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// ==UserScript== // @name Hide unwanted streams on Twitch // @description Blocks content that you don't want to see on, such as channels, games, videos etc. // @namespace // @version 1.3.28 // @author LinogeFly // @license MIT // @supportURL // @include http://** // @include https://** // @grant GM.getValue // @grant GM.setValue // @grant GM.deleteValue // @run-at document-start // @require // @require // ==/UserScript== // Constants var husot = husot || {}; husot.constants = husot.constants || {}; husot.constants.blockedChannelsSettingsKey = 'blockedChannels'; husot.constants.blockedGamesSettingsKey = 'blockedGames'; husot.constants.blockedChannelsListEmpty = 'No Blocked Channels'; husot.constants.blockedGamesListEmpty = 'No Blocked Games'; husot.constants.modalDialogShowingSpeed = 150; husot.constants.allowedUrls = [ '^https?://([a-zA-Z]+\.)?$', '^https?://([a-zA-Z]+\.)?|/.+)$', '^https?://([a-zA-Z]+\.)?', '^https?://([a-zA-Z]+\.)?[^/]+/?$' ]; husot.constants.blockedItemType = husot.constants.blockedItemType || {}; = 'game'; = 'channel'; // DOM Listener module var husot = husot || {}; husot.domListener = husot.domListener || {}; husot.domListener = (function () { var MutationObserver = window.MutationObserver || window.WebKitMutationObserver; var observer = new MutationObserver(function (mutations) { // Don't process page if its URL is not allowed if (!isUrlAllowed(document.URL)) { return; } modifyThumbs(mutations, husot.thumbs.streamThumbsManager); modifyThumbs(mutations, husot.thumbs.gameThumbsManager); }); function start() { observer.observe(document.body, { childList: true, subtree: true }); } function stop() { observer.disconnect(); } function modifyThumbs(mutations, thumbsManager) { // Process thumbs if they were added to the DOM if (!isThumbsAdded(mutations, thumbsManager.getDomListnerThumbSelector())) { return } // Add overlay menu stop(); thumbsManager.addThumbOverlays(); start(); // Hide blocked thumbs thumbsManager.hideThumbs(); } function isUrlAllowed(url) { return husot.constants.allowedUrls.some(function (item) { return (new RegExp(item)).test(decodeURIComponent(url)); }); } function isThumbsAdded(mutations, selector) { return mutations.some(function (item) { return $(item.addedNodes).find(selector).filter(function () { // Check that thumbnail is hidden explicitly and not because an ancestor element is hidden return $(this).css('display') !== 'none'; }).length !== 0; }); } return { start: start, isUrlAllowed: isUrlAllowed }; })(); // Exceptions var husot = husot || {}; husot.exceptions = husot.exceptions || {}; husot.exceptions.abstractFunctionCall = function () { return 'Cannot call abstract function' }; husot.exceptions.notImplemented = function () { return 'Method or operation is not implemented' }; husot.exceptions.argumentNullOrEmpty = function (argumentName) { return 'Argument "{0}" is undefined or empty'.format(argumentName); }; husot.exceptions.argumentOneElementExpected = function (argumentName) { return 'More than one element in argument "{0}"'.format(argumentName); }; husot.exceptions.elementNotFound = function (elementName) { return '{0} not found. CSS selector must be broken.'.format(elementName); }; husot.exceptions.elementNotFoundFor = function (elementName, forName) { return '{0} not found for {1}. CSS selector must be broken.'.format(elementName, forName); }; // Helper functions if (!String.format) { String.prototype.format = function () { var args = arguments; return this.replace(/{(\d+)}/g, function (match, number) { return typeof args[number] != 'undefined' ? args[number] : match; }); }; }; if (!String.trimSlash) { String.prototype.trimSlash = function () { return this.replace(/^\/|\/$/g, ''); }; }; // HTML Templates // TODO: Move into separate files var husot = husot || {}; husot.htmlLayout = husot.htmlLayout || {}; husot.htmlLayout.streamOverlay = '\ <div class="husot-thumbOverlay">\ <ul class="husot-thumbOverlay-menu">\ <li><a class="husot-blockStreamBtn" href="javascript:void(0);">Block</a></li>\ <li class="husot-thumbOverlay-menu-separator"> | </li>\ <li><a class="husot-showSettingsBtn" href="javascript:void(0);">Settings</a></li>\ </ul>\ </div>'; husot.htmlLayout.settingsWindow = '\ <div class="husot-settings husot-modalWindow">\ <ul class="husot-settings-nav">\ <li class="husot-settings-nav-item">\ <a class="husot-settings-nav-item-name" data-husot-contentPanelId="husot-settings-blockedChannelsList">Blocked Channels</a>\ </li>\ <li class="husot-settings-nav-item">\ <a class="husot-settings-nav-item-name" data-husot-contentPanelId="husot-settings-blockedGamesList">Blocked Games</a>\ </li>\ </ul>\ <ul class="husot-settings-blockedList" id="husot-settings-blockedChannelsList"></ul>\ <ul class="husot-settings-blockedList" id="husot-settings-blockedGamesList"></ul>\ <div class="husot-settings-footer">\ <a href="#" class="husot-modalClose husot-button">Close</a>\ </div>\ </div>'; husot.htmlLayout.modalDialogOverlay = '<div class="husot-modalOverlay"></div>'; husot.htmlLayout.blockedListItem = '\ <li class="husot-settings-blockedList-item">\ <div class="husot-settings-blockedList-item-name">{0}</div>\ <a class="husot-settings-blockedList-item-unblockBtn husot-button" href="javascript:void(0);">Unblock</a>\ </li>'; husot.htmlLayout.blockedListItemEmpty = '<li><div class="husot-settings-blockedList-item-empty">{0}</div></li>'; // Log manager var husot = husot || {}; husot.log = husot.log || {}; = function (obj) { console.log('HUSOT: ' + obj); }; husot.log.error = function (obj) { console.error('HUSOT: ' + obj); }; husot.log.debug = function (obj) { if (typeof husot.debug === 'undefined') { return; } console.log('HUSOT DEBUG: ' + obj); }; // Modal Dialog module var husot = husot || {}; husot.modalDialog = husot.modalDialog || {}; husot.modalDialog = (function () { function initOverlay() { if ($('.husot-modalOverlay').length) { return; } var $overlay = $(husot.htmlLayout.modalDialogOverlay); $; $(document.body).append($overlay); } function create($modalWindow) { $ (event) { event.stopPropagation(); }); $modalWindow.find('.husot-modalClose').click(close); $('.husot-modalOverlay').append($modalWindow); } function show($modalWindow) { $('.husot-modalOverlay').fadeIn(husot.constants.modalDialogShowingSpeed); $modalWindow.fadeIn({ queue: false, duration: husot.constants.modalDialogShowingSpeed }); $modalWindow.animate({ 'margin-top': '40px' }, husot.constants.modalDialogShowingSpeed); } function close(event) { $('.husot-modalOverlay').fadeOut(husot.constants.modalDialogShowingSpeed); var $modalWindow = $('.husot-modalWindow'); $modalWindow.fadeOut(husot.constants.modalDialogShowingSpeed); $modalWindow.animate({ 'margin-top': '50px' }, husot.constants.modalDialogShowingSpeed); } return { initOverlay: initOverlay, create: create, show: show, close: close, }; })(); // Inject javaScript into main window var husot = husot || {}; husot.injector = husot.injector || {}; husot.injector.addScripts = function () { var script = document.createElement('script'); script.textContent = 'document.addEventListener(\"husot.loadMoreThumbs\",function(){$(\"#directory-list\").trigger(\"scroll\")});'; (document.head || document.documentElement).appendChild(script); script.parentNode.removeChild(script); }; // Application settings var husot = husot || {}; husot.settings = husot.settings || {}; husot.settings.BlockedItems = function (settingsKey) { this._settingsKey = settingsKey; this._blockedItems; // For caching }; husot.settings.BlockedItems.prototype = { _get: function (name, callback) { this.list(function (items) { var $item = $.grep(items, function (x) { return x === name; }); if (!$item.length) { callback(); } else { callback($item[0]); } }); }, add: function (name, callback) { var self = this, start = new Date().getTime(); // Initial checks if (typeof name === 'undefined' || name === '') { return; } husot.log.debug('husot.settings.BlockedItems.add() starts'); self._get(name, function (item) { // Don't process if already in the list if (typeof item !