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// ==UserScript== // @name Booru Downloader + Viewer // @description The original fullsize images downloader, and viewer for more than 20 booru imageboards // @namespace // @author Se7en // @homepage // @homepageURL // @supportURL // @version 1.0.6 // @copyright 2018, Se7en ( // @license MIT // -------- INCLUDE // @include *://* // @include *://* // @include *://* // @include *://** // @include *://** // @include *://* // @include *://* // @include *://* // @include *://* // @include *://* // @include *://* // @include *://* // @include *://* // @include *://* // @include *://** // @include *://* // @include *://* // @include *://* // @include *://* // @include *://* // @include *://* // @include *://* // -------- EXCLUDE // @exclude *://*//images/* // @exclude *://*//images/* // @exclude *://*/images/* // @exclude *://*/jpeg/* // @exclude *://**/data/* // @exclude *://**/data/* // @exclude *://*/data/* // @exclude *://*//images/* // @exclude *://*/data/* // @exclude *://*/bronibooru/* // @exclude *://*//images/* // @exclude *://*/data/* // @exclude *://*/data/* // @exclude *://*/*//images/* // @exclude *://*/data/* // @exclude *://*/image/* // @exclude *://*//data/image/* // @exclude *://*//images/* // @exclude *://*/images/* // @exclude *://*/jpeg/* // @exclude *://*/images/* // @exclude *://*/jpeg/* // @exclude *://**/_images/* // -------- CONNECT // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // -------- GREASEMONKEY API // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_listValues // @grant GM_deleteValue // @grant GM_download // @grant GM_info // -------- GREASEMONKEY 4.0+ COMPATIBILITY // @require // @grant GM.xmlHttpRequest // @grant GM.setValue // @grant GM.getValue // @grant GM.listValues // @grant GM.deleteValue // @grant // @grant // ==/UserScript== /* 1.0.6 * fix viewer colors on * fix url match on post page * fix sankaku viewer 1.0.4 * fix 'ignoredTags' option: trimmed them 1.0.3 * fix include's list 1.0.2 * fix cofiguration data on tampermonkey 1.0.1 * fix preloader, it fell into infinite recursion, when total amount of images was equal to 1 1.0.0 + added tabs to user menu: + General: autoRun, createViewer, downloadJPEG, animateProgress + Filename: maxTagsInName, tagsOrder, ignoredTags, tagsDelim, addImgBrdName, prefixedName, imgIdAtNameEnd + Viewer: viewOriginal, viewJPEG, viewFirst, holdCtrl, fixedThumbs, fixedTags + new user options: + ignored tag names [''], in the Filename tab: * underscored tag names, that are not included into file name + fixed thumb/tag list [false]/[true], in the Viewer tab * if false, then fade out the thumb/tag list, when mouse is out, and fade in, when mouse is over them, otherwise fixe them + view original images [false], in the Viewer tab: * the old option called viewSample is replaced by the viewOriginal keeping backward compatibility + show progress/status bar [true], in the Viewer tab + auto hide the viewer's navigation bar + auto focus on the viewer's thumb/tag list when the mouse cursor is over them, thus, making much easier to start scrolling them + simple image preloader * change the default value of the 'holdCtrl' option to [false] * horizontally, and vertically centered images on the viewer window * set controls, and loop attributes on the video elements * restore browser history URL after viewer exit (older versions remain history URL unchanged after manipulations) * this is sankaku hack: simply replaces the current history URL by the image's post URL to enable the valid image loading * hide main page scroll bar when viewer activated * fixed viewer's 1st image thumbnail (post image thumb) on post page * little refactoring (for further changes) 0.7.0 + compatibility with Greasemonkey 4.0+ 0.6.0 + advanced viewer: + tag list on right sidebar + thumbs on left sidebar * removed user options: maxWidth, maxHeight 0.5.0 + image status/progress bar + user option: + animate initialization/downloading progress [true] * fix main button events 0.4.2 + hotkey: + 'Shift+A' - download all available images * fix image source getter - known issues: - 'Download Mode', and 'Download All' buttons don't work on post page of, use hotkeys instead 0.4.1 * fix exclude-list typo * fix konachan jpeg images extension 0.4.0 + supported imageboards: + atfbooru + lolibooru + hypnohub + tbib + konachan + paheal * change name 'rule34' to '' * fix bug on post page due to an empty viewer div 0.3.2 + user option: + tag-types order in file name ['character', 'copyright', 'artist', 'species', 'model', 'idol', 'photo_set', 'circle', 'medium', 'metadata', 'general', 'faults'] 0.3.1 + user options: + hold Ctrl key to left/right navigate when viewing [true] + maximum width of image, px [1000] + maximum height of image, px [700] * little changes 0.3.0 + simple image viewer + user options: + create image viewer - [true] + view image sample - [true] + view jpeg image ( option) - [false] + view 1st image on viewer activation - [true] + hotkeys: + 'Shift+V' - switch viewer on/off + 'Ctrl+left/right' arrows - view previous/next image + viewer buttons: + Prev + Source - open image file in a new tab + Number - index of the current image + Download + Next + @connect meta-data (to silence tampermonkey) * fix wrong image hostname for uberbooru 0.2.7 * scrollable content of user menu window * user menu window's size fitted to client's size * move user menu 'close' button to the top right of the menu window (x sign) * other little change 0.2.5 * fix typos 0.2.4 + user option: + Image ID, and ImageBoard name at the end of the file name [true] + dynamically rename images on user options change 0.2.3 * fix image extensions on tampermonkey 0.2.2 * bugfixes * little changes 0.2.0 + image downloader for imageboards: + + safebooru + uberbooru + bronibooru + mspabooru + e926/e621 + * + user option: + prefixed imageboard name [false] 0.1.1 + user option: + auto initialize the script [true] + hotkey: + 'Shift+M' - open/close user menu dialog * little changes 0.1.0 + user menu 0.0.13 * refactoring * fix button events 0.0.10 + behoimi downloader 0.0.9 + hotkey: + 'Shift+I' - (re)initializes imageBoard (usefull for the imageboards with auto paging) * fix jpeg image extension 0.0.8 + sankaku downloader + + 0.0.7 + hotkey: + 'Shift+D' - toggle the Download Mode on/off + donmai downloader + + + + 0.0.6 + downloader + user option: + download jpeg image on [false] 0.0.5 + rule34 downloader + user option: + add the imageboard name to the image name [true] 0.0.3 + gelbooru downloader + user options: + maximum tags in the image name [10] + tags delimeter in the image name ['-'] */ if( window.self !== ) return; var RANDOM = '1681238';//Math.floor(Math.random()*1e6 + 1e6); console.log('start ' + + ' v' + + '..'); (async function(){ function consoleLog(){window.console.log.apply(this, arguments);} function blank(){} var clog = consoleLog; clog = blank; var userOptions = await initOptions(), methodsObject = initMethodsObject(), imageBoard = initImageBoard(); newCssClasses(); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// //------------------------------------ IMAGE BOARD -----------------------------------// function initImageBoard( d ) { /* var elmClass = initImageBoardClasses(d), elmData = initImageBoardDataset(d), siteList = initSiteList(), download = initImageBoardDownloader(d), userMenu = initUserMenu(), view = initImageBoardViewer(d), state = {'viewMode': false, 'userMenu': false, 'downloadMode': false}, divID = 'image-board-div-' + RANDOM; */ var imgBrdCl = initImageBoardClasses(d), imgBrdDt = initImageBoardDataset(d), siteList = initSiteList(), imgBrdDw = initImageBoardDownloader(d), userMenu = initUserMenu(), imgBrdVw = initImageBoardViewer(d), imgBrdSt = {'viewMode': false, 'userMenu': false, 'downloadMode': false}, imgBrdId = 'image-board-div-' + RANDOM; var retVal = { get siteList(){return siteList;}, get imgBrdCl(){return imgBrdCl;}, get imgBrdDt(){return imgBrdDt;}, get imgBrdId(){return imgBrdId;}, get imgBrdDw(){return imgBrdDw;}, get userMenu(){return userMenu;}, get imgBrdVw(){return imgBrdVw;}, get imgBrdSt(){return imgBrdSt;}, get images(){return;}, get downloader(){return;}, get viewer(){return;}, data: { 'images': { list: null, init: function( doc, type ){ clog("imageBoard init.."); siteList.init(type); imgBrdDt.init(doc); imgBrdCl.init(doc); this.list = this.list || []; this.doc = doc || document; var siteObj = siteList.val(type), isPost = siteObj.isPost(), imgD; if( isPost ) { var img = siteObj.getPostImage(); if( img && !imgBrdCl.hasClass( img, 'counted') ) imgD = this.addNewImage( img, isPost, siteObj ); } var thumbs = siteObj.getImageThumbs( this.doc ), _3ParentTypes = ['', 'lolibooru', 'hypnohub', 'konachan'], name =, num = (_3ParentTypes.indexOf(name) != -1 ? 3 : 2); clog("thumbs.length: ", thumbs.length); for( var i = 0, len = thumbs.length, thumb, par, h; i < len; ++i ) { thumb = thumbs[i]; if( imgBrdCl.hasClass( thumb, 'counted' ) ) continue; imgD = this.addNewImage( thumb, false, siteObj ); par = parent( thumb, num ); par.appendChild( this.createProgressBar(imgD.index) ); if( par.tagName === 'ARTICLE' ) { try{ h =; h = parseInt(h.match(/\d+/)[0], 10); h += 15; h += 'px'; }catch(er){ console.error(er); h = null; } = h || '170px'; } } }, addNewImage: function( img, isPost, siteObj ){ this.list.push({}); var imgD = last(this.list), pdiv; imgD.state = 'empty'; imgD.index = this.list.length - 1; imgD.type =; if( isPost ) { imgD.postId = siteObj.getPostId(); imgD.postUrl = window.location.href; siteObj.setImageDataDoc(imgD); pdiv = this.createProgressBar(imgD.index); if( img.parentNode.tagName != 'A' ) img.parentNode.insertBefore(pdiv, img.nextSibling); else img.parentNode.parentNode.appendChild(pdiv); }else siteObj.setImageDataThumb( imgD, img ); imgBrdDt.val( img, 'index', imgD.index); imgBrdCl.addClass( img, 'counted' ); if( imgD.state === 'ready' ) { siteObj.createDiv( imgBrdId, this.doc); imgBrdDw.init(imgBrdId, this.doc); setReadyImage( imgD, imgBrdCl, imgBrdDt, imgBrdDw, imgBrdVw ); } return imgD; }, createProgressBar: function(index ){ var div = document.createElement('div'), html = '<div id="progress-stripe-' + index + '" ' + 'class="progress-stripe progress-counted"></div>'; div.setAttribute('class', 'progress-bar'); div.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', html); return div; }, getEmpty: function(){ var empty = []; for( var i = 0; i < this.list.length; ++i ) { if( this.list[i].state === 'empty' ) empty.push(i); } return empty; }, fix: function() { var empty = this.getEmpty(), animate = userOptions.val('animateProgress'); clog("fix start..", empty.length); for( var i = 0, idx, imgD; i < empty.length; ++i ) { idx = empty[i]; imgD = this.list[idx]; imgD.state = 'busy'; this.getImageData(imgD, animate); } }, getImageData: function(imgD, animate) { if( siteList.needXHR(imgD.type) ) { if( animate ) addClass(document.querySelectorAll('#progress-stripe-' + imgD.index), 'progress-animated'); GM.xmlHttpRequest({ url: imgD.postUrl, method: 'GET', context: { 'index': imgD.index, 'url': imgD.postUrl, }, onload: xhrImageData, }); }else{ console.log("TODO :D"); var siteObj = siteList.val(imgD.type); //siteObj.setImageDataFull(imgD);// TODO (, donmai) } }, }, 'downloader': { init: function(doc, type){ clog("downloader init.."); siteList.init(type); var siteObj = siteList.val(type); siteObj.createDiv( imgBrdId, doc); imgBrdDw.init(imgBrdId, doc); }, isActive: function(){ //return imgBrdDw && imgBrdDw.isActive() || false; return imgBrdSt.downloadMode; }, activateImage: function(thumb){ if( !thumb ) return; var a = thumb.parentNode; if( !imgBrdCl.hasClass(thumb, 'ready' ) ) return; else if( !imgBrdCl.hasClass( a, 'downloadAttach' ) ) { a.addEventListener('click', handleDownloadEvent, false); imgBrdCl.addClass( a, 'downloadAttach' ); } imgBrdCl.addClass( a, 'downloadActive' ); }, activate: function(doc){ clog("[downloader] activate"); doc = doc || document; imgBrdCl.init(doc); var thumbs = imgBrdCl.queryAll('counted'); for( var i = 0, len = thumbs.length; i < len; ++i ) this.activateImage( thumbs[i] ); imgBrdDw.downloadOn(); imgBrdSt.downloadMode = true; }, deactivate: function(doc){ clog("[downloader] deactivate"); doc = doc || document; imgBrdCl.init(doc); var activ = imgBrdCl.queryAll('downloadActive'); clog("active.length: ", activ.length); for( var i = 0, len = activ.length; i < len; ++i ) imgBrdCl.removeClass( activ[i], 'downloadActive' ); imgBrdDw.downloadOff(); imgBrdSt.downloadMode = false; }, downloadAll: function(){;// =) }, }, 'userMenu': { init: function(doc, type){ clog("userMenu init.."); siteList.init(type); var siteObj = siteList.val(type); siteObj.createDiv( imgBrdId, doc); userMenu.init(imgBrdId, doc); }, }, 'keyboard': { val: null, init: function(){ if( !this.isActive ) this.activate(); }, get isActive(){ return !!this.val;}, activate: function(){ activateKeyboard(); this.val = true; }, deactivate: function(){ deactivateKeyboard(); this.val = false; }, }, 'viewer': { init: function(doc, type){ clog("viewer init.."); siteList.init(type); var siteObj = siteList.val(type); siteObj.createDiv( imgBrdId, doc); imgBrdVw.init(imgBrdId, doc, siteObj.viewDivInsertionPlace); }, activateImage: function( thumb ){ if( !thumb ) return; var a = thumb.parentNode; if( !imgBrdCl.hasClass(thumb, 'ready' ) ) return; else if( !imgBrdCl.hasClass( a, 'viewAttach' ) ) { a.addEventListener('click', handleViewerEvent, false); imgBrdCl.addClass( a, 'viewAttach' ); } imgBrdCl.addClass( a, 'viewActive' ); }, activate: function(doc){ clog("viewer activate"); doc = doc || document; imgBrdCl.init(doc); var thumbs = imgBrdCl.queryAll('counted'); for( var i = 0, len = thumbs.length; i < len; ++i ) this.activateImage( thumbs[i] ); imgBrdVw.viewerOn(); imgBrdSt.viewMode = true; }, deactivate: function(doc){ clog("viewer deactivate"); doc = doc || document; imgBrdCl.init(doc); var activ = imgBrdCl.queryAll('viewActive'); clog("active.length: ", activ.length); for( var i = 0, len = activ.length; i < len; ++i ) imgBrdCl.removeClass( activ[i], 'viewActive' ); imgBrdVw.viewerOff(); imgBrdSt.viewMode = false; }, isActive: function(){ //return imgBrdVw.isActive(); return imgBrdSt.viewMode; }, }, }, init: function(doc){ for( var key in )[key].init(doc); }, fix: function(){; }, initDiv: function(doc){ doc = doc || document; var div = doc.querySelector('#' + imgBrdId), siteObj = siteList.val(); if( !div ) div = siteObj.createDiv(imgBrdId); if( !hasClass(div, 'image-board-div-activated') ) { div.addEventListener('click', handleImageBoardEvent, false); addClass(div, 'image-board-div-activated'); } }, }; retVal.init(d); setTimeout(function(){retVal.initDiv(d);}, 100); if( userOptions.val('autoRun') ) retVal.fix(); return retVal; } function handleImageBoardEvent(event) { var t =, dId = 'image-board-download-switch-' + RANDOM, aId = 'image-board-download-all-' + RANDOM, vId = 'image-board-viewer-button-' + RANDOM, mId = 'image-board-user-menu-id-' + RANDOM; if( t.tagName === 'SPAN' ) t = t.parentNode; if( t.tagName !