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"use strict"; // ==UserScript== // @name Tsumino Enhanced // @namespace // @version // @description Adds a collection of customizable tweaks, enhancements, and new features to // @author Toby // @include /((http)(s)?(\:\/\/)(www\.)?(tsumino\.com)(\/)?([\s\S]*))/ // @exclude /((http)(s)?(\:\/\/)(www\.)?(tsumino\.com)(\/)?(Read\/AuthProcess)/ // @exclude* // @require // @require // @require // @require // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_deleteValue // @grant unsafeWindow // @grant GM_openInTab // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @run-at document-start // ==/UserScript== /************************************************************************************* * Open source libraries. *************************************************************************************/ /************************************************************************************* * This one adds arrayBuffer support to jQuery's ajax method. * ------------------------- * jquery.binarytransport.js * @description. jQuery ajax transport for making binary data type requests. * @version 1.0 * @author Henry Algus <> *************************************************************************************/ // use this transport for "binary" data type $.ajaxTransport( "+binary", function (options, originalOptions, jqXHR) { if ( window.FormData && (options.dataType && options.dataType == "binary" || && (window.ArrayBuffer && instanceof ArrayBuffer || window.Blob && instanceof Blob)) ) { return { send : function (headers, callback) { var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest, url = options.url, type = options.type, async = options.async || true, dataType = options.responseType || "blob", data = || null, username = options.username || null, password = options.password || null; xhr.addEventListener( "load", function () { var data = {}; data[ options.dataType ] = xhr.response; callback( xhr.status, xhr.statusText, data, xhr.getAllResponseHeaders() ) } ); type, url, async, username, password ); for (var i in headers) { xhr.setRequestHeader( i, headers[ i ] ); } xhr.responseType = dataType; xhr.send( data ) }, abort : function () {jqXHR.abort()} } } } ); /************************************************************************************* * Tsumino Enhanced *************************************************************************************/ // Establish Tsumino Enhanced (function (w, $) { // Main object - Metadata var TE = { name : GM_info[ "script" ][ "name" ], version : GM_info[ "script" ][ "version" ], status : {}, updateLocation : "", installLocation: "" }; TE.status.pagesLoaded = {}; // Tsumino Enhanced Configuration TE.config = { debug : true, verboseDebug : true, pfRange : 5, preload : true }; // User's current location. TE.myLocation = w.location.href; /************************************************************************************* * User Configuration *************************************************************************************/ TE.User = {}; (function () { if ( GM_getValue( "TE_settings" ) ) { var TE_settings = GM_getValue( "TE_settings" ); TE.User = JSON.parse( TE_settings ); } })(); /************************************************************************************* * Detect which features the user's browser has. *************************************************************************************/ TE.ft = {}; TE.ft.logGroups = typeof === 'function'; /************************************************************************************* * Tsumino Site Configuration. *************************************************************************************/ // Define prefixes for all major site pages. = { account : { prefix : "/Account/Home", regex : "(\/Account\/Home*)" }, auth : { prefix : "/Read/Auth/", regex : "(\/Read\/Auth\/[\\s\\S]*)" }, baseURL : {root : TE.myLocation.split( ".com" )[ 0 ] + ".com"}, book : { prefix : "/Book/Info/", regex : "(\/Book\/Info\/[\\s\\S]*)" }, browse : { prefix : "/Browse/Index/", regex : "(\/Browse\/[\\s\\S]*)||(\/*)" }, error : { prefix : "/Error/Index/", regex : "(\/Error\/Index\/[\\s\\S]*)" }, image : { prefix : "/Image/Object/?data=", regex : "(\/Image\/Object\/\\?data=[\\s\\S]*)" }, login : { prefix : "/Account/Login", regex : "(\/Account\/Login[\\s\\S]*)" }, manageTags : { prefix : "/Account/ManageTags", regex : "(\/Account\/ManageTags[\\s\\S]*)" }, reader : { prefix : "/Read/View/", regex : "(\/Read\/View\/[\\s\\S]*)" }, search : { prefix : "/Search", regex : "(\/Search[\\s\\S]*)" }, forum : { prefix : "/Forum", regex : "(\/Forum[\\s\\S]*)" } }; var temp =; = temp.replace( /([.*+?\^=!:${}()\|\[\]\/\\])/g, "\\$1" ); // Location Checking object. TE.on = {}; // Create full URLs and do location checking. for (var key in { if ( key ) ) { var obj =[ key ]; if ( obj.hasOwnProperty( "prefix" ) ) { // Create Full URLs. obj[ "url" ] = + obj[ "prefix" ]; // Perform location checking. if ( obj[ "prefix" ] ) { TE.on[ key ] = !!RegExp( "^(" + + ")" + obj[ "regex" ] + "$" ).test( TE.myLocation ); } } } } TE.on[ "tsumino" ] = !!RegExp( "^(" + + ")([\\s\\S]*)$" ).test( TE.myLocation ); // Prepare prefetch. TE.status.prefetch = {}; TE.status.numRandStrings = 0; /************************************************************************************* * Utility Functions *************************************************************************************/ TE.fn = TE.prototype = { // Logging to console with Timestamps. randomString : function() { TE.status.numRandStrings++; var text = TE.status.numRandStrings + "_"; var possible = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-"; var baseline = 9; var ceiling = (Math.floor(Math.random() * 10)); var numChars = baseline + ceiling; for( var i=0; i < numChars; i++ ) { text += possible.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * possible.length)); } return text; }, log : function () { if ( (arguments.length > 0) && (TE.config.debug) ) { var date = new Date(), hr, min, sec, mil, timeStamp; hr = date.getHours(); min = date.getMinutes(); sec = date.getSeconds(); mil = date.getMilliseconds(); timeStamp = hr + ":" + min + ":" + sec + ":" + mil; if ( TE.ft.logGroups ) { if ( arguments[ 0 ] == "gname" ) { arguments[ 1 ] + " - [" + timeStamp + "]" ); for (var i = 2 ; i < arguments.length ; ++i) { console.log( arguments[ i ] ); } } else { timeStamp ); for (var i = 0 ; i < arguments.length ; ++i) { console.log( arguments[ i ] ); } } console.groupEnd(); } else { if ( arguments[ 0 ] == "gname" ) { console.log( "----- " + arguments[ 1 ] + " -----" ); for (var i = 0 ; i < arguments.length ; ++i) { console.log( arguments[ i ] ); } } else { console.log( "[" + timeStamp + "]" ); for (var i = 0 ; i < arguments.length ; ++i) { console.log( arguments[ i ] ); } } console.log(); } } }, vbLog : function () { if ( TE.config.verboseDebug ) { if ( arguments.length > 0 ) { this.log.apply( this.log, arguments ); } } }, errorMsg : function (code, situation, error) { this.log( "gname",, "An error was detected while:", situation, "Error Code: " + code, error ); }, replaceAll : function (str, find, replace) { // Escape regex. find = find.replace( /([.*+?^=!:${}()|\[\]\/\\])/g, "\\$1" ); return str.replace( new RegExp( find, 'g' ), replace ); }, load : function (pageNumber, imageUrl) { var dfd = jQuery.Deferred(), authUrl = + + + "/" + pageNumber; if ( (TE.status.pagesLoaded[ pageNumber ] != "working") && (TE.status.pagesLoaded[ pageNumber ] != "done") ) { TE.status.pagesLoaded[ pageNumber ] = "working"; $( "#te_readerMessageDisplay" ).append( ` <div id="te_loading_message" class="ui segment"><br /> <div class="ui active dimmer"><div class="ui text loader">Loading...</div></div><br /></div> ` ); this.vbLog( "gname", "TE.load", "Loading Image: " + pageNumber + "...", + imageUrl ); var downloadStart = new Date(); // Make an ajax request expecting a binary (arraybuffer) datatype. var loadImage = $.ajax( { method : "GET", url : imageUrl, dataType : "binary", processData : false, responseType : 'arraybuffer', success : $.proxy( function (data, textStatus, request) { // Put the response headers into an array. var rh = loadImage.getAllResponseHeaders(), rha = rh.split( "\r\n" ); // Create a proper object from the response header array. var responseHeader = {}; for (var i = 0 ; i < rha.length ; i++) { var thisRH = rha[ i ]; thisRH = thisRH.split( ": " ); if ( thisRH[ 0 ] != "" ) { responseHeader[ thisRH[ 0 ] ] = thisRH[ 1 ]; } } // Local logging to examine response headers. TE.vbLog("gname","TE.fn.load","Response Headers",responseHeader); // Content-Type is undefined if Tsumino requires us to solve a captcha. if ( typeof responseHeader[ "Content-Type" ] === "undefined" ) { // Redirect to the auth page. w.location.href = authUrl; } else { var downloadComplete = new Date(); TE.vbLog( "gname", "TE.load", "Content Type: " + responseHeader[ "Content-Type" ] ); // If we're dealing with a JPEG image. // (Why is it 'images/jpeg' instead of 'image/jpeg'? Typo by Tsumino devs?) if ( responseHeader[ "Content-Type" ] == "images/jpeg" ) { TE.vbLog( "gname", "TE.load", "Image data loaded.", "Running conversions..." ); var startTime = new Date(); // Use Uint8Array to view the arrayBuffer response data. var typedArray = new Uint8Array( data ); // Determine number of bytes for the assembly loop. var numBytes = typedArray.length; var binaryString = ""; // Convert it into a useable binary string. for (i = 0 ; i < numBytes ; i++) { binaryString = binaryString + String.fromCharCode( typedArray[ i ] ); } // And finally encode the binary string as base64. var encodedBS = btoa( binaryString ); var endTime = new Date(); var dlTime = downloadComplete - downloadStart; var runTime = endTime - startTime; var dlTimeDISP = dlTime + "ms"; var runTimeDISP = runTime + "ms"; if ( dlTime >= 1000 ) { dlTimeDISP = (dlTime / 1000) + "s"; } if ( runTime >= 1000 ) { runTimeDISP = (runTime / 1000) + "s"; } TE.vbLog( "gname", "TE.load", "Conversions completed.", "Image downloaded in: " + dlTimeDISP + ".", "Total time spent on conversion: " + runTimeDISP + "." ); // Take the base64 string and prepend it so it can be used as a dataURI. var dataURI = "data:image/jpeg;base64," + encodedBS; // Add a hidden image to the page so the dataURI can be harvested from its source later. $( "body" ).append( "<img id='te_loadImage_" + pageNumber + "' src='" + dataURI + "' style='display:none;'>" ); // And we're done. this.vbLog( "gname", "TE.load", "Image " + pageNumber + " loaded." ); $( "#te_loading_message" ).remove(); TE.status.pagesLoaded[ pageNumber ] = "done"; dfd.resolve(); } } }, this ), error : $.proxy( function (request, status, error) { this.log( "gname", "TE.load", "Error retrieving image.", request, status, error ); }, this ) } ); } else if ( TE.status.pagesLoaded[ pageNumber ] == "working" ) { var checkAgain = function () { setTimeout( function () { if ( TE.status.pagesLoaded[ pageNumber ] == "done" ) { dfd.resolve(); } else { checkAgain(); } }, 500 ); }; checkAgain(); } else if ( TE.status.pagesLoaded[ pageNumber ] == "done" ) { dfd.resolve(); } return dfd.promise(); }, prefetch : { init : function (pageNumber) { var dfd = jQuery.Deferred(); TE.vbLog( "gname", "Prefetch Init", "Initializing..." ); var pfRange = TE.config.pfRange, pfStart = (pageNumber - pfRange), pfEnd = (pageNumber + pfRange); if ( pfStart < 1 ) { pfStart = 1; } if ( pfEnd > ) { pfEnd =; } var thisRange = pfEnd - pfStart; if ( thisRange == 1 ) { thisRange++; } var timestamp = new Date().getTime(); TE.status.prefetch[ timestamp ] = 0; TE.vbLog( "gname", "Prefetch Init", "Base: " + pageNumber, "Start: " + pfStart, "End: " + pfEnd ); for (var i = pfStart ; i <= pfEnd ; i++) { if ( TE.status.prefetch[ ][ i ] == "" ) { $.when( this.get( i ) ).then( function () { TE.status.prefetch[ timestamp ]++; if ( TE.status.prefetch[ timestamp ] == thisRange ) { dfd.resolve(); } } ); } } return dfd.promise(); }, get : function (pageNumber) { TE.status.prefetch[ ][ pageNumber ] = "working"; var dfd = jQuery.Deferred(); var url = + "/Image/Image/" + + "/" + pageNumber; TE.status.prefetch[ ][ pageNumber ] = url; if ( TE.config.preload ) { $.when( TE.fn.load( pageNumber, url ) ).then( function () { setTimeout(function() { dfd.resolve(); },500); } ); //TE.fn.load(pageNumber, pfImgSrc); } else { dfd.resolve(); } //TE.vbLog( "gname", "Prefetch", url ); /* $.get( url ).done( function (data) { data = TE.fn.scrubAjaxData( data ); var pfImg = $( data ).find( "img.reader-img" ); var pfImgSrc = $( pfImg ).attr( "data-content" ); TE.status.prefetch[ ][ pageNumber ] = pfImgSrc; TE.vbLog( "gname", "Prefetch", "Prefetched image src for page " + pageNumber, + pfImgSrc ); if ( TE.config.preload ) { $.when( TE.fn.load( pageNumber, pfImgSrc ) ).then( function () { dfd.resolve(); } ); //TE.fn.load(pageNumber, pfImgSrc); } else { dfd.resolve(); } } ); */ return dfd.promise(); } }, camelize : function (str) { return str.replace( /(?:^\w|[A-Z]|\b\w|\s+)/g, function (match, index) { if ( +match === 0 ) { return ""; } return index == 0 ? match.toLowerCase() : match.toUpperCase(); } ); }, updateSettings : function () { GM_setValue( "TE_settings", JSON.stringify( TE.User ) ); }, scrubAjaxData : function (data) { data = TE.fn.replaceAll( data, "src=", "data-content=" ); data = TE.fn.replaceAll( data, "script", "div" ); data = TE.fn.replaceAll( data, "type=", "data-notype=" ); data = TE.fn.replaceAll( data, "link", "div" ); return data; }, checkForUpdates : function () { var dfd = jQuery.Deferred(); if ( typeof TE.User.tsuminoEnhanced === "undefined" ) { TE.User.tsuminoEnhanced = {}; TE.User.tsuminoEnhanced.lastUpdateCheck = parseInt( new Date().getTime() ); TE.User.tsuminoEnhanced.upToDate = true; this.updateSettings(); } if ( TE.User.tsuminoEnhanced.latestVersion != TE.version ) { TE.User.tsuminoEnhanced.upToDate = false; this.updateSettings(); } else { TE.User.tsuminoEnhanced.upToDate = true; this.updateSettings(); } var now = parseInt( new Date().getTime() ); var oneMinute = 60000; var oneHour = oneMinute * 60; var oneDay = oneHour * 24; if ( now >= (parseInt( TE.User.tsuminoEnhanced.lastUpdateCheck ) + oneMinute) ) { GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: "GET", url: TE.updateLocation, onload: $.proxy(function(response) { var scrubbed = this.scrubAjaxData(response.responseText); TE.log( "gname",, "Checking for updates..." ); TE.User.tsuminoEnhanced.lastUpdateCheck = parseInt( new Date().getTime() ); var latestVersion = $(scrubbed).find( "code" )[ 0 ]; latestVersion = $( latestVersion ).text(); TE.User.tsuminoEnhanced.latestVersion = latestVersion; if ( TE.User.tsuminoEnhanced.latestVersion != TE.version ) { TE.log( "gname",, "An update is available!" ); TE.User.tsuminoEnhanced.upToDate = false; this.updateSettings(); dfd.resolve(); } else { TE.log( "gname",, + " is up to date!" ); TE.User.tsuminoEnhanced.upToDate = true; this.updateSettings(); dfd.resolve(); } },this) }); } else { dfd.resolve(); } return dfd.promise(); } }; // Alias specific commonly used utility functions to the main namespace. TE.log = TE.fn.log; TE.vbLog = TE.fn.vbLog; TE.errorMsg = TE.fn.errorMsg; TE.replaceAll = TE.fn.replaceAll; TE.prefetch = TE.fn.prefetch; TE.load = TE.fn.load; TE.updateSettings = TE.fn.updateSettings; TE.randomString = TE.fn.randomString; TE.config.internalIDs = {}; TE.config.internalIDs.teConfigLink = TE.randomString(); TE.status.idPrefix = TE.randomString() + "_"; /************************************************************************************* * Tsumino Enhanced User Interface settings. * Stylesheets, data URI, etc. *************************************************************************************/ // User Interface object. TE.ui = {}; /* Tsumino Enhanced CSS. ** Minified so it's easier to include in the script. ** ** Beautify here: ** Minify here: */ TE.ui.css = {}; TE.ui.css.master = ` .te_mainColor { color:#22a7f0; } .te_en_incompatible{background-color:rgba(255,0,0,.1);border:2px solid rgba(255,0,0,0);border-radius:5px;padding:.5em} @font-face { font-family: "Icons"; src: url(""); src: url("") format("embedded-opentype"), url("") format("woff2"), url("") format("woff"), url("") format("truetype"), url("") format("svg"); font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-variant: normal; text-decoration: inherit; text-transform: none; } #te_readerCurrentImage { margin: 0 auto; cursor: pointer; } `; // Browsing Tweaks CSS. TE.ui.css.browsingTweaks = {}; // Browsing tweaks - Master CSS. TE.ui.css.browsingTweaks.master = ` .te_browsetweak_infobutton,.te_browsetweak_readbutton { position:absolute;border:3px solid #fff;bottom:10px; padding:10px;margin-left:5%;margin-right:5%; font-size:17px;color:#fff;width:42.5%;display:inline-block; text-decoration:none;box-sizing:border-box } .te_browsetweak_readbutton{right:0;box-sizing:border-box} .te_browsetweak_infobutton:focus,.te_browsetweak_readbutton:focus{text-decoration:none} .te_browsetweak_infobutton:hover,.te_browsetweak_infobutton:visited, .te_browsetweak_readbutton:hover,.te_browsetweak_readbutton:visited {background-color:#22a7f0;color:#fff;text-decoration:none} .te_browsetweak_infobutton{left:0} `; // More Books CSS. TE.ui.css.browsingTweaks.moreBooks = ` @media(min-width:768px) { .overlay-title { font-size:.8em; } .col-sm-4 { width: 25% } } @media(min-width:992px) { .col-md-3 { width: 20% } } `; // Record Keeper CSS. TE.ui.css.recordKeeper = ` .te_recordKeeper_finished:hover { border: 3px solid rgba(0,125,0,.8) !important; } .te_recordKeeper_started:hover { border: 3px solid rgba(190,190,90,.8) !important; } `; // Tsumino Enhanced Favicon Data URI TE.ui.favicon = ``; TE.ui.mainColor = "#22a7f0"; /************************************************************************************* * Classes *************************************************************************************/ /************************************************************************************* * Class: Enhancement *************************************************************************************/ TE.Enhancement = { /************************************************************************************* * Class: Enhancement * Subclass: main * * Master Enhancement class. * * name: Name of the Enhancement. String only. * description: Description of the Enhancement. * Can be a string or boolean false. * False will indicate no description. * options: Should be an object collection of option subclasses, or boolean false. * False will indicate no options. * If no options are provided: * - The Enhancement will not appear on the configuration page. * - The Enhancement will be activated automatically. * If options is not false, one option must use the "enable" key. * section: The section of the config page the Enhancement will appear in. * incompatible: Array of Enhancements that this one is incompatible with. * fn: Object containing all actual Enhancement functionality. * "init" key should be used for activation. * "upgradeHandling" key should be used for upgrade handling. * * TE.Enhancement.main(name,displayName,description,options,section,incompatible,fn) *************************************************************************************/ main : function (name, description, options, section, incompatible, fn) { try { if ( typeof name !== "string" ) { throw new Error( "Enhancement name must be defined as a string." ); } if ( (typeof description !== "string") && (description != false) ) { throw new Error( "Enhancement description must be defined as a string." ); } if ( (typeof options !== "object") && (options != false) ) { throw new Error( "Enhancement options must be defined as an object." ); } if ( (options != false) || (section != false) ) { if ( typeof section !== "string" ) { throw new Error( "Enhancement section must be defined as a string." ); } } if ( (typeof incompatible !== "object") && (incompatible != false) ) { throw new Error( "Enhancement incompatibilities must be defined as 'false', or an array." ); } if ( typeof fn !== "object" ) { throw new Error( "Enhancement functionality must be defined as an object." ); } = name; this.shortName = TE.fn.camelize( name ); this.description = description; this.options = options; this.section = section; this.incompatible = incompatible; this.fn = fn; } catch (error) { TE.errorMsg( "CD01", "Creating an Enhancement class object.", error ); } }, /************************************************************************************* * Class: Enhancment * Subclass: option *************************************************************************************/ option : { /************************************************************************************* * Master Class: Enhancment * Parent Class: option * Subclass: main * * Primary Option class. * * type: The type of the Option. * Must be a string of one of the following: * "enable" - Switch that enables the Enhancement. * Options of this type require no further parameters. * "toggle" - Renders a checkbox. * "radio" - Radio buttons. Requires arguments. * "dropdown" - Dropdown menu. Requires arguments. * name: Name of the option. * description: Description of the Option. * Can be a string or boolean false. * False will indicate no description. * defaultValue: The default value of the option. * params: Must be an object of the "params" subclass, or boolean false. * False indicates no params. * * TE.Enhancement.option.main(type,name,description,defaultValue,arguments) *************************************************************************************/ main : function (type, name, description, defaultValue, params) { try { if ( typeof type !