== 'undefined') { callback(); return; } // Add to the list self.list(function (items) { items.push(name); husot.settings.setValue(self._settingsKey, JSON.stringify(items), function () { // Invalidate cached list of blocked items self._blockedItems = undefined; husot.log.debug('husot.settings.BlockedItems.add() ends after {0} ms'.format((new Date().getTime()) - start)); callback(); }); }); }); }, remove: function (name, callback) { var self = this; // Initial checks if (typeof name === 'undefined' || name === '') { callback(); return; } this._get(name, function (item) { // Don't process if not in the list if (typeof item === 'undefined') { callback(); return; } // Remove from the list self.list(function (items) { var index = $.inArray(item, items); items.splice(index, 1); husot.settings.setValue(self._settingsKey, JSON.stringify(items), function () { // Invalidate cached list of blocked items self._blockedItems = undefined; callback(); }); }); }); }, list: function (callback) { var self = this, start = new Date().getTime(); if (typeof self._blockedItems === 'undefined') { husot.log.debug('husot.settings.BlockedItems.list() starts'); husot.settings.getValue(self._settingsKey, '[]', function (item) { // Convert to JSON var items = JSON.parse(item); items = (x) { // Backward compatibility // Previously, items were stored not as array of strings but as objects with 'name' property. // So trying to fetch 'name' property first. if (typeof !== 'undefined') { return; } return x; }); // Sort by name alphabetically items.sort(function (a, b) { return a.localeCompare(b); }); // Save in cache self._blockedItems = items; husot.log.debug('husot.settings.BlockedItems.list() ends after {0} ms'.format((new Date().getTime()) - start)); // Return if (typeof callback !== 'undefined') { callback(self._blockedItems); } }); } else { if (typeof callback !== 'undefined') { callback(self._blockedItems); } } } }; // Settings UI var husot = husot || {}; husot.settings = husot.settings || {}; husot.settings.ui = husot.settings.ui || {}; // class Tab husot.settings.ui.Tab = function ($blockedList, blockedItemsManager, emptyText, thumbsManager) { this._$blockedList = $blockedList; this._blockedItemsManager = blockedItemsManager; this._emptyText = emptyText; this._thumbsManager = thumbsManager; }; husot.settings.ui.Tab.prototype = (function () { return { _unblockBtn_onClick: function (self, sender) { var $sender = $(sender); var $blockedListItem = $sender.closest('.husot-settings-blockedList-item'); var name = $blockedListItem.find('.husot-settings-blockedList-item-name').text(); self._blockedItemsManager.remove(name, function () { self.loadBlockedItems(); self._thumbsManager.showThumbs(name); }); }, loadBlockedItems: function () { var self = this; this._blockedItemsManager.list(function (items) { self._$blockedList.empty(); if (items.length === 0) { self._$blockedList.append(husot.htmlLayout.blockedListItemEmpty.format(self._emptyText)); return; } items.forEach(function (item) { var $blockedListItem = $(husot.htmlLayout.blockedListItem.format(item)); var $unblockBtn = $('.husot-settings-blockedList-item-unblockBtn', $blockedListItem); $ () { self._unblockBtn_onClick(self, this); }); self._$blockedList.append($blockedListItem); }); }); }, activate: function () { husot.settings.ui.activateTab(this._$blockedList.attr('id')); } } })(); // class Window husot.settings.ui.Window = function () { var create = function () { var $settingsWindow = $(husot.htmlLayout.settingsWindow); $('.husot-settings-nav-item-name', $settingsWindow).click(navItem_onClick); husot.modalDialog.create($settingsWindow); } // Event handlers for switching content of the tabs var navItem_onClick = function () { var tabId = $(this).attr('data-husot-contentPanelId'); husot.settings.ui.activateTab(tabId); } // Class initialization create(); this._blockedChannelsTab = new husot.settings.ui.Tab( $('#husot-settings-blockedChannelsList'), husot.settings.blockedChannels, husot.constants.blockedChannelsListEmpty, husot.thumbs.streamThumbsManager ); this._blockedGamesTab = new husot.settings.ui.Tab( $('#husot-settings-blockedGamesList'), husot.settings.blockedGames, husot.constants.blockedGamesListEmpty, husot.thumbs.gameThumbsManager ); } husot.settings.ui.Window.prototype = { init: function (blockedItemType) { // Load tab content this._blockedChannelsTab.loadBlockedItems(); this._blockedGamesTab.loadBlockedItems(); // Activate tab if (typeof blockedItemType === 'undefined' || blockedItemType === '') { return; } if (blockedItemType === { this._blockedChannelsTab.activate(); return; } if (blockedItemType === { this._blockedGamesTab.activate(); return; } throw Error('Unknown blockedItemType'); } } // Helper static functions husot.settings.ui.activateTab = function (tabId) { // Hide all tabs $('.husot-settings-blockedList').hide(); $('.husot-settings-nav-item-name').removeClass('husot-settings-nav-item-name-active'); // Show active tab var $tabHeader = $('.husot-settings-nav-item-name[data-husot-contentPanelId={0}]'.format(tabId)); var $tab = $('#{0}'.format(tabId)); $; $tabHeader.addClass('husot-settings-nav-item-name-active'); }; // Video Thumbnails module var husot = husot || {}; husot.thumbs = husot.thumbs || {}; // abstract class ThumbsManagerBase husot.thumbs.ThumbsManagerBase = function () { } husot.thumbs.ThumbsManagerBase.prototype = { _getContainerJQuery: function () { throw Error(husot.exceptions.abstractFunctionCall()); }, _getThumbJQuery: function () { throw Error(husot.exceptions.abstractFunctionCall()); }, _addThumbOverlay: function ($thumb) { var self = this; // Initial checks if ($thumb.find('.husot-thumbOverlay').length) { return; }; // Add overlay var $thumbOverlay = $(husot.htmlLayout.streamOverlay); $thumb.append($thumbOverlay); // Add event handlers for overlay buttons $thumbOverlay.find('.husot-blockStreamBtn').click(function (event) { event.stopPropagation(); }); $thumbOverlay.find('.husot-blockStreamBtn').click(function () { self._blockBtn_onClick(self, this) }); $thumbOverlay.find('.husot-showSettingsBtn').click(function (event) { event.stopPropagation(); }); $thumbOverlay.find('.husot-showSettingsBtn').click(function () { self._showSettingsBtn_onClick(self, this); }); // Add hover event handler to a stream/video thumb in order to hide/show overlay menu $thumb.hover(function () { $; }, function () { $thumbOverlay.hide(); }); }, _blockBtn_onClick: function (self, sender) { throw Error(husot.exceptions.abstractFunctionCall()); }, _showSettingsBtn_onClick: function (self, sender) { throw Error(husot.exceptions.abstractFunctionCall()); }, // Triggers "infinite scroll" feature on Twitch to load more stream/video thumbnails // in order to make sure that page it is filled with new thumbnails after some thumbnails were hidden. _loadMoreThumbs: function () { husot.log.debug('Triggering "infinite scroll" to load more thumbs'); // Raise injected custom event that triggers "infinite scroll" feature on Twitch. var event = document.createEvent('Event'); event.initEvent('husot.loadMoreThumbs', true, true); document.dispatchEvent(event); }, _notifyAboutHiddenThumbs: function (count) { // Initial checks if (count === 0) { return }'{0} thumbnail{1} {2} hidden'.format( count, (count > 1 ? 's' : ''), (count > 1 ? 'were' : 'was') )); }, _notifyAboutShownThumbs: function (count) { // Initial checks if (count === 0) { return }'{0} thumbnail{1} {2} shown'.format( count, (count > 1 ? 's' : ''), (count > 1 ? 'were' : 'was') )); }, getDomListnerThumbSelector: function () { throw Error(husot.exceptions.abstractFunctionCall()); }, addThumbOverlays: function () { var self = this; // Initial checks var $thumbs = self._getThumbJQuery(); if (!$thumbs.length) { return; } $thumbs.each(function () { self._addThumbOverlay($(this)); }); }, hideThumbs: function () { throw Error(husot.exceptions.abstractFunctionCall()); }, showThumbs: function (name) { throw Error(husot.exceptions.abstractFunctionCall()); } }; // class StreamThumbsManager: ThumbsManagerBase husot.thumbs.StreamThumbsManager = function () {; } husot.thumbs.StreamThumbsManager.prototype = Object.create(husot.thumbs.ThumbsManagerBase.prototype); husot.thumbs.StreamThumbsManager.prototype.constructor = husot.thumbs.StreamThumbsManager; husot.thumbs.StreamThumbsManager.prototype.getDomListnerThumbSelector = function () { return '[data-a-target="live-channel-card-title-link"]'; } husot.thumbs.StreamThumbsManager.prototype._getContainerJQuery = function () { return $('[data-target="directory-game__card_container"]').parent(); } husot.thumbs.StreamThumbsManager.prototype._getThumbJQuery = function () { return $('[data-target="directory-game__card_container"]').find('figure:first'); } husot.thumbs.StreamThumbsManager.prototype._getGameName = function ($thumbContainer) { var self = this; // Initial checks if (typeof $thumbContainer === 'undefined' || !