Temm / Craftnite Utils

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Craftnite Utils
// @version      1.3
// @description  Manual Server Selection and Water Spawn Fix for Craftnite
// @author       Temm
// @license      GPL-3.0-or-later
// @run-at       document-end
// @match        http*://*.craftnite.io/*
// @downloadURL https://openuserjs.org/install/Temm/Craftnite_Utils.user.js
// @updateURL https://openuserjs.org/meta/Temm/Craftnite_Utils.meta.js
// @icon         https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?domain=craftnite.io
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==
    if (!window.temmMods) {
        window.temmMods = [];
        playGame = new Proxy(playGame, {
            apply: (tar, that, args) => {
                window.dispatchEvent(new Event("temm.playGame"))
                return tar.apply(that, args);
        G.Game.prototype.postLoad = new Proxy(G.Game.prototype.postLoad, {
            apply: (tar, that, args) => {
                let val = tar.apply(that, args);
                window.dispatchEvent(new Event("temm.loadFinish"))
                G.socket.addEventListener("connect", () => {
                    window.dispatchEvent(new Event("temm.connected"))
                let onMsg = (m) => {
                    if (new DataView(m.data).getUint8(0) == G.a823.a174) {
                        G.socket.removeEventListener("message", onMsg);
                        setTimeout(() => {
                            let c = new a201;
                            let mods = window.temmMods.filter(m => m.announce).map(m => m.name).join(", ");
                            c.msg = "[Joined with Temm's " + mods + " (from OpenUserJS)]"
                            window.dispatchEvent(new Event("temm.joined"))
                        }, 500)
                G.socket.addEventListener("message", onMsg)
                return val;
    window.temmMods.push({ "name": "Craftnite Utils [Fix Water Spawn & Place Lag]", "announce": true })

    function htmlToElement(html) {
        var template = document.createElement('template');
        template.innerHTML = html.trim();
        return template.content.firstChild;

    let elem = document.createElement("input");
    elem.style.height = "50px";
    elem.style.width = "100%"
    elem.style.background = "white"
    elem.style.borderRadius = "2px"
    elem.style.border = "0px"
    elem.style.textAlign = "center"
    elem.style.fontSize = "15px"
    elem.style.fontFamily = "Madera"

    elem.placeholder = "Server Address (Empty for Random)"
    // Set Server
    let officialServer = true;
    requestServerName = new Proxy(requestServerName, {
        apply: tar => {
            let v = elem.value.trim();
            if (v != "") {
                let addr;
                if (v.includes(".")) {
                    addr = v;
                    officialServer = !v.endsWith(craftnite.io)
                } else {
                    addr = v + ".craftnite.io"
                Object.defineProperty(G, "gameServerAddress", {
                    value: addr,
                    writable: false

    let first = true;
    window.addEventListener("temm.playGame", () => {
        a234.prototype.a614 = new Proxy(a234.prototype.a614, {
            apply: function (target, that, args) {
                let res = target.apply(that, args);
                let { i: cx, e: cy, o: cz, v: locs, u: ids } = that;
                if (new Set(cx).size != 1 || new Set(cy).size != 1 || new Set(cz).size != 1) {
                    console.log("Multi-place crosses chunk borders... skipping.");
                    return res;
                console.log(JSON.stringify({ cx, cy, cz, locs, ids }));
                // Set changed blocks in chunks
                let chunks = new Set();
                for (let i = 0; i < that.i.length; i++) {
                    try {
                        GAME.a865.a643s[cx[i]][cy[i]][cz[i]].volume[locs[i]] = ids[i];
                    } catch (e) {
                        return res;

                let compressed = []
                for (let chunk of chunks) {
                // Write to Packet buffer
                let chunkByteTotal = compressed.reduce((acc, curr) => {
                    return acc + 4 * 4 + 4 * curr.blockTypes.length;
                }, 0)
                let buf = new ArrayBuffer(1 + chunkByteTotal);
                let view = new DataView(buf);

                let idx = 0;
                view.setUint8(idx++, G.a823.a120); // Packet ID

                for (let i in compressed) {
                    // Write Chunk Coordinates
                    view.setUint32(idx, cx[i], true);
                    idx += 4;
                    view.setUint32(idx, cy[i], true);
                    idx += 4;
                    view.setUint32(idx, cz[i], true);
                    idx += 4;

                    view.setUint32(idx, compressed[i].blockTypes.length, true);
                    idx += 4;

                    for (let j in compressed[i].blockTypes) {
                        view.setUint16(idx, compressed[i].blockTypes[j], true);
                        idx += 2;
                        view.setUint16(idx, compressed[i].blockAmounts[j], true); // Block Amount
                        idx += 2;

                console.log("Finished writing " + compressed.length + " chunks at " + idx + "/" + buf.byteLength, cx, cy, cz);

                    ao: G.a813.ao,
                    buffer: view,
                    first: true
                return res;
        if (first) {
            first = false;

            // Draw current Server
            document.getElementById("gameContainer").appendChild(htmlToElement('<canvas id="temm-utils" style="background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); z-index: 11;"></canvas>'))
            let cvs = document.getElementById("temm-utils");
            cvs.width = window.innerWidth;
            cvs.height = window.innerHeight;

            let ctx = cvs.getContext("2d");

            ctx.fillStyle = "#02149c";
            ctx.font = "25px Madera"
            if (!officialServer) {
                ctx.fillText("Server: " + G.gameServerAddress, 270, cvs.height - 36);
            } else {
                let server = G.gameServerAddress.split(".")[0];
                let w = ctx.measureText("Server: " + server).width;
                ctx.fillText("Server: " + server, 270, cvs.height - 36);
                ctx.font = "13px Madera"
                ctx.fillText(".craftnite.io", 270 + w, cvs.height - 36);

            // No Water/NAN spawn
            G.a822er.prototype.respawned = new Proxy(G.a822er.prototype.respawned, {
                apply: (tar, that, args) => {
                    if (isNaN(args[0])) {
                        console.log("[Temm-Utils] Protected you from spawning in the water!")
                        setTimeout(() => G.socket.send((new a192).a614()), 2000)
                    return tar.apply(that, args);
    function compressChunk(blocks) {
        let blockAmounts = [];
        let blockTypes = [];

        for (let i = 0; i < blocks.length; i++) {
            if (blockAmounts.length === 0 || blockTypes[blockAmounts.length - 1] !== blocks[i]) {
            } else {
                blockAmounts[blockAmounts.length - 1]++;

        return {