== "string" ) { throw new Error( "Option type must be defined as a string." ); } if ( type != "enable" ) { if ( typeof name !== "string" ) { throw new Error( "Option name must be defined as a string." ); } if ( typeof description === "undefined" ) { description = false; } if ( type == "toggle" ) { } if ( (type == "dropdown") && (typeof v !== "object") ) { throw new Error( "You must define params for option type dropdown." ); } if ( (type == "radio") && (typeof params !== "object") ) { if ( typeof params === "undefined" ) { throw new Error( "You must define params for option type radio." ); } } if ( type == "dropdown" ) { if ( typeof params === "undefined" ) { throw new Error( "Option params must be defined with type dropdown." ); } } this.type = type; = name; this.shortName = TE.fn.camelize( name ); this.description = description; this.defaultValue = defaultValue; this.params = params; } else { this.type = type; = "enable"; this.shortName = "enable"; this.description = false; this.defaultValue = false; this.params = false; } } catch (error) { TE.errorMsg( "CD02", "Creating an Enhancement.option.main class object.", error ); } }, /************************************************************************************* * Master Class: Enhancment * Parent Class: option * Subclass: params * * params for radio and dropdown type options. * * type: The type of the param. * Must be a string of one of the following: * "range" - For generating a *************************************************************************************/ params : function (type, options) { try { if ( typeof type !== "string" ) { throw new Error( "Type must be defined as a string." ); } if ( type == "range" ) { if ( typeof options !== "object" ) { throw new Error( "options must be defined as an object." ); } else { if ( typeof options.rangeStart !== "number" ) { throw new Error( "Range start must be defined as a number." ); } if ( typeof options.rangeEnd !== "number" ) { throw new Error( "Range end must be defined as a number." ); } } } else { throw new Error( "Range is the only acceptable type right now." ); } this.type = type; this.params = params; } catch (error) { TE.log( "gname", "ERROR", "Error defining params class:", error ); TE.errorMsg( "CD03", "Creating an Enhancement.option.params class object.", error ); } } } }; //Fix the navbar. TE.fixNavbar = function () { $( "nav .tsumino-nav-items li" ).click( function () { var thisLink = $( this ).find( "a:first" )[ 0 ]; if ( $( thisLink ).text() == "Browse " ) { $( "#te_navMenu" ).toggleClass( "tsumino-nav-visible" ); } else if ( $( thisLink ).prop( "id" ) == TE.config.internalIDs.teConfigLink ) { $( "#te_config_modal" ) .modal( "show" ) .modal( "refresh" ); } else { window.location.href = $( thisLink ).prop( "href" ); } } ); }; /************************************************************************************* * Enhance Page - Core Functionality * + Creates IDs for important elements. * + Gathers data for storage in the TE object. *************************************************************************************/ TE.enhancePage = function () { var dfd = jQuery.Deferred(); TE.vbLog( "gname", "TE.enhancePage", "Started working..." ); $( document ).ready( function () { /************************************************************************************* * All pages. *************************************************************************************/ if ( ! ) { // Prepare config modal $( "body" ).append( `<div id="te_config_modal" class="ui fullscreen basic modal"></div>` ); TE.settings.render(); // The navigation bar at the top. $( "nav" ).attr( "id", "te_siteNavbar" ); // Replace favicon. $( "link[rel='icon']" ).attr( "href", TE.ui.favicon ); // Add Tsumino Enhanced config link to navbar. var navbar = $( ".tsumino-nav-left" )[ 0 ]; $( navbar ).attr( "id", "te_navbarMain" ); // Add ID to browse button link and swap href from # to javascript:;. var browseButton = $( "#te_navbarMain" ).find( "a[href=#]" )[ 0 ]; $( browseButton ).prop( "id", "te_navBrowse" ); $( "#te_navBrowse" ).prop( "href", "javascript:;" ); // Add ID to nav menu. var navMenu = $( "#te_navBrowse" ).siblings()[ 0 ]; $( navMenu ).prop( "id", "te_navMenu" ); TE.fixNavbar(); if ( !TE.User.tsuminoEnhanced.upToDate ) { $( w ).load( function () { $( "#"+TE.config.internalIDs.teConfigLink ).append( " <i class='ui red icon upload'></i>" ); $(".search-wrapper input").css("margin-left","8em"); $( "#"+TE.config.internalIDs.teConfigLink ).parent().popup( { title : 'An update is available!' } ); $( "#"+TE.config.internalIDs.teConfigLink ).parent().css( "background-color", "#333333" ); setTimeout( function () { $( "#"+TE.config.internalIDs.teConfigLink ).parent() .velocity( {backgroundColor : "#2D5467"} ) .velocity( {backgroundColor : "#333333"} ) .velocity( {backgroundColor : "#2D5467"} ) .velocity( {backgroundColor : "#333333"} ); }, 1 ); } ); } // ID the primary content area. var pageContent = $( "div.container-fluid" )[ 0 ]; $( pageContent ).attr( "id", "te_pageContent" ); var footer = $( "div.nav-footer" )[ 0 ]; $( footer ).attr( "id", "te_page_footer" ); var teNLC_className = TE.fn.randomString(); var teNLC_height = $("nav.tsumino-nav").height(); var teNLC_left = $("#te_navbarMain").offset().left; teNLC_left += $("#te_navbarMain").width(); var teNLC_top = 0; TE.ui.css.master = TE.ui.css.master + ` .a`+teNLC_className+` { float: left; position: absolute; top:`+teNLC_top+`px; left:`+teNLC_left+`px; height: `+teNLC_height+`px; z-index:999; border-left: 1px solid #282828; } .a`+TE.config.internalIDs.teConfigLink+` { margin:10px 5px; } `; $( "body" ).append( ` <div class="a`+teNLC_className+`"> <div id="`+TE.config.internalIDs.teConfigLink+`" class="a`+TE.config.internalIDs.teConfigLink+`"> <a href='javascript:;' style='color:` + TE.ui.mainColor + ` !important;'>ENHANCED</a> </div> </div> ` ); $( "#"+TE.config.internalIDs.teConfigLink ).click( function () { $( "#te_config_modal" ).modal( "show" ); $( "#te_config_modal" ).modal( "refresh" ); } ); $(".search-wrapper input").css("margin-left","6.5em"); $( "head" ) // Include Semantic CSS .prepend( "<link rel='stylesheet' href='' />" ) // Apply Tsumino Enhanced CSS. .append( "<style>" + TE.ui.css.master + "</style>" ); } /************************************************************************************* * Book & Reader *************************************************************************************/ if ( TE.on.reader || ) { // Create the book object. = {}; // Reader only. if ( TE.on.reader && false ) { // Create IDs. $( ".reader-page" ).attr( "id", "te_readerPageMain" ); var imageBlock = $( "#te_readerPageMain" ).children()[ 0 ]; $( imageBlock ).attr( "id", "te_imageBlock" ); $( ".reader-btn" ).attr( "id", "te_readerButtonContainer" ); //$( "img.reader-img" ).attr( "id", "te_readerCurrentImage" ); var readInfo = TE.myLocation; readInfo = readInfo.replace(, "" ); readInfo = readInfo.split( "/" ); // Book ID. = parseInt( readInfo[ 0 ] ); TE.log(readInfo[ 1 ]); // Book title. var bookTitle = $( "title" ).text(); = bookTitle.replace( "Tsumino - Free Premium Doujinshi and Hentai Manga: Read ", "" ); // Pagination setup. var pagination = $( "#te_readerButtonContainer" ).find( "h1" )[ 0 ]; $( pagination ).attr( "id", "te_readerPagination" ); var pagesInfo = $( "#te_readerPagination" ).text(); pagesInfo = pagesInfo.split( " Page " )[ 1 ]; pagesInfo = pagesInfo.split( " of " ); // Current Page. if(readInfo.length > 1) { = parseInt( readInfo[ 1 ] ); } else { = 1; } = + + "/" +; $( "title" ).text( "Tsumino - " + + " - Page " + ); // Origin page. =; // Total Pages. = parseInt( pagesInfo[ 1 ] ); // Next page. = + 1; if ( > ) { = false; } else { = + + "/" +; } // Previous page. = - 1; if ( == 0 ) { = false; } else { = + + "/" +; } // Rewrite pagination section. $( "#te_readerPagination" ).before( `<div id="te_readerMessageDisplay" style="margin-bottom: 25px;"></div>` ); $( "#te_readerPagination" ).html( "Page <span id='te_currentPage'></span> of <span id='te_totalPages'></span>" ); $( "#te_currentPage" ).html( ); $( "#te_totalPages" ).html( ); // Rename Return button to 'book info' and give it an ID. var bookInfoButton = $( "a[href*='" + + "']:contains('RETURN')" ); $( bookInfoButton ).attr( "id", "te_bookInfoButton" ); $( "#te_bookInfoButton" ) .attr("href", + .text( "BOOK INFO" ); // Add a return button that takes you to the index. $( "#te_bookInfoButton" ).after( ` <a class='book-read-button button-stack' id='te_returnToIndexButton'><i class='fa fa-home'></i> BACK TO INDEX</a> ` ); var returnToIndexLink = sessionStorage.getItem( "te_returnLink" ); if ( typeof returnToIndexLink === "object" ) { $( "#te_returnToIndexButton" ).attr( "href", ); } else { $( "#te_returnToIndexButton" ).attr( "href", returnToIndexLink ); } // Enhance Previous Page button. if ( $( "a:contains(' PREV')" ).length ) { $( "a:contains(' PREV')" ).attr( "id", "te_prevButton" ); } else { $( "#jump-page" ).before( ` <a id="te_prevButton" class="book-read-button button-stack" style="margin-right: 10px;"><i class="fa fa-arrow-left"></i> PREV</a> ` ); $( "#te_prevButton" ).css( "display", "none" ); } $( "#te_prevButton" ).attr( "href", ); if ( > 1 ) { $( "#te_prevButton" ).css( "display", "inline" ); } else { $( "#te_prevButton" ).css( "display", "none" ); } // Enhance Next Page Button if ( $( "a:contains('NEXT ')" ).length ) { $( "a:contains('NEXT ')" ).attr( "id", "te_nextButton" ); } else { $( "#jump-page" ).after( ` <a id="te_nextButton" class="book-read-button button-stack">NEXT <i class="fa fa-arrow-right"></i></a> ` ); $( "#te_nextButton" ).css( "display", "none" ); } $( "#te_nextButton" ).attr( "href", ); if ( < ) { $( "#te_nextButton" ).css( "display", "inline" ); } else { $( "#te_nextButton" ).css( "display", "none" ); } $("#image-container") .after(` <div id="te_imageContainer"> <img class="img-responsive" src="/Image/Image/``/``" id="te_readerCurrentImage"> </div> `) .remove(); // Enhance Image link. /* var imageLink = $( "#te_readerCurrentImage" ).parent(); $( imageLink ).attr( "id", "te_imageLink" ); $( "#te_imageLink" ).attr( "href", ); */ TE.vbLog( "gname", "", ); } else if ( ) { var readInfo = TE.myLocation; readInfo = readInfo.replace(, "" ); readInfo = readInfo.split( "/" ); // Book ID. = parseInt( readInfo[ 0 ] ); // Fix tag display bug causing unwanted line breaks. $( ".book-tag:contains(' ')" ).css( "white-space", "nowrap" ); $( ".book-tag:contains('-')" ).css( "white-space", "nowrap" ); // Read Online button. $( "' READ ONLINE')" ).attr( "id", "te_readOnlineButton" ); var indexButton = $( "a:contains(' BACK TO INDEX')" ); $( indexButton ).attr( "id", "te_backToIndexButton" ); var returnToIndexLink = sessionStorage.getItem( "te_returnLink" ); if ( typeof returnToIndexLink !