$thumbContainer.length) { throw Error(husot.exceptions.argumentNullOrEmpty('$thumbContainer')); } var $game = $thumbContainer.find('[data-a-target="live-channel-card-game-link"]') .filter(function () { // Check that game thumbnail is hidden explicitly and not because an ancestor element is hidden return $(this).css('display') !== 'none'; }); if (!$game.length) { return ''; } return $game.attr('title').trim(); } husot.thumbs.StreamThumbsManager.prototype._getChannelName = function ($thumbContainer) { var self = this; var map = [ { urls: [ '^https?://([a-zA-Z]+\.)?|/.+)$' ], name: function () { return $thumbContainer.find('[data-a-target="live-channel-card-title-link"]').attr('href').trimSlash(); } }, // Default (should be the last one) { name: function() { return $thumbContainer.find('[data-a-target="live-channel-card-title-link"]').attr('href').trimSlash(); } } ]; // Initial checks if (typeof $thumbContainer === 'undefined' || !$thumbContainer.length) { throw Error(husot.exceptions.argumentNullOrEmpty('$thumbContainer')); } return self._getChannelNameForUrl(map); } husot.thumbs.StreamThumbsManager.prototype._getChannelNameForUrl = function (map) { var result; map.forEach(function (item) { if (result) { // Selector has been found already return; }; if (!item.urls) { // Gets default selector that doesn't have URLs result =; return; }; var isMatch = item.urls.some(function (url) { return (new RegExp(url)).test(decodeURIComponent(document.URL)); }); if (isMatch) { result =; return; } }); if (typeof result === 'undefined') { throw Error('CSS selector for "Channel name" not found.'); } return result; } husot.thumbs.StreamThumbsManager.prototype._showSettingsBtn_onClick = function (self, sender) { husot.settings.ui.window.init(;$('.husot-settings')); } husot.thumbs.StreamThumbsManager.prototype._blockBtn_onClick = function (self, sender) { var $sender = $(sender); var $thumbContainer = $sender.closest(self._getContainerJQuery()); // Initial checks if (!$thumbContainer.length) { throw Error(husot.exceptions.elementNotFound('Thumb container')); }; var name = self._getChannelName($thumbContainer); husot.settings.blockedChannels.add(name, function () { self._hideThumbs(name); self._loadMoreThumbs(); }); } husot.thumbs.StreamThumbsManager.prototype._hideThumbs = function (name) { var self = this; var $thumbContainers = self._getThumbContainersForChannel(name).filter(':visible'); // Initial checks if (!$thumbContainers.length) { throw Error(husot.exceptions.elementNotFoundFor('Thumb container', '"{0}" channel'.format(name))); }; $thumbContainers.hide(); self._notifyAboutHiddenThumbs($thumbContainers.length); } husot.thumbs.StreamThumbsManager.prototype._getThumbContainersForChannel = function (name) { var self = this; var $thumbContainers = self._getContainerJQuery(); // No stream thumbs on the page if (!$thumbContainers.length) { return $(); } return $thumbContainers.filter(function () { var $this = $(this); var channelName = self._getChannelName($this); return channelName.toLowerCase() === name.toLowerCase(); }); } husot.thumbs.StreamThumbsManager.prototype._getThumbContainersForGame = function (name) { var self = this; var $thumbContainers = self._getContainerJQuery(); // No stream thumbs on the page if (!$thumbContainers.length) { return $(); } return $thumbContainers.filter(function () { var $this = $(this); var gameName = self._getGameName($this); return gameName.toLowerCase() === name.toLowerCase(); }); } husot.thumbs.StreamThumbsManager.prototype._isThumbMustBeHiddenForChannel = function ($thumbContainer, blockedChannels) { var self = this; // Initial checks if (typeof $thumbContainer === 'undefined' || !$thumbContainer.length) { throw Error(husot.exceptions.argumentNullOrEmpty('$thumbContainer')); } if ($thumbContainer.length !== 1) { throw Error(husot.exceptions.argumentOneElementExpected('$thumbContainer')); } var channelName = self._getChannelName($thumbContainer); return blockedChannels.some(function (item) { return channelName.toLowerCase() === item.toLowerCase(); }); }; husot.thumbs.StreamThumbsManager.prototype._isThumbMustBeHiddenForGame = function ($thumbContainer, blockedGames) { var self = this; // Initial checks if (typeof $thumbContainer === 'undefined' || !