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// ==UserScript== // @name Light Novel Loader // @namespace // @version 4.3 // @description BEST novel loader for your favorite Light Novel site! Works on Android & IOS!! 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background-color: #090; color: #000; padding: 50px 250px; border: none; } .LN_chapter::-webkit-resizer, .LN_chapter::-webkit-scrollbar-corner, .LN_chapter::-webkit-scrollbar-button { transition: all 0.5s; width: 0; height: 0; display: none; } .LN_chapter::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { transition: all 0.5s; background-color: #000; } .LN_chapter::-webkit-scrollbar-track, .LN_chapter::-webkit-scrollbar { transition: all 0.5s; background-color: #090; width: 10px; } .LN_styler, .LN_filter, .LN_chapterin { box-shadow: 0 0 20px 20px #090; top: 20px; display: none; padding: 20px; margin: 20px auto; border-radius: 20px; height: -moz-fit-content; width: -moz-fit-content; height: fit-content; width: fit-content; } .LN_styler textarea { color: #090; background-color: #222; border: none; outline: 0; padding: 2px; width: 500px; height: 300px; font-family: roboto; } .LN_styler h2, .LN_filter h2 { cursor: default; } .LN_b input[type=file] { cursor: pointer; background-color: #000; color: #090; padding: 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GM_addStyle(` .LN_cmob { width: 100% !important; right: 0 !important; left: 0 !important; } .LN_fmob { width: 100% !important; right: 0 !important; left: 0 !important; } .LN_cmob textarea { width: 100% !important; } .LN_amob { font-size: 14px !important; max-width: 300px !important; margin: 0 ${(window.innerWidth - 300) / 2}px !important; } .LN_mob { padding: 20px !important; } .LN_bot { border-radius: 20px 20px 0 0 !important; } .LN_bot .LN_icob, .LN_bot .LN_icob2 { display: inline; padding: 0; margin: 10px 0; } `); CSS = GM_addStyle(` .LN_chapter, .LN_chapter div, .LN_chapter p { background-color: ${bgc} !important; color: ${txc} !important; scrollbar-color: ${txc} ${bgc}; } .LN_chapter::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { transition: all 0.5s; background-color: ${txc} } .LN_chapter::-webkit-scrollbar-track, .LN_chapter::-webkit-scrollbar { transition: all 0.5s; background-color: ${bgc}; width: 10px; }`); fontcss = GM_addStyle(` .LN_chapter, .LN_chapter div, .LN_chapter p { font-size: ${defaultfs}px !important; font-family: ${defaultf} !important; }`); liningcss = GM_addStyle(` .LN_chapter * { line-height: ${lheight}; } .LN_chapter p { margin: ${pmargin}px 0; text-align: start; }`); ccss = GM_addStyle(CCSS); s.className = 'LN_settings'; d.className = 'LN_downloadCounter'; o.className = 'LN_overlay'; m.className = 'LN_menu'; c.className = 'LN_styler'; f.className = 'LN_filter'; r.className = 'LN_chapter'; n.className = 'LN_sidebar'; l.className = 'LN_chapterin'; s.innerHTML = 'XDHx86 - LN Loader v4.3 | Settings'; d.innerHTML = svgdd + ' Downloading Chapters: 1'; m.innerHTML = `<h2> ${svga} Shortcuts: </h2> <div class="LN_s"> Reader Mode: <input type="text"> <br> Next Chapter: <input type="text"> <br> Next Chapter: <input type="text"> <br> Next Chapter: <input type="text"> <br> Prev Chapter: <input type="text"> <br> Prev Chapter: <input type="text"> <br> Prev Chapter: <input type="text"> <br> Dark Mode: <input type="text"> <br> Increase Font Size: <input type="text"> <br> Decrease Font Size: <input type="text"> <br> Remove Annoyances: <input type="text"> <br> Download: <input type="text"> <br> Auto Scroll: <input type="text"> <br> Show Favorites: <input type="text"> <br> </div> <h2> ${svga} Switches: </h2> <div class="LN_p"> <span title="What is this? Click to see notes." class="LN_help"> Auto Remove Annoyances: </span> <br> Yes <input type="radio" name="rn"> No <input type="radio" name="rn"> <br> Auto Next Chapter: <br> Yes <input type="radio" name="nc"> No <input type="radio" name="nc"> <br> <span title="What is this? Click to see notes." class="LN_help"> Use Dynamic Loading: </span> <br> Yes <input type="radio" name="dl"> No <input type="radio" name="dl"> <br> Download Type: <br> EPUB <input type="radio" name="ep"> PDF <input type="radio" name="ep"> <br> Auto Resume from Last Stop: <br> Yes <input type="radio" name="ar"> No <input type="radio" name="ar"> <br> Default Reader Mode: <br> Dark Mode <input type="radio" name="dr"> Light Mode <input type="radio" name="dr"> <br> Auto Scroll Type: <br> Page-Like <input type="radio" name="st"> Continuous <input type="radio" name="st"> <br> <span class="LN_help" title="What is this? click to see notes"> Swipe gestures: </span> <br> Yes <input type="radio" name="sg"> No <input type="radio" name="sg"> <br> Dynamic light-dark mode: <br> Yes <input type="radio" name="ld"> No <input type="radio" name="ld"> <br> decensore words: <br> Yes <input type="radio" name="uc"> No <input type="radio" name="uc"> <br> Confirm on auto download: <br> Yes <input type="radio" name="ca"> No <input type="radio" name="ca"> <br> Auto Download updates from: <br> Last read chapter <input type="radio" name="du"> Last downloaded chapter <input type="radio" name="du"> <br> Check Completed Novels: <br> Yes <input type="radio" name="cn"> No <input type="radio" name="cn"> <br> Auto Retry: <br> Yes <input type="radio" name="rr"> No <input type="radio" name="rr"> </div> <h2> ${svga} General: </h2> <div class="LN_o"> Default Font: <br> <select class="LN_dfs"> <option value="'Comic Sans MS'">Comic Sans MS</option> <option value="'Comic Neue'">Comic Neue</option> <option value="'Squada One'">Squada One</option> <option value="'Maven Pro'">Maven Pro</option> <option value="'Berkshire Swash'">Berkshire Swash</option> <option value="Dosis">Dosis</option> <option value="Cursive">Cursive</option> <option value="Ubuntu">Ubuntu</option> <option value="Asap">Asap</option> <option value="Helvetica">Helvetica</option> <option value="Quicksand">Quicksand</option> <option value="Verdana">Verdana</option> <option value="Custom">Custom</option> </select> <input class="LN_dft" style="display: none;" type="text"> <span class="LN_cancel" title="Cancel" style="display: none;"> ${svgs} </span> <span class="LN_note" style="display: none;"> ${svgi} Note that: <br> - The value has to be inbetween quotes and capitalized to work. <br> - The font has to be from Google Fonts. </span> <br> Auto Scroll Speed: <br> <select class="LN_ass"> <option value="60">Fastest</option> <option value="70">Faster</option> <option value="80">Fast</option> <option value="90">Medium</option> <option value="100">Slow</option> <option value="110">Slower</option> <option value="120">Slowest</option> <option value="Custom">Custom</option> </select> <input class="LN_ast" style="display: none;" type="number" min="10" max="200" step="1"> <span class="LN_cancel" title="Cancel" style="display: none;"> ${svgs} </span> <span class="LN_note" style="display: none;"> ${svgi} Notes: <br> - The lower the value the faster the speed. <br> - If you're using page-like scroll, then this represents seconds to wait before scrolling.</span> <br> Default Font Size: <input type="number" min="8" max="30"> <span class="LN_current"> Current Size </span> <br> Space between each paragraph: <input type="number" min="10" max="60"> <br> Line height: <input type="number" min="1" max="3" step="0.01"> <br> <span title="What is this? Click to see notes." class="LN_help"> Auto Next Chapter Delay: </span> <input type="number" min="20" max="100" step="1"> <br> Auto dark-mode hour: <input type="number" min="0" max="24" step="1"> <br> <span title="Click to see important note!" class=LN_help> Auto light-mode hour: </span> <input type="number" min="0" max="24" step="1"> <br> Auto retry times: <input type="number" min="0" max="1000" step="1"> <br> <br> Customize Styles: <button class="LN_btn"> Open Styler </button> <br> <span title="What is this? Click to see notes." class="LN_help"> Word Filtering: </span> <button class="LN_btn"> Open Filter </button> </div> <h2> ${svga} Download: </h2> <div class="LN_d"> Download <input type="number" min="1" max="10000" step="1"> chapter(s) <br> <button style="margin-top: 10px" class="LN_btn"> Download </button> <br> <span class=LN_note style="margin: 5px 0;"> ${svgi} Please note that: <br> - If you see random letters or incomprehensible words in a downloaded chapter, then you need to filter the letter that caused this issue such as:『 』「 」〈 〉 and other similar non-ASCII characters. </span> <br> Cancel current download: <button style="margin-top: 10px" class="LN_btn"> Cancel </button> <br> Cancel auto download: <button style="margin-top: 10px" class="LN_btn"> Cancel </button> </div> <h2> ${svga} Notifications & Favorites: </h2> <div class="LN_n"> Add this novel to favorites: <button class="LN_btn"> Add </button> <br> Notify when no chapters found: <br> Yes <input type="radio" name="nf"> No <input type="radio" name="nf"> <br> Auto check for updates: <br> Enabled <input type="radio" name="nn"> Disabled <input type="radio" name="nn"> <br> <span class=LN_help title="Not sure of something? Click to see notes"> Auto download updates: </span> <br> Yes <input type="radio" name="ad"> No <input type="radio" name="ad"> <br> <span class=LN_help> Auto check updates after: </span> <input type="time"> <br> Check for updates now: <button class="LN_btn"> Check </button> <br> Cancel current check: <button class="LN_btn"> Cancel </button> <br> Favorite novels list: <button class="LN_btn"> Show </button> <br> <span class="LN_note"> ${svgi} Please note that: <br> - If the window is already open it won't open again. <br> - You need to allow popups to use this. </span> </div> <h2> ${svga} Backup & Restore: </h2> <div class="LN_b"> Backup: <button class="LN_btn"> Backup </button> <br> Restore: <input type="file"> <button class="LN_btn"> Restore </button> <br> <br> Auto backup period: <input type=number min=0 max=20 step=1> <span class=LN_note> ${svgi} Notes: <br> - Set to zero to disable. <br> - This value determines the days before an auto backup. </span> </div> <h2> ${svga} Feedback: </h2> <div class="LN_f"> <button class=LN_btn> Send an email </button> </div> <br> <br> <button class="LN_btn"> Save </button> <button class="LN_btn"> Reset </button> `; c.innerHTML = 'Reader Text Color: <input type="text"> <br> Reader Background Color: <input type="text"> <br> Reader Text