== "object" ) { $( "#te_backToIndexButton" ).attr( "href", returnToIndexLink ); } } } if ( TE.on.browse ) { sessionStorage.setItem( "te_returnLink", TE.myLocation ); var browsePage = $( "div.browse-page" ); var ctProper = $( "div.row.push-in" ); var bookshelfContainer = $( ctProper ).children()[ 0 ]; $( bookshelfContainer ).attr( "id", "te_bookshelfContainer" ); var sidebarContainer = $( ctProper ).children()[ 1 ]; $( sidebarContainer ).attr( "id", "te_sidebarContainer" ); var bookshelf = $( browsePage ).find( "div.row.row-no-padding" ); $( bookshelf ).attr( "id", "te_bookshelf" ); $( bookshelf ).children().each( function () { var thisLinkUrl = $( this ).find( "a.overlay-button" ).attr( "href" ); var temp = thisLinkUrl.replace(, "" ); temp = temp.split( "/" ); var thisBookID = temp[ 0 ]; $( this ).attr( "id", "te_book_" + thisBookID + "_masterContainer" ); $( this ).find( "" ).attr( "id", "te_book_" + thisBookID + "_container" ); var thisOverlay = $( "#te_book_" + thisBookID + "_container" ).find( "div.overlay" ); $( thisOverlay ).attr( "id", "te_book_" + thisBookID + "_overlay" ); var thisData = $( "#te_book_" + thisBookID + "_overlay" ).find( "div.overlay-data" ); $( thisData ).attr( "id", "te_book_" + thisBookID + "_data" ); var thisPages = $( "#te_book_" + thisBookID + "_data" ).find( "div.overlay-sub" ); $( thisPages ).attr( "id", "te_book_" + thisBookID + "_pagesContainer" ); var bottomTitle = $( this ).find( "a.title" ); $( bottomTitle ).attr( "id", "te_book_" + thisBookID + "_bottomTitle" ); $( "#te_book_" + thisBookID + "_bottomTitle" ).attr( "href", "javascript:;" ); } ); //TE.vbLog( "gname", "TE.enhancePage", bookshelf ); } TE.vbLog( "gname", "TE.enhancePage", "Finished working." ); dfd.resolve(); } ); return dfd.promise(); }; /************************************************************************************* * Enhancement Code * Create all Enhancements within anonymous functions. *************************************************************************************/ // Object for storing all Enhancements TE.Enhancements = {}; /******************************************************* * Hidden Enhancements * Important functionality. * Customization either not yet written or not required. *******************************************************/ /******************************************************* * General Enhancements *******************************************************/ (function () { /******************************************************* * Unstickied Header - General Enhancement *******************************************************/ var name, shortName, description, options, section, incompatible, main; name = "Unstickied Header"; shortName = TE.fn.camelize( name ); description = "The Tsumino navigation bar will no longer follow you as you scroll down."; options = []; section = "General"; incompatible = false; main = { init : function () {; }, run : function () { $( "#te_siteNavbar" ).css( "position", "absolute" ); } }; //TE.Enhancement.option.main(type,name,description,defaultValue,arguments) var opt1 = { type : "enable", name : false, description : false, defaultValue : false, arguments : false }; options.push( new TE.Enhancement.option.main( opt1.type,, opt1.description, opt1.defaultValue, opt1.arguments ) ); TE.Enhancements[ shortName ] = new TE.Enhancement.main( name, description, options, section, incompatible, main ); })(); (function () { /******************************************************* * Record Keeper - General Enhancement *******************************************************/ var name, shortName, description, options, section, incompatible, main; name = "Record Keeper"; shortName = TE.fn.camelize( name ); description = ` The aptly named Record Keeper Enhancement keeps a record of what Doujin you've read.<br /> This record includes Doujin IDs, the last page you read, and whether or not you finished reading a Doujin.<br /> While browsing, unread Doujin will retain the normal blue border.<br /> Doujin you have started but haven't finished will have a yellow border.<br /> Doujin you've finished reading will have a green border.<br /> Additionally, the information overlay will now contain this information.<br /> There will also be a 'Continue Reading' button on the book info page if you have previously read a Doujin past the first page. `; options = []; section = "General"; incompatible = false; main = {}; main = { init : function () { if ( typeof !== "object" ) { = {}; TE.updateSettings(); } if ( TE.on.browse ) { $.when( TE.status.enhancePage ).done( function () { $( "style" ).append( TE.ui.css.recordKeeper ); TE.log( "gname", name, "Initializining..." ); for (var key in { if ( key ) ) { var obj =[ key ]; if ( obj[ "finished" ] ) { $( "#te_book_" + key + "_pagesContainer" ).append( "<br />Finished!" ); $( "#te_book_" + key + "_container" ).addClass( "te_recordKeeper_finished" ); $( "#te_book_" + key + "_bottomTitle" ).css( "border-top", "3px solid rgba(0,125,0,.8)" ); } if ( (obj[ "lastSeen" ] > 1) && (!obj[ "finished" ]) ) { $( "#te_book_" + key + "_pagesContainer" ).text( "Read " + obj[ "lastSeen" ] + " / " + obj[ "totalPages" ] + " pages." ); $( "#te_book_" + key + "_container" ).addClass( "te_recordKeeper_started" ); $( "#te_book_" + key + "_bottomTitle" ).css( "border-top", "3px solid rgba(190,190,90,.8)" ); } } } } ); } if ( ) { $.when( TE.status.enhancePage ).done( $.proxy( function () { TE.log( "gname", name, "Initializining..." ); if ( typeof[ ] === "object" ) { if ([ ][ "lastSeen" ] > 1 ) { //[ ][ "lastSeen" ]; var oldButton = $( "#te_readOnlineButton" ).html(); var starOver = oldButton.replace( " READ ONLINE", " START OVER" ); var continueReading = oldButton.replace( " READ ONLINE", " CONTINUE READING" ); $( "#te_readOnlineButton" ).html( starOver ); var resumeUrl = + + "/" +[ ][ "lastSeen" ]; $( "#te_readOnlineButton" ).before( ` <a id='te_resumeButton' class='book-read-button button-stack' href='` + resumeUrl + `'></a> ` ); $( "#te_resumeButton" ).html( continueReading ); } } }, this ) ); } if ( TE.on.reader && false ) { $.when( TE.status.enhancePage ).done( $.proxy( function () { TE.log( "gname", name, "Initializining..." ); if ( typeof TE.User[ shortName ].data !== "object" ) { TE.User[ shortName ].data = {}; } if ( typeof TE.User[ shortName ].data[ ] !== "object" ) { TE.User[ shortName ].data[ ] = { totalPages :, lastSeen :, finished : false }; } this.update(); }, this ) ); } }, update : function () { TE.User[ shortName ].data[ ].lastSeen =; if ( !TE.User[ shortName ].data[ ][ "finished" ] ) { if ( == ) { TE.User[ shortName ].data[ ][ "finished" ] = true; } } TE.updateSettings(); } }; //TE.Enhancement.option.main(type,name,description,defaultValue,arguments) var opt1 = { type : "enable", name : false, description : false, defaultValue : false, arguments : false }; var opt2 = { type : "toggle", name : "Show Messages", description : "Displays loading messages while preparing images for display.", defaultValue : true, arguments : false }; options.push( new TE.Enhancement.option.main( opt1.type,, opt1.description, opt1.defaultValue, opt1.arguments ) ); //options.push(new TE.Enhancement.option.main(opt2.type,,opt2.description,opt2.defaultValue,opt2.arguments)); TE.Enhancements[ shortName ] = new TE.Enhancement.main( name, description, options, section, incompatible, main ); })(); (function () { /******************************************************* * Browse Tags Lite - Browsing Enhancement *******************************************************/ var name, shortName, description, options, section, incompatible, main; name = "Browse Tags Lite"; shortName = TE.fn.camelize( name ); description = `Adds a new link to Tsumino's browse menu. "ALL TAGS (LITE)"<br /> Clicking it launches the Browse Tags Lite modal window.<br /> Tags are sorted alphabetically and categorized by the first letter.<br /> Click a letter at the top to view tags that start with that letter.<br /> The tag list is downloaded automatically the first time you open BTL.`; options = []; section = "Browsing"; incompatible = false; main = { init : function () { var firstLoad = true; $.when( TE.status.enhancePage ).then( $.proxy( function () { $( "ul#te_navMenu" ).append( `<li id="te_browseTagsLite_menuLink"><a>All Tags (Lite)</a></li>` ); var alphabet = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; alphabet = alphabet.split( "" ); $( "body" ).append( ` <div id="te_browseTagsLite_modal" class="ui fullscreen long basic modal"> <button id="te_btl_closeModal" class="ui icon button right floated"><i class="remove icon"></i></button> <div class="header"><h1><span class="te_mainColor">Browse Tags Lite</span></h1></div> <div id="te_browseTagsLite_modalBody" class="content" style="font-size: 1.4em;"> <div id="te_btl_mainDisplay"> </div> </div> </div> ` ); $( "#te_browseTagsLite_modalBody" ).prepend( `<div id="te_browseTagsLite_tabs" class="ui top attached inverted large tabular menu"></div>` ); /* $( "#te_browseTagsLite_tabs" ).prepend( `<a class="item te_btl_tabButton" data-tab="te_btl_tab_all">*</a>` ); $( "#te_btl_mainDisplay" ).append( ` <div id="te_btl_tab_all" class="ui bottom attached inverted tab segment" data-tab="te_btl_tab_all"> <h1>ALL</h1> Tags go here </div> ` ); */ // Populate button list for (var i = 0 ; i < alphabet.length ; i++) { $( "#te_browseTagsLite_tabs" ).append( `<a id="te_btl_btn_` + alphabet[ i ] + `" class="item te_btl_tabButton" data-tab="te_btl_tab_` + alphabet[ i ] + `">` + alphabet[ i ] + `</a>` ); $( "#te_btl_mainDisplay" ).append( ` <div id="te_btl_tab_` + alphabet[ i ] + `" class="ui bottom attached inverted tab segment" data-tab="te_btl_tab_` + alphabet[ i ] + `"> </div> ` ); } $( "#te_browseTagsLite_tabs" ).append( ` <a id="te_btl_btn_reload" class="icon item"><i class="icon refresh" style="color:` + TE.ui.mainColor + `"></i></a> ` ); // Check to see if the user has a copy of the tag list. if ( TE.User.tsuminoEnhanced.tagList ) { this.renderTagList(); $( "#te_btl_btn_B" ).addClass( "active" ); $( "#te_btl_tab_B" ).addClass( "active" ); } $( "#te_btl_btn_reload" ).click( $.proxy( function () { $( "#te_btl_btn_reload" ).addClass( "disabled" ); $( "#te_browseTagsLite_modal" ).append( ` <div id="te_btl_downloadingTagListLoader"> <div class="ui active dimmer"> <div class="ui text loader">Downloading Tag List...