} } })) } // download file to local storage function download (text, name, type) { const a = document.createElement('a') const file = new window.Blob([text], { type: type }) a.href = URL.createObjectURL(file) = name } // based on: function timeConverter (epoch) { const months = ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'] const a = new Date(epoch * 1000) const year = a.getFullYear() const month = months[a.getMonth()] const date = a.getDate() const hour = a.getHours() const min = a.getMinutes() < 10 ? '0' + a.getMinutes() : a.getMinutes() // const sec = a.getSeconds() < 10 ? '0' + a.getSeconds() : a.getSeconds() const time = year + '-' + month + '-' + date + ' ' + hour + ':' + min return time } // based on: function versionCompare (left, right) { if (typeof left + typeof right !== 'stringstring') { return false } const a = left.split('.') const b = right.split('.') let i = 0; const len = Math.max(a.length, b.length) for (; i < len; i++) { if ((a[i] && !b[i] && parseInt(a[i]) > 0) || (parseInt(a[i]) > parseInt(b[i]))) { return 1 } else if ((b[i] && !a[i] && parseInt(b[i]) > 0) || (parseInt(a[i]) < parseInt(b[i]))) { return -1 } } return 0 } const sleep = ms => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms)) // UI-MODIFICATIONS // create list name input to rename/delete/add list function getLargeThumbnail (url) { // from: // to: // // from: // to: // return '//' + url.split('/').slice(3).join('/').replace('_l', '_250') } function getRatingStyle (rating) { // not entirely correct const ratingOffset = [0, 0] ratingOffset[1] = (80 - Math.round(rating) * 16) * -1 if ((Math.round(rating) - Math.floor(rating)) === 0) { ratingOffset[0] = -20 ratingOffset[1] += 16 } return `background-position:${ratingOffset[1]}px ${ratingOffset[0]}px;opacity:1` } function getCategoryClass (category) { switch (category) { case 'Misc': return 'ct1' case 'Doujinshi': return 'ct2' case 'Manga': return 'ct3' case 'Artist CG': return 'ct4' case 'Artist CG Sets': return 'ct4' case 'Game CG': return 'ct5' case 'Image Set': return 'ct6' case 'Cosplay': return 'ct7' case 'Asian Porn': return 'ct8' case 'Non-H': return 'ct9' case 'Western': return 'cta' default: throw window.InternalError(`category type '${category}' not supported!`) } } let inputcounter = 0 function newInput (name, id, template, counter, last = false) { const selection = template.cloneNode(true) const input = selection.lastElementChild.lastElementChild = `favorite_${10 + counter}` input.placeholder = 'new list...' input.setAttribute('lid', id) input.value = name input.classList.add('ulf', 'ulf_list_rename') input.addEventListener('focusout', event => clickDeleteList(event.srcElement)) if (last) { = 'ulf_last_input' input.addEventListener('focusout', event => clickAddList(event.srcElement)) } selection.querySelector('.i').style.filter = `invert(100%) hue-rotate(${inputcounter * HUEOFFSET}deg)` inputcounter++ return selection } function newItem (list, template, checked) { const selection = template.cloneNode(true) const counterDIV = selection.firstElementChild const nameDIV = selection.lastElementChild counterDIV.innerHTML = list._galleries.length nameDIV.innerHTML = selection.onclick = () => { window.document.location = `/favorites.php?favcat=0&page=0&lid=${}&ulfpage=0` } selection.querySelector('.i').style.filter = `invert(100%) hue-rotate(${inputcounter * HUEOFFSET}deg)` if (checked) { selection.classList.add('fps') } else { selection.classList.remove('fps') } inputcounter++ return selection } function newExtended (gallery, template, tags = false) { const selection = template.cloneNode(true) const image = selection.querySelector('img') const title = selection.querySelector('.glink') const category = selection.querySelector('.gl3e') const categoryTitle = category.children[0] const dateUploaded = category.children[1] const rating = category.children[2] const uploader = category.children[3].firstElementChild const pageCounter = category.children[4] const torrent = category.children[5] const dateFavorited = category.children[6].lastElementChild const tagsSection = selection.querySelector('.gl3e').nextElementSibling const note = selection.querySelector('.glfnote') const checkbox = selection.querySelector('input[name="modifygids[]"]') image.src = getLargeThumbnail( image.alt = || image.title = || title.innerHTML = || dateUploaded.innerHTML = timeConverter( dateUploaded.onclick = () => popUp(`/gallerypopups.php?gid=${}&t=${gallery.token}&act=addfav`, 675, 415) = `posted_${}` uploader.href = `uploader/${}` uploader.innerHTML = pageCounter.innerHTML = dateFavorited.innerHTML = timeConverter(new Date(gallery.timestamp).getTime() / 1000) categoryTitle.innerHTML = categoryTitle.className = `cn ${getCategoryClass(}` if ('torrents' in && { torrent.innerHTML = `<a href="/gallerytorrents.php?gid=${}&t=${gallery.token}"` + `onclick="return popUp('/gallerytorrents.php?gid=${}&t=${gallery.token}', 610, 590)" rel="nofollow">` + '<img src="" alt="T" title="Show torrents"></a>' } else { torrent.innerHTML = '<img src="" alt="T" title="No torrents available">' } note.innerHTML = (gallery.note) ? `Note: ${gallery.note}` : '' = `favnote_${}` = '' checkbox.value = = getRatingStyle( // add tags const entryPoint = tagsSection.querySelector('tbody') entryPoint.innerHTML = '' const tagsCategorized = {} => { const [namespace, name] = (tag.includes(':')) ? tag.split(':') : ['misc', tag] if (!(namespace in tagsCategorized)) { tagsCategorized[namespace] = [] } const highlight = tags ? (tags[namespace].some(matchTag => matchTag.include && matchTag.regex.test(name)) || tags.misc.some(matchTag => matchTag.include && matchTag.regex.test(name))) : false tagsCategorized[namespace].push({ name, highlight }) }) for (const category in tagsCategorized) { const categoryTR = parser('<tr></tr>') const categoryTD = parser('<td></td>') entryPoint.appendChild(categoryTR) categoryTR.appendChild(parser(`<td class="tc">${category}:</td>`)) categoryTR.appendChild(categoryTD) tagsCategorized[category].forEach(tag => { const style = tag.highlight ? 'color:#090909;border-color:#ffbf36;background:radial-gradient(#ffbf36,#ffba00) !important' : '' categoryTD.appendChild(parser(`<div class="gt" style="${style}" title="${category}:${}">${}</div>`)) }) } // change links const url = `/g/${}/${gallery.token}/` selection.querySelector('a').href = url tagsSection.href = url return selection } function newThumbnail (gallery, template, tags = false) { const selection = template.cloneNode(true) const image = selection.querySelector('img') const title = selection.querySelector('.glink') const category = selection.querySelector('.gl5t') const categoryTitle = category.firstElementChild.firstElementChild const dateUploaded = category.firstElementChild.children[1] const rating = category.lastElementChild.firstElementChild const pageCounter = category.lastElementChild.children[1] const torrent = category.lastElementChild.children[2] const tagsSection = selection.querySelector('.gl6t') const note = selection.querySelector('.glfnote') const checkbox = selection.querySelector('input[name="modifygids[]"]') image.src = getLargeThumbnail( image.alt = || image.title = || title.innerHTML = || dateUploaded.innerHTML = timeConverter( dateUploaded.onclick = () => popUp(`/gallerypopups.php?gid=${}&t=${gallery.token}&act=addfav`, 675, 415) = `posted_${}` pageCounter.innerHTML = categoryTitle.innerHTML = categoryTitle.className = `cn ${getCategoryClass(}` if ('torrents' in && { torrent.innerHTML = `<a href="/gallerytorrents.php?gid=${}&t=${gallery.token}"` + `onclick="return popUp('/gallerytorrents.php?gid=${}&t=${gallery.token}', 610, 590)" rel="nofollow">` + '<img src="" alt="T" title="Show torrents"></a>' } else { torrent.innerHTML = '<img src="" alt="T" title="No torrents available">' } note.innerHTML = (gallery.note) ? `Note: ${gallery.note}` : '' = `favnote_${}` = '' checkbox.value = = getRatingStyle( // add tags tagsSection.innerHTML = '' const tagsCategorized = { female: [], artist: [], male: [], character: [], group: [], language: [], misc: [], parody: [], reclass: [] } => { const [namespace, name] = (tag.includes(':')) ? tag.split(':') : ['misc', tag] const highlight = tags ? (tags[namespace].some(matchTag => matchTag.include && matchTag.regex.test(name)) || tags.misc.some(matchTag => matchTag.include && matchTag.regex.test(name))) : false tagsCategorized[namespace].push({ name, highlight }) }) let index = 0 for (const category in tagsCategorized) { tagsCategorized[category].forEach(tag => { const style = 'color:#090909;border-color:#b58411c9;background:radial-gradient(#ffbf36,#ffba00);' + `filter: hue-rotate(${index * HUEOFFSET}deg);` if (tag.highlight) { tagsSection.appendChild(parser(`<div class="gt" style="${style}" title="${category}:${}">${}</div>`)) } }) index++ } // change links const url = `/g/${}/${gallery.token}/` selection.querySelector('a').href = url image.parentElement.href = url return selection } function newCompact (gallery, template, offset, tags = false) { const selection = template.cloneNode(true) const pane = selection.querySelector('.glthumb') const paneImage = pane.querySelector('img') const paneInfo = pane.lastElementChild const paneCategoryTitle = paneInfo.firstElementChild.firstElementChild const paneDate = paneInfo.firstElementChild.lastElementChild const paneRating = paneInfo.lastElementChild.firstElementChild const panePages = paneInfo.lastElementChild.lastElementChild const categoryTitle = selection.querySelector('.glcat').firstElementChild const glcut = selection.querySelector('.glcut') const userInfo = selection.querySelector('.gl2c').lastElementChild const dateUploaded = userInfo.children[0] const rating = userInfo.children[1] const torrent = userInfo.children[2] const info = selection.querySelector('.glname') const title = info.firstElementChild.children[0] const tagsSection = info.firstElementChild.children[1] const note = info.firstElementChild.children[2] const dateFaved = selection.querySelector('.glfav') const checkbox = selection.querySelector('input[name="modifygids[]"]') info.onmouseover = () => show_image_pane( info.onmouseout = () => hide_image_pane( title.innerHTML = || = `ic${}` = `it${}` paneImage.src = getLargeThumbnail( paneImage.alt = || paneImage.title = || paneCategoryTitle.innerHTML = paneCategoryTitle.className = `cn ${getCategoryClass(}` = `postedpop_${}` paneDate.innerHTML = timeConverter( paneDate.onclick = () => popUp(`/gallerypopups.php?gid=${}&t=${gallery.token}&act=addfav`, 675, 415) = `posted_${}` = 'border-color: rgb(238, 136, 238); background-color: rgba(224, 128, 224, 0.1);' = `invert(100%) hue-rotate(${offset * HUEOFFSET}deg)` = getRatingStyle( panePages.innerHTML = dateUploaded.innerHTML = timeConverter( dateUploaded.onclick = () => popUp(`/gallerypopups.php?gid=${}&t=${gallery.token}&act=addfav`, 675, 415) = `posted_${}` dateFaved.innerHTML = timeConverter(new Date(gallery.timestamp).getTime() / 1000).replace(' ', '<br>') categoryTitle.innerHTML = categoryTitle.className = `cn ${getCategoryClass(}` if ('torrents' in && { torrent.innerHTML = `<a href="/gallerytorrents.php?gid=${}&t=${gallery.token}"` + `onclick="return popUp('/gallerytorrents.php?gid=${}&t=${gallery.token}', 610, 590)" rel="nofollow">` + '<img src="" alt="T" title="Show torrents"></a>' } else { torrent.innerHTML = '<img src="" alt="T" title="No torrents available">' } note.innerHTML = (gallery.note) ? `Note: ${gallery.note}` : '' = `favnote_${}` = '' checkbox.value = = getRatingStyle( // add tags tagsSection.innerHTML = '' const tagsCategorized = { female: [], artist: [], male: [], character: [], group: [], language: [], misc: [], parody: [], reclass: [] } => { const [namespace, name] = (tag.includes(':')) ? tag.split(':') : ['misc', tag] const highlight = tags ? (tags[namespace].some(matchTag => matchTag.include && matchTag.regex.test(name)) || tags.misc.some(matchTag => matchTag.include && matchTag.regex.test(name))) : false if (highlight) { tagsCategorized[namespace].unshift({ name, highlight }) } else { tagsCategorized[namespace].push({ name, highlight }) } }) let count = 0 for (const category in tagsCategorized) { tagsCategorized[category].some(tag => { const style = (tag.highlight) ? 'color:#090909;border-color:#b58411c9;background:radial-gradient(#ffbf36,#ffba00);' : '' tagsSection.appendChild(parser(`<div class="gt" style="${style}" title="${category}:${}">${}</div>`)) count++ return count > 8 }) if (count > 8) { break } } // change links const url = `/g/${}/${gallery.token}/` title.parentElement.href = url // image.parentElement.href = url return selection } function newMinimal (gallery, template, offset, tags = false) { const selection = template.cloneNode(true) const pane = selection.querySelector('.glthumb') const paneImage = pane.querySelector('img') const paneInfo = pane.lastElementChild const paneCategoryTitle = paneInfo.firstElementChild.firstElementChild const paneDate = paneInfo.firstElementChild.lastElementChild const paneRating = paneInfo.lastElementChild.firstElementChild const panePages = paneInfo.lastElementChild.lastElementChild const categoryTitle = selection.querySelector('.glcat').firstElementChild const glcut = selection.querySelector('.glcut') const dateUploaded = selection.querySelector('.gl2m').children[2] const