Color (Dark Mode): <input type="text"> <br> Reader Background Color (Dark Mode): <input type="text"> <br> <br> <h2>' + svga + ' Advanced Styling: </h2> <br> <textarea spellcheck="false" placeholder="Type CSS Code">' + CCSS + '</textarea> <br> <h2>' + svga + ' EPUB Styling: </h2> <br> <textarea spellcheck="false" placeholder="Type CSS Code">' + ECCSS + '</textarea> <br> <br> <button class="LN_btn"> Save </button>'; f.innerHTML = '<div> <h4> Replace </h4> <select> <option value="line"> Whole Line </option> <option value="word"> Word Only </option> </select> <h4> That </h4> <select> <option value="contains"> Contains </option> <option value="equals"> Equals </option> </select> <h4> This Value: </h4> <input type="text"> <h4> With: </h4> <input type="text" placeholder="Leave Empty to Remove"> <span class="LN_note"> ' + svgi + 'Note: <br> - Replaced word and the to be replaced word are both case-sensitive. <br> - "Word only" replacer with modifier "contains" uses RegExp. <br> - "Word only" replacer with modifier "equals" can contain HTML code, such as "< BR >". </span> </div> <h2> Rules: </h2> <br> <select size="6" style="width: 100%; padding: 0px;"> </select> <div style="display: inline-block;height: 50px;"> <button class="LN_btn" style="margin: 10px 2px;"> Add Rule </button> <button class="LN_btn" disabled="" style="right: 20px;position: absolute; margin: 10px -2px;"> Remove </button> </div>'; n.innerHTML = `<button class="LN_icob" title="Reader mode"> ${svgreader} </button> <button class="LN_icob" title="Settings"> ${svgsettings} </button> <button class="LN_icob" title="Previous Chapter"> ${svgarrowl} </button> <button class="LN_icob" title="Dark/Light Mode"> ${svgdarkm} </button> <button class="LN_icob" title="Next Chapter"> ${svgarrowr} </button> <button class="LN_icob" title="Extra actions"> ${svgsh} </button> </button> <button class="LN_icob2" title="Increase font size"> ${svgfi} </button> </button> <button class="LN_icob2" title="Decrease font size"> ${svgfd} </button> </button> <button class="LN_icob2" title="Auto scroll"> ${svgscroll} </button> </button> <button class="LN_icob2" title="Remove annoyances"> ${svgrema} </button> <button class="LN_icob2" title="Show novel's chapter index"> ${svgcontent} </button> `; 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EPUB downloading is still in experimental phase.', 'EPUB generating is complete (' + NOVEL + '), Enjoy!') window.LN_downloading = false; if (m.querySelectorAll('.LN_btn')[2]) { m.querySelectorAll('.LN_btn')[3].disabled = false; m.querySelectorAll('.LN_btn')[2].disabled = false; m.querySelectorAll('.LN_btn')[2].innerText = 'Download'; } down(file, options.title); d.innerHTML = 'Download complete. Enjoy!' setTimeout(() => { sh('dcf'); }, 4000); setTimeout(() => { if (!auto) { if (location.href != url) { if (confirm('Download complete.\nRedirecting to last chapter downloaded (' + title.replace(/\n|\t|«/gm, '') + ')')), '_self'); } else alert('Download compelete.'); } else if (!single) downnew(index); else alert('Download compelete.'); }, 10000); }, 10000); }); } let downchp = 0, warned, epubsups = ['', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '']; let ogn; function Download(url, n=1, retries=0, auto=false, index, PL=CS, single, OBJ={}) { let allowbtn = () => { m.querySelectorAll('.LN_btn')[2].disabled = false; m.querySelectorAll('.LN_btn')[2].innerText = 'Download'; m.querySelectorAll('.LN_btn')[3].disabled = false; m.querySelectorAll('.LN_btn')[4].disabled = false; }, cancel = () => { window.LN_downloading = false; window.LN_canceldownload = false; alt('Download canceled.'); if (auto && !single && !window.LN_cancelauto) downnew(index + 1); window.LN_cancelauto = false; if (m.querySelector('.LN_btn')) allowbtn(); warned = false; } if (url.includes('lightnovelworld') && !warned && document.querySelector('.login-wrap-nav').innerText.toUpperCase() == 'SIGN IN') { warned = true; if (!confirm('To download from LNW you have to be logged in since many chapters are only avialable to the signed-in user\nTo continue press OK else sign in and try again')) { cancel(); return; } } window.LN_downloading = true; if (window.LN_canceldownload) { cancel(); return; } if (!ogn) ogn = n; n--; if (CCC < 10) Dgetcover(, CCC++; getcontent(url, PL, OBJ); downchp++; if (d) sh('dct'), d.innerHTML = svgdd + ' Downloading Chapters: ' + downchp + '/' + ogn; if (downchp%100 == 0 && downloadt && epubsups.includes(url.LN_host())) alt(downchp+' chapters finished, it\'s not stuck. Don\'t worry.'); const action = setTimeout(() => { try { let NOVEL = OBJ.NOVEL, BODY = OBJ.BODY, CHAPTER = OBJ.CHAPTER, TITLE = OBJ.TITLE, CHAPTERTITLE = OBJ.CHAPTERTITLE; const down = () => { if (downloadt && epubsups.includes(url.LN_host())) { GM_notification('Chapters Loading is complete (' + NOVEL + ')\nGenerating EPUB this may take up to 5 minutes depending on the number of chapters downloaded.\nJust Wait for the download to begin.', 'Chapters loading is complete. (' + url.LN_platform() + ')'); let Dopts = { author: AUTHOR, cover: { link:, type:, code: IMAGE.code }, uid: ([1e7]+-1e3+-4e3+-8e3+-1e11).replace(/[018]/g, c => (c ^ crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(1))[0] & 15 >> c / 4).toString(16)), title: `${NOVEL.replacer()} (${firsttitle.replace(NOVEL, '').replace('-', '')} - ${title.replace(NOVEL, '').replace('-', '')})`, font: FONT.font.replaceAll("'", ''), woff2: FONT.code } OBJ.url = a; genEPUB(Dopts, Dcont, url, auto, index, single, title, OBJ); d.innerHTML = svgdd + ' Generating EPUB' } else { if (downloadt && !confirm('EPUB downloading isn\'t supported for this site, it will be downloaded as PDF. Continue?')) { cancel(); return; }'«', '') + '.pdf'); setTimeout(() => { window.LN_downloading = false; if (m.querySelectorAll('.LN_btn')[2]) allowbtn(); setTimeout(() => { if (!auto) { if (location.href != url) { if (confirm('Download complete.\nRedirecting to last chapter downloaded (' + title.replace(/\n|\t|«/gm, '') + ')')), '_self'); } else alert('Download compelete.'); } else if (!single) downnew(index); else alert('Download compelete.'); }, 5000); }, 3000); } } if (TITLE) { if (TITLE[2].includes('Teaser')) { window.LN_downloading = false; window.LN_canceldownload = false; window.LN_cancelauto = false; if (m.querySelector('.LN_btn')) allowbtn(); if (!auto) { if (location.href != url) { if (confirm('Download complete.\nRedirecting to last chapter downloaded (' + oldtitle.replace(/\n|\t|«/gm, '') + ')')), '_self'); } else alert('Download compelete.'); } else if (!single) downnew(index); else alert('Download compelete.'); return; } if (TITLE[2] == oldtitle && n >= 0) { alt('Network latency high or server denied access, retrying...'); retry({ callback: Download, url: url, n: n, auto: auto, dindex: index, PL: PL, single: single, retries: retries + 1, origin: url, OBJ: OBJ }); return; } } let body = BODY, chapter = CHAPTER, title = TITLE[2]; oldtitle = title; oldurl = url; if (!firsttitle) firsttitle = title; removeannon(chapter, true, PL); record('', body, PL, url, true); let content = chapter.innerText, econtent = chapter.innerHTML, pdf = new jsPDF(); if (!downloadt || !epubsups.includes(url.LN_host())) { if (\w+/gm) > 2) content = content.substr(\w+/gm)); function wrap(text, textWidth, doc, fontSize = 10, fontType = 'normal', lineSpacing = 7, xPosition = 10, initialYPosition = 20, pageWrapInitialYPosition = 20) { let textLines = doc.splitTextToSize(text, textWidth), pageHeight = doc.internal.pageSize.height, cursorY = initialYPosition; doc.setFontType(fontType); doc.setFontSize(fontSize); textLines.forEach(lineText => { if (cursorY > pageHeight) { doc.addPage(); cursorY = pageWrapInitialYPosition; } doc.text(xPosition, cursorY, lineText); cursorY += lineSpacing; }); } wrap(content, 210 - 10 - 10, pdf, 16); } else { let t = n*2, m = (t/60).toFixed(), s = ((t/60 % 1) * 60).toFixed(); if (downloadt && !Dalt && epubsups.includes(url.LN_host())) { setTimeout(() => alt('Please wait, downloading chapters then generating Epub. This will take approximately ' + m + ' minute(s) ' + s + ' seconds. (Time is calculated based on number of chapters requested to be downloaded (' + parseInt(n + 1) +') NOT how many chapters the novel has.)\nIt will notify when it\'s done.', 10000), 6000); let url2; if (url.includes('wuxiax') || url.includes('lnreader') || url.includes('') || url.includes('') || url.includes('')) url2 = BODY.querySelector(PL.novel).href.LN_fix(url); Dgetauthor(url2 || url, PL); if (url.includes('readlightnovel') || url.includes('')) url2 = undefined; Dlink(url2 || url); getfont(); } Dalt = true; let fcontent = econtent; if (url.includes('')) { let b = document.createElement('div'); for (let e of chapter.childNodes) { if (e.nodeName != '#text') e.remove(); else { let p = document.createElement('p'); p.innerText =; b.appendChild(p); } } b.innerHTML = b.innerHTML.replaceAll('<br>', ''); for (let e of b.childNodes) if (\w/) == -1) e.remove(); fcontent = b.innerHTML; } Dcont.push({ title: CHAPTERTITLE.replacer(), content: fcontent }); } if (n == 0) down(); if (n >= 1) { let nurl = body.querySelector(; if (url.includes('novelonlinefull') || url.includes('bestlightnovel')) { let nn; for (let e of body.querySelectorAll('a')) if (/NEXT CHAPTER/ig.test(e.innerText) || e.innerText == 'Next »') nn = e; nurl = nn; } if (nurl && nurl.href) nurl.href = nurl.href.LN_fix(url); if (nurl && nurl.href && (!(nurl.href.endsWith('#') && nurl.href.includes(url))) && (nurl.href.split(url.LN_host())[1] && nurl.href.split(url.LN_host())[1].split('/')[1].toLowerCase() == url.split(url.LN_host())[1].split('/')[1].toLowerCase()) && nurl.href != url) { nurl = nurl.href; Download(nurl, n, 0, auto, index, PL, single); } else down(); } } catch (e) { console.error(e); clearTimeout(action); if (!OBJ.BODY) { alt('Error: NETWORK_ERROR\nDetails: Response cannot be null! Retrying...', 10000); retry({ callback: Download, url: url, n: n, auto: auto, index: index, PL: PL, single: single, retries: retries + 1, origin: url, OBJ: OBJ }); } else if (BOTCHECK(OBJ.BODY)) { if (m.querySelector('.LN_btn')) allowbtn(); if (confirm('Caught by bot verification.\nClick OK to open url (' + url + ') in new tab, the script will try again in 5 seconds.