</div> </div> </div> ` ); $.when( this.updateTagList() ).then( $.proxy( function () { $( "#te_btl_downloadingTagListLoader" ).remove(); $( "#te_btl_btn_reload" ).removeClass( "disabled" ); this.renderTagList(); $( "#te_btl_btn_A" ).addClass( "active" ); $( "#te_btl_tab_A" ).addClass( "active" ); }, this ) ); }, this ) ); // Initialize tabs. $( " .item" ).tab(); // Initialize modal. $( "#te_browseTagsLite_modal" ).modal( { onVisible : function () { if ( !TE.User.tsuminoEnhanced.tagList ) { $( "#te_btl_btn_reload" ).click(); } if ( firstLoad ) { $( "#te_browseTagsLite_modal" ).modal( "refresh" ); $( "#te_btl_btn_A" ).click(); firstLoad = false; } }, observeChanges : true } ); $( "#te_browseTagsLite_menuLink" ).click( function () { $( "#te_browseTagsLite_modal" ).modal( "show" ); } ); $( ".te_btl_tabButton" ).click( function () { $( "#te_browseTagsLite_modal" ).modal( "refresh" ); } ); // Close button $( "#te_btl_closeModal" ).click( function () { $( "#te_browseTagsLite_modal" ).modal( "hide" ); } ); $( "#te_btl_btn_reload" ).popup( { title : 'Reload the Tag List from the Server' } ); }, this ) ); }, updateTagList : function () { var dfd = jQuery.Deferred(); TE.status.tagListDownloaded = false; TE.status.tagListPage = 1; TE.status.tagList = []; bean.on( TE.status.tagList, "completed", function () { TE.log( "gname", "Browse Tags Lite", "Tag list downloaded." ); TE.status.tagListDownloaded = true; TE.User.tsuminoEnhanced.tagList = TE.status.tagList; TE.updateSettings(); dfd.resolve(); } ); this.loadTagPages( TE.status.tagListPage ); TE.log( "gname", "Browse Tags Lite", "Retrieving tags..." ); return dfd.promise(); }, loadTagPages : function (pageNum) { if ( !TE.status.tagListDownloaded ) { $.ajax( { method : "GET", url : +, data : {infpage : pageNum}, success : $.proxy( function (data) { if ( data.trim() != "" ) { data = TE.fn.scrubAjaxData( data ); $( data ).find( "a" ).each( function () { TE.status.tagList.push( $( this ).text() ); } ); TE.status.tagListPage++; this.loadTagPages( TE.status.tagListPage ); } else { TE.status.tagList, "completed" ); } }, this ), error : function () {} } ); } }, renderTagList : function () { var numTags = 0; var tagCounter = []; var thisTag = ""; var urlFormattedTag = ""; var thisTagUrl = ""; var idFormattedTag = ""; var thisTagFL = ""; var alphabet = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; alphabet = alphabet.split( "" ); for (var i = 0 ; i < alphabet.length ; i++) { tagCounter[ alphabet[ i ] ] = 0; $( "#te_btl_tab_" + alphabet[ i ] ).html( ` <h1>` + alphabet[ i ] + `</h1> <hr />` ); $( "#te_btl_tab_" + alphabet[ i ] ).removeClass( "active" ); $( "#te_btl_btn_" + alphabet[ i ] ).removeClass( "active" ); } for (var i = 0 ; i < TE.User.tsuminoEnhanced.tagList.length ; i++) { numTags++; thisTag = TE.User.tsuminoEnhanced.tagList[ i ]; thisTag = thisTag.trim(); thisTag = thisTag.replace( /\w\S*/g, function (txt) { return txt.charAt( 0 ).toUpperCase() + txt.substr( 1 ).toLowerCase(); } ); urlFormattedTag = TE.fn.replaceAll( thisTag, " ", "+" ); thisTagUrl = + "/Browse/Tag?name=" + urlFormattedTag; idFormattedTag = TE.fn.replaceAll( thisTag, " ", "_" ); thisTagFL = thisTag.charAt( 0 ); tagCounter[ thisTagFL ]++; $( "#te_btl_tab_" + thisTagFL ).append( ` <a class="book-tag" id="te_btl_tagLink_"` + idFormattedTag + `" href="` + thisTagUrl + `">` + thisTag + `</a> <br /> ` ); } // Remove links from empty sections and add tag counters to populated sections. for (i = 0 ; i < alphabet.length ; i++) { if ( tagCounter[ alphabet[ i ] ] == 0 ) { $( "#te_btl_tab_" + alphabet[ i ] ).append( "<br />No tags that start with '" + alphabet[ i ] + "'.<br />" ); } } } }; //TE.Enhancement.option.main(type,name,description,defaultValue,arguments) var opt1 = { type : "enable", name : false, description : false, defaultValue : false, arguments : false }; options.push( new TE.Enhancement.option.main( opt1.type,, opt1.description, opt1.defaultValue, opt1.arguments ) ); TE.Enhancements[ shortName ] = new TE.Enhancement.main( name, description, options, section, incompatible, main ); })(); (function () { /******************************************************* * Browsing Tweaks - Browsing Enhancement *******************************************************/ var name, shortName, description, options, section, incompatible, main; name = 'Browsing Tweaks'; shortName = TE.fn.camelize( name ); description = "A collection of customizations to browsing."; options = []; section = "Browsing"; incompatible = false; main = {}; main = { init : function () { if ( TE.on.browse ) { $.when( TE.status.enhancePage ).done( function () { if ( typeof TE.User[ shortName ] !== "undefined" ) { if ( TE.User[ shortName ].removeSidebar ) { $( "#te_sidebarContainer" ).remove(); $( "#te_bookshelfContainer" ).css( "width", "100%" ); } if ( TE.User[ shortName ].moreBooks ) { $( "style" ).append( "@media(min-width:768px) { .overlay-title { font-size:.8em; } .col-sm-4 { width: 25% } }" ); $( "style" ).append( "@media(min-width:992px) { .col-md-3 { width: 20% } }" ); } if ( TE.User[ shortName ].skipInfo ) { // Apply new CSS. $( "style" ).append( TE.ui.css.browsingTweaks.master ); $( "div.overlay" ).each( function () { // Get Book ID var bookID = $( this ).attr( "id" ); bookID = bookID.replace( "te_book_", "" ); bookID = bookID.replace( "_overlay", "" ); bookID = parseInt( bookID ); // Replace old class on view button. var viewInfoButton = $( this ).find( "a.overlay-button" ); var linkURL = + bookID + "/1"; $( viewInfoButton ).after(`<a href="`+linkURL+`" class="te_browsetweak_readbutton">READ</a>`); var readButton = $( this ).next(); $( viewInfoButton ).text( "INFO" ); $( viewInfoButton ).removeClass( "overlay-button" ); $( viewInfoButton ).addClass( "te_browsetweak_infobutton" ); // Add new read button. if ( TE.User.recordKeeper ) { if ([ bookID ] ) { linkURL = + bookID + "/" +[ bookID ][ 'lastSeen' ]; $( readButton ).attr( "href", linkURL ); } } } ); } if ( TE.User[ shortName ].fitTitles ) { $( "div.overlay" ).each( function () { var thisTitle = $( this ).find( ".overlay-title" ).text(); var titleLength = thisTitle.split( "" ); titleLength = titleLength.length; if ( (titleLength > 40) && (titleLength < 50) ) { $( this ).find( ".overlay-title" ).css( "font-size", ".75em" ); } else if ( (titleLength > 50) ) { $( this ).find( ".overlay-title" ).css( "font-size", ".65em" ); } } ); } if ( TE.User[ shortName ].thumbnailLinks ) { $( "div.overlay" ).each( function () { $( this ).on( "mousedown", $.proxy( function (e) { // Only fire if the div itself is clicked, ignoring children. if ( == this ) { // Left Mouse if ( (e.which == 1) ) { TE.vbLog( "Left mouse button clicked." ); if ( TE.User[ shortName ].skipInfo ) { var thisLink = $( this ).find( "a.te_browsetweak_readbutton" ).attr( "href" ); } else { var thisLink = $( this ).find( "a.overlay-button" ).attr( "href" ); } thisLink = + thisLink; if ( e.ctrlKey ) { thisLink ); } else { w.location.href = thisLink; } } // Middle Mouse if ( (e.which == 2) ) { TE.vbLog( "Middle mouse button clicked." ); if ( TE.User[ shortName ].skipInfo ) { var thisLink = $( this ).find( "a.te_browsetweak_readbutton" ).attr( "href" ); } else { var thisLink = $( this ).find( "a.overlay-button" ).attr( "href" ); } thisLink = + thisLink; thisLink ); } } e.preventDefault(); }, this ) ); } ); } } } ); } } }; //TE.Enhancement.option.main(type,name,description,defaultValue,arguments) var opt1 = { type : "toggle", name : "Remove Sidebar", description : "Removes the "random picks" sidebar.", defaultValue : false, arguments : false }; var opt2 = { type : "toggle", name : "More Books", description : "Displays one extra book per row.", defaultValue : false, arguments : false }; var opt3 = { type : "toggle", name : "Thumbnail Links", description : "Clicking anywhere on the thumbnail image will load the Doujin.", defaultValue : false, arguments : false }; var opt4 = { type : "toggle", name : "Skip Info", description : "Skips the book info page and takes you directly to the reader.", defaultValue : false, arguments : false }; var opt5 = { type : "toggle", name : "Fit Titles", description : "Makes sure doujin titles fit appropriately.", defaultValue : false, arguments : false }; options.push( new TE.Enhancement.option.main( opt1.type,, opt1.description, opt1.defaultValue, opt1.arguments ) ); options.push( new TE.Enhancement.option.main( opt2.type,, opt2.description, opt2.defaultValue, opt2.arguments ) ); options.push( new TE.Enhancement.option.main( opt3.type,, opt3.description, opt3.defaultValue, opt3.arguments ) ); options.push( new TE.Enhancement.option.main( opt4.type,, opt4.description, opt4.defaultValue, opt4.arguments ) ); options.push( new TE.Enhancement.option.main( opt5.type,, opt5.description, opt5.defaultValue, opt5.arguments ) ); TE.Enhancements[ shortName ] = new TE.Enhancement.main( name, description, options, section, incompatible, main ); })(); /******************************************************* * Reader Enhancements *******************************************************/ (function () { /******************************************************* * Automatic Repositioning - Reader Enhancement *******************************************************/ var name, shortName, description, options, section, incompatible, main; name = "Automatic Repositioning"; shortName = TE.fn.camelize( name ); description = "Automatically scrolls you to the top of the image."; options = []; section = "Reader"; incompatible = false; main = { init : function () { if ( TE.on.reader ) { $.when( TE.status.enhancePage ).done( $.proxy( function () {;; }, this ) ); } }, run : function () { var imgPos = $( "#te_imageBlock" ).offset().top; $( "html, body" ).animate( {scrollTop : imgPos}, 300 ); } }; var opt1 = { type : "enable", name : false, description : false, defaultValue : false, arguments : false }; options.push( new TE.Enhancement.option.main( opt1.type,, opt1.description, opt1.defaultValue, opt1.arguments ) ); TE.Enhancements[ shortName ] = new TE.Enhancement.main( name, description, options, section, incompatible, main ); })(); (function () { /******************************************************* * Seamless Viewing - Reader Enhancement *******************************************************/ var name, shortName, description, options, section, incompatible, main; name = "Seamless Viewing"; shortName = TE.fn.camelize( name ); description = `Negates the need to load the entire Tsumino webpage again every time you flip through a Doujin.<br /> This means faster load times, and not losing sight of the previous page until the instant the new page is loaded.<br /> Seamless Viewing leaves the previous image in place until the new one is ready.