Ssieth / Storium Improver


Version: 3.26.0+1d5b7a8 updated

Summary: Storium Page Improvements

Copyright: 2022, Ssieth

License: GPL-3.0-or-later

Storium Improver

Adding extra functionality to Storium (

Most of the settings can be found in a new 'settings' menu added to the menu at the top of the screen.

The forum thread for the script can be found here:

Latest Version Information


First stab at setting info tab.


New profile page options can now be switched off in settings


Fixed bug on profile pages that was failing to count games properly.
Added an 'age' after the joined date on profile page.
Made the tables on the profile page a bit wider


Fixed missing personal mail and forum icons in notifications lists


Fixed a bug with speech styling when there are two or more passages of speech in a paragraph


Improved speech styling for multi-paragraph quotations


Added markdown option to comment formatting so that it can be disabled selectively.
Changed from input to textarea for CSS settings.


Comment formatting - available from settings menu (off by default). Lots of options and automatically does markdown in comments


Fixed some issues with image search. Removed Yandex from the image search options and added Pixaby.


Added a Formatting Help button to the editor toolbar which opens Erin's formatting guide in a new tab.


Fancier, more rainbow-y defaults to the bookmarks


Small bug fix around some timing issues in bookmarks


Gave Mark Last Read feature it's own config section in settings. This will re-enable the feature if you disabled it. Disabling it again should work just fine. You can now specify the style and text of the bookmark.


More performance improvements. For those of a techie inclination - it's all around the MutationObserver :)


Just a little bit of performance-tuning for large game pages.


Working support for updating Last Read markers automatically when a page updates. 3.20.1 had this but also a bug that really impacted performance.


New feature for the game page - Last Read markers. You can set where you've read up to (mainly for games with lost of activity). It's per-scene-per-game setting so should have a marker available for every page. There's also a new top-of-the-page button to jump down to your bookmark. It's the little person-reading-a book thing :)

It's on by default and can be switch off in the game page section of the settings.


Bug fix for without-articles sorting on compact and semi-compact homepage views.


And game sorting options now work on the default homepage style :)


I’ve added some options for sorting games on the homepage. Currently, these only work for compact and semi-compact views of the homepage and not the original view but I’m looking into that :)

Options are:

  • Standard: The sorting as it was before for these views - naive alphanumeric sorting.
  • Without Articles: Alphanumeric sorting which ignores “a”, “an” and “the”
  • None: Doesn’t do any sorting, so is in the arbitrary sort order specified by Storium.


Direct links: the maths was a little off. I've fixed that :)


Added import/export settings option.
Add option to link to individual posts.


Added option to change the colour of the comment refresh icon


A minor tweak to improve auto-merge functionality from 3.17.0


Updated the forum thread where users are directed for version updates


Added option to automatically click the box that tells storium to show you new moves that have happened in a game. Setting is on by default and can be switched off in game page settings.


Added option to not condense notifications lists on homepage and notifications page


Added an option for 'thought styling'. It's like speech styling but detects text between two tildas and styles that.


Have you ever thought that the active character/narrator indicator on the game page is too subtle? Wanted to see you character's avatar ringed with a rainbow? This update is for you! Switch on the new feature with the checkbox at the bottom of the Game Page settings :)


Added the option to have card tags in the green room card lists. These allow you to tags to the description of cards in the form like [Castle] or [Elf]. Those tags then appear at the top of the card list and allow you to limit which cards show. It's off by default and you can find it in the "Green Room" section of the settings.


Minor change to load CSS earlier in the cycle such that icons don't appear as text only to convert a second or two later.


Added settings (with some default values) to game page settings that highlights links in game moves rather more than they are currently.


Added code that dissappears the maintenance warning message if you click on it.


A FireFox update broke the script... this is the fix


Added the option (under game options) to be able to click on card art for a popup of the full-size version.


Added the option for a button on the game page to scroll you to the last entry in a scene.


Added a focus mode to game settings which you can use to switch on/off commends and cast columns.
Added an option to general settings that allows you to set background colour of the page to any valid CSS colour. #cccccc works well :)


Added character notes.
Fixed a bug with game notes


Added game notes.
Updated CDNs for JQuery & JQueryUI


Minor improvements to the identification of games on notifications.


Minor improvements to logging


OK - I'm fairly sure that the cloud storage of settings is working now :)


New cloud storage disabled because there are some issues and I need to debug them properly.