rating = selection.querySelector('.gl4m').firstElementChild const torrent = selection.querySelector('.gldown') const info = selection.querySelector('.glname') const title = info.firstElementChild.children[0] const tagsSection = info.firstElementChild.children[1] // if no tags the note section is at the position of the tagsection const note = (tags) ? info.firstElementChild.children[2] : tagsSection const dateFaved = selection.querySelector('.glfav') const checkbox = selection.querySelector('input[name="modifygids[]"]') info.onmouseover = () => show_image_pane( info.onmouseout = () => hide_image_pane( title.innerHTML = || = `ic${}` = `it${}` paneImage.src = getLargeThumbnail( paneImage.alt = || paneImage.title = || paneCategoryTitle.innerHTML = paneCategoryTitle.className = `cn ${getCategoryClass(}` = `postedpop_${}` paneDate.innerHTML = timeConverter( paneDate.onclick = () => popUp(`/gallerypopups.php?gid=${}&t=${gallery.token}&act=addfav`, 675, 415) = `posted_${}` = 'border-color: rgb(238, 136, 238); background-color: rgba(224, 128, 224, 0.1);' = `invert(100%) hue-rotate(${offset * HUEOFFSET}deg)` = getRatingStyle( panePages.innerHTML = dateUploaded.innerHTML = timeConverter( dateUploaded.onclick = () => popUp(`/gallerypopups.php?gid=${}&t=${gallery.token}&act=addfav`, 675, 415) = `posted_${}` dateFaved.innerHTML = timeConverter(new Date(gallery.timestamp).getTime() / 1000) categoryTitle.innerHTML = categoryTitle.className = `cs ${getCategoryClass(}` if ('torrents' in && { torrent.innerHTML = `<a href="/gallerytorrents.php?gid=${}&t=${gallery.token}"` + `onclick="return popUp('/gallerytorrents.php?gid=${}&t=${gallery.token}', 610, 590)" rel="nofollow">` + '<img src="" alt="T" title="Show torrents"></a>' } else { torrent.innerHTML = '<img src="" alt="T" title="No torrents available">' } note.innerHTML = (gallery.note) ? `Note: ${gallery.note}` : '' = `favnote_${}` = '' checkbox.value = = getRatingStyle( // add tags tagsSection.innerHTML = '' const tagsCategorized = { female: [], artist: [], male: [], character: [], group: [], language: [], misc: [], parody: [], reclass: [] } => { const [namespace, name] = (tag.includes(':')) ? tag.split(':') : ['misc', tag] const highlight = tags ? (tags[namespace].some(matchTag => matchTag.include && matchTag.regex.test(name)) || tags.misc.some(matchTag => matchTag.include && matchTag.regex.test(name))) : false if (highlight) { tagsCategorized[namespace].unshift({ name, highlight }) } else { tagsCategorized[namespace].push({ name, highlight }) } }) let count = 0 for (const category in tagsCategorized) { tagsCategorized[category].some(tag => { const style = (tag.highlight) ? 'color:#090909;border-color:#b58411c9;background:radial-gradient(#ffbf36,#ffba00);' : '' tagsSection.appendChild(parser(`<div class="gt" style="${style}" title="${category}:${}">${}</div>`)) count++ return count > 5 }) if (count > 5) { break } } // change links const url = `/g/${}/${gallery.token}/` title.parentElement.href = url // image.parentElement.href = url return selection } // BUTTON FUNCTIONS const changeOrder = order => { const request = new window.Request(`/favorites.php?inline_set=fs_${(order === 'favorited') ? 'p' : 'f'}`) window.fetch(request).then(() => window.location.reload()) } const changeMode = mode => { const request = new window.Request(`/favorites.php?inline_set=dm_${mode}`) window.fetch(request).then(() => window.location.reload()) } const clickDeleteList = (input) => { const value = input.value.trim() const id = input.getAttribute('lid') if ( === 'ulf_last_input') { return } if (!value) { // delete list console.debug(`deleting list ${id}`) try { if (_ULF.dict.getListByLid(id).galleries().number) { const response = window.confirm('This list contains still contains galleries, delete anyways?') if (!response) { return } } _ULF.dict.removeList(id) } catch (error) { console.error(error) window.alert('could not delete gallery') return } input.parentElement.parentElement.remove() inputcounter-- } else { // rename list const list = _ULF.dict.getListByLid(id) if (!list) { console.error(`list with ${id} not found`) return } if ( !== value) { console.debug(`changing ${} to ${value}`) try { = value } catch (error) { console.log(error) } } } } const clickAddList = (input) => { const favsel = select('#favsel') const template = input.parentElement.parentElement.cloneNode(true) const id = input.getAttribute('lid') if ( !