<br /> Once the new image is ready, you are automatically scrolled up to the top of the image.`; options = []; section = "Reader"; incompatible = [ "Infinity Scrolling" ]; main = {}; main = { replaceKeybinds : function () { // Disable default Tsumino Reader Keybinds. unsafeWindow.$( document ).off( "keydown" ); // Use Classic Seamless Viewing keybinds instead. $( document ).keydown( $.proxy( function (e) { var bk = $.proxy( function () { this.changePage( ); }, this ); var fwd = $.proxy( function () { this.changePage( ); }, this ); if ( (!e.ctrlKey) && (!e.altKey) ) { switch (e.which) { case 87: // w w.scrollBy( 0, -100 ); break; case 83: // s w.scrollBy( 0, 100 ); break; case 8: //back case 37: //left case 65: //a bk(); break; case 32: //space case 13: //enter case 39: //right case 68: //d fwd(); break; default: return; } e.preventDefault(); } }, this ) ); }, changePage : function (pageNumber) { var dfd = jQuery.Deferred(); function changePageCommon(pageNumber) { pageNumber = parseInt( pageNumber ); // Update page and location variables. = pageNumber; = pageNumber - 1; = pageNumber + 1; if ( > ) { = false; } if ( <= 0 ) { = false; } = + + "/" +; // Get the dataURI from the source of loader's hidden image. var newImageSrc = $( "#te_loadImage_" + pageNumber ).attr( "src" ); //var newImageSrc = + + "/" +; // Remove the loader's hidden image. $( "#te_readerCurrentImage" ).attr( "src", newImageSrc ); // Reposition.; // If Record Keeper is Enabled. if ( TE.User.recordKeeper.enable ) { TE.Enhancements.recordKeeper.fn.update(); } // If Page Jumper is Enabled. if ( TE.User.pageJumper.enable ) { $( "#te_pageJumper" ).val( pageNumber ); $( "#te_pageJumper" ).dropdown( "set selected", pageNumber ); } // Prefetch new pages. // TE.fn.prefetch.init( ); // Update title. $( "title" ).text( "Tsumino - " + + " - Page " + ); // Update links. this.updateLinks(); // Update history and window location. if ( (!history.state) || (history.state && history.state.pageNumber != ) { w.history.pushState( {pageNumber :}, $( "title" ).text(), ); } TE.log( "gname", name, "Image " + pageNumber + " has been placed in the reader." );'send', 'pageview', + + '/' +; dfd.resolve(); } var cpc = changePageCommon.bind( this ); // Make sure the page is in range first. if ( (pageNumber <= && (pageNumber > 0) ) { if ( TE.status.pagesLoaded[ pageNumber ] == "done" ) { cpc( pageNumber ); } else { if ( (TE.status.prefetch[ ][ pageNumber ] != "") && (TE.status.prefetch[ ][ pageNumber ] != "working") ) { //TE.status.load = TE.load( pageNumber, TE.status.prefetch[ ][ pageNumber ] ); // Once the requested page is loaded, continue. /* $.when( TE.status.load ).then( $.proxy( function () { if ( TE.status.pagesLoaded[ pageNumber ] == "done" ) { TE.log( "CPC going" ); cpc( pageNumber ); } else { TE.log( "CPC ERROR" ); } }, this ) ); */ $( "body" ).append( ` <img id="te_loadImage_"` + pageNumber + `" src="/Image/Image/"` + + `/` + pageNumber + `" style="display:none;"> ` ); $("#te_loadImage_" + pageNumber).load(function () { cpc ( pageNumber ); }); if ($("#te_loadImage_" + pageNumber).complete) { $(this).load(); } } else { TE.log( "gname", name, "Prefetch is still initializing..." ) } } } // If the user requested a page that was less than 1 or greater than the total number of pages, stop. else { if ( pageNumber == false ) { w.location.href = +; } TE.log( "gname", "Seamless Viewing", "Image " + pageNumber + " is out of range and will not be loaded." ); dfd.resolve(); } return dfd.promise(); }, updateLinks : function () { TE.vbLog( "gname", name, "Updating links... " ); // Remove old click binds from links. $( "#te_prevButton" ).off( "click" ); $( "#te_nextButton" ).off( "click" ); $( "#te_readerCurrentImage" ).off( "click" ); // Establish updated click binds. if ( <= ) { $( "#te_nextButton" ).css( "display", "inline" ); $( "#te_nextButton" ).click( $.proxy( function () { this.changePage( ); }, this ) ); $( "#te_readerCurrentImage" ).click( $.proxy( function () { this.changePage( ); }, this ) ); } if ( == ) { $( "#te_nextButton" ).css( "display", "none" ); $( "#te_readerCurrentImage" ).click( $.proxy( function () { this.changePage( ); }, this ) ); } if ( > 1 ) { $( "#te_prevButton" ).css( "display", "inline" ); $( "#te_prevButton" ).click( $.proxy( function () { this.changePage( ); }, this ) ); } else { $( "#te_prevButton" ).css( "display", "none" ); } $( "#te_currentPage" ).html( "<a href='" + + "'>" + + "</a>" ); }, init : function () { if ( TE.on.reader ) { $.when( TE.status.enhancePage ).done( $.proxy( function () { w.history.replaceState( {pageNumber :}, $( "title" ).text(), ); // Allow history navigation to work with Seamless Viewing. $( w ).on( "popstate", $.proxy( function () { if ( history.state ) { this.changePage( history.state.pageNumber ); } }, this ) ); TE.log( "gname", name, "Initializining..." ); // Replace default Tsumino reader keybinds with Enhanced Seamless Viewing keybinds. this.replaceKeybinds(); // Automatic Repositioning.; // Unstickied Header.; // Remove default Tsumino doujin navigation links. $( "#te_prevButton" ).attr( "href", "javascript:;" ); $( "#te_nextButton" ).attr( "href", "javascript:;" ); $( "#te_imageLink" ).attr( "href", "javascript:;" ); // Prepare Prefetch TE.status.prefetch[ ] = {}; for (var i = 1 ; i <= ; i++) { TE.status.prefetch[ ][ i ] = ""; } TE.fn.prefetch.init( ); // Update doujin navigation links. this.updateLinks(); $( "body" ).append( "<img id='te_loadImage_" + + "' style='display:none;'>" ); // "Cache" the first image that loads for later. var originImage = new Image(); originImage.onload = function () { var canvas = document.createElement( "canvas" ); canvas.width = this.naturalWidth; canvas.height = this.naturalHeight; canvas.getContext( "2d" ).drawImage( this, 0, 0 ); var newSrc = canvas.toDataURL( "image/jpeg" ); $( "#te_loadImage_" + ).attr( "src", newSrc ); }; originImage.src = $( "#te_readerCurrentImage" ).attr( "src" ); }, this ) ); } else if ( TE.on.auth ) { // Reserved } } }; //TE.Enhancement.option.main(type,name,description,defaultValue,arguments) var opt1 = { type : "enable", name : false, description : false, defaultValue : false, arguments : false }; var opt2 = { type : "toggle", name : "Show Messages", description : "Displays loading messages while preparing images for display.", defaultValue : true, arguments : false }; options.push( new TE.Enhancement.option.main( opt1.type,, opt1.description, opt1.defaultValue, opt1.arguments ) ); //options.push(new TE.Enhancement.option.main(opt2.type,,opt2.description,opt2.defaultValue,opt2.arguments)); TE.Enhancements[ shortName ] = new TE.Enhancement.main( name, description, options, section, incompatible, main ); })(); (function () { /******************************************************* * Page Jumper - Reader Enhancement *******************************************************/ var name, shortName, description, options, section, incompatible, main; name = "Page Jumper"; shortName = TE.fn.camelize( name ); description = "Adds a dropdown box to the Reader that lets you skip directly to a page."; options = []; section = "Reader"; incompatible = false; main = {}; main = { init : function () { if ( TE.on.reader ) { $.when( TE.status.enhancePage ).done( $.proxy( function () { $( "#te_readerPagination" ).after( ` <h1 style='display:inline;'>Jump to page: </h1> <select class='ui compact search dropdown' id='te_pageJumper'></select><br /> ` ); for (var i = 1 ; i <= ; i++) { $( "#te_pageJumper" ).append( "<option value='" + i + "'>" + i + "</option>" ); } $( "#te_pageJumper" ).val( ); $( "#te_pageJumper" ).change( $.proxy( function () { // Seamless Viewing Compatibility if ( TE.User.seamlessViewing.enable ) { var pageNumber = parseInt( $( "#te_pageJumper" ).val() ); $.when( TE.fn.prefetch.init( pageNumber ) ).then( function () { TE.Enhancements.seamlessViewing.fn.changePage( pageNumber ); } ); } // Vanilla Tsumino else { w.location.href = + + "/" + pageNumber; } }, this ) ); $( "#te_pageJumper" ).dropdown(); }, this ) ); } } }; //TE.Enhancement.option.main(type,name,description,defaultValue,arguments) var opt1 = { type : "enable", name : false, description : false, defaultValue : false, arguments : false }; options.push( new TE.Enhancement.option.main( opt1.type,, opt1.description, opt1.defaultValue, opt1.arguments ) ); TE.Enhancements[ shortName ] = new TE.Enhancement.main( name, description, options, section, incompatible, main ); })(); (function () { /******************************************************* * Infinity Scrolling - Reader Enhancement *******************************************************/ var name = "Infinity Scrolling", shortName = TE.fn.camelize( name ), description = "Scroll down to load images.", options = [], section = "Reader", incompatible = [ "Seamless Viewing" ], main = {}; main = { init : function () { if ( TE.on.reader ) { $.when( TE.status.enhancePage ).done( function () { } ); } } }; //TE.Enhancement.option.main(type,name,description,defaultValue,arguments) var opt1 = { type : "enable", name : false, description : false, defaultValue : false, arguments : false }; options.push( new TE.Enhancement.option.main( opt1.type,, opt1.description, opt1.defaultValue, opt1.arguments ) ); //TE.Enhancements[shortName] = new TE.Enhancement.main(name,description,options,section,incompatible,main); })(); (function () { /******************************************************* * Automatic Repositioning - Reader Enhancement *******************************************************/ var name, shortName, description, options, section, incompatible, main; name = "Automatic Update Installation"; shortName = TE.fn.camelize( name ); description = `If your version of Tsumino Enhanced is out of date, it will automatically attempt to update.<br /> You must still accept your browser's prompt to install the update.`; options = []; section = "TsuminoEnhanced"; incompatible = false; main = { init : function () { // No INIT. } }; var opt1 = { type : "enable", name : false, description : false, defaultValue : false, arguments : false }; options.push( new TE.Enhancement.option.main( opt1.type,, opt1.description, opt1.defaultValue, opt1.arguments ) ); TE.Enhancements[ shortName ] = new TE.Enhancement.main( name, description, options, section, incompatible, main ); })(); /************************************************************************************* * Tsumino Enhanced Settings Page *************************************************************************************/ TE.settings = { render : function () { if ( !TE.User.readNews ) { TE.User.readNews = {}; } $( "#te_config_modal" ).html( "<div id='te_settings' style='font-size: 1.4em;'></div>" ); $( "#te_config_modal" ).prepend( ` <div class="header"><h1><span class="te_mainColor">Tsumino Enhanced</span> <span id="te_version" class="small">` + TE.version + `</span></h1></div> ` ); if ( !TE.User.tsuminoEnhanced.upToDate ) { var installLocation = TE.updateLocation; installLocation = installLocation.replace( "/scripts/", "/install/" ); installLocation = installLocation + ".user.js"; //$("#te_version").append(" - <a style='color:#ff0000; text-decoration:none;' href='" + installLocation + "'>Update!