== 'BUTTON' ) return; else if( === dId ) { handleDownloadSwitchEvent(); } else if( === aId ) { handleDownloadAllEvent(); } else if( === vId ) { handleViewerSwitchEvent(); } else if( === mId ) { handleUserMenuEvent(); }else console.error("unknown element: ", t); } //------------------------------------ IMAGE BOARD -----------------------------------// //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// //----------------------------------- XRH IMAGE DATA ---------------------------------// function xhrImageData(xhr) { var imgD = imageBoard.images.list[xhr.context.index]; if( xhr.status !== 200 ) { var context = xhr.context; console.error("xhr.status: ", xhr.status, xhr.statusText ); console.error("index: ", context ? context.index : null); console.error("postUrl: ", context && context.url || null ); if( imgD.state !== 'ready' ) imgD.state = 'empty'; removeClass( document.querySelectorAll('#progress-stripe-' + context.index), 'progress-animated' ); return; } if( !imgD || imgD.state === 'ready' ) { console.error("invalid context: ", imgD); return; } var siteObj = imageBoard.siteList.val(imgD.type); if( !siteObj ) { console.error("invalid site type: ", imgD.type); return; } var doc = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument(""); doc.documentElement.innerHTML = xhr.response; siteObj.setImageDataDoc(imgD, doc); clog("xhrImageData[" + imgD.index + "].state : " + imgD.state); if( imgD.state === 'ready' ) { setReadyImage( imgD ); } } function setReadyImage( imgD, imgBrdCl, imgBrdDt, imgBrdDw, imgBrdVw ) { if( (!imgBrdCl || !imgBrdDt || !imgBrdDw || !imgBrdVw) && imageBoard ) { imgBrdCl = imageBoard.imgBrdCl; imgBrdDt = imageBoard.imgBrdDt; imgBrdDw = imageBoard.imgBrdDw; imgBrdVw = imageBoard.imgBrdVw; } var thumb = imgBrdDt.query('index', imgD.index + ''), stripe = document.querySelectorAll('#progress-stripe-' + imgD.index); addClass(stripe, 'image-ready'); removeClass(stripe, 'progress-animated'); imgBrdCl.addClass( thumb, 'ready' ); imgBrdDt.val( thumb, 'source', imgD.source ); if( imgD.bytes ) imgBrdDt.val( thumb, 'bytes', imgD.bytes ); += 1; += 1; clog("name: " +; if( imageBoard ) { if( imageBoard.downloader.isActive() ) imageBoard.downloader.activateImage( thumb ); if( imageBoard.viewer.isActive() ) imageBoard.viewer.activateImage( thumb ); } } //----------------------------------- XRH IMAGE DATA ---------------------------------// //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// //------------------------------------- SITE LIST ------------------------------------// function initSiteList() { var retVal = { settings: { 'gelbooru': getGelbooruSettings, '': getRule34Settings, '': getYandereSettings, 'donmai': getDonmaiSettings, 'sankaku': getSankakuSettings, 'behoimi': getBehoimiSettings, 'youhate': getGelbooruSettings, 'safebooru': getSafebooruSettings, 'uberbooru': getUberbooruSettings, 'bronibooru': getBronibooruSettings, 'mspabooru': getMspabooruSettings, '': getE926netSettings, '': getE621netSettings, '': getBooruorgSettings, 'atfbooru': getAtfbooruSettings, 'lolibooru': getLolibooruSettings, 'hypnohub': getHypnohubSettings, 'tbib': getTbibSettings, 'konachan': getKonachanSettings, '': getPahealSettings, }, data: null, get: function( type, prop1, prop2 ){ var obj; if( !type ) obj = this.currentObj; else{[type].init(); obj =[type]; } return obj, prop1, prop2 ); }, style: function(type){ return this.get( type, 'style' ); }, val: function(type){ return this.get( type, 'val' ); }, needXHR: function(type){ return this.get( type, 'needXHR' ); }, init: function(type, prefix){ if( ! ) { = {}; for( var key in this.settings )[key] = getSiteObject( key, this.settings[key], prefix ); } if( !type ) this.initCurrent(); else if([type] )[type].init(); }, getSiteType: function(url){ url = url || window.location.href; for( var key in ) { if([key].regexp.test(url) ) return key; } console.error("no site object found for this host"); return null; }, initCurrent: function(){ if( !this.currentObj ) { var type = this.getSiteType(); if( !type ) return; this.currentObj =[type]; } this.currentObj.init(); }, }; retVal.init(); clog("siteList.current: ", retVal.val()); return retVal; } //------------------------------------- SITE LIST ------------------------------------// //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// //------------------------------------- SITE OBJECT ----------------------------------// function getSiteObject( siteName, getSiteSettings, prefix ) { return { val: null, name: siteName, regexp: new RegExp( siteName ), get needXHR(){return this.val.needXHR;}, get style(){return;}, get settings(){ var s = ( typeof getSiteSettings === 'function' ? getSiteSettings(prefix) : null); Object.defineProperty( this, 'settings', { get: function(){return s;}, enumerable: true, configurable: true, }); return s; }, init: function(){ this.val = this.val || initSiteObject( this.settings ); }, }; } function initSiteObject( siteSettings ) { var retVal = { data: null, get name(){ return; }, get prefixedName(){ var prefix = this.prefix, name = this.shortName; if( prefix ) name = prefix + name; Object.defineProperty( this, 'prefixedName', { get: function(){return name;}, enumerable: true, configurable: true, }); return name; }, get prefix(){return; }, get shortName(){ var name =^\./, ''); Object.defineProperty( this, 'shortName', { get: function(){return name;}, enumerable: true, configurable: true, }); return name; }, get hostname(){return; }, get imageHostname(){return;}, get imageDir(){return; }, get style(){return;}, get postDivInsertionPlace(){return;}, get listDivInsertionPlace(){return;}, get viewDivInsertionPlace(){return;}, get methodsMap(){return;}, get needXHR(){return (typeof === 'boolean' ? : true);}, init: function( settings ){ = || settings; if( ! ) { console.error("[initSiteObject] can't init siteObject, invalid data: ",; return; } for( var i = 0, len = methodsObject.list.length, name, type, map = this.methodsMap || {}; i < len; ++i ) { name = methodsObject.list[i]; type = map[name] || 'booru'; if( typeof methodsObject.method(type, name) === 'function' ) this[name] = methodsObject.method(type, name); } }, }; retVal.init( siteSettings ); return retVal; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// //-------------------------------------- GELBOORU ------------------------------------// function getGelbooruSettings() { return { name: 'gelbooru', hostname: '', imageDir: '/images', imageHostname: '', postDivInsertionPlace: '#image', listDivInsertionPlace: '.contain-push', viewDivInsertionPlace: '.padding15', style: { color: '#fff', width: '180px', background: '#0773fb', backgroundHover: '#fbb307', colorHover: '#fff', backgroundView: '#fff', }, methodsMap: { isPost: 'gelbooru', getPostId: 'gelbooru', getPostUrl: 'gelbooru', }, needXHR: true, }; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// //--------------------------------------- RULE34 -------------------------------------// function getRule34Settings() { return { name: '', hostname: '', imageDir: '/images', imageHostname: '', postDivInsertionPlace: '#image', listDivInsertionPlace: 'div.content', viewDivInsertionPlace: 'div#post-list', style: { color: '#fff', width: '180px', background: '#84AE83', backgroundHover: '#A4CEA3', colorHover: '#fff', }, methodsMap: { isPost: 'gelbooru', getPostId: 'gelbooru', getPostUrl: 'gelbooru', }, needXHR: true, }; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// //------------------------------------- YANDE.RE -------------------------------------// function getYandereSettings() { return { name: '', hostname: '', imageDir: 'image', imageHostname: '', postDivInsertionPlace: '#image', listDivInsertionPlace: 'div.content', viewDivInsertionPlace: 'div#post-list', style: { color: '#ee8887', width: '180px', background: '#222', backgroundHover: '#444', colorHover: '#ee8887', }, methodsMap: null, needXHR: true, }; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// //-------------------------------------- DONMAI --------------------------------------// function getDonmaiSettings( prefix ) { var prefixList = ['safebooru.', 'danbooru.', 'sonohara.', 'hijiribe.'], hostnameSuffix = ''; prefix = getHostnamePrefix( hostnameSuffix, prefixList, prefix ); var hostname = prefix + hostnameSuffix; return { name: 'donmai', prefix: prefix, hostname: hostname, imageHostname: hostname, imageDir: 'data', postDivInsertionPlace: '#image', listDivInsertionPlace: '#posts', viewDivInsertionPlace: '#page', //'#c-posts', style: { color: '#0073ff', width: '180px', background: '#f5f5ff', backgroundHover: '#f5f5ff', colorHover: '#80b9ff', }, methodsMap: { isPost: 'donmai', getPostId: 'donmai', getPostUrl: 'donmai', }, needXHR: true, }; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// //-------------------------------------- SANKAKU -------------------------------------// function getSankakuSettings(prefix) { var prefixList = ['chan.', 'idol.'], hostnameSuffix = ''; prefix = getHostnamePrefix( hostnameSuffix, prefixList, prefix ); var hostname = prefix + hostnameSuffix, imageHostnamePrefix = (prefix ? prefix[0] + 's.' : ''); return { name: 'sankaku', prefix: prefix, hostname: hostname, imageHostname: imageHostnamePrefix + hostnameSuffix, imageDir: 'data', postDivInsertionPlace: '#image', listDivInsertionPlace: '#content', viewDivInsertionPlace: '#content', style: { color: '#ff761c', width: '180px', background: '', backgroundHover: '', colorHover: '#666', }, methodsMap: null, needXHR: true, }; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// //-------------------------------------- BEHOIMI -------------------------------------// function getBehoimiSettings() { return { name: 'behoimi', hostname: '', imageHostname: '', imageDir: 'data', postDivInsertionPlace: '#image', listDivInsertionPlace: 'div.content', viewDivInsertionPlace: 'div#post-list', style: { color: '#43333f', width: '180px', background: '', backgroundHover: '', colorHover: '#354d99', }, methodsMap: null, needXHR: true, }; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// //-------------------------------------- SAFEBOORU -----------------------------------// function getSafebooruSettings() { return { name: 'safebooru', hostname: '', imageHostname: '', imageDir: '/images', postDivInsertionPlace: '#image', listDivInsertionPlace: 'div.content', viewDivInsertionPlace: 'div#post-list', style: { color: '#fff', width: '180px', background: '#006ffa', backgroundHover: '#006ffa', colorHover: '#33cfff', }, methodsMap: { isPost: 'gelbooru', getPostId: 'gelbooru', getPostUrl: 'gelbooru', }, needXHR: true, }; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// //-------------------------------------- UBERBOORU -----------------------------------// function getUberbooruSettings() { return { name: 'uberbooru', hostname: '', imageHostname: '', imageDir: 'data', postDivInsertionPlace: '#image', listDivInsertionPlace: '#posts', viewDivInsertionPlace: 'div#page', // 'div#c-posts', style: { color: '#000', width: '180px', background: '#e6e6e6', backgroundHover: '#e6e6e6', colorHover: '#008', }, methodsMap: { isPost: 'donmai', getPostId: 'donmai', getPostUrl: 'donmai', }, needXHR: true, }; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// //------------------------------------- BRONIBOORU -----------------------------------// function getBronibooruSettings() { return { name: 'bronibooru', hostname: '', imageHostname: '', imageDir: 'bronibooru', postDivInsertionPlace: '#image', listDivInsertionPlace: '#posts', viewDivInsertionPlace: 'div#page', // 'div#c-posts', style: { color: '#0073ff', width: '180px', background: '#f7f7ff', backgroundHover: '#f7f7ff', colorHover: '#80b9ff', }, methodsMap: { isPost: 'donmai', getPostId: 'donmai', getPostUrl: 'donmai', }, needXHR: true, }; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// //-------------------------------------- MSPABOORU -----------------------------------// function getMspabooruSettings() { return { name: 'mspabooru', hostname: '', imageHostname: '', imageDir: '/images', postDivInsertionPlace: '#image', listDivInsertionPlace: 'div.content', viewDivInsertionPlace: 'div#post-list', // 'div#content', style: { color: '#fff', width: '180px', background: '#006ffa', backgroundHover: '#006ffa', colorHover: '#33cfff', }, methodsMap: { isPost: 'gelbooru', getPostId: 'gelbooru', getPostUrl: 'gelbooru', }, needXHR: true, }; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// //--------------------------------------- E926NET ------------------------------------// function getE926netSettings() { return { name: '', hostname: '', imageHostname: '', imageDir: 'data', postDivInsertionPlace: '#image', listDivInsertionPlace: 'div.content-post', viewDivInsertionPlace: 'div#content', // 'div#post-list', style: { color: '#fff', width: '180px', background: '#152f56', backgroundHover: '#152f56', colorHover: '#2e76b4', }, methodsMap: null, needXHR: true, }; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// //--------------------------------------- E621NET ------------------------------------// function getE621netSettings() { return { name: '', hostname: '', imageHostname: '', imageDir: 'data', postDivInsertionPlace: '#image', listDivInsertionPlace: 'div.content-post', viewDivInsertionPlace: 'div#content', // 'div#post-list', style: { color: '#fff', width: '180px', background: '#152f56', backgroundHover: '#152f56', colorHover: '#2e76b4', }, methodsMap: null, needXHR: true, }; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// //--------------------------------------- *.BOORU ------------------------------------// function getBooruorgSettings(prefix) { var prefixList = [], hostnameSuffix = ''; prefix = getHostnamePrefix( hostnameSuffix, prefixList, prefix ); var hostname = prefix + hostnameSuffix; return { name: '', prefix: prefix, hostname: hostname, imageHostname: '', imageDir: prefix + '//images', postDivInsertionPlace: '#image', listDivInsertionPlace: 'div.content', viewDivInsertionPlace: 'div#content', // 'div#post-list', style: { color: '#fff', width: '180px', background: '#0773fb', backgroundHover: '#fbb307', colorHover: '#fff', }, methodsMap: { isPost: 'gelbooru', getPostId: 'gelbooru', getPostUrl: 'gelbooru', }, needXHR: true, }; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// //--------------------------------------- ATFBOORU -----------------------------------// function getAtfbooruSettings() { return { name: 'atfbooru', hostname: '', imageHostname: '', imageDir: 'data', postDivInsertionPlace: '#image', listDivInsertionPlace: '#posts', viewDivInsertionPlace: '#page', //'#c-posts', style: { color: '#0073ff', width: '180px', background: '#f5f5ff', backgroundHover: '#f5f5ff', colorHover: '#80b9ff', }, methodsMap: { isPost: 'donmai', getPostId: 'donmai', getPostUrl: 'donmai', }, needXHR: true, };// donmai like } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// //------------------------------------- LOLIBOORU ------------------------------------// function getLolibooruSettings() { return { name: 'lolibooru', hostname: '', imageDir: 'image', imageHostname: '', postDivInsertionPlace: '#image', listDivInsertionPlace: 'div.content', viewDivInsertionPlace: 'div#post-list', style: { color: '#ee8887', width: '180px', background: '#222', backgroundHover: '#444', colorHover: '#ee8887', }, methodsMap: null, needXHR: true, };// like } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// //------------------------------------- HYPNOHUB -------------------------------------// function getHypnohubSettings() { return { name: 'hypnohub', hostname: '', imageDir: '/data/image', imageHostname: '', postDivInsertionPlace: '#image', listDivInsertionPlace: 'div.content', viewDivInsertionPlace: 'div#post-list', style: { color: '#ee8887', width: '180px', background: '#222', backgroundHover: '#444', colorHover: '#ee8887', }, methodsMap: null, needXHR: true, };// like } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// //---------------------------------------- TBIB --------------------------------------// function getTbibSettings() { return { name: 'tbib', hostname: '', imageDir: '/images', imageHostname: '', postDivInsertionPlace: '#image', listDivInsertionPlace: 'div.content', viewDivInsertionPlace: 'div#post-list', style: { color: '#fff', width: '180px', background: '#0773fb', backgroundHover: '#fbb307', colorHover: '#fff', }, methodsMap: { isPost: 'gelbooru', getPostId: 'gelbooru', getPostUrl: 'gelbooru', }, needXHR: true, };// gelbooru like } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// //------------------------------------- KONACHAN -------------------------------------// function getKonachanSettings() { var hostname = window.location.hostname; return { name: 'konachan', hostname: hostname, imageDir: 'image', imageHostname: hostname, postDivInsertionPlace: '#image', listDivInsertionPlace: 'div.content', viewDivInsertionPlace: 'div#post-list', style: { color: '#ee8887', width: '180px', background: '#222', backgroundHover: '#444', colorHover: '#ee8887', }, methodsMap: null, needXHR: true, };// like } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// //--------------------------------------- PAHEAL -------------------------------------// function getPahealSettings() { return { name: '', prefix: 'rule34.', hostname: '', imageDir: '_images', imageHostname: '', postDivInsertionPlace: '#main_image', listDivInsertionPlace: '#imagelist', viewDivInsertionPlace: '#imagelist', style: { color: '#fff', width: '180px', background: '#84AE83', backgroundHover: '#A4CEA3', colorHover: '#fff', }, methodsMap: { isPost: 'paheal', getPostId: 'paheal', getPostUrl: 'paheal', }, needXHR: true, }; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// //------------------------------------- HOST PREFIX ----------------------------------// function getHostnamePrefix( hostnameSuffix, prefixList, prefix ) { var hostname, errorMessage = "[getHostnamePrefix](hostnameSuffix='" + hostnameSuffix + "', prefixList=[" + prefixList.join(',') + "]" + (prefix ? ", prefix='" + prefix + "'" : "") + ") ", regExp; if( prefix ) { if( prefixList.indexOf(prefix) == -1 ) { console.error(errorMessage + "\nnot supported prefix"); return ''; } }else{ hostname = window.location.hostname; if( hostname.indexOf(hostnameSuffix) == -1 ) { console.error(errorMessage + "\ninvalid hostname: " + hostname ); return ''; } for( var i = 0, len = prefixList.length; i < len; ++i ) { if( hostname.indexOf(prefixList[i]) == -1 ) continue; prefix = prefixList[i]; break; } } if( !prefix ) { try{ regExp = new RegExp('([^\\.]+\\.)(' + hostnameSuffix + ')' ); prefix = hostname.match(regExp)[1]; }catch(e){ console.error(e); console.error(errorMessage + "\nno valid prefix for hostname: " + hostname ); } } return prefix || ''; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// //----------------------------------- METHODS OBJECT ---------------------------------// function initMethodsObject() { var retVal = { get list(){return;}, map: { list: [ 'isPost', 'getPostId',// get post id from href 'getPostUrl',// get post url by postId // method of thumbnail data grabbing 'getImageThumbs', 'setImageDataThumb', // methods of image data getting from image post page 'getPostImage', 'setImageOriginalResolution', 'setImageDataSize', 'setImageDataSourceLowres', 'setImageDataSourceHighres', 'setImageDataTags', 'setImageDataName', 'setImageDataExtension', 'setImageDataBytes', 'setImageDataDoc', // create place for buttons insertion 'getPostDivInsertionPlace', 'getListDivInsertionPlace', 'createDiv', ], }, data: { 'booru': { val: null, init: function(){ this.val = this.val || getBooruMethodsObject(); }, }, 'gelbooru': { val: null, init: function(){ this.val = this.val || getGelbooruMethodsObject(); }, }, 'donmai': { val: null, init: function(){ this.val = this.val || getDonmaiMethodsObject(); }, }, 'paheal': { val: null, init: function(){ this.val = this.val || getPahealMethodsObject(); }, }, }, init: function(){ for( var type in )[type].init(); }, method: function( type, name ){ if([type] ) { if( name ) return[type].val[name]; return[type].val; } return null; }, }; retVal.init(); return retVal; } //----------------------------------- METHODS OBJECT ---------------------------------// //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// //-------------------------------- BOORU METHODS OBJECT ------------------------------// function getBooruMethodsObject() { var retVal = { isPost: function(url){ url = url || window.location.pathname || window.location.href; return /\/post\/show\/\d+/.test(url); }, getPostId: function(url){ url = url || window.location.href; if( this.isPost(url) ) return getLocation(url, 'pathname').match(/\d+/)[0]; return null; }, getPostUrl: function(postId){ return window.location.protocol + '//' + this.hostname + '/post/show/' + postId; }, getPostDivInsertionPlace: function(doc){ doc = doc || document; var insertPlace = doc.querySelector( this.postDivInsertionPlace ); if( insertPlace ) { var parent = insertPlace.parentNode; if( parent.tagName === 'A' ) return parent.nextSibling || parent; return insertPlace.nextSibling || insertPlace; } return null; }, getListDivInsertionPlace: function(doc){ doc = doc || document; var insertPlace = doc.querySelector(this.listDivInsertionPlace); if( insertPlace ) return insertPlace.firstChild || insertPlace; return null; }, getPostImage: function(doc){ doc = doc || document; return doc.querySelector('#image') || doc.querySelector('#main_image');//paheal }, getImageThumbs: function( doc ){ doc = doc || document; var thumbs = doc.querySelectorAll('img.preview'); if( thumbs && thumbs.length === 0 ) thumbs = doc.querySelectorAll('article > a > img');// donmai, uberbooru if( thumbs && thumbs.length === 0 ) thumbs = doc.querySelectorAll('img[itemprop="thumbnailUrl"]');// donmai if( thumbs && thumbs.length === 0 ) thumbs = doc.querySelectorAll('span.thumb > a > img');// * if( thumbs && thumbs.length === 0 ) thumbs = doc.querySelectorAll('a > img[id*="thumb_"]');// return thumbs; }, setImageDataThumb: function( imgD, thumb ){ if( thumb && imgD ) { if( thumb.dataset && thumb.dataset.original ) imgD.thumbSource = thumb.dataset.original; else imgD.thumbSource = thumb.src; imgD.postUrl = thumb.parentNode.href; if( && /\d+/.test( ) imgD.postId =\d+/)[0]; else imgD.postId = this.getPostId( imgD.postUrl ); if( thumb.title ) imgD.thumbTitle = thumb.title; } }, setImageDataSourceLowres: function( imgD, doc ){ var img = this.getPostImage(doc); if( img ) imgD.lowresSource = img.src; else return 1; return 0; }, setImageOriginalResolution: function( imgD, img ){ if( !img ) return false; var width, height; width = img.getAttribute('large_width'); height = img.getAttribute('large_height'); if( !width || !height ) { width = img.getAttribute('data-original-width'); height = img.getAttribute('data-original-height'); } if( !width || !height ) { // sankaku width = img.getAttribute('orig_width'); height = img.getAttribute('orig_height'); } if( !width || !height ) { //, width = img.getAttribute('data-orig_width'); height = img.getAttribute('data-orig_height'); } if( (!width || !height) && === '' ) { // width = img.getAttribute('data-width'); height = img.getAttribute('data-height'); } if( width && height ) { imgD.width = width; imgD.height = height; return true; } return false; }, setImageDataSize: function( imgD, doc ){ doc = doc || document; var img = this.getPostImage(doc), res; if( this.setImageOriginalResolution ) res = this.setImageOriginalResolution( imgD, img ); if( res ) return; var lis = doc.querySelectorAll('li'), i, li, len = lis.length; for( i = 0; i < len; ++i ) { li = lis[i]; if( li.innerHTML.indexOf('Size:') != -1 ) break; } var match = li.innerHTML.match(/(\d+)x(\d+)/); if( i < len && match ) { imgD.width = match[1]; imgD.height = match[2]; }else console.error("[setImageDataSize] can't find image size (width x height)"); }, setImageDataSourceHighres: function( imgD, doc ){ doc = doc || document; var imgHost = this.imageHostname || this.hostname, i, l, href, link = doc.querySelectorAll('li > a[href*="' + imgHost + '/' + this.imageDir + '/"]'); if( link.length === 0 )// same origin imageboards link = doc.querySelectorAll('li > a[href*="/' + this.imageDir + '/"]'); if( link.length > 0 ) { for( i = 0, href = null; i < link.length; ++i ) { l = link[i]; if( l.href.indexOf('sample') == -1 ) { href = l.href; break; } } imgD.source = href ? href : last(link).href; } else if( imgD.lowresSource ) imgD.source = imgD.lowresSource; else{ console.error("[setImageDataSourceHighres] no image source found"); return 1; } // jpeg image for like imageboards var jpeg = doc.querySelector('li > a[href*="' + imgHost + '/jpeg/"]'); if( jpeg ) imgD.jpegSource = jpeg.href; clog("imgD.source: " + imgD.source); this.setType = this.setType || function( _type, _source, _imgD ) { _imgD[_type + '-source'] = _source; _imgD[_type + '-extension'] = getFileExt(_source); }; this.setType( 'thumnail', imgD.thumbSource, imgD ); if( /mp4|webm|ogv|ogg/.test(getFileExt(imgD.source)) ) { this.setType( 'vid_file', imgD.source, imgD ); imgD.viewType = 'vid_file'; }else{ this.setType( 'orig_img', imgD.source, imgD ); imgD.viewType = 'orig_img'; if( imgD.jpegSource ) { this.setType( 'jpeg_img', imgD.jpegSource, imgD ); imgD.viewType = 'jpeg_img'; } if( !isSameLink(imgD.source, imgD.lowresSource) ) { this.setType( 'samp_img', imgD.lowresSource, imgD ); imgD.viewType = 'samp_img'; } } return 0; }, setImageDataTags: function( imgD, doc ){ doc = doc || document; this.getTagName = this.getTagName || function( tagElm, fl) { if( tagElm.querySelectorAll('a').length === 0 ) return ''; if( fl ) return tagElm.querySelectorAll('a')[0].innerText.trim().replace(/\s+/g, '_');// sankaku, return last(tagElm.querySelectorAll('a')).innerText.trim().replace(/\s+/g, '_'); }; this.tagsId = this.tagsId || { 'general' : '0', 'artist' : '1', 'copyright': '3', 'character': '4', 'metadata' : '5', // 3dbooru tags 'species' : '-1', 'model' : '-1', 'idol' : '-1', 'photo_set': '-1', 'circle' : '-1', 'medium' : '-1', 'faults' : '-1', }; this.createTagObj = this.createTagObj || function( tagElm, tagsClass, fl ) { try{ var links = tagElm.querySelectorAll('a'), post_count = tagElm.querySelector('') || tagElm.querySelector('span[style]'), searchLink = null, obj = {}; if( tagsClass === 'tag-type' ) { if( fl ) { obj.href = links[0].href; = links[1].href; searchLink = links[0]; }else{ obj.href = last(links).href; = (links.length == 1 ? null : links[0].href); } obj.category = tagElm.className.match(/tag-type-([^\s]+)/)[1]; } else if( tagsClass === 'category' ) { obj.href = last(links).href; = (links.length == 1 ? null : links[0].href); obj.category = tagElm.className.match(/category-([^\s]+)/)[1]; } else if( tagsClass === 'tag_name_cell' ) { obj.href = links[1].href; = links[0].href; post_count = tagElm.querySelector('span.tag_count'); obj.category = null; }else{ obj.href = links[0].href; = null; post_count = links[0].nextSibling; obj.category = null; } if( obj.category ) obj.class = tagsClass; searchLink = searchLink || last(links); obj.count = parseInt(post_count.textContent, 10); = searchLink.textContent; return obj; }catch(e){console.error(e);} }; /* --------------> n1 [ n2 ] n1 - number of links in tag element n2 - index 0..(n1-1) of search tag link (here, tag link) --------------> 2 1 --> gelbooru: ul#tag-list div div[style] -- tag category name li.tag-type- a[href] -- wiki link a[href] -- tag link span[style] --------------> 1 --> ul#tag-sidebar li -- tag category name li.tag-type- [class="tag"] a[href] -- tag span[style] --------------> 2 1 -->, --> 3dbooru (behoimi): ul#tag-sidebar li.tag-type- a[href] -- wiki link a[href] -- tag link --------------> 2 0 --> sankaku: ul#tag-sidebar li.tag-type- a[href, title] -- tag link span.tag-extra-info a[href] -- wiki link --------------> 1 --> safebooru, --> mspabooru, --> tbib: ul#tag-sidebar li.tag-type- a[href] -- tag link span[style] --------------> 2 1 -->, --> ul#tag-sidebar li.category- -- tag category name li.tag-type- a[style, href] -- wiki a[href] -- tag --------------> 1 --> div#tag_list ul li span[style] ? a[href] -- tag number -- post count --------------> 2 1 --> uberbooru, --> bronibooru: section#tag-list h2 -- tag category name ul li.category- [href] [href] --------------> 2 1 --> donmai, --> atfbooru: section#tag-list h2.copyright-tag-list -- tag category name ul.copyright-tag-list li.category- [href] [href] --------------> 2 1 --> lolibooru, --> hypnohub, --> konachan: ul#tag-sidebar li.tag-type- [class="tag-link", data-name="name of tag", data-type="tag category"] a[href] -- wiki a[href] -- tag --------------> 2 1 --> table.tag_list tbody tr td.tag_info_link_cell a.tag_info_link [href] -- wiki td.tag_name_cell a.tag_name [href] -- tag td.tag_count_cell span.tag_count */ var getTagName = this.getTagName, tagsId = this.tagsId, createTagObj = this.createTagObj, tagsClass = ''; var nameList = ['sankaku'], tagsOrder = userOptions.val('tagsOrder'), iter = 0, _fl = null, i, k, tags, tagType; imgD.tags = imgD.tags || []; imgD.tags.length = 0; if( doc.querySelectorAll('li[class*="tag-type-"]').length > 0 ) tagsClass = 'tag-type'; else if( doc.querySelectorAll('li[class*="category-"]').length > 0 ) tagsClass = 'category'; for( i = 0, _fl = (nameList.indexOf( != -1); i < tagsOrder.length; ++i ) { tagType = tagsOrder[i]; if( tagsClass === 'tag-type' ) tags = doc.querySelectorAll('li.tag-type-' + tagType); else if( tagsClass === 'category' ) tags = doc.querySelectorAll('li.category-' + tagsId[tagType]);// donmai like for( k = 0; tags && k < tags.length; ++k, ++iter ) { imgD.tags.push( getTagName(tags[k], _fl) ); } } if( iter === 0 ) { // not categorized tags tagsClass = ''; tags = doc.querySelectorAll('div#tag_list li');// * if( !tags || tags.length === 0 ) { tags = doc.querySelectorAll('.tag_name_cell');// tagsClass = 'tag_name_cell'; } for( k = 0, _fl = (nameList.indexOf( != -1); tags && k < tags.length; ++k ) { imgD.tags.push( getTagName(tags[k], _fl) ); } } // tag object imgD.tagList = imgD.tagList || []; imgD.tagList.length = 0; if( tagsClass === 'tag-type' ) tags = doc.querySelectorAll('li[class*="tag-type-"]'); else if( tagsClass === 'category' ) tags = doc.querySelectorAll('ul li[class*="category-"]'); else if( tagsClass === 'tag_name_cell' ) tags = doc.querySelectorAll('table.tag_list > tbody tr');// else tags = doc.querySelectorAll('div#tag_list ul li span');// for( i = 0; i < tags.length; ++i ) { imgD.tagList.push( createTagObj(tags[i], tagsClass, _fl) ); } }, createDiv: function(id, doc){ doc = doc || document; var div = doc.querySelector('#' + id); clog("[createDiv] div#" + id + ": ", div); if( div ) return div; div = document.createElement('div'); var insertPlace; if( this.isPost() ) insertPlace = this.getPostDivInsertionPlace(doc); else insertPlace = this.getListDivInsertionPlace(doc); if( !insertPlace ) return null; div.setAttribute('id', id); if( insertPlace.tagName !== 'IMG' ) div = insertPlace.parentNode.insertBefore( div, insertPlace.nextSibling);// check_it_out else div = insertPlace.parentNode.appendChild(div); if( typeof this.keyboardDiv === 'function' ) this.keyboardDiv( id, doc ); return div; }, setImageDataDoc: function( imgD, doc ){ if( !imgD || imgD.state === 'ready' ) return 1; doc = doc || document; // size this.setImageDataSize( imgD, doc ); // lowres var errN = this.setImageDataSourceLowres( imgD, doc ); // highres errN += this.setImageDataSourceHighres( imgD, doc ); if( errN > 1 ) return errN; if( !imgD.lowresSource ) imgD.lowresSource = (imgD.jpegSource || imgD.source); // tags this.setImageDataTags( imgD, doc ); // name this.setImageDataName( imgD ); // extension this.setImageDataExtension( imgD ); imgD.state = 'ready'; return 0; }, setImageDataName: function( imgD ){ if( !imgD || !imgD.tags ) return; var tagsLen = imgD.tags.length, uLen = userOptions.val('maxTagsInName'), tagsDelim = userOptions.val('tagsDelim'), imageId = imgD.postId, boardName = '', name = '', ignoredTags = userOptions.val('ignoredTags'), tagName; if( userOptions.val('addImgBrdName') ) { boardName = (userOptions.val('prefixedName') ? this.prefixedName : this.shortName); imageId = boardName + tagsDelim + imgD.postId; } for( var i = 0; i < tagsLen && i < uLen; ++i ) { tagName = imgD.tags[i]; if( tagName.length > 0 && ignoredTags.indexOf(tagName) == -1 ) name += tagName + tagsDelim; } if( userOptions.val('imgIdAtNameEnd') ) = name + imageId; else = imageId + tagsDelim + name.slice(0, -tagsDelim.length); }, setImageDataExtension: function( imgD ){ imgD.extension = getFileExt( imgD.source ); if( imgD.jpegSource ) imgD.jpegExtension = getFileExt( imgD.jpegSource ); }, }; return retVal; } //-------------------------------- BOORU METHODS OBJECT ------------------------------// //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// //------------------------------- GELBOORU METHODS OBJECT ----------------------------// function getGelbooruMethodsObject() { var retVal = { isPost: function( url ){ url = url || window.location.href; if( this.getPostId(url) ) return true; return false; }, getPostId: function( postUrl ){ postUrl = postUrl || window.location.href; var srch = getLocation( postUrl, 'search' ), keys = getSearchObject( srch ); if( keys.s === 'view' && === 'post' ) return; else return null; }, getPostUrl: function( postId ){ return window.location.protocol + this.hostname + '/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=' + postId; }, }; return retVal; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// //-------------------------------- DONMAI METHODS OBJECT -----------------------------// function getDonmaiMethodsObject() { var retVal = { isPost: function(url){ url = url || window.location.href; return /\/posts\/\d+/.test(url); }, getPostId: function(url){ url = url || window.location.href; if( this.isPost(url) ) return getLocation(url, 'pathname').match(/(\/posts\/)?(\d+)?/)[2]; return null; }, getPostUrl: function(postId){ return window.location.protocol + '//' + this.hostname + '/posts/' + postId; }, }; return retVal; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// //-------------------------------- PAHEAL METHODS OBJECT -----------------------------// function getPahealMethodsObject() { var retVal = { isPost: function(url){ url = url || window.location.href; return /\/post\/view\/\d+/.test(url); }, getPostId: function(url){ if( this.isPost(url) ) return getLocation(url, 'pathname').match(/(\/post\/view\/)?(\d+)?/)[2]; return null; }, getPostUrl: function(postId){ return window.location.protocol + '//' + this.hostname + '/post/view/' + postId; }, }; return retVal; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// //-------------------------------------- DATASET -------------------------------------// function initImageBoardDataset(d) { var retVal = { data: { source: 'data-image-board-source', index: 'data-image-board-index', extension: 'data-image-board-extension', bytes: 'data-image-board-bytes', }, val: function(elm, propName, v){ if([propName] && elm ) { if( v !== undefined ) elm.setAttribute([propName], v); else return elm.getAttribute([propName]); } return null; }, init: function(doc){ this.doc = doc || document; }, getSelector: function(propName, v){ var sel =[propName]; if( sel ) { if( v !== undefined ) { var pos = v.indexOf('=');// &=, *=, ^= if( pos > -1 && pos < 2 ) sel += v; else sel += '="' + v + '"'; } return '[' + sel + ']'; } return null; }, query: function(propName, v){ var sel = this.getSelector(propName, v); if( sel ) return this.doc.querySelector(sel); return null; }, queryAll: function(propName, v){ var sel = this.getSelector(propName, v); if( sel ) return this.doc.querySelectorAll(sel); return null; }, }; retVal.init(d); return retVal; } //-------------------------------------- DATASET -------------------------------------// //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// //-------------------------------------- CLASSES -------------------------------------// function initImageBoardClasses(d) { var retVal = { get counted(){return;}, get viewActive(){return;}, get viewAttach(){return;}, get ready(){return;}, get downloaded(){return;}, get downloadAttach(){ return;}, get downloadActive(){ return;}, data: { counted: 'image-board-counted', viewAttach: 'image-board-attach-view-event', viewActive: 'image-board-active-for-view', ready: 'image-board-has-original-source', downloaded: 'image-board-downloaded-original', downloadAttach: 'image-board-attach-download-event', downloadActive: 'image-board-active-for-download', }, hasClass: function(elm, propName){ if([propName] ) return hasClass(elm,[propName]); return false; }, addClass: function(elm, propName){ if([propName] ) addClass(elm,[propName]); }, removeClass: function(elm, propName){ if([propName] ) removeClass(elm,[propName]); }, toggleClass: function(elm, newPropName, oldPropName){ if( oldPropName && ![oldPropName] ) return; else if( !newPropName || ![newPropName] ) return; toggleClass( elm,[newPropName],[oldPropName] ); }, queryAll: function(propName){ if([propName] ) return this.doc.querySelectorAll('.' +[propName]); return null; }, init: function(doc){this.doc = doc || document;}, }; retVal.init(d); return retVal; } //-------------------------------------- CLASSES -------------------------------------// //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// //------------------------------------- DOWNLOADER -----------------------------------// function initImageBoardDownloader(d) { var iter = { total : 0, done: 0, }; var retVal = { get total(){return;}, set total(n){ = n; this.downloadAllHtml(, iter.done); }, get done(){return iter.done;}, set done(n){ iter.done = n; this.downloadAllHtml(, iter.done); }, data: { downloaderId: 'image-board-downloader-' + RANDOM, downloadAllId: 'image-board-download-all-' + RANDOM, downloadSwitchId: 'image-board-download-switch-' + RANDOM, classBtn: 'image-board-downloader-button', classOn: 'image-board-downloader-on', classOff: 'image-board-downloader-off', classActive: 'image-board-downloader-active', }, get downloaderId(){return;}, get downloadAllId(){return;}, get downloadSwitchId(){return;}, get classBtn(){return;}, get classOn(){return;}, get classOff(){return;}, get classActive(){return;}, init: function(id, doc){ doc = doc || document; clog("[initImageBoardDownloader] init, doc: ", doc); var div = doc.querySelector('div#' + id), html = '', btn; clog("div: ", div, id); if( !div ) { console.error("[initImageBoardDownloader] can't find div#" + id); return; } var downloadSwitch = doc.querySelector('#' + this.downloadSwitchId); if( !downloadSwitch ) { btn = document.createElement('button'); btn.setAttribute('id', this.downloadSwitchId); btn.setAttribute('class', this.classOff + ' ' + this.classBtn ); btn.setAttribute('title', 'Press \'Shift+D\' to switch download mode on/off'); btn.