== 'ulf_last_input') { return } if (input.value.trim() !== '') { console.debug('creating new list...') _ULF.dict.newList(input.value, id) input.removeAttribute('id') input.classList.add('rename') favsel.appendChild(newInput('', _ULF.newID(), template, _ULF.counter, true)) } } const clickImport = (input) => { if (!importString) { window.alert('no file selected!') return } try { _ULF.json = loadGM(importString) } catch (err) { window.alert('no valid json supplied') return } saveGM() console.log('imported:') console.log(_ULF.json) window.location.reload() } const clickFileImport = (input) => { const reader = new window.FileReader() reader.onload = function () { try { importString = reader.result console.log(JSON.parse(importString)) } catch (err) { window.alert('no valid json supplied') } } reader.readAsText(input.files[0]) } // DIRECTORIES // FAVORITES PAGE if (window.location.pathname.includes('favorites.php')) { const page = parseInt(urlParams.get('ulfpage')) const lid = urlParams.get('lid') const parent = select('h1 + .nosel') const template = parent.children[9].cloneNode(true) const sorter = select('.ido').children[3].firstElementChild const order = sorter.innerText.split(' ')[1].trim().toLowerCase() const mode = select('select') const searchForm = select('form') const searchBox = select('input[name=f_search]') const searchButton = select('input[type=submit]') const [nameCheck, tagsCheck, noteCheck] = selectAll('input[type=checkbox') const pageSelections = [select('.ptt tr'), select('.ptb tr')] const sum = select('.ip') const count = 200 if (lid) { const list = _ULF.dict.getListByLid(lid) const offset = _ULF.dict._lists.indexOf(list) // select current list item const children = [...parent.children] children.forEach(item => { item.classList.remove('fps') }) // modify search button searchForm.onkeydown = (event) => { const x = event.which if (x === 13) { event.preventDefault() insertGalleries(searchBox.value) } } searchButton.type = 'button' searchButton.onclick = () => insertGalleries(searchBox.value) // TODO: disable search enter // change use posted/favorited order links const orderLink = sorter.querySelector('a') orderLink.href = '#' orderLink.onclick = () => changeOrder(order) // change mode links mode.onchange = event => changeMode(event.srcElement.value) // get gallery template let galleryTemplate let galleryLocation switch (mode.value) { case 'm': galleryLocation = select('table.itg > tbody') galleryTemplate = galleryLocation.children[1].cloneNode(true) break case 'p': galleryLocation = select('table.itg > tbody') galleryTemplate = galleryLocation.children[1].cloneNode(true) break case 'l': galleryLocation = select('table.itg > tbody') galleryTemplate = galleryLocation.children[1].cloneNode(true) break case 'e': galleryLocation = select('table.itg > tbody') galleryTemplate = galleryLocation.firstElementChild.cloneNode(true) break case 't': galleryLocation = select('.itg.gld') galleryTemplate = galleryLocation.firstElementChild.cloneNode(true) break default: throw window.InternalError('current mode not supported, only supports ' + 'Minimal, Minimal+, Compact, Extended, Thumbnail') } const insertGalleries = (string = false) => { if (string) { if (window.location.hash) { document.location = window.location.href.split('#')[0] + `#${encodeURIComponent(string)}` } else { document.location += `#${encodeURIComponent(string)}` } } else { document.location = window.location.href.split('#')[0] + '#' } const search = (string) ? { text: string, name: nameCheck.checked, notes: noteCheck.checked, tags: tagsCheck.checked } : false console.debug(search || 'no search') const { galleries, number, tags } = list.galleries(search, order, page, count) console.debug(`found ${number} galleries`) sum.innerHTML = `Showing ${number.toLocaleString()} results` orderLink.href = `#${string}` // adjust page selection pageSelections.forEach(pageSelection => { const pageTemplate = pageSelection.children[1].cloneNode(true) const pages = Math.ceil(number / count) pageSelection.innerHTML = '' // < element if (page === 0) { pageSelection.appendChild(parser('<td class="ptdd"><</td>')) } else { // if out of bounds if ((page - 1) * count > number) { console.error('out of bounds') } const pageElement = pageTemplate.cloneNode(true) pageElement.querySelector('a').innerHTML = '<' pageElement.querySelector('a').href = `/favorites.php?page=1&favcat=0&lid=${lid}&ulfpage=${page - 1}#${encodeURIComponent(string)}` pageSelection.appendChild(pageElement) } // [0-9] elements for (let index = 0; index < pages; index++) { const pageElement = pageTemplate.cloneNode(true) if (page !