$thumbContainer.length) { throw Error(husot.exceptions.argumentNullOrEmpty('$thumbContainer')); } if ($thumbContainer.length !== 1) { throw Error(husot.exceptions.argumentOneElementExpected('$thumbContainer')); } var gameName = self._getGameName($thumbContainer); if (typeof gameName === 'undefined' || gameName === '') { // Game name is optional in this manager return false; } return blockedGames.some(function (item) { return gameName.toLowerCase() === item.toLowerCase(); }); }; husot.thumbs.StreamThumbsManager.prototype.hideThumbs = function () { var self = this; var start = new Date().getTime(); husot.log.debug('StreamThumbsManager.hideThumbs() starts'); // Load block lists for channels and games var blockedChannelsPromise = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { husot.settings.blockedChannels.list(function (items) { resolve(items); }); }); var blockedGamesPromise = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { husot.settings.blockedGames.list(function (items) { resolve(items); }); }); // Hide thumbnails after block lists are loaded Promise.all([blockedChannelsPromise, blockedGamesPromise]).then(function (values) { var blockedChannels = values[0]; var blockedGames = values[1]; // Get visible thumbs $thumbContainers = self._getContainerJQuery().filter(':visible'); // Enumerate visible thumbs and hide those that must be hidden var hiddenThumbsCount = 0; $thumbContainers.each(function () { var $item = $(this); // Hide for channels if (self._isThumbMustBeHiddenForChannel($item, blockedChannels)) { $item.hide(); hiddenThumbsCount++; return; } // Hide for games if (self._isThumbMustBeHiddenForGame($item, blockedGames)) { $item.hide(); hiddenThumbsCount++; return; } }); if (hiddenThumbsCount > 0) { self._notifyAboutHiddenThumbs(hiddenThumbsCount); self._loadMoreThumbs(); } husot.log.debug('StreamThumbsManager.hideThumbs() ends after {0} ms'.format((new Date().getTime()) - start)); }); } husot.thumbs.StreamThumbsManager.prototype.showThumbs = function (name) { var self = this; var $thumbContainers = self._getThumbContainersForChannel(name).filter(':hidden'); // Initial checks if (!$thumbContainers.length) { return }; new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { // Load block list for games husot.settings.blockedGames.list(function (items) { resolve(items); }); }) .then(function (blockedGames) { // Show thumbnails after block list is loaded var shownThumbsCount = 0; $thumbContainers.each(function () { var $item = $(this); // Don't hide if game is in the block list if (self._isThumbMustBeHiddenForGame($item, blockedGames)) { return } $; shownThumbsCount++; }); self._notifyAboutShownThumbs(shownThumbsCount); }); } husot.thumbs.StreamThumbsManager.prototype.showThumbsForGame = function (name) { var self = this; var $thumbContainers = self._getThumbContainersForGame(name).filter(':hidden'); // Initial checks if (!$thumbContainers.length) { return }; new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { // Load block list for channels husot.settings.blockedChannels.list(function (items) { resolve(items); }); }) .then(function (blockedChannels) { // Show thumbnails after block list is loaded var shownThumbsCount = 0; $thumbContainers.each(function () { var $item = $(this); // Don't hide if channel is in the block list if (self._isThumbMustBeHiddenForChannel($item, blockedChannels)) { return } $; shownThumbsCount++; }); self._notifyAboutShownThumbs(shownThumbsCount); }); } // class GameThumbsManager: ThumbsManagerBase husot.thumbs.GameThumbsManager = function (streamThumbsManager) {; this._streamThumbsManager = streamThumbsManager; } husot.thumbs.GameThumbsManager.prototype = Object.create(husot.thumbs.ThumbsManagerBase.prototype); husot.thumbs.GameThumbsManager.prototype.constructor = husot.thumbs.GameThumbsManager; husot.thumbs.GameThumbsManager.prototype.getDomListnerThumbSelector = function () { return '[data-target="directory-page__card-container"]'; } husot.thumbs.GameThumbsManager.prototype._getContainerJQuery = function () { return $('[data-target="directory-page__card-container"]').parent(); } husot.thumbs.GameThumbsManager.prototype._getThumbJQuery = function () { return $('[data-target="directory-page__card-container"]').find('figure:first'); } husot.thumbs.GameThumbsManager.prototype._getGameName = function($thumbContainer) { var self = this; // Initial checks if (typeof $thumbContainer === 'undefined' || !