\nYou can also press cancel to cancel the download.')) {, '_blank'); Download(url, n, auto, index, PL, single, retries, OBJ) } } else { alt('Error:\nDetails: Unexpected error has occured. Retrying...', 10000); retry({ callback: Download, url: url, n: n, auto: auto, index: index, PL: PL, single: single, retries: retries + 1, origin: url, OBJ: OBJ }); } } }, 2000); } function set() { let inputst = m.querySelectorAll('.LN_s input[type=text]'), inputsr = m.querySelectorAll('input[type=radio]'), inputsn = m.querySelectorAll('input[type=number]:not([max="10000"])'), current = m.querySelector('.LN_current'), selects = m.querySelectorAll('select'), down = m.querySelectorAll('.LN_btn')[2], canceldown = m.querySelectorAll('.LN_btn')[3], cancelauto = m.querySelectorAll('.LN_btn')[4], addtof = m.querySelectorAll('.LN_btn')[5], updates = m.querySelectorAll('.LN_btn')[6], cancelupdate = m.querySelectorAll('.LN_btn')[7], fav = m.querySelectorAll('.LN_btn')[8], backup = m.querySelectorAll('.LN_btn')[9], restore = m.querySelectorAll('.LN_btn')[10], feba = m.querySelectorAll('.LN_btn')[11], save = m.querySelectorAll('.LN_btn')[12], reset = m.querySelectorAll('.LN_btn')[13], mreader = n.querySelectorAll('button')[0], msettings = n.querySelectorAll('button')[1], mprev = n.querySelectorAll('button')[2], mdarkm = n.querySelectorAll('button')[3], mnext = n.querySelectorAll('button')[4], msh = n.querySelectorAll('button')[5], mif = n.querySelectorAll('button')[6], mdf = n.querySelectorAll('button')[7], mas = n.querySelectorAll('button')[8], mra = n.querySelectorAll('button')[9], mdn = n.querySelectorAll('button')[10], inputsc = c.querySelectorAll('input'), savec = c.querySelector('.LN_btn'), textc = c.querySelectorAll('textarea')[0], etextc = c.querySelectorAll('textarea')[1], selectl = f.querySelectorAll('select')[0], selectt = f.querySelectorAll('select')[1], selectr = f.querySelectorAll('select')[2], word = f.querySelectorAll('input')[0], rword = f.querySelectorAll('input')[1], addwf = f.querySelectorAll('.LN_btn')[0], remwf = f.querySelectorAll('.LN_btn')[1], radios = [autora, autonc, autodl, downloadt, autoresume, defaultv, scrollt, swipeg, autodmode, decensore, allowconfirm, uselastr, checkcomp, autoretry, nnotfound, autoch, autodown], radiosn = ['autora', 'autonc', 'autodl', 'downloadt', 'autoresume', 'defaultv', 'scrollt', 'swipeg', 'autodmode', 'decensore', 'allowconfirm', 'uselastr', 'checkcomp', 'autoretry', 'nnotfound', 'autoch', 'autodown'], valst = [fullscreen, next, nexta, nextaa, prev, preva, prevaa, darkmode, incfs, decfs, removean, download, autoscroll, showfavs], valstn = ['fullscreen', 'next', 'nexta', 'nextaa', 'prev', 'preva', 'prevaa', 'darkmode', 'incfs', 'decfs', 'removean', 'download', 'autoscroll', 'showfavs'], valsn = [autoscrolls, defaultfs, pmargin, lheight, autoncd, dmtime, lmtime, autoretryno, autobackupp], valsnn = ['autoscrolls', 'defaultfs', 'pmargin', 'lheight', 'autoncd', 'dmtime', 'lmtime', 'autoretryno', 'autobackupp'], valsc = [txc, bgc, dtxc, dbgc], valscn = ['txc', 'bgc', 'dtxc', 'dbgc'], help = m.querySelectorAll('.LN_help'), downinput = m.querySelector('input[max="10000"]'), checktinput = m.querySelector('input[type=time]'); 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this.onfocus = function() { this.onfocus = null; this.setCustomValidity(''); } alt(`Invalid value! No more than ${this.max} nor less than ${this.min} ${this.step ? `and is divisible by ${this.step}` : 'and no decimals'}.`, 7000); this.value = this.getAttribute('ln-og'); } } } { for (let i = 0; i < radios.length; i++) { if (radios[i] === true) inputsr[i*2].checked = true; else inputsr[i*2+1].checked = true; } let search = selects[0].options.LN_search(defaultf); if (search.found) { search.obj.selected = true; selects[0].style.fontFamily = search.obj.value; } search = selects[1].options.LN_search(autoscrolls); if (search.found) search.obj.selected = true; else { selects[1].lastElementChild.remove(); selects[1].options.add(new Option(autoscrolls, autoscrolls)); selects[1].options.add(new Option('Custom', 'Custom')); search = selects[1].options.LN_search(autoscrolls); search.obj.selected = true; } for (let i = 1; i < RULES.length; i++) selectr.add(new Option(RULES[i].word, RULES[i].word), selectr[0]); } for (let i = 0; i < inputsc.length; i++) { inputsc[i].value = valsc[i]; inputsc[i].setAttribute('ln-og', inputsc[i].value); inputsc[i].setAttribute('ln-name', valscn[i]); } for (let elm of help) elm.onclick = () =>''); current.onclick = () => { current.previousElementSibling.value = getComputedStyle(r).fontSize.split('px')[0]; } savec.onclick = () => { let a = [], validate = c => { let img = document.createElement('img'); = 'background: rgb(0, 0, 0)'; = 'background: ' + c; if ( != 'rgb(0, 0, 0)' && != '') return true; = 'background: rgb(255, 255, 255)'; = 'background: ' + c; return ( != 'rgb(255, 255, 255)' && != ''); }; for (let e of inputsc) { if (!validate(e.value)) { e.setCustomValidity('Invalid value!'); e.reportValidity(); e.onfocus = function() { this.setCustomValidity('Invalid value!'); this.reportValidity(); } e.onchange = function() { this.onchange = null; this.onfocus = null; this.setCustomValidity(''); } } else a.push(e.value); } if (a.length == 4) { for (let e of inputsc) GM_setValue(e.getAttribute('ln-name'), e.value); GM_setValue('CCSS', textc.value); GM_setValue('ECCSS', etextc.value); rvals(); ucss(0); alt('Settings will take effect immediately!'); } } feba.onclick = feedback; save.onclick = () => { if (m.querySelector(':invalid')) { alt('There are some invalid values, cannot save settings. Please check the values again.'); return; } for (let e of inputst) if (e.getAttribute('ln-name')) GM_setValue(e.getAttribute('ln-name'), e.value); for (let e of inputsn) if (e.getAttribute('ln-name')) GM_setValue(e.getAttribute('ln-name'), e.value); for (let i = 0; i < radios.length; i++) { if (inputsr[i*2].checked) GM_setValue(radiosn[i], true); else GM_setValue(radiosn[i], false); } if (selects[0].style.display == '' || selects[0].style.display == 'block') GM_setValue('defaultf', selects[0].value); else GM_setValue('defaultf', m.querySelector('.LN_dft').value); if (selects[1].style.display == '' || selects[1].style.display == 'block') GM_setValue('autoscrolls', selects[1].value); else GM_setValue('autoscrolls', parseInt(m.querySelector('.LN_ast').value)); rvals(); let currentfont = defaultf.replace(/'|"/g, ''); if (!fonts.includes(currentfont.toLowerCase())) { NLF.href = '' + currentfont.replace(' ', '+') + '&display=swap'; document.head.appendChild(NLF); const search = selects[0].options.LN_search(defaultf); if (!search.found) { selects[0].lastElementChild.remove(); selects[0].options.add(new Option(currentfont, defaultf)); selects[0].options.add(new Option('Custom', 'Custom')); } } liningcss.innerHTML = ` .LN_chapter * { line-height: ${lheight}; } .LN_chapter p { margin: ${pmargin}px 0; text-align: start; }`; ucss(2); alt('Settings will take effect immediately!'); } down.onclick = () => { let link; if (CS.novel != '') link = document.querySelector(CS.novel).href; else { link = location.href.split('/'); if (link[link.length - 1] == '') { link.pop(); link.pop(); } else link.pop(); link = link.join('/'); } if (!FAVS.LN_deepSearch(link).found) { if (confirm('This novel is not in favorites, do you want to add it?')); } if (!isNaN(parseInt(downinput.value)) && downinput.value >= 1 && downinput.value <= 10000 && downinput.value % 1 == 0) { alt('Download started.\nYou can still read from this page while downloading.'); down.disabled = true; down.innerText = 'Downloading..'; Dcont = []; Dalt = false; Download(location.href, downinput.value); } else { downinput.setCustomValidity('Invalid value!'); downinput.reportValidity(); downinput.onfocus = function() { downinput.onfocus = null; downinput.setCustomValidity(''); } alt(`Invalid value! 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This will reset ALL the settings and records!')) { GM_setValue('firsttime', true); if (confirm('Settings will take effect after reload.\nReload now?')) location.reload(); } } window.addEventListener('keyup', e => { if (e.code == 'Escape') dofull(true); }); let swiperhp = false; r.onscroll = () => { { let a = r.scrollTop, b = r.scrollHeight - r.clientHeight - 100, c = { pos: a, link: location.href }; const search = laststop.LN_search(location.href); if (a > 100) { if (!search.found) { laststop.push(c); GM_setValue('laststop', laststop); } else { laststop[search.index].pos = a; GM_setValue('laststop', laststop); } } else { if (search.found) { laststop.splice(search.index, 1); GM_setValue('laststop', laststop); } } if (a >= b) { laststop.splice(laststop.indexOf(c), 1); GM_setValue('laststop', laststop); setTimeout(() => { KEY.code = next; if (autonc) handler(KEY); }, (autoncd * 1000)); } } { let swiper = r.querySelector('.LN_swiper'); if (!swiper && !swiperhp) { let d = document.createElement('div'); 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word.value = search.obj.word; rword.value = search.obj.replaced; remwf.disabled = false; alt('Rule already exist!'); } else if (search.found && search.child == 'word' && selectr.value == value) { if (!word.value || word.value == '') { alt('Invalid rule configurations!'); return; } search.obj.type = selectt.value; search.obj.condition = selectl.value; search.obj.word = word.value; search.obj.replaced = rword.value; GM_setValue('RULES', RULES); rvals(); alt('Rule edited successfully.'); } else if (!search.found || search.child != 'word') { if (!word.value || word.value == '') { alt('Invalid rule configurations!'); return; } selectr.add(new Option(word.value, word.value), selectr[0]); RULES.push(obj); GM_setValue('RULES', RULES); rvals(); alt('Rule added successfully.'); } } remwf.onclick = () => { if (selectr.selectedIndex > -1) { if (confirm('Are you sure you want to remove this filter rule?')) { RULES.splice(RULES.LN_search(selectr.value).index, 1); GM_setValue('RULES', RULES); rvals(); selectr.selectedOptions[0].remove(); } } } selectr.onchange = () => { let search = RULES.LN_search(selectr.value); selectt.options.LN_search(search.obj.type).obj.selected = true; selectl.options.LN_search(search.obj.cond).obj.selected = true; word.value = search.obj.word; rword.value = search.obj.replaced; remwf.disabled = false; } } let asked = false, dloldtitle; function dynamicload(url, retries=0, OBJ={}) { window.LN_loading = true; getcontent(url, CS, OBJ); if (location.href != url) asked = false; if (timers) { clearInterval(timers); timers = 'on'; } setTimeout(() => { try { const body = OBJ.BODY, chapter = OBJ.CHAPTER, title = OBJ.TITLE, cp = document.querySelector(CS.chapter).parentElement, c = document.querySelector(CS.chapter); let next = body.querySelector(, prev = body.querySelector(CS.prev), cpos = ''; if (title[2] == dloldtitle) { window.LN_loading = false; alt('Network latency high or server denied access, retrying...'); retry({ callback: dynamicload, url: url, retries: retries + 1, origin: url, OBJ: OBJ }); return; } dloldtitle = title[2]; if ('novelonlinefull') ||'bestlightnovel')) { let nn, pp; for (let e of body.querySelectorAll('a')) { if (/NEXT CHAPTER/ig.test(e.innerText) || e.innerText == 'Next »') nn = e; if (/PREV CHAPTER/ig.test(e.innerText) || e.innerText == '« Previous') pp = e; } next = nn || null; prev = pp || null; } if (next !