</a>"); $( "#te_version" ).after( ` <div id="te_updateButton" class="ui big labeled button" tabindex="0"> <div class="ui red button"><i class="upload icon"></i>Update!</div><a class="ui basic red left pointing label">` + TE.User.tsuminoEnhanced.latestVersion + `</a></div>` ); //$("#te_config_modal").append("<a id='te_secretUpdateLink' style='display:none;' href='" + installLocation + "'>Update!</a>") $( "#te_updateButton" ).click( function () { $( "body" ).append( ` <div id="te_refresh_modal" class="ui basic modal"> <div class="header" style="font-size: 3em;"><i class="upload icon"></i> Updating Tsumino Enhanced...</div> <div class="image content"><div class="image"><i class="refresh icon"></i></div> <div class="description" style="font-size: 1.5em;"> <p>You will be prompted to install the update in just a moment.</p> <p>In order for the update to take effect, you must refresh this page after it has finished installing.</p> <p>Do you wish to refresh the page now?</p> </div></div> <div class="actions"> <button id="te_refreshPageButton" class="massive fluid gray ui button disabled">Refresh</button> </div></span>` ); $( "#te_config_modal" ).modal( "hide" ); $( "#te_refresh_modal" ).modal(); $( "#te_refresh_modal" ).modal( "show" ); $( "#te_refresh_modal" ).modal( "refresh" ); setTimeout( function () { w.location.href = installLocation; $("#te_refreshPageButton").removeClass("disabled"); $("#te_refreshPageButton").removeClass("gray"); $("#te_refreshPageButton").addClass("green"); }, 5000 ); $( "#te_refreshPageButton" ).click( function () { if(!$("#te_refreshPageButton").hasClass("disabled")) { w.location.reload(); } } ); } ); $( "#te_updateButton" ).popup( { title : 'Click here to begin the update process.' } ); } // Settings page navigation structure. //$("#te_settings").prepend("<div id='te_tabContainer' class='te_configTab'><nav><ul><li id='tab_generalEnhancements'><a href='javascript:;'>General</a></li><li id='tab_browsingEnhancements'><a href='javascript:;'>Browsing</a></li><li id='tab_readerEnhancements'><a href='javascript:;'>Reader</a></li><li id='tab_teNews'><a href='javascript:;'>TE News</a></li><li id='tab_searchEnhancements'><a href='javascript:;'>Search</a></li></ul></nav></div>"); $( "#te_settings" ).prepend( `<div id="te_settings_tabs" class="ui top attached inverted large tabular menu"></div>` ); $( "#te_settings_tabs" ).append( `<a class="item active" data-tab="generalEnhancements">General Enhancements</a>` ); $( "#te_settings_tabs" ).append( `<a class="item" data-tab="browsingEnhancements">Browsing Enhancements</a>` ); $( "#te_settings_tabs" ).append( `<a class="item" data-tab="readerEnhancements">Reader Enhancements</a>` ); $( "#te_settings_tabs" ).append( `<a class="item" data-tab="TE_options">TE Configuration</a>` ); $( "#te_settings_tabs" ).append( `<a class="item" data-tab="teAbout">About</a>` ); $( "#te_settings" ).append( ` <div id="te_settings_tab_generalEnhancements" class="ui bottom attached inverted tab segment active" data-tab="generalEnhancements"></div> ` ); $( "#te_settings" ).append( ` <div id="te_settings_tab_browsingEnhancements" class="ui bottom attached inverted tab segment" data-tab="browsingEnhancements"></div> ` ); $( "#te_settings" ).append( ` <div id="te_settings_tab_readerEnhancements" class="ui bottom attached inverted tab segment" data-tab="readerEnhancements"></div> ` ); $( "#te_settings" ).append( ` <div id="te_settings_tab_TE_options" class="ui bottom attached inverted tab segment" data-tab="TE_options"></div> ` ); $( "#te_settings" ).append( ` <div id="te_settings_tab_teAbout" class="ui bottom attached tab segment inverted" data-tab="teAbout"></div> ` ); var tobyAvatar = ""; var tobyCard = ` <div class="ui centered grid"> <div class="seven wide column"> <div class="ui fluid blue card"> <div class="content"> <h1 class="header">Tsumino Enhanced</h1> <div class="description"> <table class="ui single line definition blue left aligned table"> <tbody> <tr> <td class="left aligned">Current Version</td> <td>` + TE.version + `</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="left aligned">Latest Version</td> <td>` + TE.User.tsuminoEnhanced.latestVersion + `</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Changelog</td> <td><button id="te_tobyLinks_teChangelog" data-content="Check out the list of changes." class="ui large circular inverted blue icon button teTooltip"><i class="external icon"></i></button></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Requests & Feedback</td> <td><button id="te_tobyLinks_teRaF" data-content="Influence TE's development." class="ui large circular inverted blue icon button teTooltip"><i class="external icon"></i></button></td> </tr> <tr class="top aligned"> <td class="left aligned collapsing">Library Dependencies</td> <td> <ul class="ui list"> <li class="teTooltip" data-content="General purpose library.">jQuery 2.1.14</li> <li class="teTooltip" data-content="Gives TE a nicer UI.">SemanticUI 2.1.8</li> <li class="teTooltip" data-content="Event management library.">Bean 1.0.15</li> <li class="teTooltip" data-content="A more versatile animation library.">Velocity 1.2.3</li> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr class="top aligned"> <td class="left aligned">@grant Permissions</td> <td> <ul class="ui list"> <li class="teTooltip" data-content="Used for saving your settings.">GM_setValue</li> <li class="teTooltip" data-content="Used for reading your settings.">GM_getValue</li> <li class="teTooltip" data-content="Used for cleaning up depreciated values.">GM_deleteValue</li> <li class="teTooltip" data-content="Used for opening links in new tabs.">GM_openInTab</li> <li class="teTooltip" data-content="Used for overriding Tsumino hotkeys.">unsafeWindow</li> </ul> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="five wide column"> <div class="ui purple card" style="width:280px;"> <div class="image"> <img src="` + tobyAvatar + `" /> </div> <div class="content"> <div class="header">Toby</div> <div class="meta"> <a>Web Developer</a> </div> <div class="description"> <p>I'm the guy that made this.</p> </div> </div> <div class="extra content"> <button id="te_tobylinks_home" data-content="Visit my project blog!" class="ui large circular inverted violet icon button teTooltip"> <i class="large home icon"></i> </button> <button id="te_tobylinks_github" data-content="Take a look at my GitHub profile!" class="ui large circular black icon button teTooltip"> <i class="large github alternate icon"></i> </button> <button id="te_tobylinks_openuserjs" data-content="Check out my other userscripts!" class="ui large circular grey icon button teTooltip"> <i class="large code icon"></i> </button> <button id="te_tobylinks_skype" data-content="Chat with me on Skype!" class="ui large circular inverted blue icon button teTooltip"> <i class="large skype icon"></i> </button> <button id="te_tobylinks_tsuminopm" data-content="Send me a PM on the Tsumino Forums!" class="ui large circular inverted pink icon button teTooltip"> <i class="large mail outline icon"></i> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> `; $( "#te_settings_tab_teAbout" ).append( tobyCard ); $( "#te_tobyLinks_teChangelog" ).click( function () { GM_openInTab( "" ); } ); $( "#te_tobyLinks_teRaF" ).click( function () { GM_openInTab( "" ); } ); $( "#te_tobylinks_home" ).click( function () { GM_openInTab( "" ); } ); $( "#te_tobylinks_github" ).click( function () { GM_openInTab( "" ); } ); $( "#te_tobylinks_openuserjs" ).click( function () { GM_openInTab( "" ); } ); $( "#te_tobylinks_skype" ).click( function () { w.location.href = "skype:tobias_kelmandia?chat"; } ); $( "#te_tobylinks_tsuminopm" ).click( function () { GM_openInTab( "" ); } ); // Initialize Tooltips $( ".teTooltip" ).popup(); // Populate Sections. for (var key in TE.Enhancements) { if ( TE.Enhancements.hasOwnProperty( key ) ) { var obj = TE.Enhancements[ key ]; if ( obj[ "section" ] != false ) { // Determine which section to append to. var sectionID = ""; if ( obj[ "section" ] == "General" ) { sectionID = "#te_settings_tab_generalEnhancements"; } else if ( obj[ "section" ] == "Browsing" ) { sectionID = "#te_settings_tab_browsingEnhancements"; } else if ( obj[ "section" ] == "Reader" ) { sectionID = "#te_settings_tab_readerEnhancements"; } else if ( obj[ "section" ] == "TsuminoEnhanced" ) { sectionID = "#te_settings_tab_TE_options"; } // Append the Enhancement's options group to the section. $( sectionID ).append( "<div id='" + obj[ "shortName" ] + "_group' class='te_optionGroup'></div>" ); // Add the description. if ( obj[ "description" ] != false ) { $( "#" + obj[ "shortName" ] + "_group" ).append( "<div class='te_optionDescription'>" + obj[ "description" ] + "</div>" ); } // Add the primary options area. $( "#" + obj[ "shortName" ] + "_group" ).append( "<div id='te_options_" + obj[ "shortName" ] + "'></div>" ); var noEnable = true; if ( obj[ "options" ] != false ) { // Display all options. for (var oKey in obj[ "options" ]) { if ( obj[ "options" ].hasOwnProperty( oKey ) ) { var option = obj[ "options" ][ oKey ]; // Write the Enable option. if ( option[ "type" ] == "enable" ) { $( "#" + obj[ "shortName" ] + "_group" ).prepend( ` <div class="ui middle aligned toggle checkbox"> <input id="tes_` + obj[ "shortName" ] + `_enable" name="tes_` + obj[ "shortName" ] + `_enable" type="checkbox"> <label for="tes_` + obj[ "shortName" ] + `_enable"> <a class="ui huge blue label">` + obj[ "name" ] + `</a> </label> </div>` ); $( "#enhancement_header_" + obj[ "shortName" ] ).click( {obj : obj}, function (event) { TE.log( $( "#tes_" +[ "shortName" ] + "_enable" ) ); if ( $( "#tes_" +[ "shortName" ] + "_enable" ).prop( "checked" ) == true ) { $( "#tes_" +[ "shortName" ] + "_enable" ).prop( "checked", false ); } else { $( "#tes_" +[ "shortName" ] + "_enable" ).prop( "checked", true ); } } ); noEnable = false; } // Write Toggle Options. if ( option[ "type" ] == "toggle" ) { $( "#te_options_" + obj[ "shortName" ] ).append( `<br /> <div class="ui middle aligned toggle checkbox"> <input id="tes_` + obj[ "shortName" ] + `_` + option[ "shortName" ] + `" name="tes_` + obj[ "shortName" ] + `_` + option[ "shortName" ] + `" type="checkbox" class="te_subOption" /> <label for="tes_` + obj[ "shortName" ] + `_` + option[ "shortName" ] + `"> <a class="ui huge blue label">` + option[ "name" ] + `</a> </label> </div>` ); // Write the option's description. if ( option[ "description" ] != false ) { $( "#" + obj[ "shortName" ] + "_optionContainer_" + option[ 'shortName' ] ).append( "<br />" + option[ "description" ] ); } } } } } // If there was no "enable" option found: if ( noEnable ) { // Display the title without a switch. $( "#" + obj[ "shortName" ] + "_group" ).prepend( "<h2 class='te_enhancementName'>" + obj[ "name" ] + "</h2>" ); // Apply user settings. if ( typeof TE.User[ obj[ "shortName" ] ] !