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// ==UserScript== // @id Emp3 // @name Random Topics Bar // @require // @grant GM_addStyle // @version 1.2 // @namespace // @author TrustyPatches // @description Places links to random topics at the top of the frontpage // @include* // @run-at document-idle // ==/UserScript== //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////// User Options /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // //change number after "=" and save script to change settings // //reload page for settings to take effect // // var number_of_links = 5; //number of random links to display at a time (default is 5) // // var link_space = 60; //space between links in pixels (default is 60) // // var truncate_length = 0; //number of characters to allow for each link's text - set to 0 for no truncation // // var show_on_start = 0; //show links on load - 0 to hide until toggled, 1 to show automatically // // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////// End Settings //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// GM_addStyle(' \ .randBtn{ \ width: 90px; \ display: inline-block; \ text-align: center; \ margin-right: 10px; \ background: #ECF0F1 none repeat scroll 0% 0%; \ padding: 0px 5px; \ border-radius: 4px; \ font-size: 85%; \ cursor: pointer \ } \ .randBtn:hover{ \ background: #E1E6E7 none repeat scroll 0% 0%; \ color: #101112; \ } \ .buttonDiv{ \ -moz-user-select: -moz-none; \ -khtml-user-select: none; \ -webkit-user-select: none; \ color: #7F8C8D; \ height: 46px; \ width: 350px; \ position: absolute; \ margin-top: -32px; \ padding-left: 23px; \ transition-property: margin-top; \ transition-duration: .5s; \ } \ .linkDiv{ \ position: absolute; \ width: 100%; \ height: 32px; \ border-bottom: solid #ECF0F1 1px; \ visibility: hidden; \ display: block; \ } \ }'); /*setup elements*/ var linkDiv = document.createElement('div'); = '1'; $(linkDiv).addClass('linkDiv'); document.body.insertBefore(linkDiv, document.body.firstChild); var buttonDiv = document.createElement('div'); = '2'; $(buttonDiv).addClass('buttonDiv'); document.body.insertBefore(buttonDiv, document.body.firstChild); var infoDiv = document.createElement('div'); $(infoDiv).addClass('infoDiv'); = '1031'; $(infoDiv).css('position', 'fixed').css('margin-top', '-24px').css('left', '84px').css('color', '#7F8C8D'); document.body.insertBefore(infoDiv, document.body.firstChild); var start = document.createElement('a'); $(start).addClass('randBtn'); start.innerHTML = 'Generate'; var randomPage = document.createElement('a'); $(randomPage).addClass('randBtn'); randomPage.innerHTML = 'Surprise Me!'; var newLinks = document.createElement('a'); $(newLinks).addClass('randBtn'); newLinks.innerHTML = 'Randomize'; var hide = document.createElement('a'); $(hide).addClass('randBtn'); hide.innerHTML = 'Toggle'; String.prototype.trunc = String.prototype.trunc || function (n) { if (truncate_length > 0) { return this.length > n ? this.substr(0, n - 1) + '…' : this; } else { return this; } }; function divIndexOf(div, link) { for (var i = 1; i < div.childNodes.length; i++) { if (div.childNodes[i].href == link) { return i; } } return -1; } //check for presence of login link function checkLogin(){ var check = document.getElementsByClassName('header-login'); if (typeof check[0] == 'undefined'){ return 1; } else { return 0; } } var docList, randomNum; var list = []; list[0] = []; list[1] = []; //Check for topics list on page function initial(){ if (window.location == ''){ if (checkLogin() == 1){ infoDiv.innerHTML = 'Waiting for topics list...'; docList = document.getElementsByTagName('select') [0]; if (typeof docList == 'undefined' || docList.length < 4){ setTimeout(initial, 300); } else { var topicName; //populate array with topics for (i = 3; i < docList.length + 2; i++) { topicName = docList.childNodes[i].innerHTML; topicName = topicName.replace(/&/g, '&'); list[0][i - 3] = topicName.trunc(truncate_length); list[1][i - 3] = '/t/' + topicName.replace(/ /g, '_').toLowerCase(); } infoDiv.innerHTML = list[0].length + ' Topics found'; buttonDiv.innerHTML = ''; buttonDiv.appendChild(hide); buttonDiv.appendChild(randomPage); buttonDiv.appendChild(newLinks); $(infoDiv).css('padding', '0'); GM_addStyle('.buttonDiv:hover{margin-top: 2px;}'); if (show_on_start > 0){ = 'visible'; } generate(); } } else{ infoDiv.innerHTML = 'Login to use random topics bar'; setTimeout(function(){ = 'none'; }, 5000); } } else { infoDiv.innerHTML = 'No topics found'; buttonDiv.innerHTML = 'Return to frontpage to generate random topics'; setTimeout(function(){ buttonDiv.innerHTML = ''; buttonDiv.appendChild(start); }, 5000); GM_addStyle('.buttonDiv:hover{margin-top: 2px;}'); } } //Link generator function function generate(){ linkDiv.innerHTML = ''; var windowWidth, pad; var linkWidth = 0; var x = 0; //pick random topics to display while (x < number_of_links) { randomNum = Math.floor(Math.random() * list[0].length); if (linkDiv.childNodes.length < 1 || divIndexOf(linkDiv, list[1][randomNum]) < 0) { var randomLink = document.createElement('a'); $(randomLink).css('margin', '0 ' + link_space + 'px 0 0'); randomLink.innerHTML = list[0][randomNum]; randomLink.href = list[1][randomNum]; linkDiv.appendChild(randomLink); linkWidth += ($(linkDiv.childNodes[x]).width()); x++; } } windowWidth = $(window).width(); pad = ((windowWidth / 2) - Math.floor((linkWidth + (link_space * (number_of_links - 1))) / 2)) - 21; $(linkDiv).css('padding-left', pad + 'px'); } setTimeout(initial, 1500); //Randomize Button newLinks.addEventListener('click', generate); //Surprise Me! button randomPage.addEventListener('click', function () { window.location = list[1][Math.floor((Math.random() * list[0].length))].replace('&', '&'); }); //Toggle button hide.addEventListener('click', function () { = 'relative'; if ( == 'visible'){ = 'hidden'; } else { = 'visible'; } }); //Generate button start.addEventListener('click', initial);