== null) next = next.href; if (prev !== null) prev = prev.href; cp.insertBefore(chapter.cloneNode(true), Array.from(cp.children)[c.LN_index()]); r.appendChild(chapter.cloneNode(true)); r.querySelector(CS.chapter).remove(); c.remove(); if ('')) document.querySelector('.block-title h1') = OBJ.CHAPTERTITLE; else if ('novelonlinefull') ||'bestlightnovel')) document.querySelector('.rdfa-breadcrumb p') = OBJ.CHAPTERTITLE; else if ('')) document.querySelector('.panel-title.pull-left') = OBJ.CHAPTERTITLE; else document.querySelector(CS.chaptertitle).innerText = OBJ.CHAPTERTITLE; if (document.querySelector( document.querySelector( = next; else if (document.querySelector('.LN_nextchbtn')) document.querySelector('.LN_nextchbtn').href = next; 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Retrying...', 10000); retry({ callback: dynamicload, retries: retries + 1, url: url, origin: url, OBJ: OBJ }); } else if (BOTCHECK(OBJ.BODY)) { if (confirm('Caught by bot verification.\nOpen url (' + url + ') in new tab?')), '_blank'); } else { alt('Error:\nDetails: Unexpected error has occured. Retrying...', 10000); retry({ callback: dynamicload, retries: retries + 1, url: url, origin: url, OBJ: OBJ }); } } }, 3000); } function removeannon(c, m=false, PL=CS) { let chapter; if (c) chapter = c; else chapter = r; let replaced, replacew, list = PL.annon[1]; if (PL.annon[0]) { replaced = PL.annon[0][0]; replacew = PL.annon[0][1]; } if (replacew) chapter.innerHTML = chapter.innerHTML.replace(replaced, replacew); if (list && chapter.querySelector(PL.chapter)) for (let e of chapter.querySelector(PL.chapter).querySelectorAll(list)) e.remove(); else if (list && chapter.querySelector(list)) for (let e of chapter.querySelectorAll(list)) e.remove(); if (chapter.querySelectorAll('p').length > 25 && PL.chapter != SITES[''].chapter) { chapter.innerHTML = chapter.innerHTML.replaceAll('<\/p>', '</p>\n\n'); for (let e of chapter.querySelectorAll('br')) e.remove(); } if (decensore) { while ([a-zA-Z](\.[a-zA-Z]){1,}/) > -1) { let a = chapter.innerHTML, b = a.substr([a-zA-Z](\.[a-zA-Z]){1,}/)), c = b.substr(0, b.indexOf(' ')), i1 =[a-zA-Z](\.[a-zA-Z]){1,}/), i2 = c.length; 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clearInterval(timers); timers = false; } window.onfocus = () => { if (!timers && cond) { cond = false; timers = setInterval(() => r.scrollBy(0, scrolly), del); } } } } let darked = false; function ucss(u=1) { if (u == 0) { ccss.innerHTML = CCSS; if (darked) CSS.innerHTML = `.LN_chapter, .LN_chapter div, .LN_chapter p { background-color: ${dbgc} !important; color: ${dtxc} !important; scrollbar-color: ${dtxc} ${dbgc}; } .LN_chapter::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { transition: all 0.5s; background-color: ${dtxc} } .LN_chapter::-webkit-scrollbar-track, .LN_chapter::-webkit-scrollbar { transition: all 0.5s; background-color: ${dbgc}; width: 10px; }`; else CSS.innerHTML = `.LN_chapter, .LN_chapter div, .LN_chapter p { background-color: ${bgc} !important; color: ${txc} !important; scrollbar-color: ${txc} ${bgc}; } .LN_chapter::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { transition: all 0.5s; background-color: ${txc} } .LN_chapter::-webkit-scrollbar-track, .LN_chapter::-webkit-scrollbar { transition: all 0.5s; background-color: ${bgc}; 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autoscrolls = parseFloat(GM_getValue('autoscrolls', 90)); autoretryno = GM_getValue('autoretryno', 20); autodown = GM_getValue('autodown', false); defaultf = GM_getValue('defaultf', '"Comic Sans MS"'); defaultfs = GM_getValue('defaultfs', 18); checkd = GM_getValue('checkd', '09:00'); lastcheck = GM_getValue('lastcheck', ''); autobackupp = parseFloat(GM_getValue('autobackupp', 3)); bgc = GM_getValue('bgc', '#c95'); txc = GM_getValue('txc', '#000'); dbgc = GM_getValue('dbgc', '#111'); dtxc = GM_getValue('dtxc', '#550'); CCSS = GM_getValue('CCSS', ''); ECCSS = GM_getValue('ECCSS', ''); FAVS = GM_getValue('FAVS', ['placeholder']); HISTORY = GM_getValue('HISTORY', ['placeholder']); RULES = GM_getValue('RULES', ['placeholder']); DHISTORY = GM_getValue('DHISTORY', ['placeholder']); TIMES = GM_getValue('TIMES', ['placeholder']); CHECKED = GM_getValue('CHECKED', [JSON.stringify(new Date()).replaceAll('"', '')]); } let alreadyc = false; function dofull(exit) { let isfull = (document.fullscreenElement && document.fullscreenElement !== null) || (document.webkitFullscreenElement && document.webkitFullscreenElement !== null) || (document.mozFullScreenElement && document.mozFullScreenElement !== null) || (document.msFullscreenElement && document.msFullscreenElement !== null), docElm = document.documentElement, exitf = () => { sh('rf'); document.querySelector('html').style.cssText = = ''; if (!isfull) return; if (document.exitFullscreen) document.exitFullscreen(); else if (document.webkitExitFullscreen) document.webkitExitFullscreen(); else if (document.mozCancelFullScreen) document.mozCancelFullScreen(); else if (document.msExitFullscreen) document.msExitFullscreen(); }, gof = () => { document.querySelector('html').style.cssText = = 'min-height: 0px !important; height: 0px !important; overflow: hidden !important;'; if (docElm.requestFullscreen) docElm.requestFullscreen(); else if (docElm.mozRequestFullScreen) docElm.mozRequestFullScreen(); else if (docElm.webkitRequestFullScreen) docElm.webkitRequestFullScreen(); else if (docElm.msRequestFullscreen) docElm.msRequestFullscreen(); } if (exit) exitf(); else if (!isfull) { sh('rt'); if (autora) removeannon(); if (defaultv && !alreadyc) { ucss(5); alreadyc = true; } resume(); dynamicmode(); gof(); } else exitf(); } function resume() { if (!asked) { let ls = laststop.LN_search(location.href); if (ls.found) { if (autoresume) r.scrollTo(0, ls.obj.pos); else if (confirm('Continue from last stop?')) { r.scrollTo(0, ls.obj.pos); if (confirm('Don\'t ask again?')) { GM_setValue('autoresume', true); m.querySelectorAll('input[type=radio]')[6].checked = true; } } } asked = true; } } function handler(e) { if (e.ctrlKey || e.shiftKey || e.altKey || e.metaKey || == 'INPUT' || == 'TEXTAREA') return; let ncb = document.querySelector(, pcb = document.querySelector(CS.prev), key = e.code, inc = document.querySelectorAll('#LN_decincfs button')[0], dec = document.querySelectorAll('#LN_decincfs button')[1]; if ('novelonlinefull') ||'bestlightnovel')) { let nn, pp; for (let e of document.querySelectorAll('a')) { if (/NEXT CHAPTER/ig.test(e.innerText) || e.innerText.includes('Next »')) nn = e; if (/PREV CHAPTER/ig.test(e.innerText) || e.innerText.includes('« Previous')) pp = e; } ncb = document.querySelector('.LN_nextchbtn') || nn || null; pcb = document.querySelector('.LN_prevchbtn') || pp || null; } if (key == next || key == nexta || key == nextaa) { if (!ncb || !ncb.href || ncb.href.endsWith('null') || (ncb.href.endsWith('#') && ncb.href.includes(location.href)) || !ncb.href.split([1] || ncb.href.split([1].split('/')[1].toLowerCase() != location.href.split([1].split('/')[1].toLowerCase() || ncb.href == location.href) alt('Last Chapter.'); else { if (autodl) dynamicload(ncb.href); else; } } else if (key == prev || key == preva || key == prevaa) { if (!pcb || !pcb.href || pcb.href.endsWith('null') || (pcb.href.endsWith('#') && pcb.href.includes(location.href)) || !pcb.href.split([1] || pcb.href.split([1].split('/')[1].toLowerCase() != location.href.split([1].split('/')[1].toLowerCase() || pcb.href == location.href) alt('No chapter Found!'); else { if (autodl) dynamicload(pcb.href); else; } } else if (key == fullscreen) dofull(); else if (key == autoscroll) doautoscroll(); else if (key == showfavs) { if (WIN === undefined) favs(); else { WIN.close(); WIN = undefined; } } else if (key == removean) removeannon(); else if (key == darkmode) ucss(); else if (key == download) { sh('menut'); sh('sf'); sh('pf'); sh('of'); sh('dt'); sh('nf'); sh('bf'); sh('stf'); sh('wff'); m.querySelector('input[max="10000"]').focus(); } else if (key == 'Escape') { sh('stf'); sh('wff'); } else if (key == incfs); else if (key == decfs); } let URL, LASTC, STATUS, lasturl, WIN; function favs() { rvals(); WIN ='', 'LN_favs', 'menubar=no,status=no,titlebar=no,location=no,top=0,left=0,height=' + window.innerHeight + 'width=' + (window.innerWidth / 10) * 8); const b = WIN.document.body, h = WIN.document.head; h.innerHTML = `<style> body { color: #090; background-color: #111; } table, th, td { border: 1px solid #090; text-align: center; } th { width: 200px; height: 30px; font-family: 'Nunito Sans', sans-serif; } a { color: #00f; text-decoration: none; transition: color 0.5s; } a:hover { text-decoration: underline; } body { color: #090; background-color: #111; } .main { width: -moz-fit-content; width: fit-content; margin: 50px auto; } h1 { width: -moz-fit-content; width: fit-content; margin: 50px auto; font-size: 35px; font-weight: bolder; font-family: Helvetica Neue, Segoe UI, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; } td { height: 50px; font-family: Helvetica; } td svg { cursor: pointer } a:visited { color: #d2f !important; } h4 { font-family: arial; margin: 0px; } h2 { font-family: Helvetica Neue, Segoe UI, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 22px; margin: 0 25px 30px; } .notes { padding: 0 40px; } .updates { font-family: Helvetica Neue, Segoe UI, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 22px; margin: 0 25px 30px; display: inline; } button:hover { color: #090; background-color: #111; } button { transition: all 0.5s; border: none; color: #111; background-color: #090; outline: 0; font-family: sans-serif; cursor: pointer; padding: 5px 20px; font-weight: bolder; margin-left: 10px; margin-top: 10px; } :disabled { opacity: 0.6 !important; cursor: not-allowed !important; color: #000 !important; background-color: #090 !important; } .picker { top: 0; left: 0; position: fixed; width: 100%; height: 100%; background: #0009; display: flex; } .pbody { margin: auto; align-self: center; padding: 40px; background-color: #111; width: 50%; border-radius: 15px; user-select: none; font-family: arial; font-weight: 700; font-size: 20px; } .source { border: 1px solid #090; margin: 2px; background-color: #111; color: #090; cursor: pointer; font-size: 20px; padding: 3px 10px; appearance: auto; width: auto; height: auto; display: inline; } .LN_help { cursor: help; border-bottom: 2px #aaa dotted; margin-bottom: 2px; display: inline-block; } input[type="time"]:focus { box-shadow: 0 0 5px 2px #090; outline: 0; border: 1px solid #090; } input[type=time] { background-color: #111; border: none; color: #090; cursor: pointer; transition: all 0.5s; padding: 3px; } </style>`; b.innerHTML = `<div class="main"> <h1> Favorites </h1> <table> <tbody> <tr> <th> Novel </th> <th> URL </th> <th> Last Chapter </th> <th> Last Read </th> <th> Last Downloaded </th> <th> Status </th> <th> <span class=LN_help title="If auto check is enabled, the script checks daily at this time for each novel individually" onclick="'')"> Update Time </th> <th> Migrate </th> <th> Download </th> <th> Check </th> <th> Remove </th> </tr> </tbody> </table> <br> <br> <h2 class="updates"> Check for Updates: </h2> <button class="check"> Check </button> <br> <h2 class=updates> Save updates times: </h2> <button class=savetime> Save </button> <br> <h2> Notes: </h2> <div class="notes"> <h4> - Press CTRL+Z to undo removal. </h4> <br> <h4> - Press CTRL+R to show new changes. </h4> <br> <h4> - Press Escape to close the window. </h4> <br> <h4> - All novels in favorites will receive notifications, to disable notifications go to "Notifications & Favorites" in settings menu. </h4> <br> <h4> - If the window is already open it won't open again. </h4> </div> </div>`; const table = b.querySelector('table'); if (WIN.innerWidth < (window.innerWidth / 10) * 8) { try { WIN.innerWidth = (window.innerWidth / 10) * 8; } catch (e) { } } for (let i = 1; i < FAVS.length; i++) { let fav = FAVS[i], novel = fav.novel.replace(/\n|\t|«/gm, ''), url = fav.url, status = fav.status, lastc = fav.lastc, lastr = HISTORY.LN_search(url.href).obj, lastd = DHISTORY.LN_search(url.href).obj, time = TIMES.LN_search(url.href).obj || '', svgs = '<div title="Remove from favorites"> <svg class="remove" style="height: 20px; width: 20px;" viewBox="0 0 48 48"> <circle style="fill:#F44336;" cx="24" cy="24" r="19"/> <rect x="22" y="14" transform="matrix(0.7071 0.7071 -0.7071 0.7071 24 -9.9411)" style="fill:#FFFFFF;" width="4" height="20"/> <rect x="22" y="14" transform="matrix(-0.7071 0.7071 -0.7071 -0.7071 57.9411 24)" style="fill:#FFFFFF;" width="4" height="20"/> </svg> </div>', svgd = '<div title="Download to latest chapter"> <svg class="download" style="height: 20px; width: 20px; fill: #ccc;" viewBox="0 0 26 26"> <path d="M 11 0 C 9.344 0 8 1.343 8 3 L 8 11 L 4.75 11 C 3.34 11 3.043 11.2265 4.25 12.4375 L 10.84375 19.03125 C 13.04475 21.23125 13.01375 21.23725 15.21875 19.03125 L 21.78125 12.4375 C 22.98925 11.2275 22.5855 11 21.3125 11 L 18 11 L 18 3 C 18 1.343 16.656 0 15 0 L 11 0 z M 0 19 L 0 23 C 0 24.656 1.344 26 3 26 L 23 26 C 24.656 26 26 24.656 26 23 L 26 19 L 24 19 L 24 23 C 24 23.551 23.552 24 23 24 L 3 24 C 2.448 24 2 23.551 2 23 L 2 19 L 0 19 z"/> </svg> </div>', svgc = '<div title="Check this novel for updates"> <svg class="update" style="height: 20px; width: 20px; fill: #ccc;" viewBox="0 0 24 24"> <path d="M 7.59375 3 L 9.0625 5 L 12 5 L 13 5 C 16.325562 5 19 7.674438 19 11 L 19 15 L 16 15 L 20 20.46875 L 24 15 L 21 15 L 21 11 C 21 6.593562 17.406438 3 13 3 L 12 3 L 7.59375 3 z M 4 3.53125 L 0 9 L 3 9 L 3 13 C 3 17.406438 6.593562 21 11 21 L 12 21 L 14 21 L 16.40625 21 L 14.9375 19 L 14 19 L 12 19 L 11 19 C 7.674438 19 5 16.325562 5 13 L 5 9 L 8 9 L 4 3.53125 z"/> </svg> </div>', svgm = '<div title="Migrate this novel to another source"> <svg class="migrate" style="height: 20px; width: 20px; fill: #ccc;" viewBox="0 0 50 50"> <path d="M 2 2 L 2 3 L 2 39 L 2 40 L 3 40 L 19 40 L 19 47 L 19 48 L 20 48 L 47 48 L 48 48 L 48 47 L 48 22 L 48 21.59375 L 47.71875 21.28125 L 36.71875 10.28125 L 36.40625 10 L 36 10 L 27.4375 10 L 19.71875 2.28125 L 19.40625 2 L 19 2 L 3 2 L 2 2 z M 4 4 L 18 4 L 18 14 L 18 15 L 19 15 L 29 15 L 29 32 L 29 34 L 29 38 L 4 38 L 4 4 z M 20 5.4375 L 26 11.40625 L 26 11.4375 A 1.0043849 1.0043849 0 0 0 26.03125 11.5 A 1.0043849 1.0043849 0 0 0 26.375 11.84375 A 1.0043849 1.0043849 0 0 0 26.46875 11.90625 L 27.5625 13 L 20 13 L 20 5.4375 z M 29.4375 12 L 35 12 L 35 22 L 35 23 L 36 23 L 46 23 L 46 46 L 21 46 L 21 40 L 30 40 L 31 40 L 31 39 L 31 36.4375 L 33.28125 38.71875 L 34.71875 37.28125 L 31.4375 34 L 41 34 L 41 32 L 31.4375 32 L 34.71875 28.71875 L 33.28125 27.28125 L 31 29.5625 L 31 14 L 31 13.59375 L 30.71875 13.28125 L 29.4375 12 z M 37 13.4375 L 44.5625 21 L 37 21 L 37 13.4375 z M 17.71875 20.28125 L 16.28125 21.71875 L 19.5625 25 L 10 25 L 10 27 L 19.5625 27 L 16.28125 30.28125 L 17.71875 31.71875 L 22.71875 26.71875 L 23.40625 26 L 22.71875 25.28125 L 17.71875 20.28125 z"/> </svg> </div>'; if (!lastr) lastr = { href: '', text: 'No Record Yet', target: '_self' }; else = '_blank'; if (!lastd) lastd = { href: '', text: 'No Record Yet', target: '_self' }; else = '_blank'; let timecode = ` <input type=time value="${time.time}">`; if (status.toLowerCase().includes('complete')) timecode = '<span style="cursor: default;"> Completed </span>'; let code = `<tr data="${i}"> <td> ${novel} </td> <td> <a href="${url.href}" target="_blank"> ${url.text} </a> </td> <td> <a href="${lastc.href}" target="_blank"> ${lastc.text} </a> </td> </td> <td> <a href="${lastr.href}" target="${}"> ${lastr.text} </a> </td> <td> <a href="${lastd.href}" target="${}"> ${lastd.text} </a> </td> <td style="text-transform: capitalize;"> ${status.toLowerCase()} </td> <td> ${timecode} </td> <td> ${svgm} </td> <td> ${svgd} </td> <td> ${svgc} </td> <td> ${svgs} </td> </tr>`; table.innerHTML += code; } let ROW, DATA; for (let i = 1; i < FAVS.length; i++) { let svg = b.querySelectorAll('svg.remove')[i-1]; svg.onclick = function() { let p = this.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement, d = p.getAttribute('data'); ROW = p.cloneNode(true); DATA = FAVS[d]; FAVS.splice(d, 1); GM_setValue('FAVS', FAVS); rvals(); p.remove(); } svg = b.querySelectorAll('svg.migrate')[i-1]; if (svg) { svg.onclick = function() { let tr = this.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement, d = tr.getAttribute('data'), novel = FAVS[d], div = document.createElement('div'); div.className = 'picker'; div.innerHTML = `<div class="pbody"> <h2> How It Works: </h2> <ul> <li> After clicking migrate the script will attempt to search for the novel in the specified source for the user to select </li> <br> <li> After selecting the novel, add it to favorites. FIRST novel added will be the target to migrate to - Whether it's already favored or not - and the script won't check for names </li> <br> <li> Migrating a novel doesn't delete the old one </li> <br> <li> Migrating a novel doesn't delete records of the old one but only adds the current records to the new source</li> </ul> Migrating novel: ${novel.novel} <br> From: ${novel.url.href.LN_host()} <br> To: <select class="source"> </select> <br> <button> Migrate </button> </div>`; for (let e in SITES) { let s = div.querySelector('select'); if (e != '' && e != '' && e != novel.url.href.LN_host()) s.options.add(new Option(e, e)); } WIN.document.body.appendChild(div); div.querySelector('button').onclick = () => { let site = div.querySelector('.source').value; search(novel.novel, site); GM_setValue('migrated', novel.url.href); } div.onclick = e => { if ( == 'picker') div.remove(); } } } svg = b.querySelectorAll('')[i-1]; svg.onclick = () => downnew(i, true); svg = b.querySelectorAll('svg.update')[i-1]; svg.onclick = () => notify(i, 0, true); } b.querySelector('.check').onclick = function() { notify(); this.disabled = true; this.innerText = 'Checking...'; setTimeout(() => { b.querySelector('.check').disabled = false; b.querySelector('.check').innerText = 'Check'; }, 10000); } b.querySelector('.savetime').onclick = function() { let ins = b.querySelectorAll('[type=time]'); for (let i = 0; i < ins.length; i++) { if (ins[i].value) { let h = FAVS[ins[i].parentElement.parentElement.getAttribute('data')].url.href, obj = { href: h, time: ins[i].value } if (TIMES.LN_search(h).obj) TIMES.LN_search(h).obj.time = ins[i].value; else TIMES.push(obj); GM_setValue('TIMES', TIMES); } } } WIN.onkeyup = e => { if (e.code == 'KeyZ' && e.ctrlKey && ROW) { let t = b.querySelector('table'); ROW.setAttribute('data', FAVS.length); t.appendChild(ROW); FAVS.push(DATA); GM_setValue('FAVS', FAVS); rvals(); favs(); } else if (e.code == 'KeyR' && e.ctrlKey) { e.preventDefault(); favs(); } else if (e.code == 'Escape' || (e.code == showfavs && != 'INPUT')) { WIN.close(); WIN = undefined; } } } let FNOVEL function favthis(url, mode=0, PL=CS) { GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: 'GET', url: url, onload: r => { try { let BODY, CHAPTER, TITLE, CHAPTERTITLE; const doc = new DOMParser().parseFromString(r.responseText, 'text/html'), b = doc.body, getdata = () => { for (let e of b.querySelectorAll('script')) { if (e.innerHTML.includes('function load(page)')) { let str = e.innerHTML; str = str.substr(str.indexOf('data: {')); let id = str.substr(10, 4); id = id.trim(); if (id.endsWith(',')) id = id.substr(0, id.length-1); str = str.substr(str.indexOf(',')+2); let novel = str.substr(6, str.indexOf(',')-6); novel = novel.replace(/'|"'/g, ''); str = str.substr(str.indexOf(',')+2); let max = str.substr(4,4); max = max.trim(); if (max.endsWith(',')) max = max.substr(0, max.length-1); let string = `id=${id}&novel=${novel}&max=${max}&page=1`; return string; } } }, lastcnovels = () => { GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: 