== index) { pageElement.onclick = event => { const href = event.srcElement.href || event.srcElement.firstElementChild.href document.location = href } pageElement.classList.remove('ptds') } else { pageElement.classList.add('ptds') } pageElement.querySelector('a').innerHTML = index + 1 pageElement.querySelector('a').href = `/favorites.php?page=1&favcat=0&lid=${lid}&ulfpage=${index}#${encodeURIComponent(string)}` pageSelection.appendChild(pageElement) } // > element if (page === pages - 1) { pageSelection.appendChild(parser('<td class="ptdd">></td>')) } else { pageTemplate.querySelector('a').innerHTML = '>' pageTemplate.querySelector('a').href = `/favorites.php?page=1&favcat=0&lid=${lid}&ulfpage=${page + 1}#${encodeURIComponent(string)}` pageTemplate.classList.remove('ptds') pageSelection.appendChild(pageTemplate) } }) // add gallery items galleryLocation.innerHTML = '' let firstRow = '' switch (mode.value) { case 'm': firstRow = parser('<tr><th></th><th>Published</th><th></th><th>Title</th><th></th><th colspan="2">Favorited</th></tr>') galleryLocation.append(firstRow) galleries.forEach(gallery => galleryLocation.append(newMinimal(gallery, galleryTemplate, offset))) break case 'p': firstRow = parser('<tr><th></th><th>Published</th><th></th><th>Title</th><th></th><th colspan="2">Favorited</th></tr>') galleryLocation.append(firstRow) galleries.forEach(gallery => galleryLocation.append(newMinimal(gallery, galleryTemplate, offset, tags))) break case 'l': firstRow = parser('<tr><th></th><th>Published</th><th>Title</th><th colspan="2">Favorited</th></tr>') galleryLocation.append(firstRow) galleries.forEach(gallery => galleryLocation.append(newCompact(gallery, galleryTemplate, offset, tags))) break case 'e': galleries.forEach(gallery => galleryLocation.append(newExtended(gallery, galleryTemplate, tags))) break case 't': galleries.forEach(gallery => galleryLocation.append(newThumbnail(gallery, galleryTemplate, tags))) break default: throw window.InternalError('current mode not supported, only supports ' + 'Minimal, Minimal+, Compact, Extended, Thumbnail') } } // save search in hash / reapply search from hash if (window.location.hash) { const hash = decodeURIComponent(window.location.hash.slice(1)) searchBox.value = (hash !== 'false') ? hash : '' insertGalleries(searchBox.value) } else { insertGalleries() } // start a search when changing text input or categories searchBox.onchange = () => insertGalleries(searchBox.value) // searchBox.oninput = () => { // let location = window.location.href.split('#')[0] // searchForm.action = `${location}#${searchBox.value}` // } nameCheck.onclick = () => insertGalleries(searchBox.value) tagsCheck.onclick = () => insertGalleries(searchBox.value) noteCheck.onclick = () => insertGalleries(searchBox.value) } // insert favorite list items const end = parent.children[10] _ULF.dict.lists.forEach(list => { parent.insertBefore(newItem(list, template, lid ===, mode.value), end) }) } // GALLERY PAGE if (window.location.pathname.includes('/g/')) { const [id, token] = window.location.pathname.split('/').slice(2) const list = _ULF.dict.getListByGid(id) // add favorite icon if gallery is in list if (list) { const offset = _ULF.dict._lists.indexOf(list) const favBtn = select('#gdf') // dumb gallery info console.debug(list.getGallery(id)) favBtn.innerHTML = '<div style="float:left; cursor:pointer" id="fav">' + `<div class="i" style="background-image:url(; background-position:0px -173px; margin-left:16px" title="${}">` + `</div></div><div style="float:left"> <a id="favoritelink" href="#" onclick="return false">${}</a></div><div class="c"></div>` favBtn.querySelector('.i').style.filter = `invert(100%) hue-rotate(${offset * HUEOFFSET}deg)` } else { // dumb gallery info const gallery = { id, token } getGalleryInfo([gallery]).then(info => console.debug(info[0])) } } // SETTINGS if (window.location.pathname.includes('uconfig.php')) { console.log('adding UI to settings...') const favsel = select('#favsel') // add list inputs { const template = favsel.lastElementChild.cloneNode(true) template.querySelector('.i').title = 'unlimited favorites' favsel.previousElementSibling.