$thumbContainer.length) { throw Error(husot.exceptions.argumentNullOrEmpty('$thumbContainer')); } var $game = $thumbContainer.find('.tw-card-body .tw-box-art-card__title'); if (!$game.length) { throw Error(husot.exceptions.elementNotFound('Game name')); } return $game.text().trim(); } husot.thumbs.GameThumbsManager.prototype._showSettingsBtn_onClick = function (self, sender) { husot.settings.ui.window.init(;$('.husot-settings')); } husot.thumbs.GameThumbsManager.prototype._blockBtn_onClick = function (self, sender) { var $sender = $(sender); var $thumbContainer = $sender.closest(self._getContainerJQuery()); // Initial checks if (!$thumbContainer.length) { throw Error(husot.exceptions.elementNotFound('Thumb container')); }; var name = self._getGameName($thumbContainer); husot.settings.blockedGames.add(name, function () { self._hideThumbs(name); self._loadMoreThumbs(); }); } husot.thumbs.GameThumbsManager.prototype._hideThumbs = function (name) { var self = this; var $thumbContainer = self._getThumbContainer(name).filter(':visible'); // Initial checks if (!$thumbContainer.length) { throw Error(husot.exceptions.elementNotFoundFor('Thumb container', '"{0}" game'.format(name))); }; $thumbContainer.hide(); self._notifyAboutHiddenThumbs($thumbContainer.length); } husot.thumbs.GameThumbsManager.prototype._getThumbContainer = function (name) { var self = this; var $thumbContainers = self._getContainerJQuery(); // No game thumbs on the page if (!$thumbContainers.length) { return $(); } return $thumbContainers.filter(function () { var $this = $(this); var gameName = self._getGameName($this); return gameName.toLowerCase() === name.toLowerCase(); }); } husot.thumbs.GameThumbsManager.prototype._isThumbMustBeHidden = function ($thumbContainer, blockedGames) { var self = this; // Initial checks if (typeof $thumbContainer === 'undefined' || !$thumbContainer.length) { throw Error(husot.exceptions.argumentNullOrEmpty('$thumbContainer')); } if ($thumbContainer.length !== 1) { throw Error(husot.exceptions.argumentOneElementExpected('$thumbContainer')); } var name = self._getGameName($thumbContainer); return blockedGames.some(function (item) { return name.toLowerCase() === item.toLowerCase(); }); }; husot.thumbs.GameThumbsManager.prototype._showThumbs = function (name) { var self = this; var $thumbContainer = self._getThumbContainer(name).filter(':hidden'); // Initial checks if (!$thumbContainer.length) { return }; $; self._notifyAboutShownThumbs($thumbContainer.length); }; husot.thumbs.GameThumbsManager.prototype.hideThumbs = function () { var self = this; var start = new Date().getTime(); husot.log.debug('GameThumbsManager.hideThumbs() starts'); new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { // Load blocked list for games husot.settings.blockedGames.list(function (items) { resolve(items); }); }) .then(function (blockedGames) { // Hide thumbnails after block list is loaded // Get visible thumbs $thumbContainers = self._getContainerJQuery().filter(':visible'); // Enumerate visible thumbs and hide those that must be hidden var hiddenThumbsCount = 0; $thumbContainers.each(function () { var $item = $(this); // Hide game if needed if (self._isThumbMustBeHidden($item, blockedGames)) { $item.hide(); hiddenThumbsCount++; } }); if (hiddenThumbsCount > 0) { self._notifyAboutHiddenThumbs(hiddenThumbsCount); self._loadMoreThumbs(); } husot.log.debug('GameThumbsManager.hideThumbs() ends after {0} ms'.format((new Date().getTime()) - start)); }); }; husot.thumbs.GameThumbsManager.prototype.showThumbs = function (name) { var self = this; self._showThumbs(name); self._streamThumbsManager.showThumbsForGame(name); }; // Embedded CSS styles (function () { // Run only in top frame if ( !