'POST', url: '', data: getdata(), headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' }, onload: r => { const doc = new DOMParser().parseFromString(r.responseText, 'text/html'), b = doc.body; LASTC = { href: b.querySelector('a').href.LN_fix(url), text: b.querySelector('a').innerText } } }); }, adding = () => { let index = { novel: FNOVEL, url: URL, status: STATUS.toLowerCase(), lastc: LASTC }, err, {novel, url, status, lastc} = index; if (!novel || !url || !status || !lastc) { setTimeout(() => { alt('Error retreving data, can’t add favorite. Please report this via Email to', 5000) }, 5000); err = true; } if (err) return; FAVS.push(index); GM_setValue('FAVS', FAVS); rvals(); alt('Added to favorites!'); setTimeout(() => { if (GM_getValue('migrated')) { migrate(GM_getValue('migrated'), url); GM_setValue('migrated', false); } }, 7000); } if (mode == 0 || mode == 2) { if (mode == 0 && FAVS.LN_deepSearch(url).found) { if (GM_getValue('migrated')) { migrate(GM_getValue('migrated'), url); GM_setValue('migrated', false); } else alt('This novel is already in favorites!'); return; } URL = { href: url, text: url.LN_platform() }; let link; if (url.includes('lightnovelworld')) { FNOVEL = b.querySelector(PL.favobj.noveltitle).innerText; STATUS = b.querySelectorAll('.header-stats span')[3].querySelector('strong').innerText; link = url +; } else if (url.includes('')) { FNOVEL = b.querySelector(PL.favobj.noveltitle).innerText; let t = b.querySelectorAll('.novel-detail-item'); for (let e of t) { if (e.innerText.includes('Status')) STATUS = e.querySelector('li').innerText; else if (e.innerText.includes('Latest Chapters')) LASTC = { href: e.querySelector('a').href.LN_fix(url), text: e.querySelector('a').innerText }; } } else if (url.includes('')) { FNOVEL = b.querySelector(PL.favobj.noveltitle).innerText; STATUS = ' - '; lastcnovels(); } else { FNOVEL = b.querySelector(PL.favobj.noveltitle).innerText.replaceAll(/\n|HOT|NEW/gm, ''); if (PL.favobj.status) STATUS = b.querySelector(PL.favobj.status).innerText; else STATUS = ' - '; LASTC = { href: b.querySelector(PL.favobj.lastc).href.LN_fix(url), text: b.querySelector(PL.favobj.lastc).innerText }; } if (link && mode == 0) favthis(link, 1); else if (link && mode == 2) favthis(link, 3, PL); else if (!link && mode == 0) { if (url.includes('')) setTimeout(adding, 3000); else adding(); } } else if (mode == 1 || mode == 3) { if (url.includes('')) lastcnovels(); else { LASTC = { href: b.querySelector(PL.favobj.lastc).href.LN_fix(url), text: b.querySelector(PL.favobj.lastc).innerText }; } if (mode == 3) return; if (url.includes('')) setTimeout(adding, 3000); else adding(); } } catch (e) { const doc = new DOMParser().parseFromString(r.responseText, "text/html"), b = doc.body; if (!b) { alt('Error: NETWORK_ERROR\nDetails: Response cannot be null! Please try again later.\nReason: Might be request timeout, bad internet connection, spammed requests in a small time frame.', 10000); console.error(e); } else if (BOTCHECK(b)) { if (confirm('Caught by bot verification.\nOpen url (' + url + ') in new tab?')), '_blank'); } else { alt('Error:\nDetails: Unexpected error has occured. Please try again later.\nReason: Might be request timeout, bad internet connection, another unexpected reason.', 10000); console.error(e); } } } }); } function notify(index, retries=0, single=false, allowdown=false) { if (window.LN_checking) { alt('The script is already checking for updates, please wait patiently or cancel it in notifications menu.'); return; } if (window.LN_cancelcheck) { window.LN_cancelcheck = false; if (m.querySelectorAll('.LN_btn')[5]) { m.querySelectorAll('.LN_btn')[5].disabled = false; m.querySelectorAll('.LN_btn')[5].innerText = 'Check'; m.querySelectorAll('.LN_btn')[6].disabled = false; } alt('Checking canceled.'); return; } window.LN_checking = true; let i = index || 1, curl, checkc = obj => { let c = [], output = false; for (let i = 1; i < FAVS.length; i++) c.push({lastc: FAVS[i].lastc, novel: FAVS[i].novel}); for (let i = 0; i < c.length; i++) { let e = c[i]; if (obj.lastc.text == e.lastc.text && obj.lastc.href == e.lastc.href && obj.novel != e.novel) { output = true; break; } } return output; }, clear = () => { if (notification) clearInterval(notification); window.LN_checking = false; if (allowdown) setTimeout(() => downnew(index, single), 7000); if (m.querySelectorAll('.LN_btn')[5]) { m.querySelectorAll('.LN_btn')[5].disabled = false; m.querySelectorAll('.LN_btn')[5].innerText = 'Check'; m.querySelectorAll('.LN_btn')[6].disabled = false; } }, notification = setInterval(() => { try { if (!FAVS[i]) { clear(); setTimeout(downnew, 3000); return; } if (window.LN_cancelcheck) { window.LN_cancelcheck = false; clear(); alt('Checking canceled.'); return; } let obj = FAVS[i], PL = SITES[obj.url.href.LN_host()]; curl = obj.url.href; if (obj.status.toLowerCase().includes('complete') && !checkcomp && !single) { clear(); alt('Novel is complete, skipping.'); notify(i+1); return; } favthis(obj.url.href, 2, PL); let action = setTimeout(() => { if ((!LASTC || obj.url.href.LN_host() != LASTC.href.LN_host() || checkc({lastc: LASTC, novel: obj.novel}))) { alt('Network latency high or server denied access, retrying...'); clear(); retry({ callback: notify, index: i, single: single, retries: retries + 1, origin: obj.url.href }); return; } if (LASTC.text != obj.lastc.text) { if (STATUS != obj.status && STATUS.toLowerCase().includes('complete')) { GM_notification({ title: 'Novel is completed!', text: `${obj.novel.replace(/\n|\t|«/gm, '')}\nIs completed!\nLast chapter: ${LASTC.text}.\nClick to show favorites.`, onclick: favs }); obj.lastc = LASTC; obj.status = STATUS; GM_setValue('FAVS', FAVS); rvals(); } else { GM_notification({ title: 'New chapter found!', text: `${obj.novel.replace(/\n|\t|«/gm, '')}\n\nHas new chapter: ${LASTC.text}.\nClick to show favorites.`, onclick: favs }); obj.lastc = LASTC; GM_setValue('FAVS', FAVS); rvals(); } } else { if (nnotfound) { GM_notification({ title: 'No chapter found!', text: `${obj.novel.replace(/\n|\t|«/gm, '')}\n\nHas no new chapter.\nClick to show favorites.`, onclick: favs }); } } }, 6500); if (!single) i++; else clear(); } catch (e) { window.LN_checking = false; console.error(e); if (!OBJ.BODY) { alt('Error: NETWORK_ERROR\nDetails: Response cannot be null! Retrying...', 10000); retry({ callback: notify, index: i, single: single, retries: retries + 1, origin: FAVS[i].url.href }); } else if (BOTCHECK(OBJ.BODY)) { if (m.querySelectorAll('.LN_btn')[5]) { m.querySelectorAll('.LN_btn')[5].disabled = false; m.querySelectorAll('.LN_btn')[5].innerText = 'Check'; m.querySelectorAll('.LN_btn')[6].disabled = false; } if (confirm('Caught by bot verification.\nOpen url (' + FAVS[i].url.href + ') in new tab?'))[i].url.href, '_blank'); } else { alt('Error:\nDetails: Unexpected error has occured. Retrying...', 10000); retry({ callback: notify, index: i, single: single, retries: retries + 1, origin: FAVS[i].url.href }); } } }, 7000); } function check() { if (autoch && (new Date).toTimeString().substr(0, 5) > checkd && (!lastcheck || lastcheck != (new Date).getDate())) { alt('Auto checking for updates..'); lastcheck = (new Date).getDate(); GM_setValue('lastcheck', lastcheck); notify(); } } let aurcc = 0; function retry(obj) { let callback = obj.callback, retries = obj.retries, origin = obj.origin, single = obj.single, index = obj.index, auto =, OBJ = obj.OBJ, url = obj.url, PL = obj.PL, n = obj.n; if (retries < 3) { if ( == 'notify') callback(index, retries, single); else if ( == 'Download') callback(url, n, retries, auto, index, PL, single, OBJ); else if ( == 'dynamicload') callback(url, retries, OBJ); } else { if (autoretry && aurcc <= autoretryno) { setTimeout(() => { aurcc++; obj.retries = 0; retry(obj); }, 5000); } else if (!autoretry || aurcc > autoretryno) { if (confirm('Refused to connect to (' + origin + ') after ' + (autoretry ? autoretryno : '3') + ' retries.\nClick ok to open the url in a new tab.\nThe script will retry after 5 seconds after you click ok.')) {, '_blank'); setTimeout(() => { aurcc = 0; obj.retries = 0; retry(obj); }, 5000); } else if (!confirm('Are you sure you want to cancel? Press OK to cancel')) {, '_blank'); setTimeout(() => { aurcc = 0; obj.retries = 0; retry(obj); }, 5000); } else if ( == 'notify') { window.LN_checking = false; m.querySelectorAll('.LN_btn')[5].disabled = false; m.querySelectorAll('.LN_btn')[6].disabled = false; m.querySelectorAll('.LN_btn')[5].innerText = 'Check'; } else if ( == 'Download') { window.LN_downloading = false; Dalt = false; m.querySelectorAll('.LN_btn')[2].disabled = false; m.querySelectorAll('.LN_btn')[3].disabled = false; m.querySelectorAll('.LN_btn')[2].innerText = 'Download'; } else if ( == 'dynamicload') window.LN_loading = false; } } } function downnew(index=1, single=false) { if (!autodown && !single) return; let obj = FAVS[index]; if (!obj) { alt('Auto download finished.'); return; } let lastr = HISTORY.LN_search(obj.url.href), lastd = DHISTORY.LN_search(obj.url.href), PL = SITES[obj.url.href.LN_host()], con = () => { if (allowconfirm) return (confirm('Attempting to download following chapters from (' + TITLE[2].replace(/\n|«/gm, '') + ') to last chapter uploaded.\nConfirm?')); else return true; }, lastm = () => { if (uselastr) return lastr; else return lastd; }, lastt = () => { if (lastm() == lastr) return 'read'; else return 'downloaded'; }; if (!lastm().found && !single) { alt('Last '+ lastt() +' chapter not found, skipping.'); downnew(index + 1); } else if (!lastm().found && single) alt('Last '+ lastt() +' chapter not found!'); else if (obj.lastc.href == lastm().obj.href && !single) { alt('Last '+ lastt() +' chapter is last the chapter, skipping.'); downnew(index + 1); } else { const OBJ = {}; getcontent(lastm().obj.href, PL, OBJ); setTimeout(() => { let NOVEL = OBJ.NOVEL, BODY = OBJ.BODY, CHAPTER = OBJ.CHAPTER, TITLE = OBJ.TITLE, CHAPTERTITLE = OBJ.CHAPTERTITLE; let current = BODY.querySelector(; if (obj.lastc.href.includes('novelonlinefull') || obj.lastc.href.includes('bestlightnovel')) { let nn; for (let e of BODY.querySelectorAll('a')) if (/NEXT CHAPTER/ig.test(e.innerText) || e.innerText == 'Next »') nn = e; current = nn; } if (current && current.href) current.href = current.href.LN_fix(obj.lastc.href); if (current && current.href && (!