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', `<br><br> <b>Unlimited favorites:</b><br> Write into the last input to create a <b>new list</b><br> Click outside the text inputs to <b>save</b> your modifications!`) _ULF.dict.lists.forEach((list, index) => { favsel.appendChild(newInput(,, template, index)) }) favsel.appendChild(newInput('', _ULF.newID(), template, _ULF.counter, true)) } // add buttons { const template = select('#apply').firstElementChild.cloneNode(true) template.removeAttribute('id') template.type = 'button' template.classList.add('ulf') const btnFileExport = template.cloneNode(true) const btnFileImport = template.cloneNode(true) const btnFakeFileImport = template.cloneNode(true) const btnImport = template.cloneNode(true) const btnClear = template.cloneNode(true) const btnUpdate = template.cloneNode(true) /* = '2px 33px 2px' = '0' = '2px 33px 2px' = '0' */ btnImport.value = 'import favs' btnImport.setAttribute('for', 'ulf_import_json') btnImport.onclick = event => clickImport(event.srcElement) btnClear.value = 'delete all' btnClear.onclick = () => { if (window.confirm('delete all list? this action can\'t be undone!')) { clearFavs() } } btnFileImport.type = 'file' btnFileImport.setAttribute('accept', '.json,application/json') = 'ulf_import_json' = 'none' btnFileImport.onchange = event => clickFileImport(event.srcElement) btnFakeFileImport.type = 'button' btnFakeFileImport.value = 'select file' = 'ulf_import_button' btnFakeFileImport.onclick = () => select('#ulf_import_json').click() = 'ulf_export' btnFileExport.value = 'export favs' btnFileExport.onclick = () => { const fileName = 'unl_favs_' + new Date().toISOString() + '.json' download(JSON.stringify(_ULF.json), fileName, 'text/json') } = 'ulf_update' btnUpdate.value = 'update all' btnUpdate.alt = 'update information for all galleries (this may take a while)' btnUpdate.onclick = async () => { const response = window.confirm('Update all Galleries? This can take a while and possibly be destructive, consider creating a backup first!') const counterMax = _ULF.dict.lists.reduce((acc, cur) => (acc._galleries) ? acc._galleries.length : acc + cur._galleries.length) console.debug(`found ${counterMax} galleries`) if (response === true) { const limit = 25 const parallel = 4 const promises = [] await _ULF.dict.lists.forEach(async list => { console.log(`queueing list ${}`) const max = list._galleries.length for (let current = 0; current < max; current += (limit * parallel)) { console.log(`queueing from ${current} to ${current + limit * parallel}`) for (let x = 0; x < parallel; x++) { promises.push(async () => { const slice = list._galleries.slice(current + (limit * x), current + (limit * (x + 1))) if (slice.length) { getGalleryInfo(slice).then(entries => { entries.forEach(info => { list.getGallery(info.gid).info = info }) }) } }) } } }) await Promise.eachLimit(promises, parallel, 500).then(() => { window.alert(`updated ${counterMax} galleries!`) }) } } // insert all buttons const importBox = parser('<div id="ulf_import_box"></div>') importBox.append(btnFakeFileImport) importBox.append(btnFileImport) importBox.append(btnImport) importBox.append(btnFileExport) importBox.append(btnClear) importBox.append(btnUpdate) favsel.parentElement.appendChild(importBox) } } // ADD FAVORITES if (window.location.pathname.includes('gallerypopups.php')) { const gid = urlParams.get('gid') const token = urlParams.get('t') const list = _ULF.dict.getListByGid(gid) || false let currentClick = || selected let lastClick = currentClick const note = select('textarea[name=favnote]') if (list) { const gallery = list.getGallery(gid) note.value = gallery.note } // disable apply button const applyBtn = select('input[name=apply]') const form = select('form') applyBtn.type = 'button' = 'galpop_disabled' const submitFavs = (src, apply = false) => { const addULF = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { currentClick = if (currentClick === lastClick || apply === true) { console.debug('clicked already selected option, trying to perform action') if (list) { if (currentClick === 'favdel') { console.debug(`removing a gallery from ULF list '${}'`) list.removeGallery(gid) // window.opener.location.reload(false) resolve('gallery removed') } else if (src.hasAttribute('lid')) { const newList = _ULF.dict.getListByLid(src.getAttribute('lid')) if (list === newList) { console.debug('updating gallery info') const gallery = list.getGallery(gid) gallery.note = note.value select('#favdel').checked = true resolve('gallery