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// ==UserScript== // @name Extra blog buttons // @description Add extra navigation buttons to the upper left corner of tumblr blogs // @icon // @version 0.1.3 // @license GNU General Public License v3 // @copyright 2014, Nickel // @oujs:author Nickel // @grant GM_addStyle // @include *://** // @exclude *://** // @exclude *://** // @exclude *://* // ==/UserScript== /* TODO var foo = document.getElementById("tumblr_controls"); window.getComputedStyle(foo, null).width */ (function(){ // don't run in frames if( frameElement ){ return; } // don't run without tumblr elements if( ! document.getElementById('tumblr_controls') ){ return; } // fallback (Chrome lacks GM functions) if( typeof GM_addStyle != 'function' ) { function GM_addStyle(css) { var head, style; head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; if( !head ){ return; } style = document.createElement('style'); style.type = 'text/css'; style.innerHTML = css; head.appendChild(style); } } // origin var origin = document.createElement("div"); = "userscript-extra-buttons"; document.body.appendChild(origin); GM_addStyle("#userscript-extra-buttons {position:fixed; width:160px; height:20px; top:4px; left:5px; z-index:2147483647;}"); GM_addStyle("#userscript-extra-buttons a {display:block; float:left; margin-right:3px; width:21px; height:100%; border-radius:2px; outline:0;}"); var splitUrl=window.location.href.split("/"); var blogname =".")[0]; // add dash button (TODO: check if following/own blog) if ( splitUrl[3] == "post" ) { var pid = splitUrl[4]; pid = Number(pid)+1; var elm = document.createElement("a"); elm.setAttribute( "style", "background:url( repeat-x #222; width:28px;" ); elm.href = "" + pid + "?lite"; elm.title = "Locate on Dashboard"; origin.appendChild( elm ); } // add liked-by button (TODO: check if main blog) var elm = document.createElement("a"); elm.setAttribute( "style", "background:url( no-repeat #222;" ); elm.href = "" + blogname; elm.title = "Liked by " + blogname; origin.appendChild( elm ); // add archive button var elm = document.createElement("a"); //elm.setAttribute( "style", "background:url( no-repeat #222;" ); elm.setAttribute( "style", "background:url( no-repeat #222;" ); elm.href = "http://" + blogname + ""; elm.title = "Blog Archive"; origin.appendChild( elm ); // add Home Button var elm = document.createElement("a"); elm.setAttribute( "style", "background:url( no-repeat #222;" ); elm.href = "http://" + blogname + ""; elm.title = "Blog Home"; origin.appendChild( elm ); // add prev/next page buttons var page = -1; var lastPage = 1000; // TODO if( splitUrl[splitUrl.length-2] == "page" ){ page = Number(splitUrl[splitUrl.length-1]); } else if( splitUrl[3] == "" || splitUrl[3] == "tagged" || splitUrl[3] == "search" ){ page = 1; } if( page > 1 ){ var elm = document.createElement("a"); elm.setAttribute( "style", "background:url( 50% no-repeat #222;" ); elm.href = window.location.href.replace( /\/$/, "" ).replace( /\/page\/[0-9]+$/, "" ) + "/page/" + (page-1); elm.title = "prev page"; origin.appendChild( elm ); } if( page > -1 && page < lastPage ){ var elm = document.createElement("a"); elm.setAttribute( "style", "background:url( 50% no-repeat #222;" ); elm.href = window.location.href.replace( /\/$/, "" ).replace( /\/page\/[0-9]+$/, "" ) + "/page/" + (page+1); elm.title = "next page"; origin.appendChild( elm ); var elm = document.createElement("a"); elm.setAttribute( "style", "background:url( 50% no-repeat #222; width:24px; transform:scaleX(-1);" ); elm.href = window.location.href.replace( /\/$/, "" ).replace( /\/page\/[0-9]+$/, "" ) + "/page/" + (page+10); //TODO: lastPage elm.title = "jump ahead 10 pages"; origin.appendChild( elm ); } })();