(current.href.endsWith('#') && current.href.includes(obj.lastc.href))) && (current.href.split(obj.url.href.LN_host())[1] && current.href.split(obj.url.href.LN_host())[1].split('/')[1].toLowerCase() == obj.lastc.href.split(obj.url.href.LN_host())[1].split('/')[1].toLowerCase())) { current = current.href; if (con()) { let int = setInterval(() => { if (!window.LN_checking) { Dcont = []; Dalt = false; Download(current, 9999, 0, true, index, PL, single); clearInterval(int); } }, 1000); } else if (!single) downnew(index + 1); } else { alt('Last '+ lastt() +' chapter is last the chapter, skipping.'); if (!single) downnew(index + 1); } }, 5000); } } function br(mode) { let fr = new FileReader(), res; if (!fr) alt('File API not supported!'); else if (mode == 0) { const a = document.createElement('a'), date = (new Date).toDateString().split(' '), time = date[2] + '-' + date[1], names = GM_listValues(), values = [], parsed = []; names.forEach(e => values.push(GM_getValue(e))); parsed.push(names); parsed.push(values); a.href = 'data:text/plain;charset=utf-8,' + encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(parsed)); = '(' + time + ')';; a.remove(); GM_setValue('lastbackup', JSON.stringify(new Date).replace('"', '')); } else if (mode == 1) { const i = document.querySelector('.LN_b input'), f = i.files[0]; if (!f) { alt('Please select a file!'); return; } fr.onload = () => { res = fr.result; } fr.readAsText(f); setTimeout(() => { let arr = JSON.parse(res), g = arr[0], v = arr[1]; if (!g || !g.LN_search('firsttime').found) alt('This is not a backup file, please check the uploaded file.'); else { for (let i = 0; i < g.length; i++) GM_setValue(g[i], v[i]); if (confirm('Settings will take effect after reload.\nReload now?')) location.reload(); } }, 1500); } } function record(e, doc = document, PL=CS, url, download=false) { rvals(); let novel, chapter; url = url || doc.URL || location.href; if (PL.novel != '') novel = doc.querySelector(PL.novel).href.LN_fix(url); else { novel = location.href.LN_fix(url).split('/'); if (novel[novel.length - 1] == '') { novel.pop(); novel.pop(); } else novel.pop(); novel = novel.join('/'); } if (url.includes('')) chapter = doc.querySelector('.block-title h1')' - ', ''); else if (url.includes('novelonlinefull') || url.includes('bestlightnovel')) chapter = doc.querySelector('.rdfa-breadcrumb p'); else if (url.includes('')) chapter = doc.querySelector('.panel-title.pull-left'); else chapter = doc.querySelector(PL.chaptertitle).innerText; let result1 = HISTORY.LN_search(novel), result2 = DHISTORY.LN_search(novel); if (!download) { if (result1.found) { let obj = result1.obj; if (chapter != obj.text) { obj.text = chapter; obj.href = url; GM_setValue('HISTORY', HISTORY); rvals(); } } else { let obj = { novel: novel, href: url, text: chapter }; HISTORY.push(obj); GM_setValue('HISTORY', HISTORY); rvals(); } } else { if (result2.found) { let obj = result2.obj; if (chapter != obj.text) { obj.text = chapter; obj.href = url; GM_setValue('DHISTORY', DHISTORY); rvals(); } } else { let obj = { novel: novel, href: url, text: chapter }; DHISTORY.push(obj); GM_setValue('DHISTORY', DHISTORY); rvals(); } } } let cleanedr = false; function filter(c) { let clean = () => { let tbr = c.querySelectorAll('*'), elements = []; for (let e of tbr) if (e.parentElement == c && e.parentElement.tagName == 'P' && e.tagName == 'P') elements.push(e); for (let i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { let e = elements[i]; if (e.children.length > 0) { do e.parentElement.appendChild(e.children[0]); while (e.children.length > 0); } } }; if (!cleanedr || window.LN_downloading) { clean(); clean(); if (!window.LN_downloading) cleanedr = true; } for (let i = 1; i < RULES.length; i++) { let obj = RULES[i]; if (obj.cond == 'line') { if (obj.type == 'contains') { for (let e of c.childNodes) { if ( { if (obj.replaced == '' && { if (e.previousSibling && e.previousSibling.tagName == 'BR') e.previousSibling.remove(); if (e.previousSibling && e.previousSibling.tagName == 'BR') e.previousSibling.remove(); = ''; } else if ( = obj.replaced; } else if (e.childNodes[0]) { for (let m of e.childNodes) { if ( { if (obj.replaced == '' && { = ''; if (m.parentElement.tagName == 'P') m.parentElement.remove(); } else if ( = obj.replaced; } } } } } else { for (let e of c.childNodes) { if ( { if (obj.replaced == '' && == (obj.word)) { if (e.previousSibling && e.previousSibling.tagName == 'BR') e.previousSibling.remove(); if (e.previousSibling && e.previousSibling.tagName == 'BR') e.previousSibling.remove(); = ''; } else if ( = obj.replaced; } else if (e.childNodes[0]) { for (let m of e.childNodes) { if ( { if (obj.replaced == '' && == (obj.word)) { = ''; if (m.parentElement.tagName == 'P') m.parentElement.remove(); } else if ( = obj.replaced; } } } } } } else { if (obj.type == 'equals') c.innerHTML = c.innerHTML.replaceAll(obj.word, obj.replaced); else c.innerHTML = c.innerHTML.replaceAll(new RegExp(obj.word, 'gmi'), obj.replaced); } } } let chapters = [], confirmed = false, pagecc = 1, wxpage = 0; function novelindex(url, maximum, elm) { let nurl = url; GM_xmlhttpRequest({ url: url, method: 'GET', onload: r => { try { const doc = new DOMParser().parseFromString(r.responseText, 'text/html'), b = doc.body, PL = SITES[url.LN_host()], getmax = () => { let anc; if (b.querySelector(PL.indexobj.max)) anc = b.querySelector(PL.indexobj.max); else if (b.querySelectorAll(PL.indexobj.nav).length > 0) anc = b.querySelectorAll(PL.indexobj.nav)[b.querySelectorAll(PL.indexobj.nav).length-2]; else return 1; let x = new window.URL(anc.href); if ( { let y ='page=')), z = y; if (y.indexOf('&') > -1) z = y.substr(0, y.indexOf('&')); return parseInt(z.substr(z.indexOf('=') + 1)); } else return parseInt(x.href.substr(x.href.indexOf('page')+5)); }, getpage = () => { let x = new window.URL(url); if ( { let y ='page=')), z = y; if (y.indexOf('&') > -1) z = y.substr(0, y.indexOf('&')); return parseInt(z.substr(z.indexOf('=') + 1)); } else return parseInt(x.href.substr(x.href.indexOf('page')+5)); }, add = (elms=chapters) => { let addto = elm || l; if (addto.querySelector('div')) addto.querySelector('div').remove(); if (!Array.isArray(elms)) elms = Array.from(elms); if (!url.includes('lightnovelworld') && !url.includes('readlightnovel') && !url.includes('novelfull') && !url.includes('') && !url.includes('novelhall')) elms.reverse(); for (let i = 0; i < elms.length; i++) { let el = elms[i], a = document.createElement('a'); a.className = 'LN_chapteran'; a.innerText = el.title || el.innerText; if (a.querySelectorAll('*')) for (let e of a.querySelectorAll('*')) e.remove(); a.href = el.href.LN_fix(url); a.onclick = e => { e.preventDefault(); if (location.href != a.href) { alt('Loading ' + a.innerText); dynamicload(a.href.LN_fix(location.href)); } } addto.appendChild(a); } if ( == 'grid') sh('cit'); window.LN_indexslow = false; }, getdata = () => { if (url.includes('')) { for (let e of b.querySelectorAll('script')) { if (e.innerHTML.includes('function load(page)')) { let str = e.innerHTML; str = str.substr(str.indexOf('data: {')); let id = str.substr(10, 4); id = id.trim(); if (id.endsWith(',')) id = id.substr(0, id.length-1); str = str.substr(str.indexOf(',')+2); let novel = str.substr(6, str.indexOf(',')-6); novel = novel.replace(/'|"'/g, ''); str = str.substr(str.indexOf(',')+2); let max = str.substr(4,4); max = max.trim(); if (max.endsWith(',')) max = max.substr(0, max.length-1); return `id=${id}&novel=${novel}&max=${max}&page=${maximum || 1}`;; } } } } if (BOTCHECK(b)) { if (confirm('Caught by bot verification.\nOpen url (' + url + ') in new tab?')) {, '_blank'); setTimeout(() => { novelindex(nurl, maximum, elm) }, 10000); return; } else { add(); alt('Cancelled!'); return; } } if (url.includes('lightnovelworld')) { if (getmax() > 10 && !confirmed) { if (!confirm('Loading index might slow the browser or cause errors due to large amount of chapters, are you sure?')) { sh('cif'); confirmed = false; return; } window.LN_indexslow = true; confirmed = true; } let max = maximum || getmax(), currentpage = parseInt(getpage()), a = b.querySelectorAll(PL.indexobj.chapters); for (let e of a) chapters.push(e); if (currentpage == max) add(); else { nurl = url.replace(/page-[0-9]?[0-9]/, 'page-' + (currentpage + 1)); novelindex(nurl, max, elm); } } else if (url.includes('novelfull')) { let cid = document.querySelector('#chapter_error').getAttribute('data-chapter-id'), nid; for (let i = 0; i < document.scripts.length; i++) { let sc = document.scripts[i].innerHTML.toString(); if (sc.indexOf('var novel = {') > -1) nid = parseInt(sc.substr(sc.indexOf('var novel = {'), 40).substr(sc.substr(sc.indexOf('var novel = {'), 40).indexOf('id:')+4)); } GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: 'GET', url: `${nid}¤tChapterId=${cid}`, onload: r => { const doc = new DOMParser().parseFromString(r.responseText, 'text/html'), sel = doc.body.querySelector('select'); for (let i = 0; i < sel.options.length; i++) { let t = sel.options[i].innerText, h = '' + sel.options[i].value, a = document.createElement('a'); a.href = h; a.innerText = t; chapters.push(a); } add(); } }); } else if (url.includes('')) { let novellink = url.split('/')[4].replace('.html', ''); GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: 'POST', url: '' + wxpage + '&wjm=' + novellink, onload: r => { const doc = new DOMParser().parseFromString(r.responseText, 'text/html'), b = doc.body, a = b.querySelectorAll('.chapter-list a'); for (let e of a) { const text = e.querySelector('strong').innerText; e.innerHTML = text; chapters.push(e); } wxpage++; if (b.querySelector('.chapter-list a')) novelindex(url, (maximum + 1) || 2, elm); else add(); } }); } else if (url.includes('')) { let novellink = url.split('/')[4].replace('.html', ''); GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: 'POST', url: '' + wxpage + '&wjm=' + novellink, onload: r => { const doc = new DOMParser().parseFromString(r.responseText, 'text/html'), b = doc.body, a = b.querySelectorAll('.chapter-list a'); for (let e of a) { const text = e.querySelector('strong').innerText; e.innerHTML = text; chapters.push(e); } wxpage++; if (b.querySelector('.chapter-list a')) novelindex(url, (maximum + 1) || 2, elm); else add(); } }); } else if (url.includes('')) { GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: 'POST', url: '', data: getdata(), headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' }, onload: r => { const doc = new DOMParser().parseFromString(r.responseText, 'text/html'), b = doc.body, a = b.querySelectorAll('a'); for (let e of a) chapters.push(e); if (b.querySelector('a')) novelindex(url, (maximum + 1) || 2, elm); else add(); } }); } else if (url.includes('')) { GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: 'POST', url: url + 'ajax/chapters/', onload: r => { const doc = new DOMParser().parseFromString(r.responseText, 'text/html'), b = doc.body, a = b.querySelectorAll('a:not([class])'); for (let e of a) chapters.push(e); add(); } }); } else add(b.querySelectorAll(PL.indexobj.chapters)); } catch (e) { const doc = new DOMParser().parseFromString(r.responseText, "text/html"), b = doc.body; if (!b) { alt('Error: NETWORK_ERROR\nDetails: Response cannot be null! Please try again later.