You can now store config settings in the cloud to allow you to use them across browsers/computers. The functionality is pretty basic so far and stores the settings on one of my web servers.


Improved notifications page - adding an icon each for forums and private messages. Also improved game name detection on notifications.


I have completed the work started in 3.0.0 in bringing all of the saved settings into the new config object. This is preparation for allowing settings to be stored in the cloud.


Fixed spelling of "avetars" on settings page because my SO noticed the typo and was giving me ear-ache


A quick update to make setting minor updates as optional for updating moves.
Changed the lexical diversity indicator from TTR to MATTR to make it more relevant. (see ttps:// for a goood definition). Window is set to 150 words.


Endabled image search on the game edit page, for card edits/adds.


Added Unsplash to image searches


Added some image search options to the wild card creation in-game. I plan to add it to other areas when I get the chance. Config options in the usual place, switched on by default.


The first step in looking towards better mobile-device support. Primarily the changes in this version are about changing the settings system to eliminate the old popup (provided by an external library gm_config) with something that works in mobile browers.

I have also gone through the code and addressed everything raised by ESLint.


Added experimental option to reformat the homepage using CSS Grid. This should give a 3 column view with notifications on the left, other sidebar content on the right and games in the center. It should also be full responsive on smaller screens.


Added option to hide new homepage elements (shown by default).


Added the option (found in Game Page Settings) to show the games internal ID (gamePid) in the title of the game, on the game page. You can also opt to link that to the behind-the-scenes data for the current scene. This isn't that useful on a day-to-day basis and so is off buy default but it can be handy for script development or if you need access to an old draft of a post.


Fixed a bug with some icons not displaying correctly.


Improve grouping of games in notifications


Fix notifications processing for new style of notification link


Now card data with actual usernames and actual card names :)


Omits 'empty' wild card entries when getting card data


Now has a link in game page for getting card data. You can, as usual, doisable it in settings.


Updated slack character export to include image tags.


Added option to clean card images of info tags when a user hovers over them.


Quick CSS fix for wandering ghost box on Grammarly plugin for firefox.


Added option to change colour of preview styling.
Added ability to update which Trello list each game is in from the notifications page.


Added Trello list status to notifications page. You can switch this off in settings


Added Trello list status to homepage. You can switch this off in settings


Added some Trello integration code. See forum thread (link above) for more details.


Fixed search feature


Updated the "Slack Chars" link to go straight to cabbitpad. Also added one for TMI character lists.


A lot of under-the-hood stuff to minimize script injection. Also a fix for Table of Contents and search on earlier scenes than the current one.


Added censor tags... +[ and ]+ can be wrapped around text to give a censor bar style effect to anyone using the script. Clicking it makes the text appear as normal.


Some objects have moved around in the underlying data. Have compensated for that to fix ToC and search.


Bug fix for recognizing challenges with whitespace at the start or end of their names


Improved the processing of the option to remove images from games.
Now takes those images and 'anonymizes' them but leaves placeholders so you can see an image is there.


Added option to hide favourite buttons/counts (off by default)


Added option to show link to banner image for game pages


Fixed entry processing bug


You can now edit tasks


Now reloads tasks before displaying the task list so that anything changed in another tab is represented in the list.


Added a task-list feature. It is on by default and can be switched off in settings (as usual). It adds a Tasks item to the main menu where you can managed your tasks (along with a count of tasks if you have any). When you add a task you can specify a title, a url and a priority. Title and url are defaulted if you add the task from within a game page. The url is clickable from the task list.


A bit of a tidy-up of user notes function to try and avoid it misrecognizing usernames quite so much.


Added a new link at the top the front page that provides a list of characters from the front page games in a format that the slack "/roll c" type functions can digest. You can switch it on (it is off by default) from the Homepage settings.


Fixed compact and semi-compact homepage formats.
Added option to remove the quotes box on the homepage.


Fixed an issue where clicking on a scene link in the ToC would close the act/chapter that scene was inside.


This version improves the search functionality added in the last release (especially for larger games). The improvements are down to Josh and Stephen providing me details of some behind-the-scenes api stuff to improve the efficiency of grabbing the data. This is especially true for large and complex games.

I stress-tested it on Halfway Home which has 52 fairly large, complex scenes. Thanks to @prester for passing on the link for that :)

Rating: 1

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