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// ==UserScript== // @name GitHub Sort Reactions // @version 0.2.17 // @description A userscript that sorts comments by reaction // @license MIT // @author Rob Garrison // @namespace // @match* // @run-at document-idle // @grant GM_addStyle // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_setValue // @require // @icon // @updateURL // @downloadURL // @supportURL // ==/UserScript== (() => { "use strict"; const nonInteger = /[^\d]/g; const reactionValues = { "THUMBS_UP": 1, "HOORAY": 1, "HEART": 1, "LAUGH": 0.5, "CONFUSED": -0.5, "THUMBS_DOWN": -1 }; const currentSort = { init: false, el: null, dir: 0, // 0 = unsorted, 1 = desc, 2 = asc busy: false, type: GM_getValue("selected-reaction", "NONE") }; const emojiSrc = ""; const sortBlock = ` <div class="TimelineItem ghsr-sort-block ghsr-is-collapsed js-timeline-progressive-focus-container"> <div class="avatar-parent-child TimelineItem-avatar border ghsr-sort-avatar ghsr-no-selection"> <div class="ghsr-icon-wrap tooltipped tooltipped-n" aria-label="Click to toggle reaction sort menu"> <svg aria-hidden="true" class="octicon ghsr-sort-icon" xmlns="" width="25" height="40" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M15 8 1 8 8 0zM15 9 1 9 8 16z"/> </svg> </div> <g-emoji></g-emoji> <button class="ghsr-sort-button ghsr-avatar-sort btn btn-sm tooltipped tooltipped-n" aria-label="Toggle selected reaction sort direction"> <span></span> </button> </div> <div class="timeline-comment ml-n3"> <div class="timeline-comment-header comment comment-body"> <h3 class="timeline-comment-header-text f5 text-normal"> <button class="ghsr-sort-button btn btn-sm tooltipped tooltipped-n" type="button" aria-label="Sort by +1 reaction" data-sort="THUMBS_UP"> <g-emoji alias="+1" class="emoji" fallback-src="${emojiSrc}/1f44d.png">👍</g-emoji> </button> <button class="ghsr-sort-button btn btn-sm tooltipped tooltipped-n" type="button" aria-label="Sort by -1 reaction" data-sort="THUMBS_DOWN"> <g-emoji alias="-1" class="emoji" fallback-src="${emojiSrc}/1f44e.png">👎</g-emoji> </button> <button class="ghsr-sort-button btn btn-sm tooltipped tooltipped-n" type="button" aria-label="Sort by laugh reaction" data-sort="LAUGH"> <g-emoji alias="smile" class="emoji" fallback-src="${emojiSrc}/1f604.png">😄</g-emoji> </button> <button class="ghsr-sort-button btn btn-sm tooltipped tooltipped-n" type="button" aria-label="Sort by hooray reaction" data-sort="HOORAY"> <g-emoji alias="tada" class="emoji" fallback-src="${emojiSrc}/1f389.png">🎉</g-emoji> </button> <button class="ghsr-sort-button btn btn-sm tooltipped tooltipped-n" type="button" aria-label="Sort by confused reaction" data-sort="CONFUSED"> <g-emoji alias="thinking_face" class="emoji" fallback-src="${emojiSrc}/1f615.png">😕</g-emoji> </button> <button class="ghsr-sort-button btn btn-sm tooltipped tooltipped-n" type="button" aria-label="Sort by heart reaction" data-sort="HEART"> <g-emoji alias="heart" class="emoji" fallback-src="${emojiSrc}/2764.png">❤️</g-emoji> </button> <button class="ghsr-sort-button btn btn-sm tooltipped tooltipped-n tooltipped-multiline" type="button" aria-label="Sort by reaction evaluation (thumbs up, hooray & heart = +1; laugh = +0.5; confused = -0.5; thumbs down = -1)" data-sort="ACTIVE"> <g-emoji alias="speak_no_evil" class="emoji" fallback-src="${emojiSrc}/1f64a.png">🙊</g-emoji> </button> </h3> </div> </div> </div>`; function sumOfReactions(el) { return Object.keys(reactionValues).reduce((sum, item) => { const elm = $(`.comment-reactions-options button[value*="${item}"]`, el); return sum + (getValue(elm) * reactionValues[item]); }, 0); } function getValue(elm) { return elm ? parseInt(elm.textContent.replace(nonInteger, "") || "0", 10) : 0; } function extractSortValue(elm, type, dir) { if (dir === 0 || type === "NONE" || type === "ACTIVE") { return parseFloat( elm.dataset[`sortComment${dir === 0 ? "Date" : "Sum"}`] ); } return getValue($(`.comment-reactions button[value*="${type}"]`, elm)); } function stableSortValue(elm) { return parseInt(elm.dataset.sortCommentDate, 10); } function updateAvatar() { GM_setValue("selected-reaction", currentSort.type); const block = $(".ghsr-sort-block"), avatar = $(".ghsr-sort-avatar", block), icon = $(".ghsr-sort-button span", avatar); if (avatar) { let current = $(`.comment-body [data-sort=${currentSort.type}]`, block); avatar.classList.remove("ghsr-no-selection"); avatar.replaceChild( $("g-emoji", current).cloneNode(true), $("g-emoji", avatar) ); if (currentSort.dir === 0) { // use unsorted svg in sort button current = $(".ghsr-sort-icon", avatar).cloneNode(true); current.classList.remove("ghsr-sort-icon"); icon.textContent = ""; icon.appendChild(current); } else { icon.textContent = currentSort.dir !