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Donwload Mode')); downloadSwitch = div.appendChild( btn ); } var downloadAll = doc.querySelector('#' + this.downloadAllId); if( !downloadAll ) { btn = document.createElement('button'); btn.setAttribute('id', this.downloadAllId ); btn.setAttribute('class', this.classBtn ); btn.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Donwload All (0)')); downloadAll = div.appendChild( btn ); } return div; }, downloadAllHtml: function( total, loaded, elm ){ if( !elm ) elm = document.querySelector('#' + this.downloadAllId ); elm.textContent = 'Download All (' + (loaded ? loaded + ' / ': '') + (total ? total : 0) + ')'; }, downloadOn: function(elm){ if( !elm ) elm = document.querySelector('#' + this.downloadSwitchId); if( elm ) toggleClass( elm, this.classOn, this.classOff ); else console.error("[downloadOn] empty elm: ", elm ); }, downloadOff: function(elm){ if( !elm ) elm = document.querySelector('#' + this.downloadSwitchId); if( elm ) toggleClass( elm, this.classOff, this.classOn ); else console.error("[downloadOff] empty elm: ", elm ); }, isActive: function(elm){ if( !elm ) elm = document.querySelector('#' + this.downloadSwitchId); return hasClass(elm, this.classOn); }, }; return retVal; } //------------------------------------- DOWNLOADER -----------------------------------// //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// //------------------------------------ DOWNLOADER-2 ----------------------------------// function handleDownloadEvent(event) { if( !imageBoard.imgBrdCl.hasClass( this, 'downloadActive' ) ) return; event.preventDefault(); var thumb =, index = imageBoard.imgBrdDt.val( thumb, 'index' ), imgD = imageBoard.images.list[index]; downloadFile( imgD ); } function downloadFile( imgD ) { if( imgD.state !== 'ready' || imgD.downloadState === 'downloaded' || imgD.downloadState === 'inProgress' ) return; imgD.downloadState = 'inProgress'; var hostname = getLocation(imgD.source, 'hostname'), source, ext, stripe; if( userOptions.val('downloadJPEG') && imgD.jpegSource ) source = imgD.jpegSource; else source = imgD.source; ext = getFileExt(source); stripe = document.querySelectorAll('#progress-stripe-' + imgD.index); addClass( stripe, 'download-in-progress' ); if( userOptions.val('animateProgress') ) addClass( stripe, 'progress-animated' ); attr( stripe, 'style', 'width:0%;' ); if( hostname === window.location.hostname ) { imageBoardDownloader( imgD, source, ext ); return; } GM.xmlHttpRequest({ url: source, method: 'GET', context: { 'index': imgD.index, 'url': source, 'ext': ext, 'stripe': stripe, }, responseType: 'blob', onload: blibBlobDownloader, onprogress: downloadProgress, }); } function downloadProgress( xhr ) { try{ if( !xhr.lengthComputable ) return; var stripe = xhr.context.stripe || document.querySelectorAll('#progress-stripe-' + xhr.context.index), width = Math.floor(xhr.loaded/*100); attr(stripe, 'style', 'width:' + width + '%'); }catch(e){console.error(e);} } function blibBlobDownloader( xhr ) { var imgD = imageBoard.images.list[xhr.context.index]; if( xhr.status !== 200 ) { console.error("xhr.status: ", xhr.status, xhr.statusText); console.error("url: " + xhr.context.url); if( imgD && imgD.downloadState === 'inProgress' ) imgD.downloadState = ''; return; } var wndURL = window.webkitURL || window.URL, resource = wndURL.createObjectURL(xhr.response); imageBoardDownloader( imgD, resource, xhr.context.ext ); wndURL.revokeObjectURL( resource ); } function imageBoardDownloader( imgD, resource, extension ) { var name = + '.' + (extension || imgD.extension); fileDownloader( name, resource ); var thumb = imageBoard.imgBrdDt.query('index', imgD.index + ''), stripe = document.querySelectorAll('#progress-stripe-' + imgD.index); imageBoard.imgBrdCl.addClass( thumb, 'downloaded' ); if( imgD.downloadState !== 'downloaded' ) imageBoard.imgBrdDw.done += 1; imgD.downloadState = 'downloaded'; attr(stripe, 'style', 'width:100%'); //setTimeout(function(){ removeClass( stripe, 'download-in-progress' ); removeClass( stripe, 'progress-animated' ); addClass( stripe, 'progress-complete' ); //}, 50 ); } function fileDownloader( name, resource ) { var a = document.createElement('a'), body = document.body || document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]; a.setAttribute('download', name); a.href = resource; body.appendChild(a);; body.removeChild(a); } function handleDownloadAllEvent(event) { var list = imageBoard.images.list; for( var i = 0, len = list.length, imgD; i < len; ++i ) { imgD = list[i]; downloadFile( imgD ); } } function handleDownloadSwitchEvent(event) { if( imageBoard.imgBrdDw.isActive() ) { imageBoard.downloader.deactivate(); }else{ imageBoard.downloader.activate(); } } //------------------------------------ DOWNLOADER-2 ----------------------------------// //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// //-------------------------------------- KEYBOARD ------------------------------------// function activateKeyboard() { window.addEventListener('keydown', handleKeyboardEvent, false); clog("--------> keyboard activated"); } function deactivateKeyboard() { window.removeEventListener('keydown', handleKeyboardEvent, false); clog("--------> keyboard deactivated"); } function handleKeyboardEvent(event) { var charCode = event.keyCode || event.which, str = String.fromCharCode(charCode).toLowerCase(); if( !event.shiftKey || event.ctrlKey || event.altKey ) return; else if( str === 'a' ) { handleDownloadAllEvent(); } else if( str === 'd' ) { handleDownloadSwitchEvent(); } else if( str === 'i' ) { if( imageBoard ) { imageBoard.init(); imageBoard.fix(); } } else if( str === 'm' ) { handleUserMenuEvent(); } else if( str === 'v' ) { handleViewerSwitchEvent(); } } //-------------------------------------- KEYBOARD ------------------------------------// //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// //--------------------------------------- VIEWER -------------------------------------// function initImageBoardViewer(d) { var iter = { curr: 0, total: 0, }; var retVal = { get curr(){return iter.curr;}, set curr(n){ n = parseInt(n, 10); var elm = (this.doc || document).querySelector('#' + this.currentId); if( elm ) elm.textContent = '' + (n + 1); iter.curr = n; }, set total(n){ = parseInt(n, 10);}, get total(){return;}, data: { buttonId: 'image-board-viewer-button-' + RANDOM, containerId: 'image-board-viewer-container-' + RANDOM, tagsId: 'image-board-viewer-tags-' + RANDOM, listId: 'image-board-viewer-list-' + RANDOM, bottomId: 'image-board-viewer-bottom-' + RANDOM, thumbsId: 'image-board-viewer-thumbs-' + RANDOM, // bottom div panel prevId: 'image-board-viewer-show-prev-' + RANDOM, nextId: 'image-board-viewer-show-next-' + RANDOM, downloadId: 'image-board-viewer-downlaod-' + RANDOM, sourceId: 'image-board-viewer-source-' + RANDOM, currentId: 'image-board-viewer-current-' + RANDOM, // classes classActive: 'image-board-viewer-active', classOn: 'image-board-viewer-on', classOff: 'image-board-viewer-off', classBtn: 'image-board-viewer-btn', classBottom: 'image-board-viewer-bottom-class', }, get buttonId(){return;}, get containerId(){return;}, get tagsId(){return;}, get listId(){return;}, get bottomId(){return;}, get thumbsId(){return;}, get prevId(){return;}, get nextId(){return;}, get downloadId(){return;}, get sourceId(){return;}, get currentId(){return;}, get classActive(){return;}, get classOn(){return;}, get classOff(){return;}, get classBtn(){return;}, get classBottom(){return;}, init: function(id, doc, selector){ if( !userOptions.val('createViewer') ) return; doc = doc || document; this.doc = doc; var div = doc.querySelector('#' + id), viewDiv, html; if( !div ) { console.error("[initImageBoardViewer] imageBoard div not found, id: " + id); return; } var btn = doc.querySelector('#' + this.buttonId); if( !btn ) { btn = document.createElement('button'); btn.setAttribute('id', this.buttonId); btn.setAttribute('class', this.classOff); btn.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Viewer')); btn = div.insertBefore( btn, div.firstChild ); } var cont = doc.querySelector('#' + this.containerId); if( !cont ) { cont = document.createElement('div'); var obj = { 'id': this.containerId, 'class': this.classOff + ' image-board-viewer-container', 'data-class-button': this.classBtn, 'data-prev-id': this.prevId, 'data-next-id': this.nextId, 'data-download-id': this.downloadId, 'data-current-id': this.currentId, 'data-source-id': this.sourceId, 'data-list-id': this.listId, }; for( var key in obj ) cont.setAttribute( key, obj[key] ); html = '' + '<div id="' + this.tagsId + '" class="viewer-tag-list" tabindex="1000"></div>' + '<div id="' + this.thumbsId + '" class="viewer-thumb-list" tabindex="1001"></div>' + '<div id="' + this.listId + '" class="viewer-img-list" style="text-align:center;"></div>' + '<div id="' + this.bottomId + '" class="' + this.classBottom + ' viewer-bottom">' + '<button id="' + this.prevId + '" class="' + this.classBtn + ' viewer-navigation-bar">Prev</button>' + '<button id="' + this.sourceId + '" class="' + this.classBtn + ' viewer-navigation-bar">Source</button>' + '<button id="' + this.currentId + '" class="viewer-navigation-bar" style="width:40px;">' + '-' + '</button>' + '<button id="' + this.downloadId + '" class="' + this.classBtn + ' viewer-navigation-bar">Download</button>' + '<button id="' + this.nextId + '" class="' + this.classBtn + ' viewer-navigation-bar">Next</button>' + '</div>'; cont.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', html); if( userOptions.val('fixedThumbs') ) addClass( cont, 'viewer-thumb-list-fixed' ); if( userOptions.val('fixedTags') ) addClass( cont, 'viewer-tag-list-fixed' ); doc.body.appendChild(cont); } if( !cont.classList.contains(this.classActive) ) { cont.addEventListener('click', handleViewerNavigationEvent, false); cont.classList.add(this.classActive); activateViewerKeyboard(); var activateSidebar = function(elm) { if( elm ) { elm.addEventListener('mouseover', function(){this.focus();}, false); elm.addEventListener('mouseout', function(){this.blur();}, false); } }; activateSidebar(doc.querySelector('#' + this.tagsId )); activateSidebar(doc.querySelector('#' + this.thumbsId )); } }, showNext: function(){ if( !this.isActive() ) return; try{ var idx = (this.curr + + 1); viewImage(idx); }catch(e){console.error(e);} }, showPrev: function(){ if( !this.isActive() ) return; try{ var idx = (this.curr + - 1); viewImage(idx); }catch(e){console.error(e);} }, isActive: function(){ if( !this.btn ) this.btn = document.querySelector('#' + this.buttonId); return hasClass( this.btn, this.classOn ); }, viewerOn: function(){ if( !this.btn ) this.btn = document.querySelector('#' + this.buttonId); if( !this.cont ) this.cont = document.querySelector('#' + this.containerId); toggleClass(this.btn, this.classOn, this.classOff); toggleClass(this.cont, this.classOn, this.classOff); this.setOverflow = this.setOverflow || function(elm, val){if(elm) = val;}; try{ var html = this.cont.querySelector('#' + this.currentId).textContent; if( userOptions.val('viewFirst') && html === '-' ) viewImage(0); else viewImage('-'); this.setOverflow( document.body || document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0], 'hidden' ); this.setOverflow( document.getElementsByTagName('html')[0], 'hidden' ); }catch(e){console.error(e);} resumeVideo(this.curr); }, viewerOff: function(){ this.setOverflow = this.setOverflow || function(elm, val){if(elm) = val;}; this.setOverflow( document.body || document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0], 'auto' ); this.setOverflow( document.getElementsByTagName('html')[0], 'auto' ); toggleClass(this.btn, this.classOff, this.classOn); toggleClass(this.cont, this.classOff, this.classOn); historyChange( null ); pauseVideo(this.curr); }, }; return retVal; } //--------------------------------------- VIEWER -------------------------------------// //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// //-------------------------------------- VIEWER-2 ------------------------------------// function activateViewerKeyboard() { window.addEventListener('keydown', handleViewerKeyboardEvent, false); } function deactivateViewerKeyboard() { window.removeEventListener('keydown', handleViewerKeyboardEvent, false); } function handleViewerKeyboardEvent(event) { var charCode = event.keyCode || event.which, useCtrl = userOptions.val('holdCtrl') || window.location.hostname.indexOf('') != -1, condition1 = event.shiftKey || !event.ctrlKey || event.altKey, condition2 = event.shiftKey || event.ctrlKey || event.altKey; if( (useCtrl && condition1) || (!useCtrl && condition2) ) return; var viewer = imageBoard.imgBrdVw; if( charCode == 37 ) viewer.showPrev(); else if( charCode == 39 ) viewer.showNext(); } function handleViewerEvent(event) { if( !imageBoard.imgBrdCl.hasClass( this, 'viewActive' ) ) return; event.preventDefault(); var t =; if( t.tagName !