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// ==UserScript== // @name toomanytags // @version 1.7.4 // @description Copies Tags from other sites (currently only panda) // @author ZerataX // @namespace // @license MIT // @updateURL // @include /^https?://(www\.)?tsumino\.com/* // @include /^https?://(www\.)?pururin\.(us|io)\/contribute\/upload // @require // @require // @grant none // ==/UserScript== var typed = false; var currentTag = 0; var maxTags = 0; var load_btn = document.createElement("a"); var next_btn = document.createElement("a"); var tag_counter = document.createElement("span"); var pandaData; function create_interface(){ // adds button on top of the website if (window.location.hostname.replace("www.", "").split(".")[0] == "pururin") { var form_group = $('#uploadHentai'); = "load-tags"; form_group.append(load_btn); load_btn.innerHTML = '<i class="fa fa-tags"></i> Load Tags'; load_btn.classList.add('btn'); load_btn.classList.add('btn-gray'); load_btn.classList.add('btn-sm'); load_btn.onclick = function() { load_tags(); }; = "next-tag"; form_group.append(next_btn); next_btn.innerHTML = '<i class="fa fa-arrow-circle-o-right"></i> Next Tag'; next_btn.classList.add('btn'); next_btn.classList.add('btn-gray'); next_btn.classList.add('btn-sm'); next_btn.onclick = function() { next_tag(); }; form_group.append(tag_counter); tag_counter.innerHTML = "0/0 Tags"; = "white"; }else{ alert("if you're still using this and want an update make an issue on github"); } } // removes additional info from titles function getTitle(title) { title = title.replace(/\([^\)]*\)/g, '') // remove text inside () .replace(/\[[^\]]*\]/g, '') // remove text inside [] .replace(/\{[^\}]*\}/g, '') // remove text inside {} .replace(/\=[^\=]*\=/g, ''); // remove text inside == title = $('<div/>').html(title).text(); // replaces special charcters return(title); } // writes tags into input fields function addTag(array, type, field) { if (array[currentTag].search(type) >= 0) { // the panda api is a little weird about tags, they look like: "parody:touhou project" So I have to check every tag in an array individually. var value = array[currentTag].slice(array[currentTag].search(':') + 1); // removes identifier, eg "parody:" from tag console.log(value); var input_field = $('.tt-input:eq('+ field +')'); input_field.focus(); input_field.trigger({type: 'keydown', key: "Backspace" }); for (var index = 0; index < value.length; index++) { input_field.trigger({type: 'keydown', key: String(value).charAt(index) }); } //input_field.val(value); } } // checks what kind the current tag is then passes it to addTag or writes it immediately. function checkTags(array) { tags = array.gmetadata[0].tags; typed = true; if (currentTag == array.length) { typed = false; } if (tags[currentTag].search('language:') >= 0) { if (tags[currentTag].search('language:japanese') >= 0) { $('.form-control[name="language"]').val("13011"); }else if(tags[currentTag].search('language:english') >= 0) { $('.form-control[name="language"]').val("13010"); }else if (tags[currentTag] != "language:english" || tags[currentTag] != "language:japanese") { alert("please only upload english translations or japanese content"); } currentTag++; } // tags that don't look weird in the api, like misc, go straight into the input field. if (tags[currentTag].search(':') < 0) { addTag(tags,'',4); } // check every tag for it's identifier and write it into it's corresponding input field. addTag(tags,'artist:',0); addTag(tags,'male:',4); addTag(tags,'group:',1); addTag(tags,'character:',3); addTag(tags,'parody:',2); $("#currentTag").text(maxTags - currentTag); } // skips to the next tag function next_tag() { if(typed === true && currentTag <= tags.length - 2) { currentTag++; checkTags(pandaData); }else if (currentTag == tags.length - 1) { currentTag++; // category field gets added last, due to the way the api structers it's payload switch (pandaData.gmetadata[0].category.toLowerCase()) { case "doujinshi": $('.form-control[name="category"]').val("13003"); break; case "artbook": $('.form-control[name="category"]').val("13001"); break; case "game cg sets": $('.form-control[name="category"]').val("13008"); break; case "manga": $('.form-control[name="category"]').val("13004"); alert("Please make sure this is a Manga and not a Manga One-shot"); break; case "artist cg sets": $('.form-control[name="category"]').val("13006"); break; case "image sets": $('.form-control[name="category"]').val("13006"); break; case "western": alert("this gallery has western origin"); break; default: alert("category non-h is not a pururin category"); break; } //alert("All tags used!"); = "#D45776"; } console.log(currentTag); tag_counter.innerHTML = currentTag + "/" + maxTags + " Tags"; } // loads tags from the current gallery function load_tags() { //check if url entered source_link = $('.form-control[name="source"]'); if (source_link.val()) { //seperate url into its fragments to get gallery_id aka book[4] and gallery_token aka book[5] //{gallery_id}/{gallery_token}/ var book = source_link.val().replace("https:", "http:").split('/'); if (book[0] != 'http:') { book.unshift('http:',''); } var http = new XMLHttpRequest(); var url = ''; var params = '{ "method": "gdata", "gidlist": [ [' + book[4] + ',"' + book[5] + '"] ],"namespace": 1 }';'POST', url, true); //Send the proper header information along with the request http.setRequestHeader('Content-type', 'application/json'); http.onreadystatechange = function() {//Call a function when the state changes. if(http.readyState == 4 && http.status == 200) { //var tags = {"gmetadata":[{"gid":618395,"token":"0439fa3666","archiver_key":"407328--dfb5f1192df11db32203e7467969aeca53786f67","title":"(Kouroumu 8) [Handful\u2606Happiness! (Fuyuki Nanahara)] TOUHOU GUNMANIA A2 (Touhou Project)","title_jpn":"(\u7d05\u697c\u59228) [Handful\u2606Happiness! (\u4e03\u539f\u51ac\u96ea)] TOUHOU GUNMANIA A2 (\u6771\u65b9Project)","category":"Non-H","thumb":"http:\/\/\/14\/63\/1463dfbc16847c9ebef92c46a90e21ca881b2a12-1729712-4271-6032-jpg_l.jpg","uploader":"avexotsukaai","posted":"1376143500","filecount":"20","filesize":51210504,"expunged":false,"rating":"4.43","torrentcount":"0","tags":["parody:touhou project","group:handful happiness","artist:nanahara fuyuki","full color","artbook"]}]}; pandaData = JSON.parse(http.responseText); console.log(pandaData); var title_jpn = getTitle(pandaData.gmetadata[0].title_jpn).trim(); var title_eng = getTitle(pandaData.gmetadata[0].title).trim(); maxTags = pandaData.gmetadata[0].tags.length; tag_counter.innerHTML = "0/" + maxTags + " Tags"; checkTags(pandaData); console.log(title_eng); console.log(title_jpn); if (title_eng.toLowerCase() == title_jpn.toLowerCase()) { $('.form-control[name="english"]').val(title_eng); } else { $('.form-control[name="english"]').val(title_eng); $('.form-control[name="japanese"]').val(title_jpn); } } }; http.send(params); }else{ alert("no url given"); // gives a warning when no url is given } } function doc_keyUp(e) { if(e.code == "Enter") { next_tag(); } } document.addEventListener('keyup', doc_keyUp, false); window.onload = create_interface();