== 1 ? "▲" : "▼"; } } } function sort() { currentSort.busy = true; const fragment = document.createDocumentFragment(), container = $(".js-discussion"), sortBlock = $(".ghsr-sort-block"), loadMore = $("#progressive-timeline-item-container"), dir = currentSort.dir, sortAsc = dir !== 1, type = currentSort.el ? currentSort.el.dataset.sort : "NONE"; currentSort.type = type; updateAvatar(); $$(".js-timeline-item") .sort((a, b) => { const av = extractSortValue(a, type, dir), bv = extractSortValue(b, type, dir); if (av === bv) { return stableSortValue(a) - stableSortValue(b); } return sortAsc ? av - bv : bv - av; }) .forEach(el => { fragment.appendChild(el); }); container.appendChild(fragment); if (loadMore) { // Move load more comments to top sortBlock.parentNode.insertBefore(loadMore, sortBlock.nextSibling); } setTimeout(() => { currentSort.busy = false; }, 100); } function update() { if (!currentSort.init || $$(".has-reactions").length < 2) { return toggleSortBlock(false); } toggleSortBlock(true); const items = $$(".js-timeline-item:not([data-sort-comment-date])"); if (items) { items.forEach(el => { let date = $("[datetime]", el); if (date) { date = date.getAttribute("datetime"); el.setAttribute("data-sort-comment-date", Date.parse(date)); } // Add reset date & most active summation el.setAttribute("data-sort-comment-sum", sumOfReactions(el)); }); } if (currentSort.el && !currentSort.busy) { sort(); } } function initSort(event) { let direction, target =; if (target.classList.contains("ghsr-sort-button")) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); if (target.classList.contains("ghsr-avatar-sort")) { // Using avatar sort button; retarget button target = $(`.ghsr-sort-button[data-sort="${currentSort.type}"]`); currentSort.el = target; } $$(".ghsr-sort-button").forEach(el => { el.classList.toggle("selected", el === target); el.classList.remove("asc", "desc"); }); if (currentSort.el === target) { currentSort.dir = (currentSort.dir + 1) % 3; } else { currentSort.el = target; currentSort.dir = 1; } if (currentSort.dir !== 0) { direction = currentSort.dir === 1 ? "desc" : "asc"; currentSort.el.classList.add(direction); $(".ghsr-avatar-sort").classList.add(direction); } sort(); } else if (target.matches(".ghsr-sort-avatar, .ghsr-icon-wrap")) { $(".ghsr-sort-block").classList.toggle("ghsr-is-collapsed"); } } function toggleSortBlock(show) { const block = $(".ghsr-sort-block"); if (block) { = show ? "block" : "none"; } else if (show) { addSortBlock(); } } function addSortBlock() { currentSort.busy = true; const first = $(".TimelineItem"); if (first) { first.classList.add("ghsr-skip-sort"); first.insertAdjacentHTML("afterEnd", sortBlock); } currentSort.busy = false; } function init() { if (!currentSort.init) { GM_addStyle(` .ghsr-sort-block .comment-body { padding: 0 10px; } .ghsr-sort-block .timeline-comment-header { position: relative; } .ghsr-sort-block .emoji { vertical-align: baseline; pointer-events: none; } .ghsr-sort-block .btn.asc .emoji:after { content: "▲"; } .ghsr-sort-block .btn.desc .emoji:after { content: "▼"; } .ghsr-sort-avatar, .ghsr-icon-wrap { height: 48px; width: 44px; text-align: center; } .ghsr-sort-avatar { background: rgba(128, 128, 128, 0.2); border: #777 1px solid; } .ghsr-sort-avatar .emoji { position: relative; top: -36px; } .ghsr-sort-avatar svg { pointer-events: none; } .ghsr-sort-avatar.ghsr-no-selection { cursor: pointer; padding: 0 4px 0 0; } .ghsr-sort-avatar.ghsr-no-selection .emoji, .ghsr-sort-avatar.ghsr-no-selection .btn, .ghsr-sort-avatar:not(.ghsr-no-selection) svg.ghsr-sort-icon { display: none; } .ghsr-sort-avatar .btn { border-radius: 20px; width: 20px; height: 20px; position: absolute; bottom: -5px; right: -5px; } .ghsr-sort-avatar .btn span { position: absolute; left: 5px; top: 0; pointer-events: none; } .ghsr-sort-avatar .btn.asc span { top: -3px; } .ghsr-sort-avatar .btn span svg { height: 10px; width: 10px; vertical-align: unset; } .ghsr-sort-block.ghsr-is-collapsed h3, .ghsr-sort-block.ghsr-is-collapsed .timeline-comment:before, .ghsr-sort-block.ghsr-is-collapsed .timeline-comment:after { display: none; } .ghsr-sort-block.ghsr-is-collapsed .timeline-comment { margin: 10px 0; } .ghsr-sort-block.ghsr-is-collapsed .TimelineItem-avatar { top: 6px; } `); document.addEventListener("ghmo:container", update); document.addEventListener("ghmo:comments", update); document.addEventListener("click", initSort); currentSort.init = true; update(); // "NONE" can only be seen on userscript init/factory reset if ($(".ghsr-sort-block") && currentSort.type !== "NONE") { updateAvatar(); } } } function $(selector, el) { return (el || document).querySelector(selector); } function $$(selector, el) { return [...(el || document).querySelectorAll(selector)]; } if (document.readyState === "loading") { document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", update, {once: true}); } else { init(); } })();