== 'IMG' ) t = t.firstChild; if( t.tagName !== 'IMG' ) return; var idx = imageBoard.imgBrdDt.val(t, 'index'); clog("[handleViewerEvent] index: " + idx); if( idx !== null && idx !== undefined ) viewImage( idx ); else console.error("image index not found, img: ", t.src); } function viewImage( idx ) { if( !imageBoard ) return; var viewer = imageBoard.imgBrdVw, hostname = window.location.hostname, div, imgD, dwSource; if( !viewer || !viewer.isActive() ) return; idx = parseInt(idx, 10); idx = ( + idx); makeThumbListHTML(); makeImageListHTML(); imgD = imageBoard.images.list[idx]; if( !imgD || imgD.state !== 'ready' ) return; setImageList(true);// loop over all .viewer-img-list > div if( hostname.indexOf('sankakucomplex') != -1 ) historyChange( imgD.postUrl ); div = document.querySelector('div[data-image-index="' + imgD.index + '"]'); loadImage(imgD.index, div); if( userOptions.val('downloadJPEG') && imgD.jpegSource ) dwSource = imgD.jpegSource; else dwSource = imgD.source; removeClass( document.querySelectorAll('div.viewer-img-div'), 'img-show' ); addClass( div, 'img-show' ); makeTagListHTML(idx); setViewerBottom( viewer, dwSource, ); pauseVideo(viewer.curr); viewer.curr = idx; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// //--------------------------------- VIEWER-THUMB-LIST --------------------------------// function makeThumbListHTML() { var thumbListDiv = document.querySelector('.viewer-thumb-list'); if( !thumbListDiv ) { console.error("[makeThumbListHTML] can't find div"); return; } var imageList = imageBoard.images.list, thumbTitle = '', html = '', oldLen = thumbListDiv.getAttribute('data-viewer-thumb-length') || 0, animate = userOptions.val('animateProgress'), showProgress = userOptions.val('showProgress'), i, len, imgD, img; oldLen = parseInt(oldLen, 10); for( i = oldLen, len = imageList.length; i < len; ++i ) { imgD = imageList[i]; if( imgD.tags ) thumbTitle = imgD.tags.join(' '); else if( imgD.thumbTitle ) thumbTitle = imgD.thumbTitle; else thumbTitle = ''; html += '<div class="viewer-thumb-div" data-viewer-thumb-div-index="' + imgD.index + '">'; html += '<span class="viewer-thumb-span">'; html += '<img data-viewer-thumb-index="' + imgD.index + '" ' + 'class="viewer-thumb" src="' + (imgD.thumbSource || imgD.lowresSource) + '" ' + 'title="' + thumbTitle + '"/>'; html += '</span>'; html += (showProgress ? makeProgressBarHTML( imgD, animate) : ''); html += '</div>'; } thumbListDiv.setAttribute('data-viewer-thumb-length', len); thumbListDiv.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', html); if( hasClass(thumbListDiv, 'viewer-thumb-list-activated') ) return; thumbListDiv.addEventListener('click', handleViewerThumbEvent, false); addClass(thumbListDiv, 'viewer-thumb-list-activated'); } function makeProgressBarHTML( imgD, animate ) { return '<div class="progress-bar">' + '<div id="progress-stripe-' + imgD.index + '" class="progress-stripe progress-counted' + (imgD.state === 'ready' ? ' image-ready' : '') + '' + (imgD.state === 'busy' && !!animate ? ' animate-progess' : '') + '' + (imgD.downloadState === 'inProgress' ? ' download-in-progress' : '') + '' + (imgD.downloadState === 'downloaded' ? ' progress-complete': '') + '' + '"></div></div>'; } function showViewerProgressBar( showProgress ) { var animate = userOptions.val('animateProgress'), divList = document.querySelectorAll('.viewer-thumb-div'), imageList = imageBoard.images.list, animate = userOptions.val('animateProgress'), html, i, len, div, index, imgD, stripe; for( i = 0, len = divList.length; i < len; ++i ) { div = divList[i]; index = div.getAttribute('data-viewer-thumb-div-index'); stripe = div.querySelector('#progress-stripe-' + index); if( !showProgress ) hide(stripe); else if( !stripe ) { imgD = imageList[index]; html = makeProgressBarHTML(imgD, animate); div.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', html); }else show(stripe); } } function handleViewerThumbEvent(event) { var t =; if( t.tagName !== 'IMG' ) return; var idx = t.getAttribute('data-viewer-thumb-index'); viewImage(idx); } //--------------------------------- VIEWER-THUMB-LIST --------------------------------// //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// //--------------------------------- VIEWER-IMAGE-LIST --------------------------------// function makeImageListHTML() { var imgListDiv = document.querySelector('.viewer-img-list'); if( !imgListDiv ) return; var imageList = imageBoard.images.list, imgLen = imgListDiv.getAttribute('data-image-list-length') || 0, html = '', i, len; imgLen = parseInt(imgLen, 10); for( i = imgLen, len = imageList.length; i < len; ++i ) { html += '<div data-image-index="' + i + '" class="viewer-img-div">'; html += '<video class="vid_file" controls loop></video>'; html += '<img class="orig_img"></img>'; html += '<img class="jpeg_img"></img>'; html += '<img class="samp_img"></img>'; html += '</div>'; } imgListDiv.setAttribute('data-image-list-length', len); imgListDiv.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', html); } function setImageList( reset ) { var imgListDiv = document.querySelector('.viewer-img-list'); if( !imgListDiv ) return; var imageDivs = imgListDiv.querySelectorAll('.viewer-img-div'), imageList = imageBoard.images.list, imgLen = imgListDiv.getAttribute('data-image-list-length') || 0, viewOriginal = userOptions.val('viewOriginal'), viewJPEG = userOptions.val('viewJPEG'), i, imgD, imgDiv, viewType; imgLen = parseInt(imgLen, 10); for( i = 0; i < imgLen; ++i ) { imgD = imageList[i]; imgDiv = imageDivs[i]; viewType = imgDiv.getAttribute('data-image-view-type'); if( reset || !viewType || viewType === 'none_src' ) imgDiv.setAttribute('data-image-view-type', getImageViewType(imgD, viewOriginal, viewJPEG) ); } } function getImageViewType( imgD, viewOriginal, viewJPEG ) { if( imgD['vid_file-source'] ) imgD.viewType = 'vid_file'; else if( imgD['jpeg_img-source'] && viewJPEG && viewOriginal ) imgD.viewType = 'jpeg_img'; else if( imgD['orig_img-source'] && (viewOriginal || !imgD['samp_img-source']) ) imgD.viewType = 'orig_img'; else if( imgD['samp_img-source'] ) imgD.viewType = 'samp_img'; else imgD.viewType = 'none_src'; return imgD.viewType; } //--------------------------------- VIEWER-IMAGE-LIST --------------------------------// //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// //------------------------------------ LOAD-IMAGE ------------------------------------// function loadImage(idx, div) { idx = parseInt(idx, 10); div = div || document.querySelector('div[data-image-index="' + idx + '"]'); var viewType = div.getAttribute('data-image-view-type'); if( !viewType || viewType === 'none_src' ) return; var img = div.querySelector('.' + viewType), //complete = (img.tagName === 'IMG' && img.complete),// || (img.tagName === 'VIDEO' && img.readyState > 2), imgD = imageBoard.images.list[idx], total =, curr = imageBoard.imgBrdVw.curr, diff = (total + idx - curr)%total, next = (total + idx + diff)%total; if( !img.src ) img.src = imgD[viewType + '-source']; if( (diff == 1 || diff == (total-1)) && total > 1 ) { if( (img.tagName === 'IMG' && img.complete) || img.tagName === 'VIDEO' ) loadImage( next, diff == 1 ? div.nextSibling : div.previousSibling ); else{ img.setAttribute('data-index-diff', (diff == 1 ? 1 : -1) ); img.setAttribute('data-index-next', next ); img.addEventListener('load', preloadImageEvent, false); } } if( img.tagName === 'VIDEO' && img.src ) resumeVideo( idx, div, img ); } function preloadImageEvent(event) { var t = this, p = t.parentNode, diff = t.getAttribute('data-index-diff'), next = t.getAttribute('data-index-next'); if( diff == 1 ) loadImage(next, p.nextSibling); else if( diff == -1 ) loadImage(next, p.previousSibling); else loadImage(next); t.removeAttribute('data-index-diff'); t.removeAttribute('data-index-next'); setTimeout(function(){ t.removeEventListener('load', preloadImageEvent, false); }, 100); } function getVideoElm( idx, div, img ) { if( !img || img.tagName === 'VIDEO' ) { div = div || document.querySelector('[data-image-index="' + idx + '"]'); if( div.getAttribute('data-image-view-type') != 'vid_file' ) return; img = div.querySelector('.vid_file'); } return img; } function pauseVideo( idx, div, img ) { img = getVideoElm( idx, div, img ); if( !img ) return; else if( img.paused ) addClass( img, 'video-paused'); else removeClass( img, 'video-paused'); img.pause(); } function resumeVideo( idx, div, img, forcePause ) { img = getVideoElm( idx, div, img ); if( !img ) return; else if( forcePause || hasClass(img, 'video-paused') ) img.pause(); else; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// //---------------------------------- VIEWER-TAG-LIST ---------------------------------// function makeTagListHTML( idx ) { var tagListDiv = document.querySelector('.viewer-tag-list'); if( !tagListDiv ) { console.error("[makeTagListHTML] can't find div"); return; } var imgD = imageBoard.images.list[idx], tagList = imgD.tagList, tagClass = (tagList && tagList[0] || {'class': ''}).class, templ, html = ''; if( tagClass === 'tag-type' ) templ = '<li class="tag-type-'; else if( tagClass === 'category' ) templ = '<li class="category-'; else templ = '<li class="empty-category'; html = '<h4 style="color:#a0a0a0;">Tags</h4>'; for( var i = 0, tagObj; i < tagList.length; ++i ) { tagObj = tagList[i]; html += templ + (tagObj.category !== null ? tagObj.category : '') + '">'; html += makeTagHTML( tagObj ); html += '</li>'; } tagListDiv.innerHTML = html; } function makeTagHTML( tagObj ) { var html = ( ? '<a href="' + + '"> ? </a>' : '') + '' + '<a href="' + tagObj.href + '">' + + '</a>' + '<span class="post-count" style="color:#a0a0a0;"> ' + (!!tagObj.count ? tagObj.count : '') + ' </span>'; return html; } //---------------------------------- VIEWER-TAG-LIST ---------------------------------// //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// function historyChange( postURL ) { this.href = this.href || window.location.href; if( postURL ) window.history.replaceState(null, null, postURL); else window.history.replaceState(null, null, this.href); } function setViewerBottom( viewer, source, name ) { var doc = document, prevElm = doc.querySelector('#' + viewer.prevId ), nextElm = doc.querySelector('#' + viewer.nextId ), sourceElm = doc.querySelector('#' + viewer.sourceId ), downloadElm = doc.querySelector('#' + viewer.downloadId ), useCtrl = userOptions.val('holdCtrl') || window.location.hostname.indexOf('') != -1; prevElm.setAttribute('title', (useCtrl ? 'Ctrl+' : '') + 'Left'); nextElm.setAttribute('title', (useCtrl ? 'Ctrl+' : '') + 'Right'); sourceElm.setAttribute('title', source ); downloadElm.setAttribute('title', name ); } function handleViewerSwitchEvent(event) { if( imageBoard.viewer.isActive() ) { imageBoard.viewer.deactivate(); }else{ imageBoard.viewer.activate(); } } function handleViewerNavigationEvent(event) { var t =, viewer, idx, total, imgD; if( !hasClass(t, this.getAttribute('data-class-button')) ) return; viewer = imageBoard.imgBrdVw; if( !viewer ) return; idx = viewer.curr; total =; clog("[navigation] index: " + idx); clog("[navigation] total: " + total); idx = parseInt(idx, 10); total = parseInt(total, 10); if( == this.getAttribute('data-prev-id') ) { viewImage( (idx + total - 1)%total ); } else if( == this.getAttribute('data-next-id') ) { viewImage( (idx + total + 1)%total ); } else if( == this.getAttribute('data-download-id') ) { imgD = imageBoard.images.list[idx]; downloadFile( imgD ); } else if( == this.getAttribute('data-source-id') ) { imgD = imageBoard.images.list[idx]; imgD.source ); } } //-------------------------------------- VIEWER-2 ------------------------------------// //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// //------------------------------------- USER MENU ------------------------------------// function initUserMenu() { var retVal = { data: { 'container-id': 'image-board-user-menu-container-' + RANDOM, 'container-class': 'image-board-user-menu-container', 'title-class': 'image-board-user-menu-title', 'content-class': 'image-board-user-menu-content', 'bottom-class': 'image-board-user-menu-bottom', 'open-class': 'image-board-user-menu-open', 'close-class': 'image-board-user-menu-close', }, get containerId(){return['container-id'];}, get containerClass(){return['container-class'];}, get titleClass(){return['title-class'];}, get contentClass(){return['content-class'];}, get bottomClass(){return['bottom-class'];}, get openClass(){return['open-class'];}, get closeClass(){return['close-class'];}, init: function(id, doc){ doc = doc || document; var div = doc.querySelector('div#' + id), btn; clog("div: ", div, id); if( !div ) { console.error("[initUserMenu] can't find div#" + id); return; } var userMenuId = 'image-board-user-menu-id-' + RANDOM, userMenuActive = 'image-board-user-menu-button-active', userMenuBtn = div.querySelector('#' + userMenuId ); if( !userMenuBtn ) { btn = document.createElement('button'); btn.setAttribute('id', userMenuId ); for( var key in ) btn.setAttribute('data-' + key,[key] ); btn.setAttribute('title', 'Press \'Shift+M\' to open/close User Menu'); btn.appendChild(document.createTextNode('User Menu')); userMenuBtn = div.insertBefore( btn, div.firstChild ); } return div; }, }; return retVal; } function handleUserMenuEvent(event) { var dataSet = (this.dataset && this.dataset.containerId ? this.dataset : imageBoard.userMenu ), div = document.querySelector('#' + dataSet.containerId ), body = document.body, contentHtml, bottomHtml, html = ''; if( !div ) { contentHtml = makeUserMenuContentHtml(); bottomHtml = makeUserMenuBottomHtml(); div = document.createElement('div'); div.setAttribute('id', dataSet.containerId); div.setAttribute('class', dataSet.containerClass); html = '' + '<div class="' + dataSet.titleClass + '">' + '<span>' + + ' v' + + '</span>' + '<span class="image-board-user-menu-x"></span>' + '</div>' + '<div class="' + dataSet.contentClass + '">' + contentHtml + '</div>' + '<div class="' + dataSet.bottomClass + '">' + bottomHtml + '</div>'; div.