updated') // don't understand why this needs to be here window.opener.location.reload(false) form.submit() } else { console.debug(`moving gallery from '${}' to '${}'`) list.removeGallery(gid) newList.addGallery(gid, token, note.value).then(response => { console.debug(response) select('#favdel').checked = true resolve('gallery moved') // don't understand why this needs to be here window.opener.location.reload(false) form.submit() }) } } else { console.debug(`moving gallery from ULF list '${}' to '${currentClick}'`) list.removeGallery(gid) // window.opener.location.reload(false) resolve('gallery moved') } } else { if (src.hasAttribute('lid')) { const newList = _ULF.dict.getListByLid(src.getAttribute('lid')) console.debug(`adding a gallery to ULF list '${}'`) newList.addGallery(gid, token, note.value).then(response => { console.debug(response) select('#favdel').checked = true resolve('gallery added') // don't understand why this needs to be here window.opener.location.reload(false) form.submit() }) } else if (currentClick === 'favdel') { resolve('removing a gallery from normal list') } else { resolve('adding a gallery to normal list') } } } reject('do nothing') // eslint-disable-line prefer-promise-reject-errors }) // after adding gallery to list submit form addULF.then(response => { console.debug(response) form.submit() }).catch(response => { lastClick = currentClick }) } let inputcounter = 0 applyBtn.onclick = event => submitFavs(select("input[type='radio']:checked"), true) const newButton = (name, id, template, counter) => { const selection = template.cloneNode(true) const input = selection.firstElementChild.firstElementChild input.setAttribute('id', `fav${10 + counter}`) input.setAttribute('lid', id) input.value = name input.classList.add('ulf', 'ulf_add_gallery') input.onclick = event => submitFavs(event.srcElement) if (list && id === { input.checked = true } else { input.checked = false } selection.children[1].style.filter = `invert(100%) hue-rotate(${inputcounter * HUEOFFSET}deg)` selection.children[1].onclick = () => selection.children[2].innerHTML = name selection.children[2].onclick = () => inputcounter++ return selection } // add ULF button const parent = select('.nosel') const template = parent.children[9].cloneNode(true) const children = [...parent.children] children.forEach(item => { const input = item.firstElementChild.firstElementChild input.onclick = event => submitFavs(event.srcElement) }) if (parent.children.length === 11) { const deleteBtn = parent.lastElementChild _ULF.dict.lists.forEach((list, index) => { parent.insertBefore(newButton(,, template, index), deleteBtn) }) } else { const deleteBtn = parser('<div style="height:25px; cursor:pointer">' + '<div style="float:left"><input type="radio" name="favcat" value="favdel" id="favdel" style="position:relative; top:-1px"></div>' + '<div style="float:left; padding-left:5px" onclick="document.getElementById(\'favdel\').click()">Remove from Favorites</div>' + '<div class="c"></div>' + '</div>') _ULF.dict.lists.forEach((list, index) => { parent.append(newButton(,, template, index)) }) parent.append(deleteBtn) const input = select('#favdel') input.onclick = event => submitFavs(event.srcElement) } } // MAIN PAGE { const mode = window.document.querySelector('select') const items = window.document.querySelectorAll('.gldown') // add fav highlight to gallery item console.debug(`changing favorite highlighting for ${items.length} galleries`) items.forEach(item => { let favButton switch (mode.value) { case 'm': favButton = item.parentElement.previousElementSibling.children[2] break case 'p': favButton = item.parentElement.previousElementSibling.children[2] break case 'l': favButton = item.parentElement.children[0] break case 'e': favButton = item.parentElement.children[1] break case 't': favButton = item.parentElement.previousElementSibling.children[1] break default: throw window.InternalError('current mode not supported, only supports ' + 'Minimal, Minimal+, Compact, Extended, Thumbnail') } const gid ='posted_', '') const list = _ULF.dict.getListByGid(gid) || _ULF.dict.getListByLid(urlParams.get('lid')) if (list) { const offset = _ULF.dict._lists.indexOf(list) = 'border-color: rgb(238, 136, 238); background-color: rgba(224, 128, 224, 0.1);' = `invert(100%) hue-rotate(${offset * HUEOFFSET}deg)` } }) } })() GM_addStyle(`* { .ulf_import_box { width: 250px; } .ulf_import_box > input { width: 100% } }`)