== window.self) { return; } var style = document.createElement('style'); style.textContent = '.husot-button{background:#6441a5;color:#fff;padding:0 10px;font-size:12px;text-align:center;cursor:pointer;height:30px;display:inline-block;line-height:30px}.husot-button:hover{color:#fff;background:#7550ba;text-decoration:none}.husot-modalOverlay{display:none;background:rgba(33,18,51,.9);position:fixed;z-index:10000;top:0;bottom:0;left:0;padding:20px 0;width:100%;overflow-x:hidden;overflow-y:auto}.husot-modalWindow{display:none;position:relative;opacity:1;margin:50px auto 0}.husot-settings{font:12px "Helvetica Neue",Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif;color:#32323e;width:360px;background:#FFF;padding:20px}.husot-settings-nav{list-style:none;padding:0;margin:0 0 5px;border-bottom:1px solid rgba(0,0,0,.2);overflow:auto}.husot-settings-nav-item{float:left;margin-right:20px}.husot-settings-nav-item-name{font-size:14px;line-height:24px;padding-bottom:7px;display:inline-block;cursor:pointer;text-decoration:none;color:#6441a5;border-bottom:1px solid transparent}.husot-settings-nav-item-name:hover{color:#19191f;border-bottom:1px solid rgba(0,0,0,.35);text-decoration:none}.husot-settings-nav-item-name-active,.husot-settings-nav-item-name-active:hover{color:#19191f;border-bottom:1px solid #19191f}.husot-settings-blockedList{list-style:none;padding:0;margin:0 0 5px;overflow-y:auto;min-height:240px;max-height:400px}.husot-settings-blockedList-item{margin:5px 0;clear:both;overflow:auto}.husot-settings-blockedList-item-name{font-size:14px;display:inline-block;width:100%;text-overflow:ellipsis;white-space:nowrap;overflow:hidden;height:30px;float:left;line-height:30px;padding-right:80px}.husot-settings-blockedList-item-empty{text-align:center;font-size:16px;color:#bbb;font-style:italic;padding:20px 0}.husot-settings-blockedList-item-unblockBtn{float:right;max-width:80px;overflow:hidden;margin-left:-80px}.husot-settings-footer{text-align:center;width:100%;margin:0 0 5px;padding:20px 0 0;border-top:1px solid #dedede}.husot-settings-footer .husot-button{min-width:70px}.husot-thumbOverlay{display:none;position:absolute;top:auto!important;right:auto!important;bottom:5px!important;left:5px!important;color:#fff;background-color:#000;padding:0 5px;opacity:.75;font:12px "Helvetica Neue",Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif;line-height:22px;width:auto!important;min-height:auto!important}.husot-thumbOverlay a{color:#fff!important;text-decoration:none!important}.husot-thumbOverlay a:hover{color:#fff!important;text-decoration:underline!important}.husot-thumbOverlay-menu{list-style:none;padding:0;margin:0}.husot-thumbOverlay-menu li,.husot-thumbOverlay-menu-separator{display:inline}'; (document.head || document.documentElement).appendChild(style); })(); // Application settings (Userscript specific) var husot = husot || {}; husot.settings = husot.settings || {}; husot.settings.setValue = function (key, value, callback) { GM.setValue(key, value).then(function () { callback(); }, function (reason) { // rejection husot.log.error(reason); }); }; husot.settings.getValue = function (key, defaultValue, callback) { GM.getValue(key).then(function (value) { if (typeof value === 'undefined' || value === '') { callback(defaultValue); } callback(value); }, function (reason) { // rejection husot.log.error(reason); }); }; // Application start var husot = husot || {}; husot.main = function () { // Run only in top frame if ( !== window.self) { return; } husot.settings.blockedChannels = new husot.settings.BlockedItems(husot.constants.blockedChannelsSettingsKey); husot.settings.blockedChannels.list(); // Warm up settings so by the hiding time they will be loaded, most likely husot.settings.blockedGames = new husot.settings.BlockedItems(husot.constants.blockedGamesSettingsKey); husot.settings.blockedGames.list(); // Warm up settings so by the hiding time they will be loaded, most likely husot.thumbs.streamThumbsManager = new husot.thumbs.StreamThumbsManager(); husot.thumbs.gameThumbsManager = new husot.thumbs.GameThumbsManager(husot.thumbs.streamThumbsManager); husot.modalDialog.initOverlay(); husot.settings.ui.window = new husot.settings.ui.Window(); husot.injector.addScripts(); husot.domListener.start(); }; $(document).ready(function () { husot.main(); });