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// ==UserScript== // @name Furaffinity Enhanced // @namespace // @version // @description Adds new features, fixes bugs, and more! // @author Toby // @include* // @include* // @require // @require // @require // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_deleteValue // ==/UserScript== (function (w, $) { // FAE Proper var FAE = { name : GM_info["script"]["name"], version : GM_info["script"]["version"], myLocation: w.location.href, on : {}, fn : {}, user : {}, status : {}, site : {} }; = { baseURL: FAE.myLocation.split(".net")[0] + ".net", view : {prefix: "/view/"}, search : {prefix: "/search/"} }; var fae_styles = ""; for (var key in { if ( { var obj =[key]; for (var prop in obj) { if (obj.hasOwnProperty(prop)) { // Create Full URLs. obj["url"] = + obj[prop]; // Perform location checking. if (obj["prefix"]) { if (RegExp( + obj["prefix"] + "*").exec(FAE.myLocation)) { FAE.on[key] = true; } else { FAE.on[key] = false; } } } } } } FAE.fn = { scrollToPic : function() { var scrollTo = $(".maintable").position().top; 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