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', html); div = body.appendChild(div); addClass( div, dataSet.closeClass ); activateUserMenu(); } if( hasClass(div, dataSet.openClass) ) {; imageBoard.imgBrdSt.userMenu = false; } else if( hasClass(div, dataSet.closeClass) ) {; imageBoard.imgBrdSt.userMenu = true; } } function makeUserMenuContentHtml() { var typeList = ['checkbox', 'number', 'text'], longOptions = ['tagsOrder', 'ignoredTags'], html = '', key, dt, inp, labl, inputWidth, i, k, catName, keyList; html += '<div class="image-board-user-menu-tabs-navigation">'; html += '<ul class="image-board-user-menu-tabs-list">'; for( i = 0; i < userOptions.categoryList.length; ++i ) { catName = userOptions.categoryList[i]; html += '<li id="image-board-user-menu-tab-nav-' + catName.replace(/\s+/g, '-') + '" ' + 'class="' + (catName === 'General' ? 'tab-nav-active' : '') + '"><span>' + catName + '</span></li>'; } html += '</ul></div>'; html += '<div class="image-board-user-menu-tabs-content">'; for( i = 0; i < userOptions.categoryList.length; ++i ) { catName = userOptions.categoryList[i]; keyList = userOptions.category(catName); html += '<div id="image-board-user-menu-tab-' + catName.replace(/\s+/g, '-') + '" ' + 'tab-selected="' + (catName === 'General' ? 'true' : 'false') + '">'; for( k = 0; k < keyList.length; ++k ) { key = keyList[k]; dt =[key]; if( typeList.indexOf(dt.type) == -1 ) continue; inputWidth = (longOptions.indexOf(key) != -1 ? '200px' : '70px'); inp = '<input id="image-board-user-menu-' + key + '-val" type="' + dt.type + '" ' + 'style="' + (dt.type!=='checkbox' ? 'text-align: center; width: ' + inputWidth: '') + '"/>'; labl = '<label id="image-board-user-menu-' + key + '-caption" ' + (key == 'holdCtrl' ? 'title="Hodor" ': '') + '' + 'for="image-board-user-menu-' + key + '-val" style="cursor: pointer;">' + dt.getDesc() + '</label>'; html += '<section class="image-board-user-menu-section">' + (dt.type === 'checkbox' ? inp + labl : labl + inp ) + '</section>'; } html += '</div>'; } html += '</div>'; return html; } function getUserOptionsListOf( prop ) { var propList = [], key, dt; for( key in ) { dt =[key]; if( propList.indexOf(dt[prop]) == -1 ) propList.push(dt[prop]); } return propList; } function makeUserMenuBottomHtml() { this.btnList = this.btnList || { 'reset': { html: 'Reset', title: 'Reset all options to default ones', }, 'remove': { html: 'Remove', title: 'Remove all saved options', }, 'save': { html: 'Save Settings', title: '', }, }; var key, val, html = ''; for( key in this.btnList ) { val = this.btnList[key]; html += '<button id="image-board-user-menu-' + key + '-button" class="user-menu-button" ' + 'title="' + val.title + '">' + val.html + '</button>'; } return html; } function activateUserMenu() { var doc = document, active = 'image-board-user-menu-button-active', btn, key; var userMenuMethodsObj = { 'save': saveUserMenu, 'remove': removeUserMenu, 'reset': resetUserMenu, 'x': closeUserMenu, 'tabs-navigation': tabsUserMenu, }; for( key in userMenuMethodsObj ) { btn = doc.querySelector('#image-board-user-menu-' + key + '-button'); if( !btn ) btn = doc.querySelector('.image-board-user-menu-' + key ); if( btn && !btn.classList.contains(active) ) { btn.addEventListener('click', userMenuMethodsObj[key], false ); btn.classList.add(active); } } } function setUserMenu() { var doc = document, key, dt, valueElm, captionElm; for( key in ) { dt =[key]; valueElm = doc.querySelector('#image-board-user-menu-' + key + '-val'); if( !valueElm ) continue; else if( dt.type === 'checkbox' ) valueElm.checked = dt.val; else if( dt.type === 'number' || dt.type === 'text' ) valueElm.value = _toString_( dt.val, ', ' ); captionElm = doc.querySelector('#image-board-user-menu-' + key + '-caption'); if( captionElm ) captionElm.textContent = dt.getDesc(); } } function saveUserMenu() { var doc = document, key, dt, valueElm; for( key in ) { dt =[key]; valueElm = doc.querySelector('#image-board-user-menu-' + key + '-val'); if( !valueElm ) continue; else if( dt.type === 'checkbox' ) userOptions.val(key, valueElm.checked ); else if( dt.type === 'number' || dt.type === 'text' ) userOptions.val( key, valueElm.value ); } userOptions.saveData(); closeUserMenu(); renameImages(); resetViewerSettings(); showViewerProgressBar( userOptions.val('showProgress') ); } function renameImages() { if( !imageBoard ) return; try{ var list = imageBoard.images.list, site = imageBoard.siteList.val(); for( var i = 0, len = list.length; i < len; ++i ) site.setImageDataName( list[i] ); }catch(error){ console.error(error); } } function resetViewerSettings() { if( !imageBoard ) return; var viewer = imageBoard.imgBrdVw, container = document.querySelector('#' + viewer.containerId); if( userOptions.val('fixedThumbs') ) addClass( container, 'viewer-thumb-list-fixed' ); else removeClass( container, 'viewer-thumb-list-fixed' ); if( userOptions.val('fixedTags') ) addClass( container, 'viewer-tag-list-fixed' ); else removeClass( container, 'viewer-tag-list-fixed' ); } function removeUserMenu() { userOptions.removeData(); } function resetUserMenu() { userOptions.setDefs(); userOptions.saveData(); setUserMenu(); renameImages(); } function closeUserMenu() { var dataSet =, userMenu = document.querySelector('#' + dataSet['container-id']); toggleClass( userMenu, dataSet['close-class'], dataSet['open-class'] ); imageBoard.imgBrdSt.userMenu = false; } function openUserMenu() { var dataSet =, userMenu = document.querySelector('#' + dataSet['container-id']); toggleClass( userMenu, dataSet['open-class'], dataSet['close-class'] ); setUserMenu(); imageBoard.imgBrdSt.userMenu = true; } function tabsUserMenu(event) { var t =, categoryName, tabsNav, tabs, activeTab, i; if( t.tagName === 'SPAN' ) t = t.parentNode; if( t.tagName !== 'LI' ) return; tabsNav = document.querySelectorAll('.image-board-user-menu-tabs-navigation li'); tabs = document.querySelectorAll('div[tab-selected]'); for( i = 0; i < tabs.length; ++i ) { tabs[i].setAttribute('tab-selected', 'false'); removeClass( tabsNav[i], 'tab-nav-active' ); } categoryName ='image-board-user-menu-tab-nav-', ''); activeTab = document.querySelector('#image-board-user-menu-tab-' + categoryName); if( !activeTab ) return; activeTab.setAttribute('tab-selected', 'true'); addClass(t, 'tab-nav-active'); } //------------------------------------- USER MENU ------------------------------------// //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// //------------------------------------ USER OPTIONS ----------------------------------// async function initOptions() { function _setDef(){this.val = this.def;} var tagsType = ['character', 'copyright', 'artist', 'species', 'model', 'idol', 'photo_set', 'circle', 'medium', 'metadata', 'general', 'faults']; var retVal = { data: { 'autoRun': { val: null, def: true, type: 'checkbox', category: 'General', setDef: _setDef, getDesc: function(){return 'Initialize the Script on start';}, }, 'createViewer': { val: null, def: true, type: 'checkbox', category: 'General', setDef: _setDef, getDesc: function(){return 'Add Image Viewer to ImageBoard';}, }, 'downloadJPEG': { val: null, def: false, type: 'checkbox', category: 'General', setDef: _setDef, getDesc: function(){return 'Donwload jpeg instead of png ( option)';}, }, 'animateProgress': { val: null, def: true, type: 'checkbox', category: 'General', setDef: _setDef, getDesc: function(){return 'Animate initialization/downloading progress'; }, }, 'maxTagsInName': { val: null, def: 10, type: 'number', category: 'Filename', setDef: _setDef, getDesc: function(){return 'Maximum tags in file name:';}, validator: function( v ){ return v > 3 && v < 100; }, }, 'tagsOrder': { _val: null, set val(s){ if( !this._val ) this._val = []; if( typeof s === 'string' ) s = s.split(/\s?\,\s?/i); copy( this._val, s ); }, get val(){return this._val;}, def: tagsType.join(','), type: 'text', category: 'Filename', setDef: _setDef, getDesc: function(){return 'Tags order in file name:';}, validator: function(s){ if( typeof s === 'string' ) s = s.trim().split(/\s?\,\s?/i); for( var i = 0, len = s.length; i < len; ++i ) { if( tagsType.indexOf(s[i]) == -1 ) return false; } return true; }, }, 'ignoredTags': { _val: null, set val(s){ if( !this._val ) this._val = []; if( !s ) s = []; else if( typeof s === 'string' ) s = s.trim().split(','); s.forEach(function(item){item = item.trim();}); this._val.length = 0; for( var i = 0; i < s.length; ++i ) this._val[i] = s[i].trim(); }, get val(){return this._val;}, def: '', type: 'text', category: 'Filename', setDef: _setDef, getDesc: function(){return 'Ignored tag names:';}, }, 'tagsDelim': { val: null, def: '-', type: 'text', category: 'Filename', setDef: _setDef, getDesc: function(){return 'Tags delimeter:';}, validator: function(v){ v = v.toString(); return v.length > 0 && v.length < 5; }, }, 'addImgBrdName': { val: null, def: true, type: 'checkbox', category: 'Filename', setDef: _setDef, getDesc: function(){return 'Add ImageBoard name to file name';}, }, 'prefixedName': { val: null, def: false, type: 'checkbox', category: 'Filename', setDef: _setDef, getDesc: function(){return 'Prefixed ImageBoard name';}, }, 'imgIdAtNameEnd': { val: null, def: true, type: 'checkbox', category: 'Filename', setDef: _setDef, getDesc: function(){return 'Image ID, and ImageBoard name at file name end';}, }, 'viewOriginal': { val: null, def: false, type: 'checkbox', category: 'Viewer', setDef: _setDef, getDesc: function(){return 'View original images';}, }, 'viewJPEG': { val: null, def: false, type: 'checkbox', category: 'Viewer', setDef: _setDef, getDesc: function(){return 'View jpeg image ( option)';}, }, 'viewFirst': { val: null, def: true, type: 'checkbox', category: 'Viewer', setDef: _setDef, getDesc: function(){return 'Load 1st image on viewer activation';}, }, 'holdCtrl': { val: null, def: false, type: 'checkbox', category: 'Viewer', setDef: _setDef, getDesc: function(){return 'Hold Ctrl key to left/right navigate when viewing';}, }, 'fixedTags': { val: null, def: true, type: 'checkbox', category: 'Viewer', setDef: _setDef, getDesc: function(){return 'Fix tag list';}, }, 'fixedThumbs': { val: null, def: false, type: 'checkbox', category: 'Viewer', setDef: _setDef, getDesc: function(){return 'Fix thumb list';}, }, 'showProgress': { val: null, def: true, type: 'checkbox', category: 'Viewer', setDef: _setDef, getDesc: function(){return 'Show progress/status bar';}, }, }, get storageKey(){ return 'user-options-storage-key';}, get categoryList() { var catList = [], key, opt; for( key in ) { opt =[key]; if( catList.indexOf(opt.category) == -1 ) catList.push(opt.category); } Object.defineProperty(this, 'categoryList', { get: function(){return catList;}, enumerable: true, configurable: true, }); return catList; }, category: function( categoryName ) { if( this.keyList === undefined ) { this.keyList = {}; var opt, key, list, i, catName; for( i = 0; i < this.categoryList.length; ++i ) { catName = this.categoryList[i]; list = this.keyList[catName] = []; for( key in ) { opt =[key]; if( opt.category === catName ) list.push(key); } } Object.defineProperty(this, 'category', { value: function(name) { if( this.categoryList.indexOf(name) == -1 ) return null; return this.keyList[name]; }, enumerable: true, configurable: true, }); } return this.keyList[categoryName]; }, val: function( opt, v ) { if([opt] ) { if( v !== undefined ) { if( typeof[opt].validator !== 'function' && v !== null )[opt].val = v; else if([opt].validator(v) )[opt].val = v; } return[opt].val; }else return null; }, fixStorage: async function(){ // backward compatibility with v0.2.0 and older var oldKey = 'user-options-storage-key-1681238', objStr = await GM.getValue( oldKey, '' ); if( objStr ) { GM.deleteValue(oldKey); GM.setValue( this.storageKey, objStr ); } // backward compatibility with v0.7.0 and older var obj = null; objStr = await GM.getValue(this.storageKey, ''); if( objStr ) obj = JSON.parse(objStr); if( obj && obj.viewSample !