\nReason: Might be request timeout, bad internet connection, spammed requests in a small time frame.', 10000); console.error(e); setTimeout(() => { novelindex(nurl, maximum, elm) }, 5000); } else if (BOTCHECK(b)) { if (confirm('Caught by bot verification.\nOpen url (' + url + ') in new tab?')) {, '_blank'); setTimeout(() => { novelindex(nurl, maximum, elm) }, 10000); } else { alt('Cancelled!'); return; } } else { alt('Error:\nDetails: Unexpected error has occured. Please try again later.\nReason: Might be request timeout, bad internet connection, another unexpected reason.', 10000); console.error(e); setTimeout(() => { novelindex(nurl, maximum, elm) }, 5000); } } } }); } function getindex(url, elm) { let link = url || location.href, PL = SITES[link.LN_host()]; if (l.querySelector('a')) return; if (document.querySelector(PL.novel)) link = document.querySelector(PL.novel).href; else if (!elm) { link = location.href.split('/'); if (link[link.length - 1] == '') { link.pop(); link.pop(); } else link.pop(); link = link.join('/'); } if ( link +=; if ( link +=; novelindex(link, undefined, elm); } function migrate(url1, url2) { alt('Please wait for migration process.'); window.LN_migrating = true; let index1 = document.createElement('div'), index2 = document.createElement('div'), history = HISTORY.LN_search(url1), distory = DHISTORY.LN_search(url1); getindex(url1, index1); getindex(url2, index2); let interval1 = setInterval(() => { if (index1.querySelector('a') && index2.querySelector('a')) { if (history.found) { let getpos = () => { for (let i = 0; i < index1.querySelectorAll('a').length; i++) if (index1.querySelectorAll('a')[i].href == history.obj.href) return i; }, i = getpos(); if (!index2.querySelectorAll('a')[i]) alt('Couldn\'t find chapter ' + index1.querySelectorAll('a')[i].innerText + ' in ' + url2.LN_host() + '.\nPlease register the novel read history manually :(.'); else { let obj = { novel: url2, href: index2.querySelectorAll('a')[i].href, text: index2.querySelectorAll('a')[i].innerText }; if (!HISTORY.LN_search(url2).found) HISTORY.push(obj); else { HISTORY.LN_search(url2).obj.href = index2.querySelectorAll('a')[i].href; HISTORY.LN_search(url2).obj.text = index2.querySelectorAll('a')[i].innerText; } GM_setValue('HISTORY', HISTORY); } } if (distory.found) { let getpos = () => { for (let i = 0; i < index1.querySelectorAll('a').length; i++) if (index1.querySelectorAll('a')[i].href == distory.obj.href) return i; }, i = getpos(); if (!index2.querySelectorAll('a')[i]) alt('Couldn\'t find chapter ' + index1.querySelectorAll('a')[i].innerText + ' in ' + url2.LN_host() + '.\nPlease register the novel download history manually :(.'); else { let obj = { novel: url2, href: index2.querySelectorAll('a')[i].href, text: index2.querySelectorAll('a')[i].innerText }; if (!DHISTORY.LN_search(url2).found) DHISTORY.push(obj); else { DHISTORY.LN_search(url2).obj.href = index2.querySelectorAll('a')[i].href; DHISTORY.LN_search(url2).obj.text = index2.querySelectorAll('a')[i].innerText; } GM_setValue('DHISTORY', DHISTORY); } } clearInterval(interval1); rvals(); window.LN_migrating = false; setTimeout(() => alt('Migration successful.'), 7000); } }, 1000); } function search(inp, s) { if (typeof inp != 'string') inp = undefined; let input = inp || prompt('Search term'), binp = '' for (let s in SITES) { if (s.includes('novelonlinefull') || s.includes('bestlightnovel')) binp = input.replaceAll(' ', '_'); else binp = input; if (SITES[s]'${term}'))[s]'${term}', binp), '_blank'); else GM_setValue('searchterm', binp),[s], '_blank'); } } function dynamicmode() { if (autodmode) { let time = (new Date).getHours(); if (time > dmtime && !darked) ucss(); else if (time > lmtime && time < dmtime && darked) ucss(); } } function autobackup() { if (autobackupp != 0) { let date = GM_getValue('lastbackup'), age = (new Date((new Date) - (new Date(date)))).getDate(); if (!date || age >= autobackupp + 1) br(0); } } function timedcheck() { let time = (new Date).toTimeString().substr(0, 5); for (let i = 0; i < TIMES.length; i++) { let tbc = TIMES[i].time; if (time >= tbc) { if (CHECKED[0] && (new Date(CHECKED[0])).getDate() - (new Date).getDate() == 0) { if (!CHECKED.LN_search(TIMES[i].href).found) { let index = FAVS.LN_deepSearch(TIMES[i].href).parentIndex; CHECKED.push(TIMES[i].href); setTimeout(() => { alt('Auto checking for ' + FAVS[index].novel); notify(index, 0, true, true); }, (i - 1) * 15000); } } else { CHECKED = [JSON.stringify(new Date()).replaceAll('"', '')]; CHECKED.push(TIMES[i].href); let index = FAVS.LN_deepSearch(TIMES[i].href).parentIndex; setTimeout(() => { alt('Auto checking for ' + FAVS[index].novel); notify(index, 0, true, true); }, (i - 1) * 15000); } GM_setValue('CHECKED', CHECKED); } } } function feedback() { let html = document.createElement('div'), css = document.createElement('style'); html.className = 'LN_container'; html.innerHTML = '<div class="LN_main"> <h3 class="LN_head"> Subject: </h3> <input class="LN_sub"> <br> <h3 class="LN_head"> Message Body: </h3> <span> Please don\'t actually use this to write your message and use an editor then paste here. </span> <br> <textarea class="LN_msg" spellcheck="true" style=" "></textarea> <br> <br> <button class="LN_send"> Send </button> </div>'; css.innerHTML = '.LN_container { z-index: 2147483644; top: 0; left: 0; position: fixed; background-color: #000c; color: #090; width: 100%; height: 100%; display: flex; transition: all 0.5s; user-select: none; } .LN_main { margin: auto; transition: inherit; background-color: #000; height: 70%; padding: 20px; border-radius: 15px; width: 50%; box-shadow: 0 0 20px 20px #090; position: fixed; translate: -50% -50%; top: 50%; left: 50%; 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html.onclick = e => { if ('LN_container')) { html.remove(); css.remove(); } } html.querySelector('.LN_send').onclick = () => { let sub = html.querySelector('.LN_sub'), msg = html.querySelector('.LN_msg'), validate = () => { let output = true; if (!msg.value) { msg.setCustomValidity('Message body is required'); msg.reportValidity(); msg.onfocus = () => msg.setCustomValidity(''); alt('Message body is required!'); output = false; } return output; }; if (validate()) { if (!sub.value) sub.value = 'LN Loader v' + GM_info.script.version + ' feedback'; let link = '' + encodeURIComponent(sub.value) + '&body=' + encodeURIComponent(msg.value);, '_blank'); html.remove(); css.remove(); alt('Thanks for the feedback!'); } } } const stopit = () => { if (window.LN_canceldownload) { alt('No download found!'); window.LN_canceldownload = false; if (document.querySelector('.LN_btn')) document.querySelectorAll('.LN_btn')[3].disabled = true; } if (window.LN_cancelauto) { alt('No auto download found!'); window.LN_cancelauto = false; if (document.querySelector('.LN_btn')) document.querySelectorAll('.LN_btn')[4].disabled = true; } } GM_registerMenuCommand('Show Favorites', favs); GM_registerMenuCommand('Check for updates', () => { alt('Please wait while the script searches for new chapters.', 5000); notify(); }); GM_registerMenuCommand('Search all sources for a novel', search); GM_registerMenuCommand('Cancel current download', () => { window.LN_canceldownload = true; window.LN_cancelauto = false; alt('Please wait.'); if (document.querySelector('.LN_btn')) document.querySelectorAll('.LN_btn')[3].disabled = true; setTimeout(stopit, 10000); }); GM_registerMenuCommand('Cancel auto download', () => { window.LN_canceldownload = true; window.LN_cancelauto = true; alt('Please wait.'); if (document.querySelector('.LN_btn')) document.querySelectorAll('.LN_btn')[4].disabled = true; setTimeout(stopit, 10000); }); GM_registerMenuCommand('Feedback', feedback); let dispatch = (inp, value) => { inp.focus();; inp.value = value; inp.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent('keyup', { bubbles: true, cancelable: true, char: 'Q', key: 'q', keyCode: 81, code: 'KeyQ' })); }, searchinterval = setInterval(() => { try { let searchterm = GM_getValue('searchterm'), inp = document.querySelector(; if (!inp || !searchterm) { clearInterval(searchinterval); return; } dispatch(inp, searchterm); GM_setValue('searchterm', ''); clearInterval(searchinterval); } catch { clearInterval(searchinterval); } }, 1000), timedcheckint = setInterval(() => { rvals(); if (TIMES.length == CHECKED.length) clearInterval(timedcheckint); if (autoch) timedcheck(); else clearInterval(timedcheckint); }, 60000); if (!CS || !document.querySelector(CS.chapter)) { check(); autobackup(); } else { ui(); set(); window.onkeyup = handler; check(); window.onunload = window.onbeforeunload = () => WIN.close(); dynamicmode(); autobackup(); } for (let i = 1; i < FAVS.length; i++) if (FAVS[i].url.href == '') alert(`Error encountered while checking the novel ${FAVS[i].novel}\nPlease remove it and re-add it again.`); window.addEventListener('beforeunload', e => { if (window.LN_checking || window.LN_downloading || window.LN_migrating) { e.preventDefault(); return 'The script is currently checking, downloading, or migrating content. Are you sure you want to leave the page?'; if (window.LN_checking) alt('The script is currently checking updates, please wait.'); else if (window.LN_downloading) alt('The script is currently downloading content, please wait.'); else if (window.LN_migrating) alt('The script is currently migrating a novel to another source, please wait.'); } }); })();