== "undefined" ) { for (var oKey in obj[ "options" ]) { var option = obj[ "options" ][ oKey ]; if ( option[ "type" ] == "toggle" ) { $( "#tes_" + obj[ "shortName" ] + "_" + option[ 'shortName' ] ) .prop( "checked", TE.User[ obj[ "shortName" ] ][ option[ 'shortName' ] ] ); } } } } else { // Apply user settings. if ( typeof TE.User[ obj[ "shortName" ] ] !== "undefined" ) { for (var oKey in obj[ "options" ]) { var option = obj[ "options" ][ oKey ]; if ( TE.User[ obj[ "shortName" ] ][ "enable" ] == true ) { if ( option[ "type" ] == "enable" ) { $( "#tes_" + obj[ "shortName" ] + "_" + option[ 'shortName' ] ).prop( "checked", true ); } else { if ( option[ "type" ] == "toggle" ) { $( "#tes_" + obj[ "shortName" ] + "_" + option[ 'shortName' ] ) .prop( "checked", TE.User[ obj[ "shortName" ] ][ option[ 'shortName' ] ] ); } } } else { if ( option[ "type" ] != "enable" ) { $( "#tes_" + obj[ "shortName" ] + "_" + option[ 'shortName' ] ).prop( "checked", false ); $( "#tes_" + obj[ "shortName" ] + "_" + option[ 'shortName' ] ).prop( "disabled", "disabled" ); } } } } else { for (var oKey in obj[ "options" ]) { if ( obj[ "options" ].hasOwnProperty( oKey ) ) { var option = obj[ "options" ][ oKey ]; if ( option[ "type" ] != "enable" ) { if ( !$( "#tes_" + obj[ "shortName" ] + "_" + option[ 'shortName' ] ).prop( "disabled" ) ) { $( "#tes_" + obj[ "shortName" ] + "_" + option[ 'shortName' ] ).prop( "disabled", "disabled" ); } } } } } // Apply default values to options when enabling an Enhancement. $( "#tes_" + obj[ "shortName" ] + "_enable" ).change( {obj : obj}, function (event) { if ( $( "#tes_" +[ "shortName" ] + "_enable" ).prop( "checked" ) == true ) { for (var oKey in[ "options" ]) { if ([ "options" ].hasOwnProperty( oKey ) ) { var option =[ "options" ][ oKey ]; if ( option[ "type" ] == "toggle" ) { $( "#tes_" +[ "shortName" ] + "_" + option[ 'shortName' ] ).removeProp( "disabled" ); $( "#tes_" +[ "shortName" ] + "_" + option[ 'shortName' ] ).prop( "checked", option[ 'defaultValue' ] ); } } } } // Disable Enhancement options unless the enhancement is enabled. else { for (var oKey in[ "options" ]) { if ([ "options" ].hasOwnProperty( oKey ) ) { var option =[ "options" ][ oKey ]; if ( option[ "type" ] != "enable" ) { if ( option[ "type" ] == "toggle" ) { $( "#tes_" +[ "shortName" ] + "_" + option[ 'shortName' ] ).prop( "checked", false ); } $( "#tes_" +[ "shortName" ] + "_" + option[ 'shortName' ] ).prop( "disabled", "disabled" ); } } } } } ); } // List any incompatibilities. if ( obj[ "incompatible" ] != false ) { $( "#" + obj[ "shortName" ] + "_group" ).append( "<br /><div class='te_en_incompatible' id='" + obj[ "shortName" ] + "_incompatible'>This Enhancement is incompatible with: </div>" ); var punct = ""; for (var i = 0 ; i < obj[ "incompatible" ].length ; i++) { $( "#" + obj[ "shortName" ] + "_incompatible" ).append( "<span class='te_enhancementColor'>" + obj[ "incompatible" ][ i ] + "</span>" ); if ( i + 1 == obj[ "incompatible" ].length ) { punct = "."; } else { punct = ", "; } $( "#" + obj[ "shortName" ] + "_incompatible" ).append( punct ); $( "#" + obj[ "shortName" ] + "_group" ).append( "<br /><br />" ); } } else { $( "#" + obj[ "shortName" ] + "_group" ).append( "<br /><br />" ); } } } } //$("#te_settingsBody").append("<div id='searchEnhancements' class='te_options'></div>"); //$("#te_settings").append("<div id='forumEnhancements' class='te_options'></div>"); // Create Buttons $( "#te_settings" ).append( "<br /><br /><div id='te_buttonContainer'></div><br /><br />" ); $( "#te_buttonContainer" ).append( "<a id='te_saveAndCloseButton' class='book-read-button'>Save & Reload</a> " ); $( "#te_saveAndCloseButton" ).click( $.proxy( function () {; location.reload(); }, this ) ); $( "#te_buttonContainer" ).append( "<a id='te_applySettingsButton' class='book-read-button'>Apply</a> " ); $( "#te_applySettingsButton" ).click( $.proxy( function () {; }, this ) ); $( "#te_buttonContainer" ).append( "<a id='te_cancelSettingsButton' class='book-read-button'>Cancel</a>" ); $( "#te_cancelSettingsButton" ).click( $.proxy( function () { this.remove(); }, this ) ); $( ".menu .item" ).tab(); $( "#te_config_modal" ).modal( { onVisible : function () { $( "#te_config_modal" ).modal( "refresh" ); }, observeChanges : true } ); $( ".menu .item" ).click( function () { $( "#te_config_modal" ).modal( "refresh" ); } ); }, remove : function () { $( "#te_config_modal" ).modal( "hide" ); }, save : function () { // Find all enhancement groups within the main settings area. var enhancementGroups = $( "#te_settings" ).find( "div[id*='_group']" ), enhancementSettings = {}; // Loop through the groups to get all the individual settings. for (var i = 0 ; i < enhancementGroups.length ; i++) { var thisEnhancement = enhancementGroups[ i ]; var thisEnhName = $( thisEnhancement ).attr( "id" ); thisEnhName = thisEnhName.replace( "_group", "" ); var thisEnhSettings = $( thisEnhancement ).find( "*[id*='tes_" + thisEnhName + "_']" ); enhancementSettings[ thisEnhName ] = {}; for (var es = 0 ; es < thisEnhSettings.length ; es++) { var thisEnSetting = $( thisEnhSettings )[ es ], thisEnSettingName = $( thisEnSetting ).attr( "id" ); thisEnSettingName = thisEnSettingName.replace( "tes_" + thisEnhName + "_", "" ); if ( $( thisEnSetting ).prop( "tagName" ) == "INPUT" ) { if ( $( thisEnSetting ).prop( "type" ) == "checkbox" ) { enhancementSettings[ thisEnhName ][ thisEnSettingName ] = $( thisEnSetting ).prop( "checked" ); } } } } $.extend( true, TE.User, enhancementSettings ); TE.updateSettings(); } }; /************************************************************************************* * Tsumino Enhanced Initialization Code *************************************************************************************/ // Initialization. TE.init = function () { TE.User.seamlessViewing.enable = false; TE.User.automaticRepositioning.enable = false; TE.User.pageJumper.enable = false; TE.User.unstickiedHeader.enable = false; $.when(TE.fn.checkForUpdates()).then(function() { if(!TE.User.tsuminoEnhanced.upToDate) { if(TE.User.automaticUpdateInstallation) { if(TE.User.automaticUpdateInstallation.enable) { GM_openInTab(TE.installLocation); } } } }); // Output initializating messages to the console. var debugState = "Disabled"; if ( TE.config.debug ) { if ( TE.config.verboseDebug ) { debugState = "Verbose"; } else { debugState = "Standard"; } } // Check which Enhancements the user has enabled. var enabledEnhancements = [], eeLongNames = "", autoOn = []; for (var key in TE.User) { if ( TE.User.hasOwnProperty( key ) ) { var obj = TE.User[ key ]; for (var prop in obj) { if ( obj.hasOwnProperty( prop ) ) { if ( (prop == "enable") && (obj[ prop ] == true) ) { // Add enabled Enhancements to the appropriate array. if ( typeof TE.Enhancements[ key ] !== "undefined" ) { enabledEnhancements.push( key ); eeLongNames = eeLongNames + "[X] " + TE.Enhancements[ key ].name + "\r\n"; } } else if ( (prop == "enable") && (obj[ prop ] == false) ) { eeLongNames = eeLongNames + "[ ] " + TE.Enhancements[ key ].name + "\r\n"; } } } } } // Check for automatic enhancements. for (var key in TE.Enhancements) { if ( TE.Enhancements.hasOwnProperty( key ) ) { var obj = TE.Enhancements[ key ]; autoOn.push( obj[ 'shortName' ] ); for (var prop in obj) { if ( obj.hasOwnProperty( prop ) ) { if ( prop == "options" ) { for (var optNum in obj[ 'options' ]) { for (var opt in obj[ 'options' ][ optNum ]) { if ( (opt == "type") && (obj[ 'options' ][ optNum ][ opt ] == "enable") ) { var thisIndex = autoOn.indexOf( obj[ 'shortName' ] ); if ( thisIndex > -1 ) { autoOn.splice( thisIndex, 1 ); } } } } } } } } } // Enable automatic enhancements. for (i = 0 ; i < autoOn.length ; i++) { enabledEnhancements.push( autoOn[ i ] ); eeLongNames = eeLongNames + "[X] " + TE.Enhancements[ autoOn[ i ] ].name + "\r\n"; } // Output initialization messages. TE.log( "gname",, "Version: " + TE.version, "Latest: " + TE.User.tsuminoEnhanced.latestVersion, "Up2Date: " + TE.User.tsuminoEnhanced.upToDate, "Debugging: " + debugState, "Enhancements:", eeLongNames ); TE.vbLog( "gname",, "Current Settings:", TE.User ); //TE.vbLog( "gname", "", ); TE.vbLog( "gname", "TE.on", TE.on ); TE.vbLog( "gname", "TE.Enhancements", TE.Enhancements ); // Set up TE.status.enhancePage for Enhancements that require it to run. TE.status.enhancePage = TE.enhancePage(); // Initialize all enabled Enhancements. for (var i = 0 ; i < enabledEnhancements.length ; i++) { if ( typeof TE.Enhancements[ enabledEnhancements[ i ] ] !== "undefined" ) { TE.Enhancements[ enabledEnhancements[ i ] ].fn.init(); } } }; var tempMyLocation = TE.myLocation; // Initialize Tsumino Enhanced. if ( ! ) { TE.init(); } else if(( && ( (tempMyLocation.indexOf("#p1472") != -1) || (tempMyLocation.indexOf("p=1472") != -1) ) ) { var messageID = TE.randomString(); $(document).ready(function() { $("#p1472").after(` <div class="post" id="`+messageID+`"> <div class="inner"> <div class="postbody"> <span style="font-size: 2em">A message from <span style="color:`+TE.ui.mainColor+`">Tsumino Enhanced</span></span> <hr /> <div class="content"> If you're here, that means that Tsumino has updated their detection script again.<br /> The good news is that you don't appear to be banned yet.<br /> If you wish to continue using Tsumino Enhanced, make sure you're using the latest version.<br /> You can still manually update over on <a href="">OpenUserJS</a> by clicking the install button on that page.<br /> If you're using the latest version and still get taken here, you can disable TE until the new detection method has been defeated.<br /> You can find the latest news for Tsumino Enhanced over on the <a href="" target="_blank">development blog</a>.<br /> If you're interested, you can also read <a href="" target="_blank">my response to Tweety's post</a>.<br /> </div> </div> </div> </div> `); }); $(w).load(function() { var scrollTo = $( "#" + messageID ).offset().top; scrollTo -= ($(".nav-tabs").height() + 10); $( "html, body" ).animate( {scrollTop : scrollTo}, 300 ); }); } })( typeof window === "undefined" ? this : window, this.jQuery );