== undefined ) { obj.viewOriginal = !obj.viewSample; delete obj.viewSample; GM.deleteValue(this.storageKey); GM.setValue(this.storageKey, JSON.stringify(obj)); } }, saveData: function(){ var storageObj = {}; for( var key in ) storageObj[key] =[key].val; GM.setValue( this.storageKey, JSON.stringify(storageObj) ); }, removeData: function(){ GM.deleteValue(this.storageKey); }, loadData: async function(){ var storageObj = await GM.getValue(this.storageKey, null), v; if( storageObj ) storageObj = JSON.parse(storageObj); else storageObj = {}; for( var key in ) { v = storageObj[key]; if( v !== undefined ) this.val( key, v ); else[key].setDef(); } this.saveData(); }, setDefs: function(){ for( var key in )[key].setDef(); this.saveData(); }, init: async function(){ await this.fixStorage(); await this.loadData(); }, }; await retVal.init(); return retVal; } //------------------------------------ USER OPTIONS ----------------------------------// //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// function newCssClasses() { generalCssClass(); userMenuCssClass(); imageViewerCssClass(); progressBarCssClass(); } function generalCssClass() { var id = 'general-css-' + RANDOM; addCssClass(` #image-board-div-${RANDOM} { text-align: right; position: relative; } #image-board-user-menu-container-${RANDOM} button, #image-board-div-${RANDOM} button { margin: 3px 10px; color: ${}; font-weight: bold; width: 180px; border: 0px; padding: 5px; background: ${}; cursor: pointer; } .image-board-viewer-bottom-class button:hover , #image-board-user-menu-container-${RANDOM} button:hover , #image-board-div-${RANDOM} button:hover { background: ${}; color: ${}; } div.image-board-viewer-on , .image-board-user-menu-open { display: initial; } div.image-board-viewer-off , .image-board-user-menu-close { display: none; } .image-board-downloader-off::after { content: " [off]"; } .image-board-downloader-on::after { content: " [on]"; } button.image-board-viewer-off::after { content: " [+]"; } button.image-board-viewer-on::after { content: " [\u2013]"; } .image-board-active-for-view, .image-board-active-for-download { cursor: default; } `, id); } function userMenuCssClass() { var id = 'user-menu-css-' + RANDOM; addCssClass(` .image-board-user-menu-title, #image-board-user-menu-container-${RANDOM} { border-top-left-radius: 5px; border-top-right-radius: 5px; } .image-board-user-menu-bottom, #image-board-user-menu-container-${RANDOM} { border-bottom-left-radius: 5px; border-bottom-right-radius: 5px; } #image-board-user-menu-container-${RANDOM} { position: fixed; bottom: 10px; right: 10px; z-index: 100200; background-color: #e7e7e7; width: 40%; height: 40%; } div.image-board-user-menu-title { font-weight: bold; line-height: 30px; color: ${}; background-color: ${}; position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 30px; } div.image-board-user-menu-title > span { padding-left: 8px; } .image-board-user-menu-x::after, .image-board-user-menu-x::before { content: ""; position: absolute; width: 2px; height: 1.5em; background: ${} !important; display: block; transform: rotate(45deg); left: 50%; margin: -1px 0 0 -1px; top: 0; } .image-board-user-menu-x::before { transform: rotate(-45deg); } .image-board-user-menu-x:hover::after, .image-board-user-menu-x:hover::before { background: ${} !important; } .image-board-user-menu-x:hover { background: ${}; } .image-board-user-menu-x { position: absolute; width: 1.3em; height: 1.3em; cursor: pointer; top: 8px; right: 1px; } div.image-board-user-menu-content { background-color: #eeeeee; overflow-x: auto; overflow-y: hidden; position: absolute; top: 30px; right: 0px; bottom: 30px; left: 0px; } div.image-board-user-menu-content label { font-family: verdana, sans-serif; font-weight: initial; font-size: 12px; color: #7d7d7d !important; line-height: 30px; display: initial !important; white-space: initial !important; } .image-board-user-menu-content label { padding: 0 3px; } .image-board-user-menu-tabs-navigation { position: absolute; left: 0; width: 100px; height: 100%; overflow-y: auto; background-color: #e0e0e0; } .image-board-user-menu-tabs-navigation ul { padding: 0; } .image-board-user-menu-tabs-navigation li { list-style-type: none; color: #7d7d7d !important; height: 30px; line-height: 30px; padding-left: 10px; margin: 0; cursor: pointer; } .image-board-user-menu-tabs-navigation li:hover , .image-board-user-menu-tabs-navigation { background-color: #d0d0d0; } .image-board-user-menu-tabs-navigation { font-weight: bold; } div.image-board-user-menu-tabs-content { position: absolute; left: 100px; right: 0; padding-left: 10px; overflow-y: auto; min-width: 240px; height: 100%; } div.image-board-user-menu-tabs-content div { display: none; } div.image-board-user-menu-tabs-content div[tab-selected="true"] { display: initial; } .image-board-user-menu-bottom { /*text-align: right;*/ background-color: ${}; position: absolute; bottom: 0px; width: 100%; height: 30px; } #image-board-user-menu-reset-button { left: 10px; } #image-board-user-menu-save-button { position: absolute; right: 10px; } #image-board-user-menu-container-${RANDOM} button { width: initial; margin: 1px 2px; padding: 4px 6px; `, id); } function imageViewerCssClass() { var id = 'image-viewer-css-' + RANDOM, col = '#000'; addCssClass(` .image-board-viewer-container { position: fixed; top: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; z-index: 100100; background-color: ${col}; } button.image-board-viewer-btn { cursor: pointer; } .viewer-tag-list li { list-style-type: none; line-height: 1.8em; display: block; padding-left: 4px; } .viewer-thumb-div, .viewer-tag-list * { background-color: #303030; } .viewer-tag-list li.category-0 a, .viewer-tag-list li.tag-type-general a, .viewer-tag-list li.empty-category a { color: #337ab7; } div.viewer-tag-list-fixed > div.viewer-tag-list { opacity: 1; left: 0; } div.viewer-tag-list-fixed > div.viewer-img-list { left: 200px; } .viewer-tag-list:hover { opacity: 1; left: 0; } .viewer-tag-list:hover + * + .viewer-img-list { left: 200px; } .viewer-tag-list { position: absolute; width: 200px; min-width: 50px; top: 0; left: -170px; overflow-y: auto; height: 100%; /*padding: 3px 10px;*/ background-color: #303030; opacity: 0.2; transition: all 0.75s; } div.viewer-thumb-list-fixed > div.viewer-thumb-list { opacity: 1; right: 0; } div.viewer-thumb-list-fixed > div.viewer-img-list { right: 200px; } .viewer-thumb-list:hover { opacity: 1; right: 0; } .viewer-thumb-list { position: absolute; width: 200px; min-width: 50px; top: 0; right: -170px; opacity: 0.2; overflow-y: auto; height: 100%; background-color: #303030; text-align: right; transition: all 0.75s; } .viewer-thumb-div { max-width: 200px; padding: 2px 1px 2px 0; } .viewer-thumb { max-width: 180px; /*max-height: 240px;*/ } .viewer-thumb-list:hover + .viewer-img-list { right: 200px; } .viewer-img-list { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 30px; right: 30px; bottom: 5px; transition: all 0.75s; background-color: ${col}; } .viewer-img-list > .viewer-img-div:not(.img-show) , div[data-image-view-type="none_src"], div[data-image-view-type="vid_file"] > *:not(.vid_file) , div[data-image-view-type="orig_img"] > *:not(.orig_img) , div[data-image-view-type="jpeg_img"] > *:not(.jpeg_img) , div[data-image-view-type="samp_img"] > *:not(.samp_img) { display: none; } .viewer-img-div.img-show { width: 100%; height: 100%; text-align: center; background-color: ${col}; } .viewer-img-div > * { max-width: 100%; max-height: 100%; } .viewer-img-div:before { content: ""; display: inline-block; height: 100%; vertical-align: middle; } .viewer-bottom:hover { opacity: 1; } .viewer-bottom { transition: all 0.5s; opacity: 0.2; background-color: ${col}; } .image-board-viewer-bottom-class { position: absolute; left: 200px; right: 200px; bottom: 0px; text-align: center; } .image-board-viewer-bottom-class button { color: ${}; background-color: #303030;/*${};*/ cursor: initial; margin: 1px 1px 3px 1px; padding: 1px 5px; border: 0; font-weight: bold; } `, id); } function progressBarCssClass() { var id = 'progress-bar-css-' + RANDOM; addCssClass(` @-webkit-keyframes progression{ from{background-position:0px 0px;} to{background-position:50px 0px;} } @-o-keyframes progression{ from{background-position:0px 0px;} to{background-position:50px 0px;} } @keyframes progression{ from{background-position:0px 0px;} to{background-position:50px 0px;} } .progress-bar div.progress-counted { background-color: #da504e; width: 100%; } .progress-bar div.image-ready { background-color: #fda02e; } div.progress-bar > div.progress-complete { background-color: #5db75d; } div.progress-stripe { background-image:-webkit-linear-gradient(-45deg,rgba(255,255,255,0.15) 25%,transparent 25%,transparent 50%,rgba(255,255,255,0.15) 50%,rgba(255,255,255,0.15) 75%,transparent 75%,transparent); background-image:-o-linear-gradient(-45deg,rgba(255,255,255,0.15) 25%,transparent 25%,transparent 50%,rgba(255,255,255,0.15) 50%,rgba(255,255,255,0.15) 75%,transparent 75%,transparent); background-image:linear-gradient(-45deg,rgba(255,255,255,0.15) 25%,transparent 25%,transparent 50%,rgba(255,255,255,0.15) 50%,rgba(255,255,255,0.15) 75%,transparent 75%,transparent); background-size: 50px 50px; height: 12px; } div.progress-bar{ margin: 2px 2px 0px 0px; } .progress-bar > { background-color: #0773fb; } div.progress-animated { animation: progression 2s linear infinite; } `, id); } function addCssClass(cssClass, id) { var style = document.createElement('style'), head = document.querySelector('head'); style.type = 'text/css'; if( id ) style.setAttribute('id', id); if( style.styleSheets ) style.styleSheets.cssText = cssClass; else style.appendChild(document.createTextNode(cssClass)); return head.appendChild(style); } function resetCssClass(cssClass, id) { var style = document.getElementById(id); if( style && style.type === 'text/css' ) remove( style ); addCssClass(cssClass, id); } function attr( elm, name, val ) { var cond = (val === null || val === undefined); if( !elm || !name ) return; if( cond ) { if( elm.length === undefined ) return elm.getAttribute(name); return null; } else if( elm.length > 0 ) [], function(it){it.setAttribute(name, val);}); else elm.setAttribute(name, val); } function addClass( elm, name ) { if( elm && name ) { if( elm.length > 0 ) [], function(it){it.classList.add(name);}); else elm.classList.add(name); } } function removeClass( elm, name ) { if( elm && name ) { if( elm.length > 0 ) [], function(it){it.classList.remove(name);}); else elm.classList.remove(name); } } function hasClass( elm, name ) { if( elm && name ) return elm.classList.contains(name); return false; } function toggleClass( elm, newClass, oldClass ) { if( !elm || !newClass ) return; if( oldClass ) { elm.classList.remove(oldClass); elm.classList.add(newClass); } else if( elm.classList.contains(newClass) ) elm.classList.remove(newClass); else elm.classList.add(newClass); } function getLocation( url, attr ) { if( !url || !attr ) return null; = || document.createElement('a'); = url; return[attr]; } function getFileExt( source ) { var ext = source ? getLocation( source, 'pathname' ) : null; ext = ext ? ext.match(/\.([^\.]+)$/) : null; ext = ext ? ext[1] : null; return ext; } function getSearchObject( search ) { var keys = {}; if( search ) { search = search.replace(/^\?/, ''); search.split('&').forEach(function(item){ item = item.split('='); keys[item[0]] = item[1]; }); } return keys; } function isSameLink( lhs, rhs ) { lhs = getLocation(lhs, 'href'); rhs = getLocation(rhs, 'href'); return lhs === rhs; } function last( arr ) { if( arr && arr.length > 0 ) return arr[arr.length-1]; return null; } function copy( arr, v ) { arr = arr || []; if( v && v.length !== undefined ) { arr.length = 0; for( var i = 0, len = v.length; i < len; ++i ) arr[i] = v[i]; } return arr; } function _toString_( obj, delim ) { if( typeof obj === 'string' ) return obj; else if( obj && obj.length !== undefined ) try{ return obj.join( delim || ', ' ); }catch(e){ return obj.toString(); } else if( obj ) return obj.toString(); return ''; } function nodeWalk() { var len = arguments.length, obj = this, i, arg; for( i = 0; i < len; ++i ) { arg = arguments[i]; if( arg === undefined ) return obj; else if( obj[arg] === undefined ) return null; obj = obj[arg]; } return obj; } function hide( elm ) { if( !elm ) return; else if( elm.length === undefined ) = 'none'; else{ try{ for( var i = 0, len = elm.length; i < len; ++i ) elm[i].style.display = 'none'; }catch(e){console.error(e);} } } function show( elm ) { if( elm ) = ''; } function remove( elm ) { if( elm && elm.parentNode ) return elm.parentNode.removeChild(elm); return null; } function parent( elm, n ) { if( !elm || n === null || n === undefined ) return elm; else if( /^\d+$/.test(n.toString()) ) { n = parseInt(n, 10); for( var i = 0; i < n && elm; ++i ) elm = elm.parentNode; } else if( typeof n === 'string' ) { n = n.toUpperCase(); while( elm && elm.tagName !== n ) elm = elm.parentNode; } return elm; } })();